We wuz vikangz



"The original Danes or Vikings were Blacks . (11)This is made clear in the Oseberg 8th Century Vikings on the Norway Sledge carving of the Black seafarers that populated the region at this time. It is clear from this carving that the 8th Century Vikings were different from the Blond, big bodied folk of Viking legends."

"The Celts were originally Black people. Ephorus (c. 405BC) claimed that the Celts were Blacks or Ethiopians(1)The Celts continued to be recognized as Blacks by Tacitus, who wrote about the Black Celts and Picts in 80 AD .(2)

The Celts on the mainland of Europe were called Iberians or Silures.(3)though the original Celts were Black, overtime their name was stolen by Europeans. Father O’Growney has discussed the history of the Celts. He makes it clear that the original Celts were the Iberians.(4)

The Iberians were probably conquered by the Ligurians.(5) It is suggested that the Ligurians may be represented by the modern Basque of Spain.(6) The Ligurians took the name Celt.

The Ligurians/Celts were conquered by the Gaulish speaking people. The Gauls conqered the Ligurians and pushed them into Spain. It was these Gauls who imposed their language on the Iberian and Ligurian Celts .

The Gauls were Belgians according to Father O’Growney. The Irish and Welsh are descendants of these Gauls.(7) These Gauls spoke Gaulish or Gaelic.(8)

The Germans conquered the Gaulish-Celts, and Gaulish disappeared around 4th Century AD."

I just can ignore da truf any longer fam.

Other urls found in this thread:





Yeah, the text says they were black. Black of hair. When everyone's skin color is white, you don't need to mention that, as it is not a distinctive trait you need to inform your listeners/readers of.

Okay buddy your first we wuz x thread was funny but now I know you're spamming since you made another when the first one sunk.

But seriously as someone stupid enough to try to argue with those types ~90% of their claims arise from either blatantly distorting historical accounts or retroactively pushing 21st century racial politics into the past

i.e. the original Welsh were black because a Roman writer said they were "dark-skinned and curly-haired" (even though said writer compared them to Spaniards), and when medieval writers called a Viking force "the Black Horde" they obviously meant that said Vikings were black-skinned

First pic always makes me chuckle. Black guys must literally think about fucking white women 24/7. Imagine the self-hatred you must have to only be attracted to other ethnic groups.

thats not me bud.

I was just thinking about basically 'we wuz x'.

so I just typed we wuz vikangz in google and found the article. we wuz x is usually good times. unless it gets to repetitive.


Jesus h fucking christ

The fire monkey is really something else fam

Either a shill, or stupid stormnigger trying to fit in.

So we memed we wuz kangz n sheeit.. Now its time to get more ridiculous.

If you google.. They already believe this nonsense.. They believe the white man evolved from wolves and they wuz monkeys.



This isn't funny to me. Because as ridiculous as it is, black aren't having genocide hoisted upon them. To think this could actually be canon history in two hundred years, and that there's a chance I'd be forced to reincarnate on this planet.

This meme must be obliterated.


Das rite - dey Vikangs be so black even dey goddamned teeth be brown.
Lucks just like mah homie niggahs who done mix dey purple drank wif Pepsi.

Every time I think I've finally run out of reasons to dislike blacks more than I did already… they invent new ones and piss me off more.

Beethoven was black, Charlemagne was black, Egypt was black, fucking Croatia was black, and now the British Isles were originally black.

According to their logic, whites just fucking materialized out of thin god damn air and completely copied the cultures of a physically and mentally inferior race of people.

The whole African race is fucking genetically brain damaged.

I agree. This can no longer be laughed off, as ridiculous as it all is.

Everyone on Holla Forums should be acutely aware of how forcing lies to be recognized as historical facts can cause severe damage to the balance of the world.

The fact is that the people making these claims do not come from a lineage with a history anywhere near as complex or accomplished as that or those who they are trying to steal and to allow ours to be stolen so that they can feel better about themselves is wrong and it is dangerous.

I understand that it must be pretty awful to come from a people who didn’t achieve much and I wouldn’t mock them for it like some do but they cannot have our what is ours.

Pic related is what happens to niggers naturally in northern Europe.

Without vitamin-d fortified food their shit-skin prevents them from getting enough through natural means.

That is literally what they believe about white people.

Well that will be easy enough to prove.

Just enter into the berzerkagang state, and actual vikings will know you're not full of shit.

As crazy as this is, I can't really believe any majority of black people actually believe this? There are not many blacks in my country, so I don't know what they think about such things. Still, this must be some sort of fringe belief like whites believing they come from aliens or something? We got crazies like that too I mean.

Not that it isn't a bad development when coupled with what is going on in schools and entertainment. I see that picture of the black viking with the white wimminz and think… yeah… that's something they would be liable to push. Retroactively multiculturizing history.

we wuz totally der, doe! Rayciss! Caw da po-lice n' sheeit.

Personally I'm curious to see what the blacks will blame their failures on if the whites actually do disappear. Presumably the east Asians but would they be able to pull off a revision of that scale when there's no welfare and they're all starving to death?


Next time on We Wuz Kangs:

East Asians wont tolerate such disrespect in much the same way they don’t allow Muslims to take advantage of them, we make excuses for and cover up their crimes whilst the Chinese for example prefer to chase them with flame throwers.

The world would simply become a lot colder under East Asian dominance; attempts at falsifying providence would simply not happen it would be unprofitable. To sound crude, they would just fall in line.

Whites will never disappear. There's Russia and Eastern Europe (eastern europe is very racist and Russia maintains a relation of domination with the other ethnic groups and not of - all equalz let's blandda up).

This thread infuriates me. I know niggers just have no historical identity and are grasping at straws to try to establish one, but fuck man. We all know, every one of us here, and anyone with any knowledge of history or biology knows, that there is no way northern Europeans were black.

We are talking about ice age peoples in the coldest habitable places on earth with that level of tech. These fucking apes could not have possibly survived those conditions, nor is there any evidence that they even tried.

This probably triggers me so badly because my family comes from Scandinavia and Ireland. Fucking shitskins trying to larp as vikings.

This, the subject matter here is no longer amusing. I thought it was funny the first few times but if they're going to attack historical record of which we have precious little regarding the Vikings to begin with, they could very easily do real damage. Before they were supplanting themselves in Christian history, which is well documented thanks to their scripture fetish and therefore difficult if not impossible to refute.

Fucking nithingr bottom bitches.

This meme stops being funny once you realise it is what will be taught as fact once whites are a minority and has already escaped off the internet and into the real world. For example, it's now taught in schools that Africans were in Britain before the English.

What is tolerated today will be fully embraced tomorrow. What is liberal today is conservative tomorrow. What is said in irony today will be said with sincerity tomorrow. And what is memed today will become reality tomorrow. You guys have messed with meme magic for too long and trifled with forces you do not understand. Stop this meme. It only helps the enemy. You are literally memeing them into becoming kings and our history being overwritten.

They cannot thrive in northern Europe.

Yuh white boi!!
Bow down to yo kang!


My friends call me "Redbeard". My ancestors from Europe came directly from Norway and Germany, my Scandinavianbro. A lot of people I know have submitted their DNA samples to 23JewsAndMe.com, or AncestJewry.com. The Jews say, without fail, every person I know that has done a DNA test falls into one of two categories: 10-15% nigger, or 2-5% jew.

Niggers cannot survive traditional Scandinavian habitats such as those found in north-central Europe, and north-central USA. There are two primary facts to support this idea: 1) niggers can't domesticate animals, 2) niggers never invented the wheel.

To live where the Vikings thrived you need domesticated animals and the fucking wheel. This completely ignores bronze-age and iron-age metalurgy.

fucking we waz alwayz dindus. alwayz dindus. forever.

Nancy Drew is now black
Several comic heroes now black
Every attractive white woman on TV is paired with a black bull.
Rey from Star wars may end up blacked.
Annie is black.
Archie from the comic married a black chick
Miss Sweden and miss Switzerland and fuck British cooking champs are black

This is what genocide looks like.

You won't even die a heroes death you'll be erased and wiped from history.

When they had an asian chick captured from paris in Vikings, I pretended she was finnish

Or, we do fight back, thus proving all the shit about "evil violent racicst whitey" was right all along, and the whole world gangs up on us.
The only way to win is to kill everyone who is not one of us.
By my estimation, that will leave 144,000 people alive on the planet.
Coincidently, that is the number said to survive the apocalypse in the bible.
If God is Truth, WE are the Saved.

The way they justified it was she was captured and sold and brought to paris before the vikings took her. She then got ragnar hooked on drugs and he killed her because she was trying to cut him off.

Guess we have an explanation for the shitty architecture as well.

Ayo. Any yo niggas ever hear of professor brown? He be tellin me the crayziest shiet mayn. First he tell me that niggaz wuz the kangs of egypt n shiet. Next he be tellin me that those little disk thangs you be seein in the air isnt ufos, they be ancient black astronauts an scientists still in they ufos to this day. Thas rite, niggas wuz the original scientists. Next thing he be tellin me that us niggas wuz the vikings. That professor brown be the smartest nigga alive. I always new i be royalty

I was expecting her to be Mongol, which would of at least made some sense. But as for her character overall, I'm not even sure why she was in it, nothing meaningful happened there. So was in the background, handed out some drugs, then was gone.

hold the fuck up, what?

I get so angry when i see this shit. As a fucking Celt I'm so tilted.

come on this is a troll



Its good to laugh now but these people are right, if this goes on for much longer it will eventually hit mainstream and a mixture of typical SJeW villainy, talentless professors looking for gibs, and nignogs foaming with envy will reduce the icons of European heritage to a pack of niggers - because that is the world we live in and must be aware of. History is painfully easy to rewrite.

Also, the interesting thing about all these WE WUZ claims is that, no matter how powerful the great wise apes of the past are made to be - whitey still managed to totally obliterate every last trace of them from history…So I mean, imagine how powerful and advanced the whites of nigger-timeline were.

Fucking niggers.
The kangz shit was funny at first but once enough retards have written shit like this other retards will start taking it as facts and before long you aren't allowed to question it.

This fucking niggers always funny. Why don't they go back inAfrica again?


We wuz rich piratz 'n sheeit too fam

I actually looked into the drug she supposedly gave him. It's like nicotine on steroids, i mean give or take, anticholinergics can be stimulants or hallucinogens, or plain old allergy meds

As I read more into it, it made no fucking sense that she'd have any of that drug as a slave in paris let alone taken all the way up to scandinavia

The drug was two plants I believe but regardless they grow in subtropical fucking Taiwan, so I have no fucking clue how we're supposed to pretend that she just found those in the woods

Like sure, psychedelic shrooms and even delieriant mushrooms are native to scandinavia but this was just fucking out there, the writers of the show really took a shit with that character

Oh and in the show, he has red lips/bleeding which is actually is an symptom of that particular drug. which is also apparently carcinogenic lol

But yeah somehow a norse god was overdosing on taiwanese anticholinergics

He's from the Mughal empire. Not Africa.
cant even into history smh

besides that though, what you said doesn't make sense anyway because niggers are notorious for being pirates