Alright Holla Forums lets play a game

Alright Holla Forums lets play a game.

You may choose one of the infinite number of universes to live where 3 (three) people of your choosing are porn stars instead of the career they chose in this universe.

My picks; Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Biel & Scarlett Johansson now do porn.

Choose wisely.

Other urls found in this thread:


Go fuck yourself



smh tbh fam


I pick ur mum 3 times

emily rudd and lana del rey, can't really think of a third one right now since I am not really into celebrities and shit.

Christina Hendricks. I don't know any other actresses and I don't know her for her acting either.

she is pretty old

Really thinking big OP. Really a thinking big.

don't make it to easy, thread would be pretty boring otherwise.

Nothing wrong here. I'm not breeding with them.


bang ban bang

banb banb banb

I can't look at old women, I hate wrinkled skin or ass covered in cellulite.

Isaac Newton, Nicola Tesla, Alan Turing. Now go back to growing wheat, peasants.





I fucking love this little hentai




Ummm… I haven't seen whatever hentai this is from.
I feel ditty.


how? oh that's right you don't really have a clue. just shutup idiot




Hilary Clinton (only because it will save us from her).

That chick that played 18 on House Md.

Op's mother because most porn stars don't have kids, so we wouldn't have to deal with Op's faggotry.

kendall jenner, cara delevingne and emilia clarke

The main reason it's flawed is that it assumes an infinite set contains every possible member. That's not true. The infinite set called, "even numbers" contains an infinite number of numbers, but none of them are 3 or 5 or 7 etc.

so, even if there are an infinite number of universes, and infinite possibilities, it doesn't mean that some random chick is a porn star.

I choose Our Goddess Nicole, Our Goddess Nicole, and Our Goddess Nicole. I wonder what she looks like naked…

Just try and find one flaw with her. Protip: you cannot.

she looks like a knockoff jennifer aniston. not that she isn't pretty but stillalso what music is in the background of the first webm in >>6014589

ONLY three?

Excellent choices my man. You are truly patrician in your taste of cunnies.
these perfect cuties aren't qute old enough to do porn yet kek so there is still time to see what line of work they would like to go into.


Just one.

Hillary Clinton.

World saved.

I don't know whats worse tbh, her in politics or doing porn. I suppose she can do more harm to the world being in politics, but still…



I would rather live in a world where Tori Black is an A-list actress or singer. She too fucking beautiful for porn. ;_;

I'd bang her as a gilf if she wasn't the cunt she is. Bring the cookies grandma.

thatsa dude


nope. she's still hot without makeup. she has natural beauty so less makeup suits her better.
she doesn't need any at all in my opinion.

she has natural averageness and ugliness.

I don't think you know how women look without makeup. They're fucking ugly.

now idk about that, I don't think they look that similar.

About the music, idk, when making that webm I forgot to tick the box to not extract audio, was going to make it soundless.

But they use the same music in this h3h3 clip, maybe someone in the comments now that songs name

i do, thats why i said shes naturally average, u fuckin moron

What makes you say she's a dude?


I made this post on whisper. Mortuary fags should timestamp a dead baby and post it here to scare them.
Search "heart this another baby dies" in "dark humor" group (one with over 1000 members) to find it

get killed retard

But she's definitely above average "u" fucking retard.

Like 200 pounds of chewed bubblegum.

Kim Jong Il


Bill Clinton


New Teen C H A N open
