Why do left wingers think that predicting a happening is the same as fear mongering?
Why do left wingers think that predicting a happening is the same as fear mongering?
Tell me one concrete happening prediction that was correct.
there you go.
They believe in a primitive form of meme magic where thoughts become reality.
If you are optimistic then everything will turn out fine, but if you believe in a happening then it will happen. This is what leftists believe.
That is why they are so hard on thought crimes. If they think racist thoughts then it means society might start gassing six million Jews or whatever, so they police their own thought.
I'm not a leftwinger I just know not to listen to boy who cried happening because of experience, from the boy-scout Jamboree false flag to the legendary economic crash of September 2015.
1. The entire refugee crisis in Europe.
2. Pretty much any Islamic attack in America and Europe.
3. Ferguson.
4. Trumps nomination.
There, I gave you four.
Those two were forced memes. They were created by Christcucks like Pat Robertson and in all sorts of normie media. If normies are talking about it, you know it isn't a real happening.
None of these were concretely predicted, faggot.
Who cares what they think?
I never heard anything about the supposed boyscout attack anywhere other then Holla Forums some fag even took out sidewide adds to promote it. Also I don't recalled Pat Robertson ever shilling for a economic collapse?
Former friend was a leftist. Basically, it's all about believing the bad won't happen. If you teach the other side respect, you can prevent violence. But it might not work at first and there will be a lot of violence before it may get better. But if there is peace at the end all the violence is worth it.
Incredibly loony talk, I know.
Yes, they were. In fact here is another prediction. There will be a mass casualty attack with over 10 deaths in both Europe and America in the next year. The weapon of choice will either be explosives, or automatic weapons. The perps will be Muslim, and they will shout "god is great" in Arabic..
You can take that one to the bank.
is not a concrete prediction
You are never going to get one person to own up to the hysteria. Anons are outright denying reality, the one Achilles heal of anonymity is you can't rub people previous statements in there face. Just watch every user in this thread never believed in the September crash they were just fun posting and "memeing". AKA the new way of saying I was just pretending to be a retard.
Shemitah was a normie meme from evangelical Christcucks. They literally believe Jews are divine and that the Jewish holidays correspond with happenings IRL. Even my uncle was talking about shemitah and blood moons and he is as bluepilled as it gets.
And boyscout thing was from shill sites like godlikeproductions. Obvious forced meme.
I was specific with the geography, the perpetrators, and the weapons used. I will also give a motive, they will be doing it to honor the greatness of their god.
That prediction is as good as any op ed, in any major newpaper.
Was your uncle talking about economic collapses, is your uncle named Pat Robertson?
And the fedora meme is from reddit, that didn't stop almost the entire community from adopting it. assuming that's even true
So Mr. Holla Forums expert, which happenings weren't "forced memes"
He gets all his views from Christcucks in Pat Robertson tier.
And boyscout thing was obviously forced, since it was on every mainstream truther and conspiratard site. Just google boyscout jamboree attack and all the hits are from infowars and cuckservative normies.
Syrian stuff. Ukriane.
So since one person who didn't browse Holla Forums bought into the economic collapse are you saying somehow vindicates pic related? Or you can brush it off as a forced meme.
That's quite the claim first it was just GLP now its every tinfoil site site under the sun? Gee if it was that big you would of think Filterking would of talked about it or something.
I wouldn't say that they were 100% wrong about that, A quick glance at the ol' yahoo finance stock index chart sure looks to me like we're at the start of another economic recession that kicked off about a year ago.
Of course, even by that metric, that shit started around May-July 2015, well before September.
It's impossible to give names, exact locations, dates, times, and what have you. user predicted weapon choice, minimum body count, and the ideological belief of perpetrators. Sounds like a damn good prediction to me.
Better, actually, because your prediction will, undoubtedly, come true.
Because leftists can't argue. Instead, they name call, insult, and or accuse you of being .
The Jews certainly will.
Because they are ruled by fear.
They do not understand the way of Kek.
They fear the Happening, instead of welcoming it.
So they cannot comprehend revelry in the context of such predictions.
They cannot comprehend the way of Kek.
Know what that word means kike?
Here's a hint
Similar. That's why I used the phrase "tinfoil sites"
Because they are in power. Any happening prediction is a violation of their rightious sense of omnipotent marxism. Its like doomsday prophets back when the church ruled supreme. They where swiftly dealt with. Doom is only for people in power to prophetise. Otherwise it has negative political value to them. Why doom is always a doomed strategy within a doomed political structure.
Which is also why you always have to define a positive project to defy existing power. MAGA works. MAFA wouldnt Make America Function Again. Even though the later is much more realistic.
fear mongering = unsubstantiated warning
they consider it unsubstantiated because they don't know the extent of dangers present
you've lost your board to the spammers. better go to the bunker lol cumskin