
Dysnomia transparency thread. Seeing as dynsomia is the one ruling over this board, we should have a thread to disscuss wether the board is being ruled over in any sort of negative ways. Wether you like it or not, the pedo threads are gone, this is not dynomias fault. What else is dysnomia doing? What should be the moderation for Holla Forums?

Seeing as this has been my home for a couple years now, and that posting finally works again. I can give my opnion that this is the freest Holla Forums that's not total cancer, and has a decent posting rate (420 chan Holla Forums really ain't bad but everyone posts so slow that you know they're literally stoned all fucking day all fucking night). I don't see things getting deleted left and right, is all the bad talk about this Holla Forums literally just shills from other places?


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Having a problem getting the board logs to load, can someone post em?

This topic deserves attention.

rulecucks turned this place into a cesspool, may you burn in hell 8ch

I really can't tell if this anti dysnomia thing is a ploy or not, sane discussion would be appreciated.

Yo dysnomia I like the way bigger catalogue, and I'm watching you seem to only be making a few mistakes here and there in what you call spam. Just turn around fix that and give us more damn posting options.

Like we need dice rolls and oeakai this ain't fucking 4chan.

Fuck off, wigger.

Hi, my name is Jamal Johnson.

I have access to 3 popular VPN services, one of which allows me access to 5 other VPN services. Most of them are popular on here.

I plan to spam Holla Forums by bumping old threads and generally ruining the quality of the board until every single VPN is banned. I won't stop until 8/b/ becomes 4/b/.

Remember to check the timestamps of each thread that you decide to post in. Chances are, it has been dead for days and you don't realize it because my spam was deleted, and the thread is still on page 1.

Have a nice day.

I'd say both yes and no. Some people seem to have legitimate complaints that shills/spammers/whatever exploit to stir up shit. In cracking down on the relentless spam, some more "native" spammers, or others not really spamming but getting caught up in the crossfire, take some hits. In an effort to be consistent the vols seem to be avoiding playing any favorites.

I caught a permaban, but I know I was guilty and accept it. VPNs, for me at least, are working at a painfully slow crawl. So Eve though I can easily post here and be fine as long as I don't pull any bullshit, it's very frustrating. Others are still pissed about pedos getting the boot, and like to push things as far as they can w/hebe or other similar content. Then they cry foul, knowing the vols have no choice now that Jim and Ron will start busting heads if the more strict interpretation of the DOST is ignored. Or worse, pick up the ban hammer themselves.

There was also the user trying to shill his alternative board, >>>/attic/. I think many thought this was something dishonest, another plan to kill Holla Forums it sort of is, but only in an "honest" way of making a better board. The way that was received here, with a "dysnomia is a rulecuck shit" or "GTFO Kennedi spammer" did no one any favors.

All in all I think the vols are doing well, the spam is down and things are running a bit better. But I wouldn't say any, or even most of the complaints are shills. But they sure do exploit it.

People like you who try to justify why the mods are actually doing a good job are the shills. Anyone that has browsed imageboards for over 5 years knows that this Holla Forums is pure shit. It doesn't even resemble a traditional Holla Forums board. There are way too many rules. Holla Forums is supposed to be a place where you go to post whatever the fuck you want.

Normally I would agree with you, but with guys like here that cannot be matched in raw autism, I'd take overmoderation rather than a crippled board. They just don't fucking stop. Not more than for a few hours.

I thought I gave a somewhat balanced look. How would you do it differently, knowing guys like him are never going to let up, at least in the short term?

And by the way, he's not full of shit. He's been doing that all day.

overmoderation is what makes a crippled board, moron. When the mods allowed people to post anything legal, the board flourished. Now it is fucking dead. The board is crippled now and dysnomia is making it worse by arbitrarily making up a bunch of new rules.

I don't know who to believe anymore. I don't acutally mind that the pedos are gone. And I've never been banned here. I remember old 4chan Holla Forums it did have a shitload of cp. Is what they're saying is the only path to freedom is through child porn?????????????

Travis is a motherfucking faggot.

He absolutely loves Travis.

dysnomia is Travis.

You didn't answer my question or address the spam or new DOST interpretation issues. Do you want Jim or Ron on the ban hammer? You remember that, right? And two years straight of catalog wiping bulshit?

I think you make a good point, and I said there are those with legitimate complaints. There certainly does seem to be a chilling effect, or people getting frustrated and just not posting. The irony of Holla Forums getting more heavily moderated isn't lost on me. But for whatever reason no board here gets targeted with spam as much.

what happened to the cyclical meta?

I would address the problem by letting oldfags from 4chan's Holla Forums run this board. At least they know how a Holla Forums board is supposed to function. And when I say "oldfag from 4chan's Holla Forums" I mean people who were there before chanology and no longer visit Holla Forums.

*and no longer visit 4/b/.

One of the Travis guys has gotten a few permabans recently, and was at least somewhat pissed by it. Like I said it seems to me the vols are not playing favorites with "native" spammers, either.

I kind of doubt it, as I saw some of the old tripfags from pedo threads stop by briefly, and the seemed friendly. Not that they aren't annoyed but they seem more interested in just making a new home at librechan or wherever else.

That could work , but who are they and how can they be vetted. dysnomia was going to get someone to take his place, but asked in another thread if he should stay. Most who responded said yes he was an unbearable faggot but was at least making an effort. So he said he would stay.

Fuck off with that shit. Most of the pedos left this Holla Forums for masterchan long before HW quit and the original mods left. People left this Holla Forums because of the rulecuck DOST and shitty moderation.

I'm not even a pedo but I remember when I first came here, I admired the fact that LEGAL content was allowed and it made me realize that this board actually respected free speech.

Good fucking question. And I say that as the vol defense force guy here

I'm going to cyclical this thread since the previous cyclical meta thread seems to have vanished into thin air.

On a related note, it looks like we have been getting some new features lately! Should I use this one? It seems kind of useful for getting rid of dead threads.

Nope, it never did. Any CP was removed ASAP.

Pictures of little girls in bikinis isn't child porn and it never will be. You could literally go to any public pool and see the same thing.

Why not try out?

Very possibly, but I have no idea what the fuck it should be set to. Can we please have oeakai and dice back? I love those features, and it feels weird not having them.

yes please

Travis promotes creativity.
Travis is an Organic meme part of Holla Forums's Holla Forums

and this fucking Rulecuck Dysnomia is killing it.

If I Could I would hammer his fucking face.

I'm going to leave it at 0 for now since there are many good threads that last for a long time. I don't really care for the "bumplock after X". It would be much better in my opinion if it made the threads 404 instead, but we do have early 404, although the features work slightly different.

tl;dr I don't want 500 bumplocked threads in the catalog

No, it's not. Travis started on fucking 4chan. You must be new here. It's pure 4chan cancer.

Fuck off!

travis is a somethingawful goon meme that was created to disrupt the board

if you're posting it because you think it's a funny meme you're a fucking retard

yep, keep spreading travis while believing it's an Holla Forums meme


I might be retarded but that does not invalidate the fact that it is funny.

Rolled 5, 4, 6, 6, 3, 4, 4, 6, 3 + 3 = 44 (9d6)
Thanks for the return of dice and oekaki these posts options are fun. Don't take all this talk against you so seriously you seem to be running the board preety well with some transparency, I'm convinced that this is some sort op against Holla Forums at this point.

Well it was a fun thread for a while there. See you guys later.

Now I will spam it every single day.

I used to use it moderately.
and we even had an eternal Travis thread where we shared new Travis OC.

Now that it is gone and Travis is being censored I must spam it.

Sometimes I take humor seriously. Sometimes I take seriousness humorously.

Classic Autistic behaviour.




Cats are gross. Also please sanction Travis spam so will STFU already :^)

Cat are Gay.
and I'm back.


That's not a cat its budda you uncultured swine.

I hate cats.

So edgy dude, you've really got me, you're the edge master and Im just another user.

I like it.


Thank Dysnomia for the inconveniences.

Just chill nigger, and cut the shit already. If after one hundred Travis posts in this thread you get b& again you'll still say you dindu. Yes you did, and you still are.

There are a lot more proxies to go through don't worry.

He's not even spamming, he's just being edgy.

~ dysnomia


I have never been a Spammer.

The fucking massive faggot of dysnomia banned me for spam.

I'm Pissed and I will chimp out.

you dont see that because the board settings do it
they get changed more often than I clean shave

no lords no masters
get right fucked

im dysnomia

what did you get banned for?

I need to chimp put.


if you keep 25+ pages then set that for one week or 6 days and it should be good

but if you went there as a single male and just stared at the young kids you would get kicked out

I don't really care that much. Just don't lie to yourself. You already killed this thread for the time being. You don't want people to talk about meta things. You just want to stomp all over the board. You have at least six threads up right now.

And if and when you get b&, you'll claim innocence. I've seen you around so I know you're not Holla Forums. But you'll still claim that spam is free speech. Part of self moderation is knowing when to let shit go. We all have to do our part.

Just chill user. You obviously got around your ban, and are not being b& on site. Just dial it back a notch.

looks like it was phat that banned you.


this is true
i used to be able to spam create a bunch of threads
when many people were posting most of my threads died when i left my computer - i realized i was posting shit and stopped
threads that got responses had some good discussions, some OC and some rare memes getting posted

nowadays you get bans randomly because a mod doesnt like you or some vpn poster just reports you multiple times its like - just dont browse and stay in your own threads

we will see.

Oh wait, no that wasn't even hard.

because many of the other popular boards either heavily moderate or simply disallow certain types of posts (create threads only with captcha and 300+ chars for example) their mods cleanup anything off topic and most users never notice

b is supposed to be random
why should someone be forced to "create their own board if they want to post anything" if b is supposed to cover that general faggotry?

how is it that you care about what someone else posts so much?
do you autoplay all your moving pictures and webms and have all your images turned on? you know you can remove all the autoshow and autoplay instead of being so butthurt?

I don't even know anymore. Could be I'm completely wrong. Take it up with the mods.

You actually did it!
I fucking love you!


so where are the rules of Holla Forums outlined in an easy to read format?

dysnomia is the queen of Holla Forums

i dont subscribe to your submission ideology
either explain your point or your forfeit is the default result

samefagging is frowned upon

Why do people get so incredibly pissed at the stuff I post? Do what you like, take it up with the vols. I just made my case for the way I see things. Could very well be that I'm completely wrong.

I miss libertarian city threads.

so the faggots asking for more rules are exactly like the sjws that want to ban guns, let the cops be the only ones with guns, but ban white cops?

pretty much
Holla Forums doesn't need rules

but don't trigger me. :^)

No one is pissed off at the stuff you post lad, you are mistaken.
All the problems you outlined are self fixing problems. Fix your browsing methods and you will have your imageboard utopia.

If you at least had a problem like that people spam threads off the catalog I would disagree with you but it would be something to talk to mods about.

My point was there are those who will spam and shitpost so furiously as to wipe the whole board. Used to be almost daily.

I don't even mind spamming individual threads here and there. Just creating multiple new posts to slide the whole catalog off the last page. Again, it seems like I'm in the minority here. This is just one guy's opinion.

I agree with you completely
Free speech should always be allowed but hate speech must be punished harshly and without second chances.

I agree with the problem you've identified and the solution is in two simple steps one of which has been taken recently. 25 pages and auto delete at page 5 if less than 10 replies
for a board like Holla Forums where content and posting is usually high volume the autolock for really old threads is also permissable

other than that mods should be hands off for the most part

My God is a merciful God.

I'd set it more towards page 10 but otherwise I agree.

Mine too.

Toasting some epic bread, cause I've been up all night. My thread became the cylical meta ;) I feel so brave and mighty. Disnomia even gave me back oeakai and dice.


I'm glad user.
Can you tell me more about your God?

Rolled 2, 2, 3 + 3 = 10 (3d3)
I can never remember if the default is page 10 or page 5 but it is not customizable yet as far as I know.




the shit talking about dysnomia is from pedos and spammers. Their opinion is irrelevant because they're cancer incarnate.


Rolled 136, 36, 789, 252, 584, 1009, 10, 138, 347, 314, 874, 730, 384, 727, 55, 356, 30, 299, 462, 61, 415, 809, 925, 808, 892, 727, 588, 951, 547, 459, 24, 683, 494, 812, 934, 54, 796, 944, 191, 118, 233, 41, 848, 616, 767, 903, 972, 796, 177, 410, 856, 591, 194, 757, 375, 61, 460, 963, 1011, 1007, 397, 11, 665, 890, 823, 575, 943, 595, 494, 110, 713, 727, 150, 536, 318, 917, 414, 266, 688, 591, 675, 520, 157, 869, 253, 532, 929, 712, 470, 916, 695, 867, 927, 335, 733, 725, 909, 652, 295, 378, 761, 1007, 80, 911, 519, 398, 803, 932, 663, 467, 498, 314, 987, 655, 158, 216, 163, 63, 928, 633, 979, 598, 475, 881, 932, 183, 582, 817, 835, 876, 170, 571, 859, 250, 458, 353, 648, 237, 261, 287, 704, 759, 600, 667, 389, 757, 882, 552, 820, 786, 160, 774, 359, 635, 630, 267, 817, 188, 59, 628, 39, 229, 175, 898, 479, 632, 227, 102, 869, 487, 389, 548, 221, 988, 190, 610, 721, 48, 138, 516, 834, 297, 266, 168, 931, 896, 435, 724, 59, 494, 327, 98, 723, 502, 995, 177, 109, 197, 279, 978 + 999999 = 1107009 (200d1024)Dice

Unban me now, please. I'll not spam again.
I made a $400 camwhore rental donation for all to enjoy, pls have mercy dysnomia ;-;

I don't know what ban is yours, post your ban page.

The board is fairly ok now, improved tons since he took over. Few threads that should be on /ck/ really, then again /ck/ went down the shitter. Same for /pol and /mu/ threads but those sucked ass since the exodus anyway.

this is the way i look at it
the boards on Holla Forums are so dead that if you have anything that doesn't belong on Holla Forums, /a/, Holla Forums, or Holla Forums, you should probably post it on Holla Forums.

See with infinite user boards we should post things on Holla Forums for those intrested, and make little communities. For a board to be useful it dosent have to get posts ever hour even. I've gotten great books links and all sorts of useful stuff from boards that see 50 or less posts a day. You have to embrace the format of what we have here.

It's amazing that some of you faggots STILL haven't fucked off to one of the MANY imageboards that you can fuck up with your bullshit.

Why stay here to complain all fucking day long? I know why… it's because you realize how utterly fucking terrible all of the sites are (freech, librechan) that stay true to their "free speech" facade – and if their userbase ever significantly increased (kek), they would learn that people will ALWAYS abuse the fuck out of their "rights", and ultimately, they either have to make adjustments or fail completely.

you cant trick us kike

what the actual fuck
put it back to 25 pages
why did you even randomly put it to 25 if you hate it so fucking much
what the fuck