Dysnomia transparency thread. Seeing as dynsomia is the one ruling over this board, we should have a thread to disscuss wether the board is being ruled over in any sort of negative ways. Wether you like it or not, the pedo threads are gone, this is not dynomias fault. What else is dysnomia doing? What should be the moderation for Holla Forums?
Seeing as this has been my home for a couple years now, and that posting finally works again. I can give my opnion that this is the freest Holla Forums that's not total cancer, and has a decent posting rate (420 chan Holla Forums really ain't bad but everyone posts so slow that you know they're literally stoned all fucking day all fucking night). I don't see things getting deleted left and right, is all the bad talk about this Holla Forums literally just shills from other places?