
Other urls found in this thread:


There’s going to be a terrorist attack at a US airport in a VERY short time. That’ll stop people from rioting against the TSA.

I-I wouldn’t mind patting a horse whilst I was waiting in line to check my baggage.

It’s odd but this isn’t exactly Holla Forums. Am I missing something?

That first picture is just fucking perfect.

TSA is a fucking shitshow.

Hahaha when did everything go completely nuts

Kek Bless america

Literal bread and circuses


Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

How long till à clown goes Eliot Rodgers at the airport?

Spot on

There are lines that stretch out for miles, and instead of the federal government addressing the real issue they bring out the circus for the plebes.

Jesus Christ who the fuck thought that leering heart monster would calm people down?

Jesus Fucking Christ, I have to fly out of Philly tomorrow… Kek help me


TSA confirmed for RCT players.


I know! Send in the clowns!


Oldfag confirmed, glad we still have you guys around

Miniature Satan.

The full version is even better.

Well, it IS called security theatre.

Literal breads and circuses.

I guarantee the companies that provide the entertainment are owned by higher ups who are making a killing on a government contract for some mediocre entertainment nobody wants to see in the first place. If somebody wouldn't pay for something and they get the govt to pay for it it's a scam not a business.

The full version really is better!

The only universe this course of action makes sense in is one where we aren't on Mr. bones wild ride. You can't fix the shitty ride with entertainment next to the impossibly long lines.

Imagine if every citizen of this country were white or asian and how there would then be no need to distract a belligerent mob when shit happens. Like after the 08 earthquake where japanese were putting store items back on the shelves no looting. Instead we have to entertain the babies.



Make sure to keep your hue clear!

I was curious and dug a little bit, and apparently the founder of one of these circus troupes, Fern Street Circus, left the group to pursue politics then later returned to start up the circus once again with his old partner, some lady named Zimmerman. The founder is a John Highkin, but apparently the troupe is a "non-profit" that had accumulated a lot of dept – not being able to pay its performers and pay for circus props etc..

The travellers are in meltdown mode and make USA look bad so they send those clowns to calm them down.

Dumb fucks, it's a crazy robot playing dress up, they're all gonna die.

What sort of psyop shit is this?

Are they practicing shutting down the airports for when the shit hits the fan and want to see how long it it takes before people go into a frenzy?

Can we MEME That HEART DEMON into a Ebola-chan like meme deity?

There's potential.



I don't know where this specific thing fits in, but the general idea lately regarding TSA is that suddenly they cannot do the job they have been doing since DHS was created, and suddenly there are mile long lines.

So suddenly that optional system that you could opt into that required biometric pre-screening for quicker screening seems like it would be better if it was not optional. Sorry if I'm getting a few weeks or months ahead of things here, didn't mean to upset.

Also helps because a terrorist finally remembered to attack the area before the screening, where unscreened crowds are forced into high density. You know.. that thing that we all realised back in 2001 that would be a problem but it just happened to take until this year for there to be a point made of it.

Of course, you could also get better security by pushing the cordon outwards from special areas



Just yet another time this government is fucking retarded.

My sides.


United States of America after 8years under the kenyan nigger rule

user said it. Literally bread and circuses. Hail, citizen, we've noticed your complaints. Here is some superbowl and a few clowns. Haha, isn't that amusing? Pay your taxes and keep in line, citizen. Because we care.

Fuck. 100% match, Sybil confirmed. Better go criminally asymptomatic.

It's not even funny anymore. That heart thing and it's clown minions are horrifying!

I came here for the tiny horses and found none


It sounds like a South Park episode. This year is just fucking crackers.


When you need bread and circus' to calm people in fucking lines…

Blowout soon, fellow stalkers!


Kek, that's the stuff of nightmares. It goes to show how a culture devoid of meaning is incapable of producing any art worth a shit.

Glory to KEK!

I don't say that it's a good idea, but personally I have no problem with good performers. But if it was initiated by a US government agency, then it's a really sad thing for some reason.

No, you don't get it, its a new type of Social Justice - Social Circus!

Notice a girl with a hijab.

Is this your population, america?



Worse, a dying culture can only produce works of horror, nightmares and death.


It seems that before this show Heartman didn't had a smile.

Now in Airport he gained one.

clowns are fucking disgusting.


So this is like the garbage collector's union striking or a "sick-out"?

Is TSA angling for more Taxpayer gibs?

I took the freedom.

Damn, the whole point of a circus is that it's run by people who are dedicated to the cause. Even the cripples and mutants showcased have to train for their roles. If you just throw in a lot if wetbacks, shitskins and retards, then you end up with a human zoo, not a circus.

Also, that link is broken for me.

Highkin? What kind of name is that? Could he be a kike? It's the first thing that came to my mind soon as he uttered "(((social))) circus"

Jewgling for "Heartman" brings to this page, which appears to be a poster for the suspiciously named "Without Walls Festival". In fact:

I think that once again we find ourselves deep into the kike's den.


Works fine to me. I don't know, i use proxy to enter.
Completely agree on that.

So, the "Heartman" is actually a degenerate symbol of equal love? Because you know, bunch of degenerates use "love" as an argument for buttsex, pederasty and zoophilia.

Now look at their promotional video in 2001.

Not a single degenerate fat dyke and most of them are fit as fuck.

People also call him Johnny High-Hat. He is a south american musical performer.

Look, he even put a confederate flag on his scene. Doubt he's a kike.

Just fuck my shit up

Although Highkin is liberal apparently as fuck.

He even filmed some liberal protest on his youtube channel, which is dedicated against police brutality and shit like that.

Notice colored hair in front.

Captive audiences please him.

Refer to Brave New World.


Honestly I'd be pissed off because I'd just want to get the fuck out of there and reach my destination. No amount of bribery or entertainment is going to make up for tolerating ridiculously long delays.

I can see an entertainer getting punched or harassed because someone becomes too frustrated at waiting too long.

How the fuck isn't there high inflation with that kind of printing.

Because the US imports its inflation. It comes home to roost when people no longer want to buy dollarydoos.

Someone dress in a terrorist costume and go entertain the people in the TSA line.

As long as you don't actually say you have a bomb you should be fine.

Has anyone got a video of this thing 'walking' down the airport? I have an amazing idea.

I'm sorry. Am I missing something?

Can't we just hire more fat nigresses and stuff them into their blue uniforms?

Is it that hard to hire more TSA officers?

TSA like federal LEOs, nuclear power plant guards, etc in any federal security position are banned from striking.

Screeners at Laguardia even before every airport had TSA (I'm talking early 2002) did an airportwide slowdown (to protest poor training and wages, lol) and were all promptly fired and replaced by Wakkenhut security guards until they were replaced.

If anyone with fucking brains would realize, working for the TSA is a total bullshit job that harms more people than it helps.

That's why all TSA agents are dumb niggers and Special Ed helmet wearing retards. We need to do a better job at killing retards in their youth. The niggers can wipe themselves out.

Might be a problem of peak travel seasons and not enough trained people being available to hire, as well as limited body scanners and x Ray machines.

But now I'm just making excuses.

Everybody is doing it. Most of it goes to the mega-wealthy. Some into useless (fake) government programs (really the mega-wealthy). Some to niggers and spics. It may as well not have happened if you're white.

It's all a bunch of welfare queens looting us. Never producing anything of value. They only murder and laugh like it's all a joke.

Want to know something funny?

I worked for TSA.

I quit before even finishing training. The whole atmosphere was toxic with authoritarian management and everyone who worked there was either depressed as fuck or were petty tyrants you could see love pushing people around with their limited authority.

I had to take a second look at that picture to really appreciate it.

Huxley was right.

Who the fuck thought using clowns was a good idea to calm passengers?

I imagine that a bunch of TSA high ups were sitting around a table asking what they should do about the fact that people don't really like them.

Then some lower level TSA guy walks in, puts up a powerpoint, and says, "Guys, what if we entertained airline passengers while they waited in line at security checkpoints? I give you Operation LEL, Loving Every Laugh."

"Phase 1 of the operation will include getting the public comfortable with the idea of associating clowns and TSA agents. Phase 2 is where the program really starts. Here we will dress all TSA agents up as clowns. People can't be upset if they are being frisked by clowns, everyone likes clowns."

The TSA high ups all murmur in agreement, people do like clowns.

"Not only will this save the TSA's image, but we will be the first public safety agency to employ this method. Others will surely follow. Federal police, DC metro police, fire marshals, even Department of Transportation inspectors, those fuckers, will be in our footsteps in this public outreach program and the TSA will once again be loved by it's citizens."

can't wake up

god did that show go to shit after the first season.

The first season was fantastic and then they just shit the bed with everything that followed.


Not much they can do because of how US air travel laws are and the numbers wanting to travel by air.

So honestly?
This isn't a terrible idea.

But it does help them avoid acknowledging muslims are the problem.

Considering he's a heart, I wish we could relate him to Ammit, too, but he's a monster boy instead of a monster girl, so it doesn't work.

I kinda liked the second season.

It was less about exploring the society the sybil system created and more exploring the system itself and how it worked to enforce itself.
I mean that was literally what crazy corpse guy was doing.
He was hacking the system by figuring out its rules and exploiting them.

That whole pharmacy torturefest was all about finding out if a dominator could be used to kill an agent of the public health agency.
With the added bonus of learning more about their rules of engagement.

It also gave us a great example of what happens when you place the sybil systems average citizen in a high pressure environment for a prolonged period.

The entire second season was filler. It left all questions unanswered from season one and was just a way to prolong the story without anything that actually mattered happening. No one really challenged sybil, broke the system etc etc.

All of it ended with "we are now magically even better at the bullshit we do" while avoiding all moral implications brought up in season 1.

Some of the things it showed could have been interesting and contributed to world building but it was 90% fluff.

If I see a fucking clown at a TSA airport checkpoint I'm taking the fucking bus



But I get the feeling that the two seasons are each addressing the sybil system in their own way and showing aspects of it.
There isn't supposed to be a grand answering and tying up of plot elements from the first season.

Also. Consider who is saying they're now supposedly better.
The sybil system says so.
We have no objective standard by which to measure them. They can make any claim they dam well please.

Again I'm looking at it from a story perspective. None of the things from the first season ever actually got answered. It's all just hanging in the air. That's why S2 is filler to me.

You either create a world and see it to it's end, which is what S1 was strongly hinting at towards the end. Or create a world and tell stories in it.

Psycho Pass is trying to have it both ways, projecting dystopian society and hinting at how it's all going to collapse but never actually pursuing anything other than maintaining the status quo.

Which is why the chick became a likable protagonist in S1 and an utter fucking moron in S2. The mental gymnastics necessary to know the truth of the sybil system and still just roll with it because "hey now, slavery isn't that bad" despite knowing that it actually is pretty fucking bad.


I always felt her position was more "can't do shit. But it will collapse on its own sooner or later. So I'll just do what I can to help people."

Lets see IIRC,

personally she has had one of her friends killed for finding out about the system. Seen first hand how bad the hue system is on latent criminals for things that they might, maybe, possibly could do and how it drives even normal people to become latent criminals. Has seen the system as helpless in multiple situations and overbearing in multiple others; and then eventually just did nothing because "you can understand how this system is better than the alternatives" when in reality she should be front in line on the "Fuck sybil" train.

Any reasonable person would be.

But lets consider something else.
She is in many ways the ideal that the sybil wants to create. Someone who is utterly stable psychologically no matter what happens. But not someone who's gonna go full shogo because of it.

She's pliant, peaceful and obedient. But not so obedient she's unable to think and act for herself.

It's why she was allowed to live and continue in her new more senior role at the ministry.
The system knew they'd get great data from observing her and might even be able to recruit her into them.

But it's these traits that mean she's less likely to actively act against the system.
She talked a good game yes. But she was raised by this system. It's all she knows.
I doubt she'd even know how to start an insurrection or rebellion.

So the main protagonist is the ultimate lapdog….


Well isn't she?

When you consider the society she is from it fits.
A woman was beaten half to death and raped in a public street while hundreds of people just stood there and watched, not really understanding what they were seeing or what to do in response if anything.

The protag has more in common with them than she does with us.



What's next? Are they going to show My Little Pony in an attempt to calm people and teach them about friendship when they run out of the "therapy horses?" Why didn't they just use puppies? The horses sound expensive.

stop that



What a disaster. Trump save us please.

not so fast. Mainland Chinese people do not know how to handle disaster, and they do not know how to work together as a community to do anything. Even Chinese people themselves recognize this.



I think they're using the tiny horses because they're nearby to this particular airport.

Fuck off pony faggot


Future generations will be astounded when they hear about the shit that happened in the 2000s.

"In 2016 during the height of the TSA collapse, the government agency hired clowns and performers in order to sedate furious passengers who had to wait in lines for hours that sometimes spanned miles."


This thread a soup of meme magic

It would be a lot more if we could find a vid of HeartMan

I found Heartman, lads. Entering the airport and then terrorizing it.

Here's another creepy one.

Who are the mental defectives that thought this would be a good idea? It's gotta be women and faggots behind the plan. No straight White male could come up with something this colossally dumb.

Its like poetry, it rimes!

Cheers m8, just found the first vid but I didn't find the second. Good work!

Whenever I travel by air I've sometimes got thousands of dollars tied up in air fare, hotels, taxis, restaurants. On top of that there's the hours in the air, layovers, in and out of security, navigating to business meetings.

I'm getting triggered just thinking about the possibility of getting even further delayed by this gaggle of faggots.

There's a whole entire act with Heartman that lasts 45 minutes.

Anons found some of the promotional stuff here and here


Can't find any videos, though.

Even Doom's Arch-viles look friendlier.

Small video recording of one of their event during Carlsbad ArtSplash actually exists:

Google Carlsbad ArtSplash. Maybe there's more.

"Animals help reduce stress and anxiety levels and put smiles on people's faces," said Mindy Kershner, a spokeswoman for the airport.

"Unlike service animals, who are working and should not be touched, therapy animals can be patted and hugged."

And while many other airports have therapy dog programs in the terminals, "We figured this is Kentucky, after all, so we need horses," Kershner said.





I wonder if this creature is suffering because he doesn't have eyelids?

It's like they are taunting people now. Their government jobs are secure under King Obama and now they're going to rub everyone's nose in it with clowns and jesters while they wait in a shitty line for 4 hours and the TSA agents take pleasure in making them all wait. They could have spent the clown budget on hiring more agents or speeding up the process in some other way, but they didn't, because they want you to wait. Making you wait gives these pathetic people a sense of power.

I'm beginning to feel some vague discomfort with this Heartman character.

It's so bad it's just bad.



It will need to be a video of the festival sometime around or before 2010, the year the troupe disbanded, or sometime during or after 2015 when they all got back together again.

I knew it. Something about "Civil Rights and Social Action" and "Economic Empowerment" on John Highkin's LinkedIn had the bells going off.

There's also the thing where their advertising firm, Zimmerman, the other founder of the Fern Street Circus, does pro bono marketing for Rabbi's.


They can't even do a fucking circus show without shitting on white people. Christ, this shit is relentless. I'm fucking sick of this. I can't wait till we rope these fuckers.

Here's a resume page of Zimmerman:

Liberalism became a circus. A circus became liberalism.

Not even the damned circus is free from kikery.

**Is that a Heartman shrine?"

*forgot screencap**

I bet Heartman is actually symbolizes something else, than a child would think.

H stands for Hell.

So, the heartman was actually drawn by son of Zimmerman when he was 7 years old:



So she made this evil creature from her son's drawings. By the way, i can't find any information on her son who designed this beast. Here's her facebook pages:

There's not a single photo of her being with her family or son. Not a fucking single word about her family.

when I was growing up, before globalism and international travel, there was no airport security.

you simply purchased a ticket, walked to the gate and got on the plane

diversity, globalism, internationalism = misery


Those are the photos of Highkin after TSA event.

I know those feels, m8. That sense of adventure one felt as a kid packing his bags, exploring the airport, and then taking your flight unmolested is gone. Now, it's surgeon gloves and heart monsters led by their leftist carnival barkers

I thought my shitty edit was a joke.

It's torture flying these days. It can be slightly less cancerous in some areas outside the U.S. though.

this is some dia tier shit.
spooky airport rituals underway?
I won't be traveling anytime soon.


I've noticed a lot of krampus shit lately, maybe you are on to something.


Fuckin' A

It sounds ridiculous now and I have come to expect this shit in the current year; I can only imagine how retarded it will seem in the future (hopefully. If not we failed miserably)



Bottom-right: "At least I still have the constitution."


Anyone else notice this? Literally anywhere you go in America, the airport is staffed by like 95% niggers.

Are we worshiping this heart-attack demon?

I'm usually traveling a lot, and the worst, without any exception, is Hartsfield-Jackson International in Atlanta. While it varies a lot throughout the US, Hartsfield has to be staffed by 98% niggers.

I do like transiting through there, though. Since it's always quick, and their rail train is convenient.


Heartman demand the souls of children?


is this some kind of meme nightmare or something? Who in the fuck memed the police and feds as clowns? I know it was one of you fuckers…


TSA watchdog spills secret behind long airport lines:



Whoops, didn't post the finished one.

ecelebs forever we win

Or, y'know, they could just ban Islam and deport all Muslims, then we don't need this TSA screening BS.


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