Has anyone ever entered a movie theater through the fire exit?

Has anyone ever entered a movie theater through the fire exit?

Isnt that illegal?

im curious how you want to open about 3 doors in a row which are only openable from inside the cinema and not even the staff has the keys for them.
and yes, im working in one part-time.


I live in Serbia.

I don't

so your movie theaters are probably just some old porn-cinemas near a minefield in a bombed building from 1990 where they lure children to watch sperm age 5.

See yourself fag:


I saw a group of teens do this one time. They were edgy as fuck and intentionally bumped into everybody's shoulders on the way in. Somebody shouted for them to pay for their tickets. I don't know what happened to them after that as I went out the door.

I lost all respect for people who do that that day.

Serbia stronk



It was built during the communist era.

Basically with one big screen and a fire escape wrapping around the back.

Simple. You stand by the fire exit, and wait in the corner till someone walks through. The fire exits are almost always quicker to the parking lot, and everyone takes them after their movie is over.

Ten minutes tops, it's how I saw the latest Mad Max. Confidence.

I just want to watch a movie without handling the ticket stub

More than once they've emerged covered in cum and piss





Do this….pay for a movie, when it ends, go to the bathroom, enter into another movie, repeat a few times, you can watch 4-5 movies for the price of one.

Yeah, I did that once. Had people bringing me food, sometimes I'd take a nap between movies in the bathroom stalls (I can sleep sitting down on the toilet). The bathroom had a small window you could open so I could smoke weed and make the smoke go out the window. If I got too sweaty I'd take off my shirt and wash up in the sink, less often I'd take off my pants and wash the bottom half. I used the paper towels to dry.

Shit, I must've lived in that movie theater for a month. Getting high and watching movies.

This is one of my favorite posts

kek where are u, Russia?