I need you cunts to be realistic with me but most of all yourselves and answer truthfully and objectively the following question:
What are the chances that the God Emperor will become the president over either Shillary or Bernie?
I need you cunts to be realistic with me but most of all yourselves and answer truthfully and objectively the following question:
What are the chances that the God Emperor will become the president over either Shillary or Bernie?
Other urls found in this thread:
My theory is that Trump has been officially ordained by God and has God's protection.
He will be the president of the United States because he is to be used as a vessel for God's will.
A fulfilling of biblical prophecy, if you iwll.
The way it stands, Hillary has virtually no hope. Bernie would be a tougher fight in my opinion.
They're pretty good. She has a long history of untrustworthiness. Trump could easily sink her.
Pretty damn high.
All Trump needs to do is make Hillary snap at a debate.
I think he has a good shot. He could fuck up and lose, but if he runs it right and every indication so far is that he will, I think he could beat Hillary or Biden. Bernie won't get it.
Any democrat now has a record where their pullout in Iraq failed to create an Arab coalition to handle things. As a result the Islamic state took over in Iraq and Syria and northern Africa. They champion accepting refugees without any kind of background check and as a result there are hugely increased risks to terror attacks. In Belgium they handed out iodine pills. In north Africa they busted up an ISIS cell with I can't remember either biological or chemical weapons. The healthcare failure. The economy and our debt and the need to do something about it beyond pretending it isn't there. BLM and good boy riots. SWJ episode of Southpark. Ridiculous shit on college campuses. Tranny bathrooms.
They are weak on all of that. They could hit Trump in a certain way and diminish his appeal, but he could have a strong defense. He is going to need, and can get, moderate independent and democrat votes. He is doing well with non whites who also wish to see an economy and government that caters to them instead of foreigners.
100% if the population hasn't yet become majority retard.
0% if the population is majority retard.
Honestly, too unpredictable an election to call easily. If I had to give percentages, I'd say Trump has about a 40% chance of winning. That seems lowball right now, but imho, the real hysteria against him hasn't even gotten started. The media will also unite behind Hillary in a way that they haven't really done so far. Lastly, Trump himself might blunder in moving too far to the middle to gain votes, which would alienate some of his base without attracting enough new voters to make it worth it.
Win or lose, the most important thing is to change the national dialogue and widen the Overton window to what is permissible to discuss. One goal should be to make mainstream curse words like racism and anti-Semitic meaningless.
Sanders already lost, get over it.
The best thing the NYT 20 man deep muckracking squad was able to find about Trump was that he was popular with the ladies. Idiots, that makes him more popular, not less.
There are enough ammo against her that Trump can use I think.
Do you really think any person who is voting Democrat will consider things like this?
I mean, I am not even trying to be slanderous here, but I have simply never, or very rarely met a Democrat that knew what they were talking about. They don't even understand their own position. I almost wish I could meet an intelligent Democrat because as of right now I feel like I have just hit a massive vain of retards.
"They can't all possibly be this stupid", I think to myself.
Sanders is done. Shillary is a weak opponent that Trump will sink easily.
Honestly i'd say this election is mostly decided by now. Still make sure when the time comes that you go out and vote. Trump needs a total victory to win without the establishment trying to pull some bullshit.
You are right, but consider that Trump can create a narrative in debates and the media. He's already appealing to Democrats with his stance on the tranny bathrooms while also appealing to libertarian muh states rights and without losing much lasting real support from conservatives who still consider him "strong" in every other area
If trump takes the 100 Million from the jew, he basically fucked up everything since he would betray his central narrative of being "not controlled by donors"
Is there any News about that?
There are a couple of polls showing Trump leading Hillary, but you might as well not list Bernie. The only way he'll get the nomination is if Hillary isn't allowed to run for some reason.
Just wait till the first Trump vs Hillary debate.
God i can't wait. It's going to be a massacre.
That was for new stuff. There is a lot of old stuff that has been barely touched on, such as
Where they fucked up in attempting to smear Trump is that previously used tactics like comparing him to Hitler and saying he hates women doesn't work well against him, because a large subset of Americans who form his base see through that, and the smear campaign makes them like Trump more.
Btw, I agree with this. Also, guys like Glenn Beck saying things like
also adds to Trump's appeal. Who the fuck wants Glenn Beck's approval? Ditto for Bill Kristol.
Bottom line is that most of the shit thrown at Trump has helped him, not hurt him. However, as they try different things, we can't expect that to remain true indefinitely.
Trump is getting the most votes in Republican primary history, and manages this by strong appeal to centrists and independents. Even moderate Democrats have been leaving their party in the tens of thousands just to vote Trump in the primary. People are enthusiastic about Trump, people who never voted in their entire lives are voting for him. He's also managed to capitalize perfectly on the left's alienation of the blue-collar worker demographic, namely by promising a resurgence of American jobs and a focus on trade just as the Democrats have doubled down on the SJW idiocy. Through that, he has a real chance of challenging the Democrats in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, maybe even New York, that have traditionally been strongholds for them.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are getting 20% fewer votes now than they were in 2008, and Clinton's own numbers are down by a pretty big margin. No one's really excited about a Clinton presidency the way people are excited about Trump. To many people, both left and right, she's the avatar of everything wrong with American politics, and even the people that do support her are only doing so because the Democrat party bosses are telling them to.
TL:DR while there are definitely people that hate/are terrified by Trump the same way people hate/are terrified by Shillary, there's no high energy on Clinton's side to match Trump's.
Because of how the electoral college breaks down its almost garanted that the democratic candidate will win.
If it had been any two candidates but trump and Hillary id say 100% chance that dems would win it.
Trump is just too unpreductable though. Everything everyone thought they knew about politics no longer means shit.
I honestly couldn't give you odds.
"But the hour cometh, and now is".
John 4:23
Trump is gliding to victory in away that makes it seem as if the Gods, or Destiny, or even mere chance have made him their favorite.
I don't believe he will do very much if indeed anything at all during his presidency.
However his mere existence is driving leftists and the establishment absolutely crazy.
That is why I support him.
He's definitely going to win the entire Rust Belt which are usually solid blue States. That's about sixty electoral delegates giving Trump his own California in terms of delegate count. that and it being very likely he will win Florida makes it hard to imagine Hillary winning without any swing States.
Well FAM Trump had a 0.00000% chance of getting the nomination, so he will have 0.00000% of winning the election :^)
Better chance of beating Hilldog than Bernie. Nigs and wymyn will vote for whom they're told either way. But the common working class man or struggling student will go for Trump over Hillary regardless of previous political alignment.
Considering the amounts of unopened Whoop-Ass he has on standby for Shillary, and the fact Sanders is getting robbed by the DNC anyway, I'd say Trump is gonna kick their asses clear over the wall.
The past months have shown that Trump is very competent in handling all the different aspects required to winning an election; dealing with the media, the opponents, being a meme wizard, pretending to be a moron while being a supreme strategist etc.
I'd say he has about 80% of probability to become the president. Those 20% are accounting for some random possible fuckup and the traditional election rigging.
I have faith that we will be great again.
shillary has name recognition based on her husband and time in politics. a large amount of that name recognition is bad. Trump can bring out any number of her scandals and billy bob's rape victim's to exploit that. many bernouts hate her more than trump and will vote 3rd party, write in boynie, or stay home. some will vote dem becuz teh evil drumf is Hitler, but not enough.
glassberg is a communist and many dems and independents are okay with that because they want free gibs. plus he'll make us more like the beautiful country of swedecuckistan. that's why any time someone mentions socialism working in Europe I smash them with a barrage about how fucked it is. boynie doesn't have nearly the skeletons that shillary does. I don't see niggers and women rallying around Trump over boynie they way bernouts would over shillary.
Trump has a great chance over hilldog as it stands now, before we even get to the GE. I think it's relatively even with boynie right now and we'll have to wait for the GE to see it play out. Trump can certainly beat him, but it won't be the steamroll like with clinton.
This is my only real fear for Trump. he caters to the lolbertarian and bernout demographics. they have to see him as a way to beat hillary, not a compromise.
social unrest, shit economy, probable mudslime attacks, and Evropa burning all work for Trump and I think can outweigh the lugenpresse bullshit. he's already proven he can take them on.
Extremely likely, which is why the establishment seems to be trying at corrupting the sure-to-be-victor.
This is entirely true, he has been blessed and chosen by the one and only Kek himself. That, and the man is a legitimate genius.
Basically nil.
0.1% chance of a successful assassination or natural death prior to election.
I give Shillary only an 80% chance of surviving until the election, though. The bitch is in bad shape. Dying.
That money is going to the party, not Trump.
You don't get it. Trump can't be controlled by the donors because he doesn't NEED their money, but he will be happy to TAKE their money. They are free to not donate if they don't like what he does or says. But he isn't going to change, aside from refraining from attacking and humiliating them in public, and talking them up as an ally instead.
Lets see Hillary has basically been the presumptive nominee for 2016 since she lost to obongo.
She has full support of her party and the ((global elite))
She has a virtually unlimited supply of funding
Is the darling of the MSM
Yet shes still struggling to officially secure the nomination against a fossilized commie kike.
Meanwhile Trump has been opposed at every turn by the MSM, by his own party and by public figures both big and small…
Yet against all odds he secured a commanding victory.
The truth is nobody actually likes Shillary. Trump isn't going to beat her, he is going to humiliate her.
Unless the audience is packed in her favour, and the moderators are Democrat picks she'll bottle it. Then she'll try to squawk about Mr Trump 'lowering the tone' and creating 'an atmosphere of violence'.
The bitch has no shame.
There are now more black and hispanic racists who will vote against him than white racists who will vote for him. Sorry.
Factoring in dirty politics, barely over 50%, increases to 100% the closer to November if they can't get Hillary anywhere. Not even rigging can save them this time.
Though I have a feeling the backroom elite conversation now is more about how to sabotage Trump's presidency and taint his legacy as a warning to others who dare defy the trend.
I would say his chances are kinda low but considering that he has run against seemingly impossible odds in the primaries time and time again and in the end was always victorious, he has a chance at least.
If it was any other person I would say he's fucked and the Dems win anyway, but not the Donald. He dares to say what no one else does and he succeeds where no one else could succeed.
That being said, chances are 100% .
I'll just leave these here.
The latest talking point is that the NYT hit piece about Trump's women plus other shit flinging has had a negative effect on him and he needs to "regain his footing". It's complete nonsense and a variation of the increasingly nervous man tactic, again.
Trump's Bad Stretch Might Get Worse as the Clinton Machine Revs Up
Donald Trump's rough few days
It's hard to say what his chances are at this point. Once VP choices are sealed and we get into general election debates and everything it will become clearer.
It is also hard to make predictions this year especially because it is not a normal election at all. We have major divisions in both parties from #NeverTrump to Bernouts attacking Hillary.
Yeah, I think the general election will be a replay of what we say are the beginning of primary season. Media coverage wibe exactly the same. Trump has no chance, Trump made a huge mistake, Trump needs to recover, etc. We know what is coming.
That's the thing. None of the other Republicans stood a chance in the general election, and even if they won it wouldn't be much different from Clinton anyway.
90% against Hillary, assuming she carries on being a collosal 'tard.
Maybe 40% against Bernie or a sharp Clinton. He's got a lot of advantages, but he risks being beaten out due to minorities.
Trump can turn his negatives around, Hillary can't.
Smart democrats are either brainwashed or outright socialists. Eventually the brainwashed ones become stupid due to the sheer amount of cognitive dissonance going on, or break and go full right-wing or libertarian.
At least, those are the only two types of smart democrats I've ever met.
Liberal are on suicide watch, scrambling trying to find anything to help them sleep at night for the fear that Trump becomes president. They're still on Stage 3, transitioning to Stage 4.
At this point, the Donald is going to win. The only thing Shillary can do to win is cheat, and she did that will Bernie so she'll try it with Trump. Hell, her campaign against Trump is already at a bad start with the "Woman card" bullshit and her Anti-Trump ads that everyone thinks are Pro-Trump. Trump will call her out on cheating, and his poll numbers will increase. He'll talk about Bengazi, the emails, the 12 year old rape case, Bill's affairs and rape accusations, and her corruption. Shillary will fight back, throwing soft-balls the same way Rubot and Rato did, and we'll have the same result. If things get bad, Shillary probably has a backup plan so she can run against Donald in four years and not look like a pushover. I suspect the backup plan is to have Bill be diagnosed with some terminal illness, he does look very sick, so they can either use it as a weapon against Trump to try and take away some of his ammunition, or Shillary will use it as an excuse to drop out and be replaced with Generic Establishment Democrat #B5642
Speaking of ads, one of her PAC's has released two new anti-Trump vids just today.
ad #2
And the two new ads seem to be continuing on with the "I just can't even" theme.
Of course they do. Shillary's only appeal is to college femicunts.
Real socialists usually don't support Democrats. It is only Bernie style welfare state "socialists" who do (and real socialists don't really like Bernie either).
The Republican analogy for this would be right libertarians. They hate republicans but sometimes will vote for one they see as a lesser of two evils if there is some big issue like gun control at stake.
Not even that. The college types were on the Bernie bandwagon. It is only gen X and boomer women who like Hillary. Either old hippies or people who remember the 90s fondly and want a Clinton back in office.
Yup. Berniecuck stole a good chunk away. I still know a ton of high school and college feminists who love Shillary, because muh womunz, though. And I think a good few of them will crawl back to Shillary after Berniecuck loses.
And negroes, don't forget she seems to have their votes by a large margin. Why I don't know as Bernie is the ultimate gibsmedat candidate.
If Trump wins in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio and keeps all the states where Romney won in 2012 red, he wins the election.
Shouldn't be too hard, but it all depends on how many whites are going to turn out this year. Hopefully it'll be higher than 2012's 64%.
First point of realism, Hillary could be indicted TOMARROW and has enough federal officials corrupted, and clout with the DNC to be nominated.
She wouldn't even appear in court to post bail, and she would answer no questions accept with, "RIGHT WING SMEAR!"
Once Hillary is nominated, its over.
Her base won't turn out, Trump's will, and the middle favors Trump.
Everything she does from there is just, "YOUR RESISTANCE ONLY MAKES MY PENIS HARDER!"
That won't fly anymore when it's republican vs democrat. All he has to say this time is 'Democrat crowd' and even the normies will flip their shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if turnout was over 80% this election.
Black turnout will probably be lower this time. Not sure about the Hispanic turnout though.
Probably not great. A great number of Hispanics hate Trump, but usually they can't vote for obvious reasons.
There is absolutely zero fucking chance he can win the general but it doesn't matter because there's less than fucking zero chance he can build a wall and deport beaners. The bureaucracy is designed to prevent all of this. Never again, goy.
If you want change, you're going to have to make it yourselves. From the roof tops. If that is a pipe dream to you then so is salvation and you may as well bury your self in hentai and weed.
Its only defeatism and black pilled if you think revolution is impossible. Its not. Remember how this country was born.
Give it a rest mate.
Like I said. Suicide watch.
Against Bernie he would win effortlessly, Bernie was never even remotely relevant beyond a liberal media circlejerk.
There's a 60% chance he'd beat Hillary.
they're already called him literally hitler and asked him to denounce David Duke twice. Are they going to call his butler hitler and ask him to reject David Duke's request for VP next?
Bernie fans disagree
I have it backwards tbh, Hillary is totally unlikable and is just an average politician. Bernie is likable and there's enough people wanting free shit that he'd be harder to beat. There's also much less to attack him on in comparison to Hillary. I also don't think he's as ill as Hillary is, he's just old.
Trump is probably going to destroy Hillary in the General Election.
This thread again?
We will win, and we will win, and we will win.
Are you implying that overthrowing the government with a coup of less than a few thousand people of various physical ability and age is easier than Trump winning the general? Are you the same guy I argued with a few months back about this? Give it a rest. USA government is designed to be almost impossible to completely destroy, we don't have the numbers or the cultural sway to overcome that yet. Doing anything right now would get us all v& or shot dead.
/r/ing an edit of the meme where the one guy points the other two at someone and rubs his hands as they get their shit pushed in.
This —→>> 6020961
Is low energy copypasta bait.
I think it's going to be close, and unfortunately, I'm afraid Hillary, despite being evil, a known liar, on the payroll from wall street, etc, has the advantage.
Also, the Federal Reserve is cooking the books and juicing the economy so that they can keep up appearances, and stock market prices. They know that if the truth about how bad the economy really is before the election, that Yellen and Clinton's goose is cooked.
Finally I don't trust the GOP establishment. With every additional establishment Republican who endorses Trump, that diminishes his appeal. The worst thing in the world would be for Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, the Bush Boys, etc. to all come out together and say they are for Trump.
And a lot of voters are outright fucking morons. They only go by what they see on TV. And they are so fearful of being called a racist/misogynist/xenophobe that they'll vote for anyone that they think proves to other dim witted people that they aren't.
I'm hopeful, but realistic. I'm trying to create a plan to survive a Hillary presidency. Goddamn I'm afraid.
Then that means there's only one thing to do: we all need to spread the message of Trump to the everyone so he can rip the presidency out from Shillary!
I wouldn't worry about cuck endorsements. As much as they hate and fear Trump, Clinton is literally the devil in their eyes. They'll fall in line through fear of hell, the Supreme Court situation alone basically guarantees this. They cannot afford to have a lib president in the closing years of the twenty teens.
I wonder what the like dislike ratio is?
Literally 100%
Very good chances.
Reminder that a respected political science professor whose system predicts with 96% certainty the outcome of the elections in the last hundred years says the odds of Donald Trump becoming president is between 97% and 99%:
Political Science Professor: Odds Of President Trump Range BETWEEN 97% AND 99%
Political science professor forecasts Trump as general election winner
Reminder that Romney lost to the half-black president because he was a cuckservative:
The 2012 data suggest Romney was a particularly weak GOP candidate, unable to motivate white voters let alone attract significant black or Latino support. Obama's personal appeal and the slowly improving economy helped overcome doubts and spur record levels of minority voters in a way that may not be easily replicated for Democrats soon.
Romney would have erased Obama's nearly 5 million-vote victory margin and narrowly won the popular vote if voters had turned out as they did in 2004, according to Frey's analysis. Then, white turnout was slightly higher and black voting lower.
More significantly, the battleground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida and Colorado would have tipped in favor of Romney, handing him the presidency if the outcome of other states remained the same.
Sanders wants gibsmedats for more people, which dilutes the gibs available for the existing welfare class.
N-none whatsoever. He has a ceiling of 15%. He'll never even win the nomination, fam.
It's gonna be a close call, there is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump can wreck Hillary Clinton at the debate stage, but as Ann Coulter says, the republicans aren't loosing on the argument, they're loosing on votes. For the last 10-20 years the left has been importing immigrants, who are far more likely to vote for the democrats. This basically means that Obama has secured the election for Hillary, since he has imported millions of voters in democratic favor.
There really is a lot to lose here. I doubt we'll ever see a candidate like Trump in our lifetime, and it's make or break for the nation.
I wish i was an american citizen myself though, so I could do my part to make the country great again, if Trump succeeds, I will move there eventually and make the most of myself, I don't like wellfare states
Hmm, I see. Cutting into their fair share of the loot. Makes sense.
Came here to say this. I'll even explain how; note that even though I quote the Bible, I do not consider it to be the undisputed word of God.
Essentially, Trump is a divine sorting mechanism, like an RNA/DNA reader. Those who support him: wheat. Those who oppose him: chaff. It is really a way for God to display to others the inner contents of each other's souls.
Matthew 13:30
Let both grow together until the harvest. At the proper time I will tell the harvesters, "First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat into my barn."
Matthew 13:12
His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
We are living through the Tribulation. Clinging to the Truth in the absence of positive reinforcement, in spite of negative reinforcement.
Quite brilliant.
Depends entirely on the coming chimpouts, as is I'd say 60%.
Even the head women of that story came out and said NYT lied in the article, to her, and to her agent. She got speaking spots on every big news network in the US.
That hurt Hillary and NYT and helped Trump.
he's already won
alot of people just haven't accepted it yet
LOL… the damage control is real.
Trump currently has the highest chances to win out of all the candidates. He will win between a landslide of 60 to 40 percent to 80 to 20 percent against Hillary.
Reminds me of the shit my parents used to tell me with Regans campaign and the shady shit the dems and media were pulling. Serious public discontent and add that in with the media and political elite being seriously out of touch back then as well as now? High chance.
Also, Blacks are only around 13% of the population and won't have the voter turnouts that Obama got. Hispanics have a lower amount of eligible voters.
Meant to have this post.
There is literally no chance of Trump losing to Hillary Clinton of all people. Jeb was a better candidate than her.
0%. Trump's too racist to win. He's a joke candidate. No one takes him seriously.
Hillary won't even rope women who aren't cat ladies or social media feminists.
1. Trump has the White man vote locked down. Women are followers, not leaders, so White women will follow their husbands, boyfriends, brothers, or fathers.
2. The "Sisterhood" is a myth. Women sabotage or undermine each other over and over. A noticeable amount of women admitted they have a problem with female bosses.
Very high.
Pundits will look at statistics and say "well trump and hillary seem to be close in the polls but looks like hillary is ahead", but this ignores every other element.
1) Trump supporters are not voting for a republican, they're using a weapon to kill the established republican political party.
So when they look at statistics as "republican candidate vs democratic candidate" they're already wrong.
Which brings us to
2) The same can be said for bernie supporters and the democratic side.
Bernie supporters fucking hate hillary.
They're not voiting for him because he's a democrat, they're voting for him because he's not hillary.
Which means that when hillary (probably) beats bernie, bernie supporters are not going to switch to hillary.
This is a big deal since bernie has A LOT of support.
3) When hillary beats bernie, most bernie supporters will either just abstain from voting, or switch over to trump, because he's not hillary.
This will be a massive loss in voters for hillary and a huge swell of them for trump.
There's one common theme in all of this.
And the political goons don't see this in the polls.
They're in for a rude awakening.
I think he's going to win the white vote 67-33% or something like that and all the cuckservatives and the regressives will be BTFO and then you're going to hear them loudly say that it's a good thing whites are becoming a minority and then that's when a lot of whites will silently become white nationalists by default without having to read none of the autistic writings of "altright" ideologues.
And this change of mind will happen even quicker if mexicans are going to start riots on election night and if they attack whites for no other reason than they could be Trump supporters.
I'd give him a 1488% chance of winning.
But seriously, I think he's literally going to kill Hillary in one of the debates. She's going to stroke out when he refuses to play nice and perish live on air. He is going to give us the gift of watching her die. Bernie Sanders, wait, he was running?
"Oops. What a mess, right? What a mess."
Bernie's Campaign has one redeeming feature
Oh jew, google.
Not only will Trump lock the White vote, but I see him roping in juuust enough non-Whites to kick Hillary even harder. I especially have no doubt that considering his background as an East Coast tycoon that he's more popular with Blacks and Hispanics since he can be framed as a mobster type. He's already got big-time rappers and Mike Tyson backing him.
Fixed it.
100% apart from some extreme happening, rigged election, death, total mental breakdown, etc.
Sanders has 0 support outside of the radical left and retarded college kids. He cant win a general election. Anyone over 40 knows communism is cancer and will never vote for him.
Hillary is just another Jeb/Cruz. She's the candidate you vote for as a vote against the other guy or because you are a low information voter. Again, if you're over 40 you remember Bill's presidency. It was scandal after scandal. All the rapes, all the theft, all the corruption. Hillary is as crooked as they come. This will come up again over the next 6 months.
Trump is the only real candidate. The only legit thing you can say against him is that he has no real government experience. The lügenpresse has thrown everything they can at him. All their lies are being exposed. He's weathered the storm and they have nothing left, now they are jumping ship and starting to support him because he's going to win.
Millions are going to vote for him that dont normally vote. Look at the primary turnouts. Millions are changing party because of him.
Every week his support grows. Every week the polls show him gaining and everyone else falling. If he hadn't announced when he did he could have lost. Now as more people take an honest look at his policies instead of believing RACIST RACIST RACIST, they understand there is no other choice.
Every time leftists and muslims are violent his popularity spikes. We are guaranteed more shit from before the general.
He will win in a landslide.
Anyone who paid attention in school and remembers Joseph McCarthy will know communism sucks.
Good ol' Joe is spinning in his grave so fast he's the sole reason for gravity on Earth.
Leftists have spun McCarthy into a madman in schools.
When I was 16 people were literally risking their lives to escape the USSR and East Germany.
You can't forget that or spin it like they were trying to flee paradise.
Even better, McCarthy was spot-on when it came to Communist infestation.