Can you faggots please fuck off from Holla Forums?

Can you faggots please fuck off from Holla Forums?

I swear to fucking god we will build a wall around your board and make you soulless unfunny nazis pay for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Listen Holla Forumseddit. Holla Forums doesn't play the electric jew. If you have people memeing all over your shitbox it is because autistic PR fags wander in here and shitpost like retards until we tell them to fuck off. Video games are degenerate shit, and Holla Forums is a kike board. crawl into an oven, shekel sniffer.

It's not us, it's Holla Forums and SA goons trying to stir shit up again with interboard drama. Stop falling for it.

You first, nigger.

Stop coming to Holla Forums with muh goons then.

Holla Forums here, most of us are crossboard with Holla Forums to begin with.

If you don't want NatSoc on your Holla Forums board then stop coming to the Holla Forums board that's on a NatSoc website.

Holla Forums most certainly does play vidya. Fun-hating tradcon normalfag scum like you don't speak for Holla Forums.

Eh, Holla Forums shitposting is limited, but you have to see that there is some overcrossing between our boards due to their size.
Im often on Holla Forums but mostly keep politics out of it due to it being not the place for it, if youre butthurt over the racebanter taking more room then it should or someone having an ideological sperg out then thats probably not all of us making a coordinated effort but simply a handful mantra spouting retards who cant hold it.
Theres always some lower tier posters on every board who happen to be the loudest, if leftypol had 2000 users you would probably be annoyed at the occasional stale unfunny commimeme gloriefying some totalitarian faminestate.

Now, what made you angry in particular this time?

Fuck you kike loving shit. Stop passively consuming kike shit and better yourself. Or not. Die like the leftist video game playing shit you are. I don't care. Anyone that supports the jews by consuming their propaganda betrays their race.


No Holla Forums, you're a nazi.

Walls are racist :^)

Fuck off loser. You tryhard LARPers are the biggest hypocrites around here and probably belong on Tumblr with all the other normalfags who think they're something they aren't.

It's easy enough to go to some board, claim you're from another, and then stir stuff up. I haven't seen any calls to raid Holla Forums around here, and I haven't even seen interest in video games at all around here, so assuming you're not just coming here to stir stuff up, it's either just some people up to no good, or it's just your proximity to us, by being another big board on the same site.

We also have bots around here that try to discredit what's good, and promote what's bad. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those bots went to others boards to post junk in our name as well.

Those are some possible explanations. If you're just complaining about your average Holla Forums folks also liking video games, then just leave the site, cause Holla Forums is a very important board, and there's surely a lot of crossover.

Well, I play video games, but I also don't go to Holla Forums much, and especially don't post there, unless I have something constructive to say, which I don't remember happening before. Perhaps during the height of the GamerGate stuff, but it's been a while.


This. I've seen a few pseudo-Holla Forums threads on Holla Forums. I'm 100% sure Holla Forums or other faggots are doing this on purpose.

God, you fascists are retarded.

Shiggy niggy

Signaling doesn't work here friend.

intl is not goons though, they're just inner city chimpout niggers.

Nice maymay, anyway, most of us don't give a fuck about your vidya bullshit since the entire medium was already destroyed by SJWs

hue hue

2/10 cus you made me reply

Western games are kike shit, weeb games are superior


I'm from Holla Forums too and I think that you're a faggot

Ya'll got triggered twice as hard as we did.

Well yeah, Touhou is different. If you really want to get into it it is a deconstruction of the political ideologies with a focus on nationalism as seen through the lens of mythological archetypes given a candy colored paint job. There was a really good thread on Holla Forums back in 14 about who the best touhou was and why people hated kikes that got into it.

fuck you faggot, you aren't Holla Forums

I play mount and blade and squad.

when will Holla Forums finally start playing the hardest game ever

it's call Real Life

Does it even matter? The message must be laid down and be known. Kike filth must not be allowed to gain a foothold on Holla Forums. To protect our board from the subtle machinations of the globalists we must reject the media they prepare for consumption by the plebs.

If you consume their shit you are already acknowledging their false narrative and you will argue and fight within the predefined context they establish.

Holla Forums's not on your board you schizophrenic autistic kike. People are probably just waking up to the Jewish menace.

Nice d/c thread, but check these dubs.

I agree.

But i still can't find myself stop playing these games, perhaps i'm addicted.

checked and kek'd

That's Holla Forums not Holla Forums you fucking austist. And knowing you kike leftist faggots its probably one of you falseflagging your own board for attention.


Nice post trying to divide Holla Forums and Holla Forums.


Leddit and 4chan cancer like you comes to Holla Forums expecting the same bullshit you post everywhere and then gets buttblasted that 8ch Holla Forums isn't a dogshit retarded multi culti leftoid land.


Fellow, I don't know if you realize what he's linking there, but he's linking the apparent (though, not necessarily actual,) origin of this thread.

All I literally did was repost the OP of one of your own and changed a word and you people do the divide and conquer all on your own.

Goddamn it's easy and satisfying to trigger you faggots.


t. all me

Someone post cuck porn for Holla Forums

Why did you link to your own thread then? Do you really need the validation that much?

Why are you posting on a imageboard instead of bettering yourself? Fucking kike shill.

I am bettering all of you. I am dropping redpills like they are fucking candy.


Wew lad, these fascists really do not have any intelligence.

You own retarded members are validating me themselves, I wouldn't need to do that.


This is an Holla Forums shill thread.



They made the same exact thread on Holla Forums telling Holla Forums to fuck off. Seriously Hotwheels can't you just delete their shitty board. And why can't you leftist kike faggots just get a fucking life? losers.

Holla Forums is shit, fuck off, only /vm/ is allowed to post here, cuck inducing faglord.





kek, literally commie faggots getting buttflustered over Holla Forums

Revolution will come with metaposting and serious e-politics.

He's dead. Jim killed him and stole the board.

One asscracker with a vpn shitposts in your muh fee fees hugbox, all of Holla Forums is responsible.
Fucking cucks… Why not suduku you fucking weeb faggot. Your animu FaggotFantasy shit will never become real, Dante is a flaming faggot, your APM mean nothing in the real world, your "sick drift" will only cause you to crash in real life.

I hope you know, your whole life amounts to shit, much like vid related.

Ahhh. It's just bursting at the seams. This place is falling apart.

And you niggers keep biting.

Holla Forums falseflagging as Holla Forums and Holla Forums to D and C