Literally butthurt

i have hemorrhoids

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If dubs you cut them off
had them before OP, I feel your pain.

OP better deliver

Let me guess… you are a nudist.

any tips on how to get rid of them(other than P-H)

how did you get them?
was it too much ass sex, user

IDK one day i just went to wipe my ass and they were there… buttsex btw fuck you

Burn them off - that's the best solution for really bad hemorrhoids.

ok just dont give me your ass berries

Not OP





I feel ya OP. Feels like glass when i shit sometimes, and the blood on the TP doesn't exactly help with my peace of mind.

Don't force your shits and make sure you eat enough fiber guys

What do you expect if you sit while pooing?

I have hemorroïdal problems too my friend.
Caused by a mass destructive pepper,shitted napalm during three days and now I can even barely sit on a hard place without drop a tear of pain.

Go see a doctor, smoke weed to kill the pain, don't drink any alcohol (very difficult) and don't eat spicy things.

this could be it I have been eating at this Thai restaurant lately …very spicy food…thanks that explains some things

Are you shitting the right way?


I've had a rash and some blood for awhile, will this be me in a month? what are some good sources of fiber

well what if you were gf?

but then who was phone?

The Man on the Phone was who was phone.