Kill the pedos! Drive them to the oceans, and drown their young! Tie up their hands and feet, set fire to their faces, and let them slowly sink in quicksand! Impale them on fallen branches tipped with obsidian! Smash their hands and feet, then lock them in a cage full of hungry, angry pigs! Create a huge beef grinder, then feed them through, slowly, feet-first! Shove thermite up their asses! Grease them up, and shove them down the throats of whales! Skin them alive then kill 'em all with fire!
Kill the pedos! Drive them to the oceans, and drown their young! Tie up their hands and feet, set fire to their faces...
Other urls found in this thread:
If I ever meet you in person, I will knock you out and tie you to train tracks. I will only leave your legs for the train to roll over. When you're legless, I will untie you and force you to run over boiling tar and broken glass, and if you do not get away in time I will release hungry, trained birds of prey to pick the meat from your bones while you are still alive and screaming. If you manage to get away, I will tie you down in a pool of acid, impale you in several, non-lethal spots with frozen acid, then electrocute you, then coat you in flammable liquid and set you on fire. And electrocute you again. Then if you're still alive I will toss you down a cliff that is curved just enough so that it isn't a plummet, you will roll down the sharp, jagged side while bleeding and squealing in agony. And I will masturbate, and the last thing you see before you die will be my cum blotting out your eyes.
Daddy says that you are a yuccky person.
You are fucking human garbage, you stupid fucking fat retard.
You fucking think we chose to be born like this? Fuck you. Most of us are fucking decent people who'd never hurt anyone. You want me to "burn alive"? You're the sick fuck you fucking hypocritical scum-sucking fucking imbecile. You hide behind a veil of "decency", counting on populism to back you on your sadistic, hypocritical quest to inflict pain and suffering on those who have thoughts and feelings you don't agree with. FUCK YOU.
Is it any fucking surprise that some of us eventually lose it? That we just fucking stop giving a shit and start disregarding laws and social regulations? How do you fucking think it feels to find yourself as a teenager, sitting at the dinner table with your parents, having just watched the news, listening to YOUR FUCKING PARENTS talk about how "all pedophiles should be hunted down, killed, and be buried in unmarked graves"? Does it really fucking surprise you – you fucking fat moron – that some of us refuse to pledge allegiance to a society that wants us to suffer and die despite never breaking any of its laws?
Kill yourself you fucking stupid loser.
Isn't that what pedos do EVERY DAY?
Did you even fucking read my post you FUCKING RETARD?
Hiding you fucking feelings as a pedo is a fucking prerequisite to motherfucking survival, you stupid idiot. If even the most moral, law-abiding pedo on the planet came out, he'd be fucking ruined. His life would be fucking over.
Learn to read, learn to think, you fucking brain dead moron.
You are wrong on at least in one part
you werent born anything
i dont know and i dont care why you fancy children, but you werent born that way. you're fucking delusional to suggest it
It's a scientific fucking fact. Your inability to accept reality doesn't fucking alter it, you retard. Did you actively choose to fucking have the sexual/romantic attractions you have? No.
Now stop fucking spewing your imbecilic retarded bullshit and put a bullet in your head. You're the problem with this fucking world. Not me. Not people like me. You're actively working against a solution by refusing to accept reality. You're the problem. You're the disease.
You're the cancer of this world. FUCK YOU.
Don't you have some little kids to molest?
Get back to your containment chan
And so did you, you disgusting horrible monster.
I don't care how you feel.
Nobody cares how you feel.
As far as I'm concerned you should have a bullet put in your forehead and be done with you.
He can't hear you, guys. It's just me here.
More Zunechan! Or pedopasta?
Thanks for sharing your wisdom "I wasn't born with congenital diseases and can't understand why all these people need to act so retarded" -dude.
Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind.
Yes it does.
I'm deeply touched…
me too
He followed it all the way too plebbit.
She's 14 here
I don't advocate rehabilitating or jailing pedophiles.
I advocate killing them.
Here is one fact no one can dispute:
When a pedophile is reduced to a cold, rotting corpse in the ground, he is no longer a threat to your children.
This is the most hateful thing I've ever seen posted.
You're not just new here, you're new to the Internet.
I'm guessing you were born after 2001?
Where I come from, pedos are at least pitied. This place is just savage.
WWE called.
They want their Edge back.
Brony detected
That's like the least edgy, most moralfag thing ever!
Cry more, your tears are delicious.
They don't make 'em like Zunechan anymore, do they?
I'm saddened but not crying. Just kind of in shock. Usually there is a bit of joking behind comments like this, but you guys really mean it. You really wish death on pedos.
You can't kill everyone. Rehabilitation is more effort but yields better results.
At least no one misses pedos kek
are we talking about whales here?
what exactly are we talking about?
copypaste, or very nearly.
t.human garbage
Why? Because monsters should be gotten rid of? This is how every sane person believes.
Of course, because I'm not a monster. I wish to be a slayer of monsters because I am a good person.
Not everyone, just the threats to children.
There is no rehabilitating monsters. While they live they are a threat. A plague to be wiped out.
Yes it's pasta
When did white women become a part of this?
poor soul. Maybe you need a rest.
I would but I'm afraid these bloodthirsty vigilantes might object to something I didn't even do and gut me.
let me tell you If I ever meet you in person, you would meet mr. glock end that would be the end 4u.
kill yourself.
If pity is what you want, stop looking at "legal" pics and fapping to swimsuit catalogues. Vanish into obscurity where nobody ever hears of you again and you don't exploit their kids. Cut off your balls and stab yourself in the dick, then jump down a disused mine on some forgotten moor.
Streaming it would mean you hadn't existed for nothing.
That seems pretty unproductive.
Children want to be molested. They want adults to touch them and express physical lust. Hateful bigots like you need to crawl under a rock and die. You belong in the stone age.
You don't say that in public very often, user.
Ask yourself why.
Obviously cause people can't handle the truth.
(ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
(ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
(ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
I just flipped the mother fucking table and I can do it again.
(ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
Oh shit, what now bitch?