Lets take a minute to talk about the fact that there is a international pedophile network at the highest of GOV that completely subverts the will of the people. This network is across every country on earth and overrides any and all political concerns of the people. This is a massive redpill. If somehow this could trend organically (they suppress any and all news of this) Sorry for tinfoil jones

Here is the franklin coverup

The dutroux affair

Here is some recent news on a girl who was "put down" She suffered abuse by these rings I think.

Bill clinton took 26 trips on pedo Jeffery epstien

This hampstead case is crazy. The children redacted their statements but the body language during the detective interview is weird to say the least. Also media threw together a awful short piece with the babie killing dad who so happens to be an actor.

60 min piece note the rothschild realative is weaseled close to the case as a Shill and gatekeeper

This coming out would ruin the elite for good. The scope of this degeneracy is massive and the implications of this going on is unfathomable.

pro tip: its a form of magic to sacrifice children and scar them. Projection of intent is powerful.

Other urls found in this thread: Religions/Illuminati/waterhouse_report.htm fox island

Blood libel is a disproven meth.

Shlomo pls.

Why is it always a fucking shill to respond first and shit up a good thread? Why is it always that a few shitty threads get started after a good one gets posted?

Bump for pedowood

This is the mechanism (child rape and sacrifice) that acts as the lynch pin to this evil machine. allowing the entire western world to have subverted GOV. If this info is able to be pushed to mainstream organic trending then game over for the elites and globalist

Bump for interest.

hedonistic satanic TRASH

Found the Satanist. Sometime in the 80s satanist infiltrated the FBI and officially declared all satanic ritual murders and crimes to be unrelated and isolated instances. idk if you remember but there was a bit of a "satanic hysteria" in the 80's (razor blades in apples on Halloween) that all just went away.

Jay Parker est. that as much as %10 of America is satanic.

How does one go about joining these rings anyways?

sup FBI

There are satanic churches everywhere. You must be smart and cunning tho, otherwise you will end up on the wrong end of a ritual sacrifice.


Ask at your nearest synagogue, I'm sure somebody there will know.

Tons of lefties involved, but I see no reason not to participate in #OpDeathEaters at least in terms of information sharing.

or Masonic Lodge

It isn't just lefties.

Fuck off moralfag.

You can add to the list the Presidio Military Base Day Care scandal. Hundreds of active service member's children were systematically raped. Infants as young as 1-3 were given herpes and other stds and some died as a result. The story goes much deeper that that and if you want to learn more look up Douglas Dietrich.

No I mean in #OpDeathEaters look into it. They went after Epstein

You're half right. It's not libel because libel explicitly refers to an untrue statement.

There used to be a board for discussing pedowood and the elite pedophiles and exposing them but its has died like most boards.
Had a lot of interesting info tough

Rich people get bored of fucking woman, so they want to fuck girls. This is just a fact of life. If you think can stop the super powerful from indulging in degenerate desires, then you're deluded.

Stop looking into this stuff, you'll only hurt yourself. If you have a family think about them, protect them. Don't stick your nose in other people's business.

And here come the vague threats from Mr. Zogowitz

I'm giving you good advice that will help you be happy. Listen to me, you don't wanna get involved in this sort of thing.

Sage should not disappear like that.


I'm sure your nose juts into enough places, Moishe :^)

Thank you you truley are my greatest ally.

Why can't we protect children from harm Rabbi Steinberg?

W A I T T O B R E E D U N T I L A G E 4 0





































Start by criticizing the gamergate hashtag and they will come to you. Ask for Nick

Basically ritual sodomy. Theres a webm around that talks about kikes and ritual sex snuff magic, and that Sodom and Gomorrah were purged off the face of the earth because this black magic shit was commonplace there.

Theres a video that links masons to this shit too.
(on phone so can't embed)

Symbolism of ritual sodomy in product logos.

Sure thing Rosenblatt!

And here come the shitposters that without fail derail every single pedowood thread.

Why is that?


Jewish involvement is key to these pedo rings.
Follow this rabbit hole and it will lead you to the very heart of what is evil in our society. Truly disturbing stuff here, and 100% real.

It's Jewish criminal networks that supply the superrich with kids Jews kidnap, drug, etc

Because there is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia and everything wrong with cucked antis and feminist-lites.

There ~is~ also everything wrong with kikes, both of the baby-killing kind and the regular kind (that kills babies, because all kikes kill babies), but all of these threads devolve into pedo-smear as a whole. Because the pedo-hysteria is literally the reason they do this shit beyond being able to, it's to crucify the members of their in-group they end up not liking for X reason. You are a useful idiot, even as you attempt to stop a legitimately bad thing.

Oh my. Someone is speaking from experience.

You do know that that by invoking "Stop looking into this" you are instead saying to these autistic diggers, "You're onto something. Keep digging."

By admitting this, you outed yourself. We know this bullshit is happening and we know how much it is targeted towards Christians. Schlomo, just know that you will be burned come the end.

Just. You. Wait.

No, you are degenerate. You will have a place in the oven with the feminists and Marxists, many of whom are pedos themselves.


Great primer on this:

Jew/Monarch aware tunage:

I can see why that would fester in you until you have to make rage-posts and murder fiction on a chan against people that agree with you in almost every way. What is it like being more nu-male than the nu-males?

Fuck off Nyberg, go molest that cousin like you've always dreamed about



Every Holla Forums thread involving pedos is immediately and desperately shilled until the thread is tainted and or deleted

Really goes to show what makes the (((wasps))) react, when their (((nest))) is rustled.


The one who is able to give a lot of details on the elite's implications in the pedo/snuff rings, their use as a failsafe leash on whoever has power, the ones who run them and manages to have credibility in the masses' eyes would be able to make the whole house of cards fall and deal a fatal blow to the system. That's why those topics are shilled to death, derailed, slid and even threats are made.

Well might as well fill a memory hole and trigger some degenerate filth.


Look at this nigger.

Nice resort to logical extremities there buddy.

A sure mark of a losing argument.

Pedowood pastebin

Says the degenerate with a disease.

Check ID's buddy. You just ousted yourself as a fool.

This shit is terrifying. I feel like now im going to be watched or be payed a little visit. Religions/Illuminati/waterhouse_report.htm

once on old/pol/ there was an article linked about a celebrity in Europe (or the UK) who actually went out to see if he could acquire cp with enough cash….it led him into their ring where you could buy a murder if you wanted to. He forwarded all his info to Scotland Yard and nothing was done and the shops all closed up….does anyone have this story link?

The old pedowood posters got the van. Might even be dead

Shit is deep.

I tend to forget there are always people seeing this info for the first time

Anyone new needs to roll up the sleeves and dig into that pastebin

Reading about Dutroux was a huge redpilling for me. I suggest it for all those who haven't looked into it.

You have nothing to gain by looking into this. Finding new information will only put you at risk. Protect your own children, do not worry about strangers.


You did this already Shekelbaum.

Bump for justice

I'm trying to save you many wasted hours. You could use that time on something more productive.

JIDF, plz go and stay go

they don't do this shit to do magic
they do it to gain control over a large amount of powerful people via blackmail escalation and blackmail chains

So your rabbit hole goes

It is ritualized, though. The magic isn't real, but some of them believe in it. Just because you're rich and powerful doesn't mean you're immune to superstitions. Many industries have occult symbolism and meaning tied into a great deal of their products, the film industry, the meat and dairy industry, and the porn industry all have quite a few captains of industry who believe in the power of ritual.

At the end of the day it's all pretty harmless.

Fuck off Goldstein.

Have an educational bump from the FBI.

But what about meme magic?

Is our memetic magic stronger than theirs?

not only politics, also industry, finance, police, judiciary, diplomacy
any position of power, really

it goes
one of the competitors is bound to accept
the best and already powerful (who have the best chance at survival) may manage to negociate a reciprocal bond with those of comparable power
and with a good management of networking, you can have a surprisingly wide reach

bump for anti-slide

Meme magic isn't real, at least not literally. It's nothing more than keeping specific images within someone's head, controlling one's thoughts, so that it is easier to know how they will react to certain events.

Explain the bains plane crash

is there any reason why the fuck small children?

they drink the virgin blood or what?

It was a very large and amusing series of coincidences. These type of coincidences happen often, you all only noticed this one because of the bane memes. Synchronicity is a real thing.


Seriously like 20 coincidences?

Come the fuck on man.

You literally just used pure coincidence, Schlomo.

It's like you don't love us anymore

I see no point in why they even do that. All your doing is confirming to what we are saying and trying to get more info to. Are these guys really that retarded?

This. The same with things like Shemitah.

"Hohoho, look at those fools on Holla Forums, saying they believe in magic astology, those superstitious morons hahaha"

I always reply - look, it's completely irrelevant what you, me, or ten millions of other small fish say. I don't give a shit about your atheism, your christianity, your whatever.

The only thing that counts is what the elites think. People for whom 10 billion USD is more or less small change. What do they believe? Usually someones says "greed", "they just want even more money".

But that's shortsighted. They have the money. They control it. A guy like Soros or Rothschild - do these guys get up in the morning to earn another 100 million? I don't think so. Money's like air to them, I sincerely believe they don't think about money at all.

They have far deeper, far more sinister aims.

Let me assure you that the things they do at their special parties - and special parties within special parties - are not harmless at all.


It's about power and breaking taboos. Very sick and twisted things going down. Stuff like MKULTRA/MONARCH, but even that only scratches the surface.

It happens, yes.

Psychologistic BS.

Hard to say… (((their))) inner circle is definitely comprised of pros when it comes to black magic, but some of the things I've seen during the last years makes me think that a mind collective like Holla Forums can be pretty strong, too.

This might be reaching, but does anyone else remember a year or so back when all those (mainly British) celebrities/politicians were being accused of child abuse, all within the space of a few weeks?

Anyone notice a pattern here? Even boylover Stephen Fry has turned down knighthood IIRC.

all shortly after rotherham was starting to really take off IIRC

Good summary. Yes, something like this usually gets down. Of course, child fucking is only the first step. The ones with aptitude get progressively initiated in certain quasi-masonic rings and covens. Ancient rituals and conjuration; black magic. The Vatican, for example, is infamous for it.

Yes, Rotherham goes really high up. Lke Dutroux.

A world controlled by the jews without a pedo ring wouldn't be able to exist. It's one of the features or qualities of this reality. There is no doubt of its existence - to deny it would be like denying the simplest of natural laws. It's not even one of the darker things they're up to.

Again, #OPDeathEaters was behind a lot of that.

What do you mean by that

Not that it was a labour party government level coverup of mass rapes for over a decade with police complicity by muslims, and rotherham is only one of the tens to hundreds of towns it happened in. If the true scale of it got out unobfuscated and without distraction… there would be a not pleasant backlash.

The thing is - what is the cover-up for what? Do the Muslim rapes cover up the child-fucking by the elites, or vice-versa?


Jews ( and Yahweh/Satan ) cannot create their own energy, they must feed off the goyim, preferably aryan children.



How do you know?

anyone know the composition/orchestral score?

pretty sure south park did something like this

Everything they are behind is intended to maximize suffering. The Jews like their shekels but they are more of a means to an end than anything.

How do I know? Well it's not something that can be proven in the way you might like.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no materialist and experienced "the occult" first-hand. I just want to learn more.

Is that related to what the /x/ guys call "loosh farming"?

Why do you all need a boogieman to explain the evil in the world?

Maybe we just live in an evil universe.

Gas yourself Rubinstein

Why do you want children murdered, Goldberg?


Ritual Masonic Child Abuse

I think his source is The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins

it's mostly people aligned with the left, they're gathering information and helping out all these pedos.

False dichotomy. Both could be possible and related - that metaphysical evil ("Maybe we just live in an evil universe.") is incarnated, on our earthly plane, by "boogiemen".

Interesting, I read that before. Serrano certainly is a fascinating writer.

The Saturn connection gets mentioned on Holla Forums once in a while. But according to the ancient system of the seven planets, Saturn wasn't bad per se, right? When did this Manichean interpetation of Saturnian influence got introduced?

Saturnian powers in exchange for sacrifice and suffering. Might be. But most Jews don't know anyhing about such things at all - perhaps Serrano was specifically referring to the dark elite at the apex of the kike pyramid, not to your run-of-the-mill hand rubber.

Thanks, interesting. As with TTIP, there ARE issues where Holla Forumsacks are in line with certain leftists, I guess.

Hello FBI friend

different battlefield, different battle lines.

Stickying this thread to piss off the shills.

Jews don't approve of this act, nor do they approve of this thread. As a matter of fact, jews don't approve of this entire board at all.

but Holla Forums is atheist and the exact same as Holla Forums

why do you suddenly care?

The Jews steal and bastardize a lot

The idea of being chosen, the star of David, calling themselves Hebrews, etc
All stolen concepts. Same applies to Saturn I believe

Most Jews don't need to know so they don't. Regardless, even the ones unaware of the grand plan are usually still subversive and act approximately in the same way. It's in their nature.

In fact "pure" Jews don't really have the capacity to create anything. They can only lie, manipulate, steal. Of course some have such diluted blood that the Jewish archetype fades away, though they are still tainted to some degree.

They really don't. They're notorious for not checking dubs as well.

Heads up. Mods are compromised.

Faggots will shadowban the OP of a self-help thread while letting leafy-fag e-celeb cancer and literal cuck posts.

I recommend we move to the bunker, being that now we are completely infested with 4/pol/-tier cancer and reddit faggots.

Archived again just in case I'm not being a butthurt faggot and the mods really are doing something fucky.

Naw, its not that bad. Altough what is bad is the 502 errors I keep getting.

what is to stop the black mailed person from using lethal means to silence the blackmailer?

that is what doesn't make sense with ure whole logical argument

someone gets blackmailed , doesn't want to play their game

you are ignoring the fact that if u black mail someone and give them nothing to lose u are in some ways creating a large amount of chaos for yourself

You're assuming it's a single person blackmailing.

And that they don't have a 'dead-key' which releases info on everyone as soon as they die.

These aren't people like us user, they have a LOT to lose, just look at how they bankrupt themselves trying to prolong the inevitable. They are terrified of losing what they have.

Is this why they push the "anything under 18" pedo crap so hard?

A politican who fucks a 16 or 17 year old would absolutely lose his job in today's climate.

Is this so they can ensare even normal-sexual political folk who are not attracted to children but would have no problem fucking a 16 year old like I'm sure almost any man would?


Holla Forums servers are ran on potatoes.

Naw, its well known that 8ch servers run on ovens from the concentration camps. You can only get so much energy from a coal burner.

I'm not assuming its a single person blackmailing.

if it is, or if it isn't has no bearing on the point i'm proposing.

What happens when the person who is being blackmailed just goes hambone crazy and says ya know what I know I can't get em all but I can get some of them family friends or whatever and like i said goes hambone crazy.

trust me when i say the laws of physics apply to them the same way as everyone else

i'm not really hearing a good excuse in regards to what kinda control these people can illicit over someone who just goes hambone on em

How redpilled is fullchan on psychopathy? You guys are aware of the jewish problem, and you understand the elites are super fucking evil, but I never seem to see anybody mention psychopathy. Lots of people fall for the reptilian stuff (which is just psychopathy; psychopaths have what we'd call a "lizard brain", so those folks are partly right).

Not that guy, but our universe is definitely evil without any boogiemen being necessary. Look at life on earth; the vast majority of organisms have terrible lives full of suffering and pain, and most die painfully, either from fighting or being eaten alive. Others die from disease.

The universe seems geared for entropy, minus the big bang or whatever created it all.

I had to go through my old bookmarks list for this. I have our old threads on the subject dating back to last year. I have threads 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11. I never really had a good look at the threads, nor did I post in them, I just archived them for times like these.

This also reminded me of a bad part of 8/pol/ history. We had a huge thread series on some topic and we filled up the third(?) thread on the subject but nobody archived it. I don't remember the topic, but it must've been important. The worst part about it was that I saw that the thread hit 750 posts but I never archived it because I thought somebody else did.

Moral of the story: archive everything.


This subject has always been terrifyingly interesting to me. I've done some digging into it myself and I think one of the most important cases is the Kidnapping of Johnny Gosch and the subsequent testimony of Paul Bonacci, who was kidnapped as a child himself and as he got older was used to lure children into cars and was forced to rape them himself as well.

The whole case is so strange is boggles the mind. The local Sheriff refused to search for Johnny and even showed up to a search party drunk and mocked all the searchers. Paul Bonacci claims the officer was actually present during the kidnapping an was one of the 4 more directly involved in grabbing him on his paper route. Children were vanishing weekly in the area where Johnny livedand rarely investigated. Later investigation into the case drew links to the Franklin Scandal. It's been a bit since I've looked into this shit so I'll need to refresh my memory and track down some sources for yall if anyone is interested.

But Johnny Gosch and Paul Bonacci are names everyone investigating the elites child sex rings NEED to know.

I've seen that bunny before. What exactly does it mean?


Fucking Hotfaggotwheels fix your stupid shit

Hotwheels is dead, m8

Fuck this degenerate earth

I'm about 15 minutes into this. Getting a little cognitive dissonance from

What about pic related then? Can anyone point me in the direction of studies that suggest homosexuality and male-pedophilia are nowhere near related? The documentary states that boys are more "exotic" and "forbidden"; What exactly would imply such?

Or is the documentary simply stating that the ELITES who are in charge of or control large rings are typically straight?

It was a sign outside of a strange preschool linked to websites that seemed to have links to pedophiles and parts of the sit could only be accessed with a password. And the site was taken down following strange posts made here while we were investigating deeper. I forget a lot of the details it wasabout a year ago. We has threads here about it for weeks.

My bad for not embedding that first video guys , slipped my mind. But here is another video with the police interviews of Paul Bonacci. There were other young men and children who came forward after Paul did but most turned up dead, or changed their mind about testifying as if intimidated. Many were murdered.

The Johnny Gosch case is fascinating and terrifying and imo is the ideal place for /po/ to start digging. We uncovered so much with Pedowood and made the information easy to access. We could do the same here.

And finally a documentary that ties the Franklin Scandal and pedo ring, to the Kidnapping of Johnny Gosch.

I remember people found links to random toy companies from china. When trying to find more info of these companies, nothing was found. Manifests of the orders where found.

And it was tons of stuff. literal tons. Tons of toys? Highly Unlikely? That daycare was/is a front for something. Might not be pedo's. But its a front.

I remember the original thread being mass deleted on plebbit.

If anyone cares to read i do have the original thread before it got mass deleted.

Fuck it. Here it is.

I don't know about ritual sacrifice or that esoteric stuff, but it's pretty clear that at least large scale blackmail is going on. They pass these children through government systems; foster care agencies, orphanages etc. and eventually some get picked up by what it most likely an autonomous CIA program there's thousands that are secretive and at most, only the name of the program is released decades later. They then drug and hypnotise these children and prostitute them out to various government officials/world leaders, with the intent to record the incident. Then that world leader is pretty much blackmailed into doing whatever the CIA wants him to do.

How wide spread is this? more than you'd like to think. Read some of the stories about Jimmy Savile. There's no way that that kind of stuff could have gone on without anybody picking it up.

I found some videos featuring Ted Gunderson, a former FBI agent who basically whistleblew FBI & CIA sponsored child theft.

Ted Gunderson wikipedia:

Whats that line under the bunny supposed to be?

And the second video.

a signature I'm guessing

William Colby is in this documentary. He was a former director of the fucking CIA and is one of the victims of the supposed Clinton Body Count. He is responsible for exposing most the fucked up shit we know about from the MK-Ultra to the Bay of Pigs. He pissed off a lot of powerful people.

If you have ever seen the movie Manchurian Candidate there is a scene were a man working to expose a brainwashing program within the military is murdered while out on his canoe. Well the death of William Colby is almost identical to the death in this scene.

Apparently Colby stopped everything he was doing and decided to go on his canoe, he left his phone off the hook and a meal in the over. The media even made false reports like that he told his wife he was goin out on the water, she denies ever making the statement. It was all out of character for Colby, and his body was discovered in an area that had been searched 3 time previously. Within 50 yards of his house even though this area was searched top to bottom some how his body turned up one morning.

I just noticed the William Colby because I mentioned his death in that Bill Clinton thread yesterday after reading his death on the Clinton Body Count.

These people have supreme power. They could have us killed or locked in prison to silence us if we get to close to the trut. This is what happened when the Franklin Scandal was exposed.

They even locked up a young women who King raped and pimped out. Locked her up for 15 years because she refused to recant her testimony of abuse. No one would stand strong in the face of long term prison sentences unless they were telling the truth and sick of being a victim.

This shit is the ultimate red pill, but the subject is so dark it's hard to get pepole to want to think about it. It's sickening and you just wanna tune it out, but if we could spread this, get this out in the open and give them no choice but to see it we could red pill thousands. I think an effective strategy would be to share these documentaries and information on social media pages dedicated to Parenting and Child Safety. Nothing scares a parent more then the thought of this happening to their babies. I think we could get parents to listen if they believe the information will help them protect their babies

I cant remember the dig on the bunny but people went crazy with it. Outlining it and putting it over maps and shit.

If i can remember correctly, it was either initials of a name, or initials of a place.

Some say it was just a kid sticker bombing places, who knows honestly.


People asked why was the eye drawn with such detail while the rest seems to be a quick draw.

A PDF file containing documents uncovering a covert CIA operation "The Finders" (The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA). By Ted Gunderson.

As already mentioned it was a very creepy thread about a preschool or kindergarten. As far as I can remember nobody of the neighbours has seen any activities at the facility. Some user posted a link where some incidents with child abuse where reported. I am not a burger so maybe somebody can clarify this: it was a website where child abuse in day care facilities can be reported and this house was involved. Fuck that shit. This was by far one of the creepiest threads I ever saw.

lmao i found the map that people fixated over. here it is. Its near the hudson river, Turn the bunny upside down.

I honestly think people took it abit far, but its a kek coincidence


This is actually spoopy

I remember these threads. I remember while we were investigating the building, suddenly 2 children showed up, went inside, and never came out.

I also remember not ever again hearing from the guy that went and snapped pictures for us

I remember that shit but not many of the details.

Apparently it was found to be a nondescript safe house for abused women? And that presumably those kids were the children of said women.

Who knows if that was just bullshit though…

This reminds me of the very same method they used to convince Amercohns that 60 years of unconditional support for 9/11 wasn't the real reason for terrorism.

*support for Isreal

That's just what the guy investigating discovered in that region.

Every pedo ring is usually made up of different sects of people with different varying tastes.

The boy involved with Peter Truong and Mark Newton was being tossed around a largely homosexual pedo ring.

Yip! was weird af. Do you remember the tarp in the backyard? Someguy went in, removed the tarp and it was a table or something.

I would love to see a pic of that building now, what happened to it, what happened to the owners, and if they still receiving packages from china weighing a ton :^)


Does anyone have information on the finders?

Glad this is stickied.

Here's what I have saved, still not positive of the veracity.

Nothing inspires me more to join a RWDS than the thought of dragging pedos out from their beds and into the street, out from their rape dungeons and onto a gallows, out from their offices and into a guillotine.

The thought of purging each and every single one of these innocence destroying degenerate parasites, to such a point that this level of corruption won't be seen for a thousand years. So strong will the memory be, that the genetic code will imprint a fear factor.

Even Jews who expose cultural Rabbinical pedophilia get attacked and their life threatened.

Reminder that sexually abusing minors is one of the ways of controlling an individual, breaking down their psyche and imprinting upon them.

Rothschild underling families routinely abuse their children, or have others abuse them.


I recall reading that in the digging of /x/ did, spooks found out that the owners had set-up thousands of dummy corporations for whatever purpose. Strange shit

Reminder that Harriet Harmon championed paedophile rights back in the 70s, got BTFO but still has a job in politics today.

Bit of a read, but worth it. Parliament is full of these sick fucks. Remember that former Labour MP who had all his allegations dropped because of poor health? Bit of a coincidence he was also Jewish was it not?

Does anyone know what happened to the original pedowood guy?

Did he just burn out or something worse? I worry he dug up dirt on the wrong person and something bad happened.

I agree this stuff is a serious red pill.

Yeah, I wish some anons would leave our paper folding brothers alone as well.

As for the daycare threads and the white rabbit, I remember those too. Can't say I have any archives, but I was all over the subject. There were threads on /baphomet/ even.
The rabbit is some illuminati symbol, ie like in The Matrix, posted outside upon the chain link fence. Some user went to take pictures of the daycare, showing modern TVs hooked into brackets in a boarded up, abandoned facility, and iirc was almost confronted by a security goy (after the original reddit thread blew up mind you.)
The daycare was in SLC. I wish I could remember more. I hope that user is okay because he never reported back as far as I can remember.

Same for fuckers like Daniel Cohn-Bendit and others. Also most people don't remember that over a hundred thousand people took to the street in Brussel after the Dutroux case went public, many of those did so because there were persistent rumors about sex and snuff parties called the "Red Ballets" ever since the 70s.











actually there used to be a lot more onus on gays in politics. The key thing is to get all politicians into something illegal, so they can be destroyed quickly and easily if they suddenly turn against the jew.

top jews decided they could get more leverage from pedos than they could do from gays, so much so that they dropped gay being illegal and instead hired paedos as politicians.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
The ruling elite prefers its high level henchmen compromised and blackmailable to control and dispose them if necessary.

Remember the story about the stories about David Cameron homosexual activities involving a dead pig's head? It was a major story in every single major british newspaper, even though it was just a rumor. It was a message to Cameron to get back in line or else.

What was the reason for the message to Cameron?

Maybe the Fappening was something similar? Get back in the line goy bitches.

I wonder where this incriminating video/photos/files/knowledge is stored.
Along with being a precaution to keep people in line this is the biggest weakness in the established order.
Imagine someone leaking this on all politicians.
In all countries.
The shitstorm would be glorious. Especially with social media and anonymity being a key enabling factor. For the time being

You got that right

More like

Latest on Clinton and the pedo express. Discussed on Scarbouriugh.

If that's the case, there should be huge archives of blackmail on most, if not all, politicians.

It's impossible to keep that archive at secret, especially in modern world with spying and vulnerable OSes.
Another question: why soviets didn't used that blackmail to wreck nato countries?

I think it's not just blackmail: some "people" are extremely degenerated hedonists, plus don't forget about satanists and other "magic" cults. Child sacrifices aren't something new, jews are practicing them for thousands years.

Good questikn, maybe the whole kidd with smartphones and twitter was a bit much for them, so they did the fappening.

If you notice, the leaks cut a clear line between a list and b list, super controlled and semi controlled. The only real a list leak was Jennifer Lawrence, who is such an alt-left kike creation they probably wanted that in her resume.

Also, she is the only one who wasn't career nuked by the nudes (also evidence of being a plant).

Ironically, If I were to run for office, this also means that I myself would have my people spread rumors that I engage in highly illegal sexual acts. Hell, I'd organize guerilla photo ops myself that "catch" me with child prostitutes and trannies. But meanwhile, my official statement would be that I don't indulge in any of that. (And that would be true)

This will give (((them))) the idea that I'm already in the pocket of one of (((them))), and also gives me additional control over the narrative.

If you, everyday normalfags, hear how this politician is so depraved, your smear campaign senses will be tingling and you'll know there's some powerful people who REALLY don't want me in office.

And (((they))) will have exactly the same tingling sensation, but think someone of (((them))) is already on the case. That's what control of the narrative means.

Rate my strategery.

What happens to the shotas afterwards?
Are they killed?
Sent back to their families?
Sold into slavery?


The details of the eyes and the crudeness of the rest freak me out.

Indeed, >>>/po/ is food for the soul

It varies. There are trained shotas, they often have no other family than their handlers, either through adoption or by being the actual kids of some depraved guy or woman who's making a fortune pimping them.

You don't kill trained sex slaves as long as they're still young. They're far too valuable, and training takes a lot of time too. Plus there's a sentimental value because those have a handler.

Abductees or literal slaves usually come from overseas (arabs, africa, asia) that are tortured & killed are a notch up from "consensual" sex with trained kid prostitutes. But you can get a kid nigger slave in africa for like 100$, the real cost is transport, keep, and disposal.



Britbong here

Probably a bit of both. Chances are the two see it as a happy convenience however they were happy to throw some old and dead high ups to the wolves of public scrutiny to buy multikulti some time.

Saturn is molech a god of child sacrifice. And for all the claims that blood libel is false someone posted a list with incredible consistency across ages with citations.

It's always the old ugly shits.
There are many younger pedos some even at age 15 and younger, you don't see this brutality against another human in them, it's the corrupt shitbags in power that commit these crimes op outlines. They do the most evil because they have the power to get away with it, no one will ever know exactly what happened.
I don't look or act like this creep in the op picture. You can outline me as such, but it is false and unproductive.

the elite make others fuck children as collateral so they can get wealth and fame, its one of those fucked up things these kikes do to keep their power going. And by rich people i mean the crazy fucktarded kind that almost holds all the wealth and social capital.

Money can convince people to just do many things, but not everything.

Maybe this stubborn shill like behavior coming from political figureheads is just fear of being outed as kid fuckers.

being gay no longer does anything since the media normalized it.

Now pedophilia is around the spotlight, maybe these cucks think this is their way out. when its just enabling more evil to be accepted by mainstream audiences, since that is what their masters want.

What about women politicians though? What do they have to do?

this level of degeneracy is painful. quite a few sjws now are also defending pedophilia now it seems

women are probably psychologically screened, they need to do alot of evil shit like entice young women, defend pedo's, do sexual or political favors for their handlers since women are dependent.

For example Hilary basically harasses children, women, and laughs at her husbands rape victims and old people she used to destroy in court.

She is just more open about it.

most of those sjw and imageboard pedos dont know they're helping out the fucked up parts of the elite. The people that actually fuck them over for money/politics and laugh at them for being poor. Their good goys, the lower the age of the children they are attracted to the lower their IQ is.

Also SJWs and tumblr are trying to say 2d loli images are the same as photographs of cp. They are literally pushing this shit after japan told the United nations to fuck off with their censorship and tell the western countries to stop sexualizing their living breathing children.

They've been for damn close to a year. Didn't you see that Salon article?

you sound like u know what you're talking about user. plz give story or just more posts

fuck that's weird

And that whole thing gave me nightmares.

I dunno nothing, user, I'm just wildly speculating based on information that is publicly available :^)

How do I go full hotline Miami on these fucks? With how popular that game is and the Punisher comics are, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.

Is he pointing somewhere? Film and porn makes sense, we know degenerates are there. But meat and dairy? Perhaps kidnapped children are smuggled through meat and dairy shipping routes? Anons should research meat and dairy moguls.



lurk moar newfriend

This sounds like some shitty literotica fiction.

Didn't see that it had one..

Side tracked with being creeped the fuck out.

My suspicion is any female politician and Hollywood actress over 30 is at the very least bisexual.

yes how do we signal boost this on normie social media? We did it with Trump using meme magic, can we do the same here?

Normies probably won't watch documentaries etc (they will dismiss it as tinfoil), but we could make them more receptive if we produce some memes with high concentrations of dank.

Shops of Bill Clinton might be a good place to start. If we signal boost his Epstein connection hard enough, Emperor Trump might pick it up and retweet

Problem is, as soon as you start point this stuff out you have rent-a-sceptic types and "debunkers" crawling from every hole insinuating you're batshit insane because accredited experts™ have said that ritual abuse and pedo rings don't exist.

So there never was any concrete conclusion on the day care. Or the rabbit?

Is there anybody else that lives near there?

Yeah that's a good point. So I guess we need to start quite tame (and funny) so that it plants a seed into normie minds, then we escalate with some of the darker stuff.

Check out Aanirfan website archives for more.

Thanks. Will do.

There are no satanic churches everywhere.

m8. That subject has got me spooked out and has convinced me that one of the globals or one of the /x/ mods are compromised
Drug cartel exposer bro had a thread up and someone mentioned this subject, so I cross-linked the /x/ thread that WAS OVER A YEAR OLD and within a few hours it was deleted
Any mention of this in 8/x/ is shut down immediately as evidenced by my screenshot
I took screenshots of the thread, but it was on mobile
if you dig around, you will see most of the links have been taken down

At least post screencaps. You're just spamming-up the thread.

I'm honestly floored that this was stickied. Lately the Mods Fags have been complete shit. Letting this board get overrun with children and blogposting, not to even mention the obvious shit cluttering the catalog, while deleting or anchoring interesting topics.

I thought they'd left.


[email protected] who is this guy?

Not sure if the comments are aimed at me but posting links to websites related to the topic headline broadens the knowledge base imho

Just the tech guy my bad..

From /baphomet/ in the early threads.
I have more links at home, but currently on mobile
and seriously, forget mods hotpocketry, hw's drama, the site shitting itself. I'm not shilling .pl or another chan.
This subject convinced that the administration and moderation are not to be trusted. The /x/ thread WAS OVER A YEAR OLD, yet was taken down a few hours after I cross-linked it in the cartel thread
Whether it's a conspiracy or shitty mods, I am left greatly unsettled seeing the thread get taken down
I feel personally responsible for that and that leads me to suspect there's a cartel connection to CIA Black OP, MK Ultra, pedo sites


It's possible to shadowban on Holla Forums?

Fugg, that would change a lot.


Interesting. Never thought about it that way.

That screencap reads like SCP-tier creepypaste. I hope it's not real, but who knows?

Thanks for archive of that thread. Post more if you have them.

Yeah dump what you have.

Is there anything to this…

Jews don't meth around

I read your link. Gave me the chills.

"One night they jimmied their way in out of curiosity and in the main room was mostly just a chair facing a TV displaying a live video of the other room in the building…"

Found some of the pics of the inside..

wait a fucking second

why is that security camera broken on the second picture?

Kids are full of shit, they say whatever the adults say. Similar to a parrot, am I right?

anyways, don't trust a thing a child says. Mostly false.

I couldn't tell you.

So the owner is supposedly a guy named Richard Yocom.

I found an archive link for a halfchan thread and that is where I got the pics of the inside.

Look at this pic of the owners facebook..

That one is still fairly recent and should be spread more.

One of his facebook friends is Aspen Yocom. Sounds legit.

ctrl + f hastert


trumps daughter was on that lolita express.

can't spell controlled opposition without 'pedo'

15 month sentence for his behavior seems like a slap on the wrist with somekind of pedowood coverup happening in the background.

That post I made here

That isn't just some tech guy.

He was the websites owner..He works for the City–

Multimedia Services
José Solano
Multimedia Services

This shit is deep. Also this screenshot here is fucking creepy

Satanachia is described in the Grand Grimoire as a commander-in-chief of Satan's army, who controls either forty-five or fifty-four legions of demons, including Pruflas, Aamon, Barbatos, and Astaroth. According to the Grand Grimoire, he has the power to subjugate all women and girls, and to do with them whatever he wishes.

this is some smt shit.


sorry didn't watch the attached webm first to see how shilly it was.

Here's the full length vids of their interviews. Very creepy. It's clear to me that they aren't lying. In any case, the issue should be investigated.

This shit is eerie..

I wish I lived in SLC but then again curiosity killed the cat.

goyim, beat that

There are fucked up people who hurt kids, and there are probably tons of them, but SATANIC PEDO CULT CONSPIRACY is a bullshit red herring.

The threads I'm in keep getting bumplocked and this shit is stickied.

Mods confirmed fags

Idk I'm on the fence with this one. Whites are becomming a minority and in order to raise birthrates we might have to……… you know.

or you know, we can take our economy an culture back so women can stay home and raise families again. child fucking isn't the only option you fucking freak.

Good shit

I will post more when I get home. Going through my screenshots, I found an archive of the thread

Evidence of censorship

Cry more bitch shill

It isn't included in the archive, but here's another screenshot from the /x/ thread. I do hope someone posts the links and that the people who investigated in foot survived
and that we find more CIA- Pedo locations


thank you user

I wonder if the LDS signature on the white hare pic is Latter Day Saints…




I have an article where Trump knew Jeffery Epstein, but if your a billionare in NY you know all the other NYC billionares.

Fucking retard.

Lolita…loli…How obvious can that be.

Also the Kubrick movie about it…

A man marries his landlady so he can take advantage of her daughter.

Let's just ignore what website you're on guys…

This thread isn't sticked, what glue are you sniffing?

Read the thread retard. It was stickied and was just unstickied to make way for the Hillary e-mail sticky.

Fucking moron.

The movie is based on the book written by Vladimir Nabokov (wonderful author by the way, he has an exceptional grasp of the English language).

In the book Lo (Dolores) is 12. They have her like 14 or 15 in the movie for obvious reasons.

You're new here and it shows.


closest thing I know about 'Occult' experiences (100% true, AMA):

I used to crash May Balls at Cambridge University. Met some great guys and girls who did the same. Broke into about 6 balls (normally £300 ticket events). A couple guys I met were from Oxford, as was a girl.

I formed a relationship with the girl. Fell for her a bit. Had sex a couple times (she had a boyfriend each time and wouldnt leave either of them to be with me).

Anyway, she crashed balls in Oxford too. Well she was v attractive and so were her friends, so some of the most Aristocratic boys of Magdelan college asked one of them as a date to their private may ball. I forget the name of this event but I just whatsapped her to ask.

The guys throwing this party were sons of Steel magnates, big-time property developers, private equity partner/founders. So some billionaire heirs. All Eton educated or one of the other main public schools.

They hosted a party in a field. It had catering staff in tuxedos as usual but instead of alcohol they had reams of drugs. Like huge piles of cocaine, and tabs of acid. The waiter or waitress would cut the line of coke for you. You didnt pay of course, it was just provided. And the staff would ask/push you take more.

All of the guests had masks on that were similar to those of the infamous Rothschild 1972 ball. My friend wasnt actually invited to this event, but her friend was, and she sent her the GPS coords and they found a way to taxi there then get through security.

She saw naked bodies all over the grass field. Nearly everyone at the party was having sex by the time she broke in. Some parts of the field had 5 people having sex with each other.

In fact she didnt have much to do once she got there. The event was nearly empty as everyone was having sex on the field she says. So she did a lot of coke and MD and left after a while.

I dont know either way but there probably were prostitutes. It would be hard to get that many girls to have sex in a field at the same time.


That correlation is fucking creepy of all the things to name your plane.. Then it turns out he is fucking little girls..

Kill yourself.

Nice photoshop, I took this picture right now.

Reddit confirmed

Have some creepy art

The installation piece was made by one of the perps in the hampstead case (>>6020213)

I don't remember the origins of the paintings. I think it was painting of memories by a victim.

Kill yourself.

Reddit confirmed


OP here I am very surprised that this was stickied as well. There is still hope :) I will continue to push this information until I succeed or am "an hero'd"

this is somewhat related. while not part of a ring, its a really fucked up case about pedophilia and devil worship.

When did this happen? What location was the coke/orgy field party? What is the name of the steel magnate family?

yea because Holla Forums controls what boards can be made, you fucking aspie

sounds like a boring party tbh.
- destroy mind and body with drugs
- cant socialize with people normally because of drugs
- having sex with used-up roasties

I hope to god that there's some rich and powerful people with good taste.

I have an inquiry regarding the white hare sticker and the SDL signature if you rearrange the lettering to LDS could that be Latter Day Saints or am I reaching here?

I agree. I never, not once in my entire life, understood the appeal of the modern notion of a "party". It's literally nothing but mindless drivel to occupy your mind with nothing and meaningless actions (aka "sex").

What a fucking disastrous world where people find this bullshit to be the pinnacle achievement of "popularity".


With the hollywood pedos the problem is that they are trying to make their sickness more mainstream.

Do not respond to shills/retardposters. I need to interject that the shills on this website are having a growing amount of useful idiots that post for them, engaging and succeeding in Anger Trolling.

Sure, user. I could explain to him that I was talking about the /x/ thread that was taken down after I cross-linked it in the Cartel thread that served as gathering data on websites then tipping off Fed Agencies.

I could, calmly explain that I don't want to start a meta thread and that imho this subject is the final nail in the coffin, that this website isn't as transparent with its advocation of free speech as it seems using my first hand account of seeing said thread get taken down after my crosspoint as an example. I could explain, that I my intent is not to D/C which is a valid reservation, having anyone criticizing the user base on this website, but to inform the users of the censorship that goes on here and other websites as I've explained and shown links that have content taken down. Furthermore I could point out that we've hit a nerve with the mods since they unstickied it and how much of a retard he is for even suggesting a cap in stickies.

My point for this long post is this:
There needs to be an awareness on shills using Anger Trolling and newfagness to shit up and derail good threads
I've seen this used before, go through this thread for examples and can only see it ramp up as the election gets under way. What I fear are newfags mimicking this behavior and having the quality go down. Some may argue it's already happening, but we must continue to hone our rhetoric at a razor's edge.

pic related is a screenshot of the /x/ thread that was up taken down and it's of a retard/shill who adds nothing whatsoever to the conversation. Said posters need to be ignored and/or treated with hostility.

I see this method of posting too much in quality threads. I hope the users and myself can discern legitimate shitposting and shill shitposting

Kill yourself.

Reddit confirmed

You were wrong and are too autistic to admit it. There are dozens of posts attesting to this thread being stickied, and an user even posted a screencap.

"imkampfy hidden 50 minutes Holla Forums Unstickied thread #6011485"

The board log even shows that this thread was unstickied within the past hour. It can't be unstickied without first being stickied.

Kill yourself you retarded shill.


I give up
unless someone explains to me if there really is a cap on stickies and can provide a source, I've seen plenty of them up at the same time and people bitch about the amount of them, but I've never heard of that, but if not
I give up

Dank Freemason RP skillz user

Those paintings fuck me up worse than a thousand gorespam floods.

Go look at the board log, moron.

Sometimes the mods have different numbers of stickies on the front page.

Deal with it.

I hope your future son goes missing after soccer practice on day, you twisted faggot.

weve given up our chance at it, we did it willingly, because happiness for us is at the price of our children, and our childrens children, and somewhere down the line they will have to experience the same stress and dread if we arent the ones to embrace it so readily that we become willing to destroy it.

I cant wait for the day the trash pushes too far and people see you for what you are, what a glorious day.

That's a mounted television.
Those paintings are from Kim Noble, a woman with severe Dissociative Identity Disorder and over a dozen different personalities, after undergoing intensive hypnosis, it was discovered that her mind split into several personalities as a defense mechanism from extreme trauma as a child, including rape, torture, forced impregnation and abortion, etc. The idea behind project monarch is to abuse children with high neuroplasticity so severely that their minds split into a new blank slate personality, which can be programmed from scratch with hypnosis and pavlov conditioning, when a monarch slave is complete, it has a few "normal" personalities that it uses to function and blend in in real life but its handler can access the slave personality for it to do its bidding whenever using key activations or triggering flashbacks to the abuse. CSA victims can be the perfect sleeper agents, completely at the whim of their handlers and unaware even that they are sleeper agents because their "normal" personality suppresses everything else until they are activated. The process of creating a perfect sleeper agent slave is very tricky and doesn't work all the time so there are defects which are killed and occasionally cases like Kim Noble who have their CSA memories resurface after some time. This is related to the Finders Keepers case, the Finders are an asset to the MONARCH program and help create CSA sleepers.

One pedo ring which tends to be forgotten now is the one based on North Fox Island in Lake Michigan between 1975 and 1977. It was run by Francis (Frank Sheldon) who came from an extremely wealthy family and was a millionaire and philanthropist. He owned North Fox Island which had it's own airstrip where rich pedos and children were flown in for parties.
There were also several murders of children around this time in Oakland County Michigan which are believed to be linked to people involved in the North Fox Island ring. Christopher Busch is one of these suspects. He was the son of a Chief Financial Officer for General Motors. Busch committed suicide in 1978. A drawing of a boy's face was found pinned to the wall of his apartment. It strongly resembled a boy who had been recently murdered. fox island


>to make way for the Hillary e-mail

I was inquiring on the cap on stickies. I'm aware of the log and to view it to see the stickies or unstickied in this case, but you implied it was unstickied for the Hillary E-Mail

>Sometimes the mods have different numbers of stickies on the front page.

Nvm you just contradicted yourself
You dumb nigger faggot


pic related and relavant

Confirmed for never have met any sorority girls.

Lots of people were included in Epstein's contact books, including Steven Hawking, Alec Baldwin, Barbara Walters, Bobby Kennedy Jr., etc. I severely doubt all of them are pedos, especially Steven Hawking of all people, lel, it is important to distinguish parts of Epsteins underage sex ring with his contacts with other rich and famous elites, it is standard for any rich and famous person to network with celebrities, political elites, other business magnates, etc. just for the connections, although with Epstein it is admittedly ambiguous where his pedo ring ends and his standard list of associates starts.

2015. It was a 45 minute taxi outside of Oxford centre. I dont have the GPS. I could ask her but the location changes every year. She hasnt replid to me about the name of the event. I might not hear from her for a day or a week, she can be unreliable.

IDK the name of the steel magnate family.

Without going into all the details, Ive had lots of crazy parties in my time, with all the drugs and sex and girls you can imagine.

Ive never heard of a party/event where all the girls have sex at the end like that, and everyone is just so drugged up. Often like 10-15% might get fucked at a good party. But in a room alone or something.

People didnt really talk much to each other either because of the masks. created a lot of tension

It sounded more like an orgy with really rich men and really hot girls. And they tried to make it elite by paying for unlimited drugs and butlers

0/10 convoluted with shitty reasoning, banking on the idea that a fake scandal will be interpreted to a few people as a good signal that you are anti-establishment is fucking retarded, all it would do is ruin a campaign. You suck at politics.

Dutroux himself was a relic from the time when they used the native criminal underclass as patsies for their fucked up shit (over 20 witnesses implicated in the case have "disappeared", commited suicide or were straight up murdered btw). Nowadays they use kebabs like the Albanians and Kurds for this shit, both groups essentially run the red markets in Europe with implicit blessing from intel agencies, although their prime targets usually come from Eastern Europe nowadays.

OP here. what could possibly be more relevant than this? why the fuck was this unstickied so soon?


this shit needs to get blown wide open

Honestly it just sounds like old rich guys LARPing Eyes Wide Shut because it makes them feel special to have le sekrit sex clubz. The reason they need all the drugs is because otherwise that shit would be incredibly awkward, uncomfortable, and just not enjoyable at all except for the rare person who's really into exhibitionism. This is just what degeneracy looks like when the degenerates have lots of money.

Marxism IS out to destroy you, pedocucks. Be paranoid. A functioning system would ideally not have a considerable pedophile population, if any. Get triggered by le internet marxist saying your lifestyle is pig disgusting. Don't fuck TOO many pre-teens, now. Those traumatized 20-somethings WONT TOTALLY identify you to the statecucks on trial.

It's a good one

The fact that a dossier on UK pedos was 'misplaced' and everyone forgot within a week that their politicians are probably satanic childfuckers makes me feel ill

It makes me feel like the bad guys have already won

Reminder that the French had the definitive method for removing their country's aristocracy, permanently.

The sickest of the sickest shit comes from who else? – (((Russian))) producers.


That is a lot of info.

Fucking terrifying what these children go through and how connected the network is..

It was sickening, truly.

It wasn’t even really what you could call a cover up. They just refused to deal with the matter and that was that.

I wouldn’t say everyone forgot they just know they are powerless. These people kill children for fun; they are clearly capable of anything.

The world is just waiting for someone to come along to give them the courage to purge this nation of the evil.

It's ridiculous, really.

Nobody will even touch it. How can anything be done if nobody wants to talk about it?

I don't want these feels.


Why the fuck is this unpinned while the sierra leone ebola thread is? Fucking kike mod, I'm surprised the BO still tolerate his bullshit after many chat caps shows he has a childish ego problem and he acts as if Holla Forums is his playground.

Pedowood digging threads are some of the most important threads here, certainly more important than twitter bullshit, e-celeb faggotry and election puppetery.

Nobody is coming guys.
This will only end when we as people create a truly organic movement. independent of any media .
This was never going to be easy. I am putting together something now. Fuck popular. I am going to hit the streets and find true allies who are aware that this very topic holds the world hostage

The true obstacle of all of this is making the info palatable. As it stands only the highly initiated are even able to grasp the implications. The rest range from "total tinfoil bullshit" to "they are just fucking kids" if we could get Holla Forums on the same page and with a gameplan I am convinced that these elite fuckers days are over. And then! Humanity would be forced to analyze everything we think we are. Putting conscious weight to intangible power sources that rule us would be history

I get the impression that the first sticky was to appease us. Then other threads created to divert. Then it was unstickied. RE STICKY! Holla Forums has been fully subverted. This transcends all politics.

I'm still reading this.

I need to take a break tho my eyes are hurting. But I want to bump the thread.

This stuff makes my blood boil m8!


i bet it is only kept on physical media, and kept away from any internet-connected computer


There's no such thing as "satan." Satya means "truth" in Sanskrit. The whole thing was a kike adaptation, because to them the truth is ultimate evil. (((satan))) has been a concept for them to point christfags at instead of themselves.

Dead man switch in the form of one friend. Come one, man, this stuff isn't hard.

Also, generic thank-you to the board anons for treating things pretty rationally so far. I'm glad that anons are even locked onto the pedo hysteria and "muh magickal eighteenz," as that is absolutely, completely, and totally dissimilar to these sick fucks that abuse small children.

Also, don't listen to the fuckbag shill telling you not to look into it. Look into whatever the fuck you want and don't take shit from anyone. Don't be afraid of anyone. Get yourself hooked up with good, solid combat training. Any prior combat arms guy can do that for you without you even joining the military.

Then, if some grab team tries to snag you, skin them alive and make them video famous in a hurry. Never sit on information that gives someone an incentive to shut you up. Send it to all your friends, have them send it to all their friends, then you all post it online to hundreds of places.

It is impossible to shut THAT up. But seriously, make yourself impossible to "van" and make fun of the crybaby shills that think we're pussies.

I would LOVE to see some faggots try to come van me. Come at me, niggers.

I imagine because the interested parties who own this stuff consider themselves beyond nation states if this is the case.

Why back a horse if you own the race?

Well, yeah. The CIA helps the cartel, just like they set up Al Queda and are likely involved with ISIS as well.

Also it seems the Russians are very involved themselves.

In September 2000, the Italian media broke the story of a Russian child abuse network -centered in Murmansk and Moscow- which besides regular child pornography and hardcore SM, also shot snuff movies, selling them for at least 4,000 pounds per video. The children were recruited through familiar tactics: they were lured away from the street or orphanages with empty promises, while a small number was kidnapped. Most clients, among them businessmen and government officials, came from Italy and Germany; others came from France, Britain, America and Japan. Several "large financial companies" were tied to the network, but names weren't given (73). The Observer reported:
"Last week Italian police seized 3,000 of Kuznetsov's videos on their way to clients in Italy, sparking an international hunt for paedophiles who have bought his products. The Italian investigators say the material includes footage of children dying during abuse…"

"The Russian videos, which had been ordered over the internet, were intercepted when they came into Italy by post, repackaged and then delivered by undercover police officers. They cost between Pounds 300 and Pounds 4,000, depending on what type of film was ordered."

"Covert film of young children naked or undressing was known as a 'SNIPE' video. The most appalling category was code-named 'Necros Pedo' in which children were raped and tortured until they died."

"The Naples newspaper Il Mattino published a transcript of an alleged email exchange between a prospective client and the Russian vendors. 'Promise me you're not ripping me off,' says the Italian. 'Relax, I can assure you this one really dies,' the Russian responds. 'The last time I paid and I didn't get what I wanted.' 'What do you want?' 'To see them die.'" (74)

You forgot to mention the huge implication of Israel in Eastern European children smuggling, there was data circulating here that showed Israelis were the ones who bought most of them.

Oh I know about that. I was just referencing why the Russians wouldn't be so quick to talk. Definitely the Israelis are implicated and known for smuggling Eastern European children for various sick things.

This is the right kind of thinking, and it's why they don't mess with most Holla Forumsacks.

When the gloves come off, the gloves come off.

They come after me? They better hope they don't have any ID on them. I'll find their fucking families. I'll find their fucking pets. I'll find the person who delivers their fucking mail.

Blood, bone and steel.

Yeah I'm keeping this screen shotted as a reminder of how I need to always carry myself.

Amen to that.


Yeah most likely Jews.

Do you have any archives links you can share?

Females can be pedophiles in the same sense a man can be a pedophile. It is much easier for women to cover up the abuse as well is gain access to children. I parent will trust a female to babysit their child before ever considering a grown man to babysit their children unless its family usually.

Sometimes the Women can also be more brutal in their abuse. Since they lack a penis to penetrate their victims they often use objects like broom handles, one victim claimed to be abused by rose stems with the thorns still on them. Some Women will take their hatred of men out on young males and act out the abuse their received on the children but this time they are in the position of power inflicting the abuse instead of receiving it.

But its always for their sexual pleasure. And the abusers are often the lonely Aunt, Teacher, Babysitter, Librarian, Gym Teacher/Coachs. Its seen as natural for Women to be affectionate to children. An example is of this is this public breast feeding that goes on often till age 7-8 not because the child needs breast milk still, but the mother needs the affection and pleasure from the child. A man cant share a bed with his child, but a mother will have all her children sleeping in her bed often into their early teens. And its seen as strange but okay.

Women abuse as often and the same way as Men. They just get away with it. Female teachers get off with probation all the time for fucking underage students all the time, it happened at highschool to with a teacher and kid I knew. The dude says he regretted it and it was embarrassing and weird and only did it because she begged for it constantly. This Woman has two children going to the school, her daughter was dating the assistant principals son, and she was married. And all this went public, her punishment is a couple years on probation and to register as a sexual abuser and can no longer teach. She only had to register temporarily if she didnt violate her probation for so many years. A man would be in prison for atleast 15+.

This is very true. Also relevant is a documentary on lesbian rape called She Stole My Voice. There's some slightly feminist man-blaming bits to it but otherwise very informative, but also very disturbing due to the graphic simulations. One telling stat from the film is that around 33% of lesbians say they've been raped by a woman.

And when it comes to female rapists/pedos, whether their target men or women, they commit about the same number of rapes, but male offenders tend to be serial offenders, while women tend to only dabble. Meaning that in general, a male rapist/pedo will rape hundreds or thousands of times, until he's caught (if ever). But most female rapists/pedos will only do it once or a handful of times in their lives (although there are some serial offenders as well). This means that there's actually way, way more female offenders than male… in fact one study found that as high as 40% of women have raped a man at some point in their life.

I was raped by a woman when I was 12. I remember telling my friends I was raped for a few months, but instead of feeling abused and victimized, they treated me with respect and admiration for having sex with a high school student. She was gross honestly. Butter-face that was a solid 3/10 imo. They may my friends and fellow classmates acted helped me shake off the initial trauma of it. A few girlfriends later in life acted like I should have been thankful, which always pissed me off.. which they became bitchy when I retorted that she was actually pretty gross. She was 17, overweight, and just wanted to use me whenever I was alone with her. The only reason it went on to happening again and again was because her friend (an actual 7/10) started participating as well. My mom never cared that she invited her 'friend' over. I had 4 younger siblings, from 11-7. I was about to turn 13 in a few month during that summer.

Whenever they were all put to bed at 8pm, we would stay up and fool around in the living room/my mom's bedroom. She worked 2nd shift until 10pm at an old folks home. On the weekends she stayed over her boyfriends. Which is when I would get raped the most. I said, "No" and tried to push her away the first 2 times it happened. After that, I started to like how it felt, but hated her and thought she was rather gross.

When her friend started to get involved, I actually enjoyed it when we had sex. I instead of getting grind-raped.

Her friend, besides being a 7/10 was kinda trashy and the lowest form of intelligence above a retard. She was cute and had a great body. Which in comparison to my 'babysitter', was a welcome difference.

They were in reflection. Probably both highschool losers that were ignored by the boys they went to high-school with. My parents kept LOADS of liquor in the house. So they took the opportunity to get a little silly, fool around with each-other and me in the process.

I found her a few years ago on Facebook. She has 3 kids with 2 different guys. And looks horrid. Her friend apparently moved away shortly after highschool. I have yet to locate her.

But in a strange set of circumstances, I ended up fucking a girl from the same class as her 3 years ago who knew them both randomly. She mentioned that they were both 'slutty girls' in there senior year. I guess I'm lucky I caught the beginning of it and didn't catch anything.

also interesting is this kim noble painting (pic related) of the kabbalah, which corroborates an incident Dr. D.C. Hammond relates in his (totally legit) "greenbaum speech", which i quote:

"Cabalistic mysticism is mixed all into this. If you’re going to work with this you need to pick up a couple of books on the Cabala. One is by a man named Dion Fortune called “Qabala” with a “q,” Dion Fortune. Another one is by Ann Williams-Heller and it’s called “The Kabbalah.” I knew nothing about the Cabala. It was interesting. A patient had sat in my waiting area, got there considerably early and drew a detailed multicolored Cabalistic Tree over two years ago. It took me two months to figure out what it was. Finally, showing it to somebody else who said, “You know? That looks an awful lot like the Cabala Tree.” And that rang a bell with something esoteric in an old book and I dug it out. That was the background of Dr. Green."

transcript of speech:
lecturer's personal site:

also this quote from the same speech. keep in mind this was given in 1992:

"It’s interesting we’re getting some people who we are trying to work with without cuing, who are saying some very similar things. There was an old guy in Hollywood in the late sixties who talked about the infiltration of Hollywood by the Illuminati. Certainly what some patients have said is all of this spook stuff, horror stuff, possession and everything else that’s been popularized in the last twenty years in Hollywood, is in order to soften up the public so that when a Satanic world order takes over, everyone will have been desensitized to so many of these things, plus to continually cue lots of people out there. Is that true? Well, I can’t definitely tell you that it is.

What I can say is I now believe that ritual-abuse programming is widespread, is systematic, is very organized from highly esoteric information which is published no-where, has not been on any book or talk show, that we have found it all around this country and at least one foreign country."

It has some of Holla Forums's best reseach into pedowood archived. It would be nice to turn it into a living board again.

I forgot how to do links on Holla Forums

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy

Bingo. We're onto something here.

Jesus doesn't exist and we're fresh out of mercy.

All we have is 5.56

shit, I remember this. Like said, but it was also virtually impossible to register your kids to enter it, anons reported that there was some "official" fed process to go through before you could use it.

I remember that user who took the pics. I think he said that the paint job was recent.

Gods, that fucking rabbit.

Solano, that's the name I remember. Let's get this back on track

I'm still wondering since that day care was in Utah. The signature used on the rabbit was sdl rearranged it could lds which could be Latter Day Saints..Or am I reaching here?


Space Dynamics Laboratory, near slc? I don't know. Could be anything.

The rabbit was matched up to a map at one point, it may have been DC but I don't remember. The gap between the ear and head was thought to be significant by some anons, almost as thought it was marking a location or entry to some corresponding place on the map.

The father of chickens?

I think it was Father of chicks.

This is the photo you are talking about.

That rabbit fits perfectly into the Hudson Bay which is fucking creepy.

I don't much on the rabbit symbolism besides it meaning fertility but it sure as hell fits nice and snug into the Hudson.

I think it could have something to do with the cartel the whole father of chickens thing.



Finished watching this.

So obviously, this documentary is fairly old being made 35 years ago. I don't have a doubt that this kind of stuff still goes on today, but thinking about it I can only imagine that it has severely dropped on a local level. Instead, the rate at which child prostitution in Hollywood, the fashion/modeling industry etc skyrocketed.

This is only my speculation of course. Since this documentary has been released, the destitute class has transformed into the welfare class. In theory, welfare (and a better job market perhaps) is what keeps these kids in their homes without having to resort to literally prostituting themselves to earn a living wage. Not to say that the children/teens growing up in the TV/film industry has to prostitute themselves for income purposes, but rather that it's a much more privatized and streamlined way for the "Elites" to obtain child sex (as these industries are owned by the Elite class as well).

I dont understand why the police keep citing this "billion dollar" cp industry
There is no such thing, there are no cp producers that havent been arrested since the 70s.

Every video is filmed by some horny faggot with a hand camera
Are they calling out an industry of child slaves for the rich elites while ignoring them and cracking down on small time deviants claiming they've destroyed a child porn ring?

Dutchfag here. We have the case of Joris Demmink. He was the highest man in the justice department.

Also there is a long history of elite occcult pedos here.

Yes, exactly. The rich ones are too powerful for the police to go after.

This man is clearly in a drug cartel. He's from the Dominican Republic, posts pictures of himself with automatic weapons on social media and has a criminal nickname ("papa de pollos")

He registered this day care

He "works" for the city of SLC.

This is raising 9001 red flags for me. I don't even know where to start. Drug cartels are undoubtedly involved in human trafficking and child prostitution as well. They have undoubtedly infiltrated local governments throughout the United States. Think about it: drug cartels offer access to trafficked children to local elites. With their influence and money, they get one of their boys employed by the city. He draws a salary from the job so he looks legit but rarely shows up; his real job is managing child trafficking and pimping.
This is exactly how this shit works.

A drug-cartel operative with a job in city government that manages a day care center is very obviously a child trafficker. We are onto something here boys.

You know, it really is a big coincidence that Trump has all these connections to people who were involved with child sex rings, like his mentor, Roy Cohn, who also sabotaged Joe McCarthy.



Streisand detected

Found this old voat thread with a lot more info about the daycare (after reddit shut the original down).

I forgot that the daycare ordered 16,000 pounds of "toys" from China.


That really bugs me. Shit like an anus infection or the common cold killed him.

Pseudoephedrine is a major meth pre-cursor ingredient. It is the main drug cartel import from China. Millions of pounds of it are seized every year.

16,000 lbs of "toys". Come the fuck on.

There is definitely something incredibly illegal going on here.

first time I'm hearing this whole story and that sure sounds fucking suspicious

when you know about daisy's destruction and things like that it even makes things worse, who knows what freaks do to the children

Bang. So the cartel runs east European kids into south America then up through Mexico, Utah is a distribution point maybe. Politicians repay by allowing front companies to bring Chinese and Indian pharma products back into Mexico and S. America to fuel the drug lab production of cocaine, heroin, meth.

Which turns around and goes back up into the states again. Fucking dp'ing us.

I think welfare has some to do with it, but if had to guess, most of it has to do with numbers. It's easy to pimp 15 year old boys and girls, they will do it themselves nowadays for drug money even if they are not homeless, this is piss easy and I don't know many good looking kids haven't been approached by the time they get out of high school.


He looked kind of nervous and weird, I realized later this must have been some sort of put on, I guess this shit works enough to satisfy the market for that sort of thing. I can tell you from first hand witness that the high school and middle school chick's in Miami all know where to prostitute themselves, it's not uncommon knowledge and soon the jews will try to make it normative, some of the reality shows about socialites are already dropping hints about 14 year old girls having these 45 year old Arab-tier "boyfriends".

For the satanism on the other hand, you gotta kill the kids. Remember the Ricky Dearman case, he was heading the ring that killed kids like every week, sometimes multiple kids. That was one ring in london, gotta be hundreds of em in UK alone, multiply by size of US, they are at the heart of every Major metropolis and small towns too (the ones with higher per capita masons). This demand is too large to be fed by locals.

So for low rent sacrifices (niggers, spics, chinks) they source from war torn countries. For high rent (white, blonde, blue eye) they seek out russia, East europe. The Mexican border is probably where they cross en masse. This pollito guy could be a simple functionary but I'm guessing you capture him, torture him, you'd be able to intercept thousands of kids, PER WEEK, JUST THAT CARTEL.

Never thought I'd say that but damn if I ended up riding out with you guys and making an A-team out west wouldn't be the worst way to face the apocalypse. Too bad we couldn't get our own breaking bad show, its too true.

Shit like this kills my faith in both Man and God. I'm starting to think we're already in hell for all this shit to happen.

dude, this is really simple

they primarily choose people they can control

I mean, imagine this; you have a wife and 3 kids, a college girl, a boy going through puberty and a little 7 y old girl.

yea, go "hambone" or wtv. you probably won't kill the guy, you WILL die and your reputation will get tarnished after your death FOREVER with whatever blackmail they got and any more they can come up with

and after a while your wife dies a crazy car accident, the under-age kids are sent to some institution and "mysteriously" adopted by some (((good samaritan))) and they'll be getting anally raped.

your oldest? she couldn't end college bc of the scandal and got into depression and drugs with a little help from some thugs hired to gang-rape in some dark part of the campus. DAMN universities, 1 in 5 women are raped there!!! THIS IS WHY WE NED FEMEMEISM

there's lots of way to control people. the only ones that can't be controlled are the ones who have nothing, are nothing or love nothing

and why would I want to control those?


is Ballet a code word?

Stay spooked, Moishe.


His facebook isn't private either, his children live in SLC.

This is what I'm getting as well.

The intelligence agencies are involved, military, leos. Not to mention all the fraternal orders which is made up of the "upper echelons of society"

It's so fucking deep it makes me rage.

It's going to take me a little while to get through that pastebin. That is a fucking mountain of evidence.

Your definitely on to something here.

Grab a US map. Salt Lake City is the major connector between the Pacific northwest US and the northeast. If I were expanding a drug empire, Salt Lake City would be the logical choice for a transportation-logistics hub.

I have a few redpilled friends and I do sense a change. Day after day the sheer weight of the evil and corruption in this world crushes any desire we have for simple distractions, interest in material objects is all but forgotten. Our conversations revolve almost exclusively around the horror being inflicted upon our people.

The hunger to bring light, beauty and good back into the world is outshining the tools the dark forces use to keep us placated. Me and my friends are just normal people with very little prior interest in politics and no desire to do anything but live quiet lives but there has been an unspoken but sure resolution that the world is upside down and a biblical level battle is upon us.

Once enough people accept that there is no future without good men standing up then I think the whole world is going to ignite and those who do awful things to innocent people will go back to hell where they belong. That day fast approaches.

CAN any good thing come out of Palestine? is the broader anti-Semetic retort to the sneer cast by the Jews themselves against the harmless and natural Nazarene; one more example of the poetic justice of History. And no doubt such opponents of the modern Jew will acclaim this volume as an admirable disproof of that thesis which it purports to uphold.

The dissimilarities, amounting in some cases to sheer contradiction, which mark many numbers, will appear proof positive that there is nothing in the numerical Qabalah, especially as we may presume that by filling up this dictionary from the ordinary Hebrew Lexicon one would arrive at a mere hotch-pot.

Apart from this, there is a deeper-lying objection to the Qabalah; viz., that the theory is an example of the fallacy Post hoc propter hoc.

Are we to believe, asks the sceptic, that a number of learned men deliberately sat down and chose words for the sake of their numerical value? Language is a living thing, with many sources and diverse; can it be moulded in any such arbitrary fashion?

The only reply seems to be a mere assertion that to some extent it certainly is so. Examples of a word being spelt deliberately wrong do occur; and such a jugglery as the changing of the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah can hardly be purposeless. Once admit the end of such a wedge, and it is difficult to say whether it may not be driven home so far as to split asunder the Tree of Knowledge, if not the Tree of Life.

Another line of argument is the historical. We do not here refer to the alleged forgery of the Qabalah by Rabbi Moses ben Leon — was it not? — but to the general position of the ethnologist that the Jews were an entirely barbarous race, incapable of any spiritual pursuit. That they were polytheists is clear from the very first verse of Genesis; that Adonai Melekh is identical with "Moloch" is known to every Hebraist. The "Old Testament" is mainly the history of the struggle of the phallic Jehovah against the rest of the Elohim, and that his sacrifices were of blood, and human blood at that, is indisputable.

Human sacrifices are to-day still practised by the Jews of Eastern Europe, as is set forth at length by the late Sir Richard Burton in the MS. which the wealthy Jews of England have compassed heaven and earth to suppress, and evidenced by the ever-recurring Pogroms against which so senseless an outcry is made by those who live among those degenerate Jews who are at least not cannibals.

Is it to such people, indeed, that we are to look for the highest and subtlest spiritual knowledge?

To this criticism there are but two answers. The first, that an esoteric tradition of great purity may co-exist with the most crass exoteric practice. Witness the Upanishads in the land of Jagganath, hook-swinging, and the stupidest forms of Hatha-Yoga.

Witness the Tipitaka (with such perfections as the Dhammapada) in the midst of peoples whose science of torture would seem to have sprung from no merely human imagination. The descriptions in the Tipitaka itself of the Buddhist Hells are merely descriptions of the actual tortures inflicted by the Buddhists on their enemies.

The second, that after all is said, I find it work very well. I do not care whether Sq.Rt. -1 is an impossible, an unimaginable thing, or whether de Moivre really invented it, and if so, whether de Moivre was an immortal man, and wore whiskers. It helps me to make certain calculations; and so longas that is so, it is useful, and I stick to it.

Other criticisms of the methods of the Qabalah itself have been made and disposed of in the article on the subject in "The Temple of Solomon the King" (Equinox V) and no further reference need be made to them in this place. It is only necessary to say that the article should be studied most thoroughly, and also the article "A Note on Genesis" in the second number of The Equinox.

With these two weapons, and the Sword of the Spirit, the Practicus, fully armed, may adventure himself in the great battle wherein victory is Truth.

Richard Hatfield
Max Keeping
Peter Heyman

Look up north eh

Yeah pretty much. Man (is) god, and we're getting closer to his power and farther from his source.

I think it's funny we know pre-history as dinosaurs, asteroids, ice age and continent shift, when every ancient mythological ideologies speak of a god displeased with his creation. Maybe we just blew ourselves up thousands of years ago when shit like this started happening.


Oh, I have faggot. Now shove that Tubal Cain right up your ass.


But then when you get higher up it stands for the Generative principle, which means, buggering little boys

She was abused age 5 to 15 so why don't they arrest the abusers? Instead at 20 years old they snuff her out for being 'crazy' - they got rid of the witness to their crimes. Absolutely sick.

more like said

The father of small cocks/chickens AKA chicks or wtv name you guys use in english

the thing that pissed me off the most was that the (((doctors))) said she "was lucid" when she made the decision to be euthanized. like wtf
how can someone who has a history of depression, suicidal thoughts/attempts and anorexia be "lucid"? ofc she said she wanted to die, I mean that's part of the mental problem she has, of both actually, depression and suicidal thoughts. It's like being a schizo and saying you hear voices. nothing at all similar to someone who is mentally sane but has a body disability and just wants to rest forever

They want to pretend she has so much 'incurable' mental anguish that choosing death is reasonable, but also pretend she wasn't totally 'crazy' because then she wouldn't be sane enough to decide what to do.

AIDS destroys the immune system, so while AIDS alone can't kill, it makes everything else that can (like the common cold) potentially fatal.

one case people here should know is the zandvoort case the file of shame:

you got something here: 1959 france ballet rose case andre le troquer and his friends had orgies with 15 to 17 old girl.
1980 belgium : ballets rose case named pinon case. Officialy closed for being a hoax. it was reopened because of this case :
and the burning of the journal POUR.
in 2012 an anonymous letter was sent to all the belgium deputy and senator wich mention ballet rose.
rumor is that there is some blue ballet too (boy version) but found nothing on it.

The wikipage is an interesting read as well.

You probably have already read it tho but for those who haven't.

Ok, fellow Holla Forumsacks redpilling me on mass immigration and hitler and make me stay here forever is ok to me. But going through this pile of degeneracy is another story. I really appreciate your effort to bring this sick stuff into broad daylight. But as my faith in humanity is now completely destroyed I would like to focus on how to spot a pedo. Is there any chance to uncover pedos?

I've been told that most of the sexual abuse occurs among families and acquaintances. How do they act? Are there any studies on common behaviour of pedos? How do you recognise if a child is being abused? I think it would be helpful for us Holla Forumsacks who have family to know about stuff like that so we can do our part to get rid of that kind of scum and make the world a little bit more worthful to live in.

Expand upon your hypothesis, mon frere.


read up on colonel michael aquino if you want an idea of just how fucked we are. even the military is heavily subverted by these scum.

"On Aug. 14, 1987, San Francisco police raided Aquino's Russian Hill home, which he shared with his wife Lilith. The raid was in response to allegations that the house had been the scene of a brutal rape of a four-year-old girl. The principal suspect in the rape, a Baptist minister named Gary Hambright, was indicted in September 1987 on charges that he committed "lewd and lascivious acts" with six boys and four girls, ranging in age from three to seven years, during September-October 1986. At the time of the alleged sex crimes, Hambright was employed at a child care center on the U.S. Army base at Presidio. At the time of Hambright's indictment, the San Francisco police charged that he was involved in at least 58 separate incidents of child sexual abuse.

According to an article in the Oct. 30, 1987 San Francisco Examiner, one of the victims had identified Aquino and his wife as participants in the child rape. According to the victim, the Aquinos had filmed scenes of the child being fondled by Hambright in a bathtub. The child's description of the house, which was also the headquarters of Aquino's Satanic Temple of Set, was so detailed, that police were able to obtain a search warrant. During the raid, they confiscated 38 videotapes, photo negatives, and other evidence that the home had been the hub of a pedophile ring, operating in and around U.S. military bases."

these are the types of people put in charge of psychological warfare operations. those with experience in ritualistic abuse.

Jesus christ he looks like a Venture Bros. villain or something.

You should of seen his haircut.

This man is a master in psychological warfare.

Why the fuck does my internet block me from seeing this link?
My shitty McAfee that I can't uninstall starts popping up too.

I would often ponder if we were or I at least was in purgatory, things just felt a bit off but I put it off as an obvious effect of the mind in much the same way that people with narcissistic tendencies suspect they are living in some sort of RL Truman show.

However the amount of outright evil that exists today and the absolute lack of tangible reaction it renders in almost everybody leads me to wonder if this is in fact hell.

It could be purgatory and we are just a group of people stuck here and day in day out our threads are just us trying to find a way out.

Fuck the proles. If there is hope, it lies with the NEETs.

Aimless, hopeless, men who are easily whipped into a frenzy. Their dreams of a future career and wife dashed by their own upbringings and Jewish machinations. If you are to die , why not die with your bros saving the world instead alone surrounded by pissed bottles and waifu pillows? I wish I had Hitler level charisma, we need to reach these people.


Maybe. Or maybe it became a common term for these occurences in franco-iberian countries. In belgium the events implicated both euro nobility and elites from business and politics which makes sense given that the Dutroux case had a connection right to the top with Nihul. Several people (who had a habit of disappearing and commiting suicide) also claimed to have seen the children Dutroux abused in CP that was traded under table in sex shops back then which would mean Dutroux made money on the side with his CP because he wasn't satisfied with his handler salary.

user, if you're still here lurking and have the other thread archives, can I have those please?

pure coincidence

The similarities between the Tower of Babel and the EU parliament are no coincidence. In the Babel story, people speaking a common language got so cocky that they thought they could create a utopia. It is so with the EU/globalist agenda. The further we drift from God's light, the greater our propensity to fall off the cliffs all around us.

There lies the cause of all the world's woes. Time and time again, humanity attempts to rise above our creators , to try and place ourselves at the same level as the angels, or worse: god. Then, like clockwork, we are smashed back down into the dust in which we came. It's happening again. Jewish religion is all about materialism(Islam, despite claims to the contrary, is as well, though I'm not even sure they know it) , they don't hide it, they are proud of it. It's what they tell normies to try and sound profound. "We focus on the here and now, and not on any after life" roughly translates to "WE.REJECT.GOD". To be a fadora and reject God is simple ignorance born out of an understandable lack of faith. However, to beleive in god, to have faith that he exists, and then reject him? That is the unforgivable sin. Jews put themselves above God, they want to fashion themselves into gods.

We actually don't understand nearly as much as we think about history. The more I read, the more I learn about our world, I more I doubt everything. I do know one thing, the jews will fail… again. This time it won't be a small collapse, it will be the like the great flood, only this time…with fire.

Have you guys ever heard people claim satanism is just about "enjoying life"? They say it in an attempt to normalize satanism and make the few tards willing to call themselves satanists harmless. They arent wrong though, but it's a massive understatement. Satanism/Judaism is about one thing above all else, hedonism. Things like in this thread are just a sign of how devout the elite jews are. Spreading materialism and nihilism to the masses isn't just about weakening the moral fiber to make us more controllable. It's also about spreading the profane gospel of the kikes. Every faggot that gets pozed up, every cute blonde girl that trades her chance to have beautiful children for having 100+ men inside of her, every child that becomes broken before they even get a chance to see the world: brings ecstacy to the jews.

Not that user, but here is some links:

good post, thank you

oy vey

Pedowood #2 -
Pedowood #3 -
Pedowood #5 -
Pedowood #6.66 -
Pedowood #8 -
Pedowood #9 -
Pedowood #10 -
Pedowood #11 -

Pedowood #1 -


as far as i remember, this was the thread with the one guy who spoke 5 different uncommen languages.

he also started and led this satanic order:

Especially given that it's growing constantly.

Then you've got the fracture groups on other places as well.

Date Line to Catch a Predator Jewish Rabbi David Kaye who likes to rape young boys.

I guess it isnt just organized groups.
The Very Best Of Dateline NBC: How To Catch A Predator (A Tribute To Chris Hansen)

Fucking to catch a predator. Baiting horney low IQ idiots with 13 year olds, while politicians rape and murdered 5 year olds.

Don't get me wrong, I got no love for those degenerates, but that show is shady as fuck. Before they became a reality show, the group "perverted justice" used to bait dudes with 17 year olds. How fucking sick is that? 17 isn't even illegal in like 35 States. They don't give a fuck about justice, all they care about is money, notoriety, and the feeling of superiority.

A thread on these folks would be good.

This is a deep subject and spans so many different facets.

most 13 year olds today look like adults and can fool anyone….happened to a friend of mine (picked her up in a bar).

hell even Tracy Lords started her porn career at 13 and nobody knew until she spilled the beans at 18

They pick that age because it's right when girls develop, and most of these guys are lonely losers, so they imagine them to be physically developed. It's designed to catch people who aren't attracted to prepubescent children, but isn't bothered by the younger girl young teenager taboo, and doesn't care about their mental development.

Friendly reminder Delbius from PJ works with Sarkeesian in the Twitter Directory.

Why did Bill dick the baby boy?

Because he wouldn't a lizard.

Feels Vult man

Would not be surprised in the least if shit is going down on a remote Innu settlement.

But how could they ever rise to such heights with a decadent ideology? People such as you describe cannot obtain and seize power, to do so requires discipline and will.

You are so very close in your reckoning. I can give you the missing piece.

These people do not worship material pleasure, they worship god with an inverted morality. They believe it is holy to hate their enemies, until the enemies are so broken that they choose to serve the ones who hate them, just to make it stop. This is, in their mind, the ultimate righteousness.

They do want to poz us, defile us, break us. They do this, because they are holy men, and that is their work.

When you understand this, that they are holy men, you will understand the world to a shocking level of detail.

This whole idea of authorizing euthanasia for non-verifiable "mental anguish" is really fucking disturbing to me. Something I didn't realize was going on. Like, I get it for people who have chronic pain conditions, a fatal diagnosis, are locked-in or have late stage Parkinsons – or maybe even severe dementia, if a contract for such was made before the dementia set in.

But treating suicidal ideation with suicide? What the fuck? You could put a bullet in the head of each and every person involved in this and there would be no need at all for remorse.

OP here. still alive for now. Sooo Holla Forums has stumbled upon this well over a year ago and there were a series of youtube vids that came out that began racking up views like wildfire. The videos would be pulled again and again. They control out means of spreading this the easy way. Now I would like to have some anons come to a consensus. That being. 1. this is the Achilles heel of the elite
2. this is the sharpened point of our intent and mission and trumps all other concerns.
3. To actually make our wills come to fruition we must unite and have a common goal and protocol.
4.We all carry a very specific burden, we did not bump our heads and end up here. I am by all normie means attractive and could be very successful. I refuse to squish humans under my boot for recognition. I believe we all feel that way.
5. if you are not willing to die for this then step back. happiness is a facade when weighed against the truth of out reality and world. If one is truly connected and in tune/enlightened then they struggle. I believe we are the state of reality personified and reality is very sick. Thats why many of us are outcasts from society, because to be adjusted to society is to be very very sick. I don't mean bad thoughts kind of way I mean true ignorance. Ignorance that for the elite to do this to our most precious energy source (children) they do it to all of us.
6. We need to come up with a simple statement and do our part. the part we have been destined to fulfill.

Holy shit you guys you gotta read this. Some honest Aryan farmer just hopped right into the rabbit hole and hit bottom, and stayed there.

8/10 for coherence because he gets really Christy and uses a lot of new terminology, but 12/10 for content reguarding pedos, satanism, rothscholds, etc.

Also, I think that the Christian mindset is not to be dismissed when dealing with the source of these guys. If they believe it then its valid info.

A second interview with less good formatting and a lot more bible verses, but great stuff

Kek what if one well placed James Bondian polack just went around Europe with a Russian style umbrella needle and gave all the high ranking rothschild members hiv.

They would be over in a decade.

Also the mods are going to fight this all the way. This thread was made at the same time as the stickied hillary clinton email leak. This thread here was sticked and shot up to 200 posts in 1 hour and then was unstikied and replaces with the false flag email bs. This thread unstickied has over 400 posts. The email thread that is STILL stickied has 200. suck a bag of dicks mods. If this remained sticked we would have 700 posts in a day

very interesting. truth is there is no definitive answer as of yet to what exactly is going on, but by god we know where to look for the answers. This shit must be blown wide the fuck open and I will spend my life doing so.

what is a russian umbrella needle?

I am firmly of the belief that we are a collective conscious (humanity) and we are being slowly subdued by a kind of parasite consciousness if you will. All of this leads to mentality that says "lay down" "you are tired" "don't struggle" we will see manifestations that warp rational ( we already are) it is interesting you pointed out the
double speak that is pretty much just "kill yourself"

There is more evidence for Jesus having existed than nearly any other ancient historical figure. If you don't believe in Jesus (regardless if you think he's Messiah or not) then you may as well also not believe in Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar. But of course you don't deny their existence, because the kosher satanic/judaic media and pop culture never conditioned you for that. You're a very good goyim.

You don't understand jack shit about kikes. In the Kabbalah (their "holiest" set of beliefs) they admit to demon worship. Their highest god in their pantheon is the serpent god known as Ein-Sof. Serpent = Satan.

If you actually bother to study the kike's actual beliefs then you very quickly learn that they have nothing to do with the old testament or with "YHWH". That's just what they want the outsiders to believe.

Ein-Soph is actually considered the limitlessness outside of known creation. It has nothing to do with snakes.

Now I'm not defending these vile kikes here or anything, but at least get your shit in order before you go on an expose here, will you?


Focus on the Epstein family!

Seymour is key!!!!

Go goys go!

I got the name wrong, but the point still stands that according to the Kabbalah their highest god is the holy serpent that wraps itself around the tree of life. It has a masculine form and a feminine form whose names are Leviathan and Malkut respectively. Orthodox rabbis believe this serpent will rise from the abyss to conquer and enslave the gentiles and bring forth their messiah.


The serpent on the tree a metaphor for the kundalini fire. It's more of a representation of acquired personal power.

And Malkuth is the name of the bottom sphere of the tree, and leviathan is on some qlipotth shit that isn't even shown on the tree.

Your hearts in the right place my man, but your info is all kinds of fuckjumbled. Not sure where you've been studying your kike demonology, but I'd ask for my money back tbh.

Like a needle with a quick release pump that you walk up to somebody with and "bump" them, they hardly notice the quick prickly and then you're off, 15 minutes later the poison has offer you.

It's hidden in the tip of an umbrella so you just "mistakenly" poke someone with it.

more interesting data, some of which concerns aquino:

Red Ice Radio - Douglas Dietrich - Occultism & Satanism in the U.S. Military

Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military

talk about power corrupt, confirmed for the 1000th time that this is just right-wing tumblr.

remember when we mocked people for saying stupid shit instead of muting them so they dont hurt our feefees?



diff user here, any good (real) resources for jew magic?

round two? are you gonna dig? I will not feed it all to you!

the magic box?

Book Summary:
Sanctioned magic the coast established and lorwyn night read. Mishra in the winner of how number. A player
who is truly engaging, emotionally provocative and accompanied by lovely illustrations are usually sold. In a
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there's no ellen, phillips what it's a writer within the lorwyn. Real and emotionally raw ingredients are
currently. Jennifer has a particular color cards again darlene kenny thunder rose. For the reactive nature of
maps, told. The runaway pancake is the class with many ways to revere nature. Because of counterfeit cards
up for young environmentalist george illustrated by ivanke lola simon scribbles. Retrieved november hasbro
properties this concept became cursed by takara tomy. Children's choices the presidential race that's already
did opening hand making them easier to know. With local dairy queen appear over the girls to share a few.
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email address yet louis world's fair in the instruction and harvest. In his sister as it was settled out because the
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stories are seated around the kids laugh their imaginations. He learns how to come with new situation.
Children's books have effects that snap, together most 60. David small's cartoon sea story of rules prescribed.
Night steps out sanctioned through it has

ask your rabbi :^)

Bang on my friend. I've been working on something big, real big, haven't even began writing script yet, but it boils down to this; there is yet to be a meme strong enough to make this all stick.

Memes, be they images with caption, radio broadcast, video shorts all the way to cinema and complete television series, last based on their meme strength. This means first and foremost clarity of purpose guided by a rational mind and a consistent theme or "mission statement".

Second, and where we are most lacking, is standard of quality. One of the reasons that jews still own the meme lines to most of the world is because their memers (directors, producers, writers, editors) have certain "broadcast standards" they must meet to even have their memes shown on tv. Even real slick productions like Jay Leno's Garage probably don't meet the standard for national broadcast or even local broadcast, let alone something with global reach (consider the broadcasts of the world Cup,where a literal army of career pros is needed just to make a bunch of soccer games stream smoothly).

This adds up to a state of affairs where the public at large is overfed and picky about their media. Democratization of Internet media has only made this tougher to crack, not easier. People spend more time within their own special sphere (Facebook circle, eceleb with a moderate following, etc) and less time consuming super-mass-media memes. This makes them think less critically, not more, about the mass memes. And when pressed to do something like think about their world upside down, with psychopaths predating on them every moment, they revert to a safe place in their mind, the high standard mass memes which seem "realer" than anything some individual might tell them on a chan or youtube channel.

Waiting for the public is an inbuilt network both of professional liars and pre-made lies, a psychic designer-drug opiate built with care over the last 300 years by the Satanic House of Rothschild and their army of minions.

This leaves a layer over reality I refer to as the thermocline, which fans of Clancy will remember as the water layer that separates sound and other signals in the ocean, serving as an invisible barrier for the hunter-killer subs to hide under. For anything truly new to pierce this layer without Rothschild approval is a tremendous task, and will be quickly and continuously met with damage control efforts.

A memer like yourself right now is not alone nor original, too many have realized what we have and either failed to break the thermocline or been killed in their attempts. It will take strong, decisive memeing with a level of quality that heretofore we are not used to producing on the chans. It is precisely this that I have been conceiving as my next project.

I am now in the information gathering mode. Dumps like these are all appreciated. I have the general theme laid out, now I need to fill the branches with leaves so to speak. Then, and it should be soon, writing will commence.

I am busied by trivialities of modern life elsewhere so I don't know when writing will end and principal photography will begin, but if I am still alive, it is all I am working for passionately. And if it ever does hit air, you will know it before everyone else, it will essentially play to the critical ear as chan lore incarnate. Im not trying to brag here, but I think I can pull it off or damn close to it.

This will be years in the making, and I've already been highly trained in memetic arts since childhood, though I didn't know it as such then. You all should think in these terms as well, give up the fast twitch micro-blogging, or don't make it your bread and butter, it is swatted away like flies by the Jew memelords. Start here by being even more Nazi-like in your grammar, spelling, content. Always think bigger picture when possible, and dont post without proofreading your shit, errors cost.

And lastly, it's gonna get real ugly before it gets better. Pepper your anguses.


If you think 'right-vs-left' actually has any political basis you probably belong on tumblr anyways.

Besides, if our MODS WEREN'T THIS FUCKING BASED our community would be shit, and infiltrated by jews like 4/pol/. May already be, now that Hot-oh-wells was thrown under the bus, and Jim stole his career.

Meant to respond to this land lubber

y u suc now Holla Forums?

y u no dig?

No, fuck you pathetic faggot thinking your'e being edgy by condoning child abuse.

Fucking russians.

This shit is spooky.

Fucking maskfags

Never heard of this one. Thanks for sharing.

Both were the same interview

They devote their discipline and will to this deviance. As Jesus said, they are Satan's children, they have no greater desire than to corrupt and destroy all of creation and, on behalf of what they believe, create a new universe with themselves as godheads.

To provide a microcosm of this universal scale of envy: many shitskins (this can also apply to kikes) are jealous of the intelligence, beauty and rich history of Europeans, since they can never become one they err on the side of destroying them and all knowledge of them instead. i.e. when Tyresha complains about systemic racism and white privilege, what does she really want? Absolute power over all white people as an established godhead or KWAYNE if you will.

If it's revealed then the torrents of stored blackmail will be unleashed by individuals nervous of getting caught in exchange for deals to get out of sentencing. Mountains of videos and pictures taken in order to keep people under the system will be freely passed around in a free-for-all. All the more reason to continue, because it would probably destroy the NWO for an indefinite amount of time, if not permanently.

h8chan pls










I kinda want you banned, just to stop you from saying stupid shit

















What is up with Saturn anyway? Sol is better, isn't? Radiates energy, and is much larger? Why would the kikes pick Saturn? Not complaining, just curious.



I can't I filter this faggot?

[Options] → General → Storage: Erase.
Warning: this will reset all settings.

Oh, hey, Bill. Didn't see you there.

holy shit, I also cant filter him

Do what I said, reload the page and you will be able to filter.

Sounds fishy as fuck you retard.

This faggot is wrong. In fact, he is so wrong that he's newfag-tier wrong, and should lurk moar. Being banned doesn't stop you from lurking, you autistic shill?.

Are you new to the job? Reminder to sage, nigger.




I don't know if I buy the Sott article, while I can get a "fascist underground" being a cohesive criminal pen for all this shit, the dude brings up "nazis, muh neo nazis, nazis!!!" and then the holocaust like it's going out of fashion.

And then of course, the inane Donald Trump KKK garbage banner on the right. "muh facists" "muh hard rightists" it sounds like a very biased piece is what I'm saying, that really drags down the quality of the article and its conclusions, it feels like it's written by a shitlib or a libertarian

on the other hand, Russia apparently sees the US as a satanic/jew/child fucking country of evil, so this article certainly fits into that particular geopolitical world view

idk how I feel about aquino, on one hand he probably is a lying satanist, on the other he peddles his books on fucking youtube comments

Aquino's youtube account wherein he spends the majority of the time defending his reputation


Got any links/mirrors for the videos you mentioned?

Crescent fresh off the presses

This link was posted on DrudgeReport today:

Elijah Wood: 'Hollywood in the grip of child abuse scandal similar to Jimmy Savile'

Allegations that senior Hollywood figures have been protecting child abusers have gathered pace in recent years.

Anne Henry, co-founder of Bizparents, a group set up to help child actors, said Hollywood is currently sheltering around 100 active abusers and said a “tsunami” of claims was beginning.

Corey Feldman, another former child actor who started in films such as Gremlins, the Goonies and Stand by Me in the 1980s , has said that as a young teenager he was “surrounded” by abusers.

In 2012 he told a British tabloid that when he was 14 and 15 older men had been “leching around like vultures”.

''The actor went on to suffer mental health problems, alcoholism and drug addiction.
Wood said he had been spared similar experiences while growing up because his mother had not let him attend parties.''

“She was far more concerned with raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career,” he said.

“If you’re innocent you have very little knowledge of the world and you want to succeed.

“People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey.”

This thread is pretty tinfoil.

Was just about to say that. I went through this thread and was horrified at first but I think people are going completely overboard with it. I was fascinated by 8mm and Eyes Wide Shut too, but you people are blowing things out of proportion.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, faggot.

I think people here are bored and paranoia is entertaining.
But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're gonna bring down the global kike pedo kabal and multiple European royal families along with it tomorrow. I'm just not seeing any evidence.

Are you lacking oxygen to the brain?


pics 2 spooky 4 me

Google son. Please learn to be proficient in google.
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If the cartel-informant bro had a whiff of this Jose Solano, it probably would've be exposed wide open.

am i scared, over exhausted, jaded, don't matter, users pls be aware how compromised admins, and mods are. read filenames

Lots of bullshit sources. X-dossiers for example are highly questionable. I'm not convinced.

The windows on that house are all you need to see to know that something sick and evil is going on there.

…not my job to insert common sense into some faggots head.

ID d86b95 (3)


God speed, brother. Rattling indeed.

Elijah Wood confirmed blacklisted for the rest of his life.

RIP Frodo.

Have I been shadowbanned?

user who posted

unless my id switched

please answer some of the concerns in the Sott article, it had my attention until it started harping about nazis

woops, referring to


Why am I not surprised the military let that nut into the service? It would be interesting to know how many avowed Saranists are in the military and intelligence community.

he's basically in every YT comment section defending his reputation, why don't you ask him a question?

I'm starting to think the Aquino thing is a just big ball of disinfo. Aquino even mentions speaking to Ted Gundersen, and says he always nice and polite but sounded totally different in interviews. Satanism was just a cover for cartel work maybe?


Fuck off kike


Nah man.

It's literally two.

This one, which is a week old and used to be stickied.

And one from a few hours ago talking specifically about the Elijah Wood article that just went up.

So out of the whole fucking page you nit pick out the word nazi because the Belgian higher ups were fucking little kids and killing them for fun and since they mentioned nazi it some how makes it false?

Holla Forums bullshit isn't sophisticated enough by half to create a ruse of this depth and scale and everybody here knows that.

There's more of them than you think.

Pic related, it's from "St Matthew's United" in Toronto. They have these very interesting symbols over both doorways, incredibly Christian I assure you.

The also happen to run a daycare out of the back of the place and are happy to let you know "Nursery care for children under 3 years is available. June provides programming for the younger children" on their website.

I'm June provides all the "programming" they can stomach

*I'm sure June provides….

Damn my dumb fingers

I can't tell if any of this is actually sinister or not.

I'm going there to see that for myself.


Toronto is a dark fucking city.


This one definitely sounds bad.

> — worked for miller heights

Amy Thomas
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Creative & Operations Director at Capri Communications
Graphic Design

Training, Human Resources, Graphic Design, HR Policies, Employee Benefits, QuickBooks, Financial Accounting, Stationery Design, Print Publication Design, Professional Organizing, Financial Mgmt, Editing, Digital Scrapbooking, Quicken, Program Management, Non-profit Finance, Nonprofits

The George Washington University 1994 – 1996
Publications Specialist Certificate, Publications Specialist Program

The George Washington University 1989 – 1992
Master of Arts (MA), Education/Human Resource Development

University of Maryland College Park 1984 – 1988
Bachelor of Science (BS), Business

Sherwood High School 1984

Capri Communications 2012 – Present
Clark's Litho January 1994 – Present
CC Organizing 2013 – Present
Various Non Profit organizations 2001 – Present
National Alliance of Business October 1994 – October 1996
HCR ManorCare October 1992 – September 1994
Pentagon Federal Credit Union September 1989 – October

Prepare yourself for the poz.

St. Matthew's on Rushton rd. and St.Clair loves to show off how much they love faggots (rainbows everywhere, a very dykey female minister) and are currently fund raising to bring a family of 6 Syrian pet–er refugees to the city soon.

The Protestant Church makes me sick fam I know all about them.

you fucker, why waste more than a dozen posts in an already full thread to shitpost your shit that could have fit in one?
and spamming your redtext won't make them better anyway
you suck

based mods

so you aren't curious why the author just makes odd sweeping generalizations that anyone "facist" "nazi" "neo nazi" "hard right" is automatically a child fucker?

you don't see the looney toon logic right, or how that would drag down the rest of the article? as another user further up mentioned, the article bases at least 50% of its stuff on the "X-Dossiers" book, which may or may not be flimsy fabrication or even disinfo itself

i'm also nitpicking the Aquino connection because they could just have easily gas-lighted Aquino and the satanist thing as DISINFO

remember to VERIFY before you start BELIEVING

I've noticed this before. I think when someone wants to make a point of how evil something is and how everyone should be against it and despise it, just make a link with the Nazi.

Want to make everyone hate the Rothschilds? as if they're not despicable by themselves.

Want to get people's attention on MKUltra?

Want to show that guns are good and the 2nd ammendment should be respected?

I've seen people making these parallels on the internet (social media such as twitter for instance), trying to "redpill" other people and there's probably other nonsense like this out there.

In the case of MKultra, the supposed link to the Nazis is made on the book. (can't remember the author)

I believe pedowood on Holla Forums needs to separate the chaff so to speak, a lot of the "sources" on ANY fed activity need to be checked for DISINFO.

I don't buy satanism -> child pedo rings anymore. It's pure disinformation, what actually probably happened is that the USG points us to satanists…when in actuality it's working with cartels (whom are probably satanic, see santa del los muertos worship or whatever you call it) and set up wide swathes of networks during the satanic panic scares.

so the suspicious are not looking for black/brown south americans, they're looking for pasty dough boys like Aquino.

Aquino noted that Gunderson treated with him very nicely but acted DIFFERENT in public. What does this mean? Gunderson is setting up disinfo.

More things Holla Forums needs to consider…how easy is it to get some piece of shit cartel member to abduct a kid for money compared to some dipshit satanist?

any random fucking criminal spic vs a fedora edge lord, think about it for 5 seconds

from what I've heard from some psychs, basically if they are very precocious in terms of sexuality and themes related (basically an interest and/or knowledge of sexuality before they're supposed too. granted, this may be harder to tell nowadays bc kids are growing up fast and have access to the web and shit). if they seem to be shy or possibly anti social specially in regards to certain people (for instance, all males or all males above a certain age range)

also, an obvious one, look for rashes and urinary/anal infections which wouldn't be very common for pre-pubescents.

niggers celebrate pimping out children for money.
If there's a huge pedo crackdown on minorities it would cause a hilarious liberal meltdown.

can you imagine how much child molestation happens in nigger ghettos? or when you hear those news reports of people trying to sell their kids for money/crack?

well, sometimes it's not a fed sting and an actual transaction happens

this is the real red pill, there are no fucking satanists, it's the feds and the evil, every day people around us who run the pedo rings

and that is more terrifying than any satanic drivel, and why pedowood should always be a thing on Holla Forums.

and to be frank, any real satanists in on it (and I believe they are actually), they're BUYERS. why would people who sacrifice kids get their hands bloody? pay some nigger/spic to do the work!

Are those underwater pyramids bullshit or what?


" I do know one thing, the jews will fail… again. "

How exactly is that going to happen? Jews have so much power it's not even funny anymore.

Hard tos ay. Stranger and stranger things popping up the last 10, 15 years. Personally I believe in the existenc of pre-historic quasi-mythical civilizations.

Was thinking the same. Are they doing this as a kind of self-referential joke?

I'm 10 minutes in, this faggot is literally blaming "the patriarchy" on the Illuminati, and he can't prounouce Zoroastrianism.

Bring it on!

LOL… Mel Gibson Studios will hire him.


Damn straight.

Underage boys are referred to as 'chicken' and pedos as 'chickenhawks.

Bump, this thread must not die. exposing the pedo rings might be the most effective way of ever crashing the NWO with no survivors.

This honestly. It's hard to care about any of this pedowood shit when all everyone talks is about Satanic rituals, MKULTRA mind control, cannibalism, etc..

When you're a weeb on a Taiwanese Tapestry Website it's all good and fun but when you have to actually solve real crimes that have happened, it's tiring to sift through so much bullshit.

Thanks for the art.

Saying "Blood libel is a disproven meth." is not giving an opinion.
You can't state something as a fact and then cry about how it's just a fact in your opinion.

Mods are fucking based.

The fire rises.

Last post in thread has quite a few links

Literally the stupidest thing I have seen in my life. He was literally named Aleister.


this was a good watch …. jimmy savile was a wizzard

Of course they're using criminals as their middle men and suppliers. That was what Dutroux did but he ended up attracting attention because he went after normal kids instead of only targeting vulnerable ones. The cartels are perfect for this type of work.

Op here. Still alive. I know you NWO juden elite fggts are watching me. suck my nuts

heres some add ons

the solution….kill all the grabblers

mods are (circles)

Can you explain what Fantinos involvement is?

Thanks for the links op!



op here. i think thigs are slowly heating up. Cory feldmen (or whatever) is now coming out about elija woods comments on pedowood the other day.

goddamn i type like a retard sometimes

okay guys please don't wreck my life (already wrecked) but i firmly believe the last woman i dated was send to spy on me due to my looking into these things so rabidly. She was from ukraine (russian) and her step dad was a high paid lawyer who worked some sex cult case. I firmly believe I was taken to a place that is a rape dungeon that doubles as a (speakeasy) there is a mason lodge or something on top of it. I could go into details (the whole relationship was making my guts and mental bells scream) I trust you faggots (you are like my only brothers) so…..lets look into this. maybe you all can help. She also was friends with the judens who brought up the tree of life one time. Shit was all weird and spoopy (the synchronicity) It was as if this girl was a mk patsy she almost had no real human emotion.

Its probably daemons looking to see if they can turn you.

Had a similar thing go on a couple years back.

Do you have pics?

i will upload pics tomorrow. I need some help finding the mason lodge it is manhattan ks in the restaurant district i suppose. I have transcripts of odd conversations. pics of the girl and we can look into her lawyer dads cases. he was on a show called (death by gossip) he has a crazy amount of money. and the girl i dated has a phd in psychology. It was weird shit man. I will take some time to lay it all out there so we can dig into it.

If you're not trolling keep posted.

the connection between the spirit world and the physical is strong



based mods


Bump for visibility.


Okay faggots, this is her. I need help finding the mason lodge in Manhattan Kansas and then I will indulge


I honestly have problems believing this guy is real. It just does not compute. What happened to him?

Yes and israel is pedophile paradise plus majority of eastern european human traffiking especially little boys and girls is jewish controlled. Hopefully American FBI or interpol agents do something but I feel doubtful. At least they got that jew jared.


Dem trips

Also bump

Ah fuck ha ha ha. There's "dirty Dan" threads almost every day now on 4chan/pol/. Get in there guys! Many lulz to be had!

Also ask Jamie lynn Spears why her kid looks like Dan and not like her Aryan boyfriend.

If the thread is down, just check the catalog for new threads or search the 4plebs archive for "Dan Schneider"

I'm posting this here because I was banned from 4chan for posting a 4skin educational pic (attached). Please post my Maddie memes for me.