/r/The_Donald taken over by $hills and SJW's

All info:

TL;DR or care:
New mods take over the_donald, ban old mods and block posts that seem anto-islamic, anti-trans, or about Hillary shills. Ban any meta posts even in the trump questions sub, also start banning users who criticize/question what is going on, post in alternative Trump subs or even mention them (Sneaky SJW tactic). They get hostile when usurped mods start releasing proof and mod mail exposing them.

INB4 Plebbit drama, there's a crossover of users, plus more proof Reddit is inheritably fucked. The sub has over 100,000 Trump supporters so seemed newsworthy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Shillary

'The fuck out of here.




only newfags muh 9gaggit. Fuck off.

I mostly go to the politics and sandersforpresident subplebbits to subvert the dumb cucks but it's worrisome what's happening to the_donald, it's perhaps the only place on the whole godforsaken website where being openly pro-trump doesn't result in an instant ban

sage because honestly who cares if it all goes up in a fireball, it'll only make things worse for (((them)))


I hope it does get banned even tho it wasn't terrible. 100k people flooding all the other cucked subs would be funny af.


There, now with that out of the way, all I can ask is what you shall do about it, op?
Too bad you don't know how to deal with cancer.
Here's a hint a la bronies; shit up the whole website. You need numbers for it, lots of people, which shouldn't be hard if there's as many people who use it for real as you claim. Spread the message to migrate to voat or a different subplebbit, it doesn't matter, but shill. Hard. You do this until you get what you want, ie an uncucked subplebbit, a mass exodus, whatever; but you never stop. The trick is to tap into the memetic power of autism, and requires the supervison of a level 30 wizard at minimum, but if you fight, and most importantly strike while the iron is hot, you'll accomplish what you set out for.

Sah-gay for Internet drama.

Remember to factor in the already moderately sized scandal surrounding facebook's censorship of conservatives. It would spawn a shitstorm of such magnificent proportion mainstream media would be forced to cover it and it would inevitably lead to Trump's poll numbers rising.

Nonono. A sudden ban would cause way more shit to be lost.

CWM got doxxed and hands the sub over to some woman who predictably crashes it. What a suprise.

He probably got doxxed by the ones who took it over


We don't care

why should I care about plebbit?

You should care, since they will be here soon.

Do or don't, it matters not. I found it interesting either way.

Why do people still use that shitty site? For Christ sake go to voat or anywhere else.


Why the fuck are you (and other reddit haters) fellating a site that is the exact same system but worse?

I honestly don't get why mods freak out and run away when they get dox threats from SRS. Like, what the fuck are they going to do? Tell everyone you're a shitlord? Who cares?

Presuming thedonald isn't a honeypot (it is), you're wasting your time there because you're dependent on the mods not banning you for realtalk. Even the original mods wouldn't let you get away with trying to make America white again.

If you must waste your time on reddit, at least pose as a sanders support so you can divide the left and make November easier for us.

voat is better than reddit in literally every way, mostly because pollacks actually is in prominent mod positions there. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

How the hell do you even get doxxed on Reddit? You don't even need an e-mail address to create an account.

One step ahead of you.


The Faggot knows. I don't see how they can continue to cover it up now.

Also, all the people saying "who cares about reddit?" I get it, reddit sucks but it's where normies get 95% of their opinions from. Reddit is gay and shitty but it's also an important battleground.

This is why nobody gives a fuck about reddit. Whatever good happens will ultimately get shut down, banned, or taken over by faggots.

Also, a bunch of people on Holla Forums also post on reddit.

They understand infiltration and they're organized.

We're constantly under attack and it's going to be by the exact same people responsible for any shit going on over at reddit.

People are stupid. They talk about their jobs, their families, where they live all the time. There's a sub called thedoxclub or something like that, if you post in there asking to be doxxed, someone will pm you with all kinds of details about you. Sometimes they'll figure out people's passwords and post shit from your own account as proof. Pretty crazy.

What's with the picture of all the shit threads? Why are you paying attention to that?

This is why we need to do the same thing to them. We need to organize and infiltrate left-wing spaces.

Holla Forums how can we save our brother site Reddit?

Holy shit he knows

The reason they need to resort to jew tactics is because their ideology is so weak. People won't accept their bullshit at face value so they have to scheme and censor and infiltrate. We have the truth on our side. Look how crazy successful the Donald has become.

Form a splinter cell and have at it.

pure coincidence



I'm sure its just


You know shit is fucked when Bernie cucks are pissed off with Donald mods for censorship


Kek, this is hilarious. Holla Forums one of these people hides their power level incredibly well, rest assured. There's no reason to worry.

The old mods have relocated to /r/Mr_Trump/
Anyway, how the fuck did the cucks bad the old mods? Isn't that only something the owner of the board is allowed to do or is reddit really that retarded?

You need to stop saging in every thread. I've seen you saging with that same response in quality digging threads.

Drama Alert:


They are fucking squirming and it seems the userbase are not buying their lies. Good. The cucks must be destroyed and the userbase informed so it can move to a new location.

Wow it's fucking nothing

They are offering Milo a place on the mod team. Userbase doesn't want the current mods on the modteam.

How about we invade the bern fag sub and blame it on the /r/The_Donald?

heh I'm gonna do that anyway. Got a couple accounts with a few months post history in /r/the_donald

mods unstickied it already. What cucks.


That's a juicy bit of drama m8. Worth the effort though?

What do we have to lose? They're all reddit faggots at the end of the day.

Might as well crash the plane if there's a chance of survivors

I once thought it would be ok having some ledditors come here because they would integrate and not shit up the place, OP has proven me wrong and reminded me that ledditors are the niggers of the internet, ooga booga go back to africa coon.

I'm down

Implying it wasn't always full of sjws and shills. OP you and your fellow literallys should just stay over there

pretty sure Milo was working on an article about the_donald, should come as a surprise to no one he's in the know


the new sub is /r/Mr_Trump and seems to be run by the /r/TheRedPill people.

jesus christ, i'm not entirely sure who i should be siding with here (not referring to whether TRP is good or bad. i mean i'm not sure which side is JIDF/establishment shills.)

but i'd tentatively trust the new sub over the old; /r/The_Donald seems to be terminally cucked based on how the new mods are conducting themselves.

Some twitterfag should tip him off, let him go off on the censorship.

you fucktard, the_donald was started by /u/jcm267, who is "Nolibertarians", an establishment supporter. After jcm267 deleted his account he went back to openly supporting Hillary Clinton.

Check out /r/NoLibsWatch, it's all there. As everyone stated /r/the_Donald was designed to literally disgust people with Trump supporters so that they would never vote for Trump.

I want to know more about CWM's doxxing. How did they do it, were they ever released?

As long as they all say no racism and no antisemitism, what does it matter?

99.999% of reddit/Twitter/Facebook/youtube comment screen shots are fake accounts arguing with other fake accounts or sarcasm on one side being taken literally on the other.

You aren't changing anybody's mind on a site designed to shut down any open discussion. You aren't redpilling anyone.


Seriously, it's a GOOD thing that even these cucks strongly support Trump now. You can either have a candidate with a yuge base and a chance to win - or a candidate that only appeals to white nationalists.

Good. The SJW are doing to the newly hatched normie and post GoymerGate crowd what the shills did to us when they killed 4cuck. Now the disgruntled members will spread everywhere, carrying the (small but still) nationalism with them and metastasing somewhere else and grow bigger and stronger.

History is repeating itself, and because they are unable to see that what they perceive as victory(Censoring and rooting out the opposition) will really be their downfall.
[s]Tl.DR. Normie's first exodus lel [/s]

Fuck me for the failed spoilers

Reddit allows us to reach out to independent normies, that it's ok to be a Trump supporter. They see we have 100thousand subscribers and see that it's socially acceptable for young people to like Trump.

Voat is useless because their userbase is too small, nobody sees Trump's message apart from Fat People Haters.

nigger why did you even think for a split second that forum tags would actually work here?

Take this image so you don't embarrass yourself again in the future.

Holla Forums is compromised as well. imkampfy is a goon who hands out bans at random, bumplocks great threads, leaves up shill threads, etc. He dismisses legit reports, also.

They're a shit/pol/ mod?

I apparently got banned again, they're sensitive when it comes to mudslimes.

We warned you about that shithole from day one, it's your fault for thinking it ever wasn't an anti-Trump trojan horse

Then they have failed spectacularly, because all they did was give us power on reddit. The new redpill delivery system is /r/Mr_Trump, anyone who is/was on /r/the_donald should help it rebuild so we can reach /r/all again.

It was always infiltrated. Why would you even go on plebbit, or think many Anons care?

what the fuck do you care?

The new head mod after CWM was actually an old veteran mod and had started receiving threats soon after becoming head moderator. It seems likely that SRS had dox on some or all of the mods and anybody who would be put in power next would similarly receive death threats. If you are going to blame Trump Gal then you also have to blame CWM because he caved to the goons first.

How the hell does somebody get doxxed on Reddit?

No shit?

so it's just going to be people complaining about female sexual dimorphism constantly?

serves them right for using that shit site in the first place.
I'd like to remind everyone that Donald Trump is a tool to redpill people about the jews, he's not our messiah or whatever.

Not sure what to make of all this because my only experience with reddit is whenever the faggots come here to complain about it. Otherwise I'd never know there was such a thing as reddit.
