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Our Nigel is sitting next to a nigger.
It's a seriously rage-inducing debate.
The Leave side has a nigress who keeps shooting at her own side. Only Nige and that Tory lady are putting forth proper arguments, and the latter even dropped the words "We need to stop this uncontrolled immigration."
The Remain side comprises a Lord who sucks the diversity cock, a Labour politician who hammers on muh migrants, and a Jewess who purports herself as someone more intelligent than Nige, who's an experienced politician.
Fucking infuriating.
Pic 1 is the fat black pig.
Pic 2 is a guy who said he was "offended" by Nige's remarks on jihadists entering the UK.
Do the right thing Brits.
Holy shit. Talk about agreeing with liberals for the wrong reasons.
The jewess really grinds my gears too.
sage for double post
its overy cucky
white woman talking truth
This is fucking tense to watch. You could cut the tension with a knife in that room.
I seriously think she was put there as a plant.
WTF is a strudent?
does britbongistan not have braces?
Why do all nigger women look like men?
I could fly a fucking plane through that gap in her teeth
I bet she makes those annoying air-sucking sounds that nog cashiers make when you give them change and they think da white man is tricking them because niggers can't into basic math
Higher testosterone.
Apparently not. And to think they're so proud of their NHS.
Spot the difference.
literally the only difference is that her head looks squished compared to his
I've heard orthodontist isn't even a career in the UK
is this real life?
God she's annoying.
is this the only buzzword they use to make their argument
I really doubt that bongistan will uncuck itself. Farage is suposed to be based but he's so lukewarm. Is bombast just not in brit DNA?
I wish you well regardless
Yeah, the nog totally doesn't sound like a plant….
Why are there no strong, powerful, loud leaders for the UK? Where is their Trump? How did they fall so far in such little time?
Good nationalism there
Are they real?
See for yourself:
Let's be honest, even if Britain leaves the EU, it's still going to be consumed by paki hordes.
Is the debate over?
Yep. But you can follow up on the fallout on Twitter via #EULive.
any replays up yet?
They will switch EU workers to "commonwealth workers".
So yea.Indians, muslims and niggers.
Farrage puting that ape net to him was a big mistake.
fuck off back to africa nigger
I'm guessing someone twisted his arm. She's never even featured in his UKIP stuff or in the Leave content I've seen online.
Why do I keep hearing britfags clamor on about some faggot Niger Garage?
Isn't he a giant cuck?
I hate that sunshine guy, he's actually slow and he's always on the telly
Sadly, no.
She's cute as a button, but seems like a total slut. Too bad tbh.
So what i gather from this so far is that the only people for the EU are apologists for globalism and their owners? Seems pretty low tier.
Good luck bongs. Cut away the tumor that is the EU so the healing can begin.
Jesus Christ; where are that nigger's gums!?
How are his teeth still in his mouth?
Oy vey the stream got shut down
Fuck me that was brutal.
Tyrone Genetics?
The debate for those who missed it.
Here's the only part that mattered.
░░░ For ░░░ For ░░░ Against ░░░ Against (host) ░░░ Against ░░░ Against ░░░ Against ░░░
The black lady concern troll really earned her shill money when she attacked Farage over quoting that other guy.
Really intelligent controlled opposition, I was golf clapping for the Jew that put it together, rope day can't come fast enough for that one.
This fucker in the audience really pissed me off.
The audience was full of lefties, once again the real audience is at home.
Jesus this is what an 80 year numale looks like.
The rage. Its real.
The key here is to kill the EU and set back globalism a good few decades at least. The key here is let Europe flourish again. It won't be an overnight success and victory for us, anyone who holds that delusion should wake up now. We have had decades, nearing a century, of non-stop leftism, it is a slow process to steer things back to the right.
Britain is truly dead.
Probably a remnant of the 60s punk culture.
Did Niger Garage do good?
The ridiculous part is that "rub our nose in diversity" is a direct quote from the guy that gets angry. He admitted several years ago that the reason for mass immigration was to rig the votes.
He's Jewish.
C'mon, this would happen all the same on our side of the Atlantic. The only difference is that the presses in the UK are all left-leaning, so they can easily no platform anyone who steps out of line.
Not exactly from Mandelson, but from a close associate. He probably got so triggered because it reminded him of that, though.
Jews have managed to brainwash a christian SUPERPOWER into cutting off the tips of their cocks.
I'm not going to blame individual people for being brainwashed into tattoos or plastic surgery, Jew brainwashing from birth isn't their fault.
Don't get me wrong, I'll kill them in my right wing death squads on the day of the rope, but I won't judge them for it.
source on this? someone needs to make a YouTube video on this asap
See .
is "diversity" that much of a trigger word in Britain?
Nigel is getting lambasted by a nog and a jew. NO ONE ELSE SAYS ANYTHING!?!??! Not even a ganging up on Nigel?
I get it, how DARE a brit possibly say anything about diversity; good or ill?
what's wrong with a hot girl posting tits? i know i would if i was that cute.
Christ I just want to get up on stage, have a beer with Nigel and just laugh at everyone yelling about diversity.
Glad 90% of the people watching saw through their bullshit.
this is his party
Where did she posts her tits at? b? 4 chan?
Doesn't really matter if it's the EXACT words, it's great play in the media. A few people will look into it and see the truth, some smug leftist shits will say "well ackhually…" as if they're winning the argument, not realising they're letting everybody know what a cunt Mandelson is.
Jack Straw is another (((cunt))). What I do think is the winning thing is to name names, not (((specific groups))). We know who they are and that the biggest shit stirrers are kikes, but the moment you outright say it is when normies go "hurr u crazy". They need to see the pattern themselves. The odd mention now and then about the jews helps, but it has to be done at the right times.
White traitors need to get their comeuppance just as badly and there are no end of traitors in lib/lab/con.
Video is private?
I like the way they ALL chimp out and won't let him talk after he [TRIGGERED] them.
At least their are a few based bongs, left.
t. soviet cuckistani
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.
kek, these lefty faggots were chomping at the bit to play the race card
Then the English need to learn a NEW FUCKING WAY. Now.
ukip=jewkip. All you retards for Farage are being taken for a ride.
Thanks for my daily dose of stupid.
Daily Reminder that this woman was actually pro-brexit
Exactly, that's Holla Forums's biggest weakness at spreading redpills really. When you just blame the jews it doesn't matter that you're right people have been conditioned for decades to see that as evil, whereas individuals don't have that protection particularly if you don't mention the fact that they're jewish. One thing that should not be done is to ever call them white though, just don't mention an ethnicity. Once you get someone against a large number of jews, you can start actually redpilling them on jews by saying things along the lines of, "Yeah, I don't know if its just part of their religion or why nearly all of the are jewish"
The nog has to go.
So I saw the noses clip. How did the whole thing go? Did out do well?
Bloody hell, poor Nigel. Tries to play politically correct at all times, but the stress of doing so finally made him slip. Which ruins all of his previous efforts.
Better to be in a position like Trump's, where you're so open with what you say that people can hardly go after you anymore.
Even so, "run our noses in diversity" does not sound spontaneous. Is an advisor feeding him provocative lines again? (Like the Hadrian's Wall one from the General Election?) Is he referring to noses to hint about jews? Pretty bizarre event.
Do these faggots not understand that with the EU you have no national identity?
The idea of being "Dutch" runs completely counter to the idea of having the EU.
With the EU we will have landmasses formerly known as the UK or the Netherlands.
Your parliaments and monarchies might exist for a little while but that will be solely for keeping up appearances.
Bring up that these unscruplous freaks all have one thing in common, right-to-return citizenship in a non-expediting country.
They could flamethrower a schoolbus full of preschoolers and as long as they got to Israel before they were captured theres nothing anyone can do about it. And the only way to that citizenship is by being a bloodborn jew…
Goddamn you britbongs need to leave and clean up house
for everyone who missed
shit forgot link
(warning: can't unsee)
begins around 59:00
this is what they always do they stack the panel in favour of the left and the left shout down anyone who slips up the pc newspeak
Not bad, the comments.
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever
we own your board e-celeb spam forever