Spiderchan was kind of gross

She got her name by putting a spider up her ass with tweezers. Also ate gummy bears slicked up with her anal juices, and did some autistic voice actress work for them which was not unlike Chris Chan with his Sonichu Amiibos.

This is a Spiderchan hate thread. Bitch ditched Holla Forums and had a greasy asshole.


Holla Forums true queen Ashley approves of spider hate

post moar plz

She died of butt bacteria. Its why she doesn't post anymore.

naw I think she was fine

I think this is all I have sadly. Hopefully someone else will come by with her revolting webbums.

I think she just grew some dignity, but perhaps we can goad her stank ass out of lurking.

Shhh! I know, just pretend faggot. Talk shit about her and maybe she'll pop in.
That girl was a pill popping degenerate that deserves no respect.

Why would she shove a spider and a gummyworm up her ass?

Becuase she could, user… simply because she could…

Because she is an attention whore crackhead, and she knows what Holla Forums likes: assholes, not pussies. Because we are flaming faggots.

damn, there were some great pics of her showing her hymen and i never saved em

There were. She said she was saving that for the man she would marry, right? She should have had a short term engagement with a Sharpie.

Not the spider though. God no.

Fucking post, you whore! We need proof of life. You've been gone too long already.

The Butt Viruses killed her m8.

Just post Spiderchan. We love and miss you.

She was pretty cool… Well not really cool, but pretty damn interesting.

Why are women such delusional whores?

Because they are trying to adjust to societal pressures unique to them that we can't really understand. Spiderchan had guys here clamoring to have her do sexual things for attention. Being a twitchy retard she decided that meant putting a bug and candy up her ass and then eating it was a good way to go.

But at the same time she didn't want to rupture her hymen on cam. In her scrambled up pathetic mind, it was that that was too far. Because women are sexualized in all aspects of life. Exploring that was dangerous, especially publicly. Her tits are now a banner here. No matter who she marries, Spiderchan is forever 8chans little whore first and foremost.

She knew this on an instinctual level, but still wanted to have fun. Thus the conflicted behavior and logic.

It's a damned shame.

Guys this is supposed to be a Spiderchan hate thread. Hate. Not making excuses for the whore.

Learn to read. I'm bemoaning how she exemplifies the worthlessness of modern women.



I don't have any more. But there are more out there.

Bump for anyone stopping by who might have her other ones. I'd like the YouNow one in particular.

Oh, sounded like you were blaming society more.

Well, if women were fucking worth anything they wouldn't go flying onto the nearest cock the second we stop monitoring them socially, so there's that.

We are, as a society, actively hampering natural selection and fostering bullshit that'll plague our descendants for quite a while. [[Determinism intensifies]]

Doesn't make a cunt not a cunt.

But I love Spiderchan. In part because she is a skanky whore.

Then you're a dog and should be treated as such.

hurrdurr edgy yeah

I gotta fuck off back to work anyway. Just felt like bitching and moaning. Good luck with your internet skank.

bump for MOAR

Some women are for enjoying as filthy camwhores and others you bring home to meet the family. Spiderchan is the former.

They're all the former now. Some just hide it better.


maybe she could have laid off the opiates or botox tho, just maybe. and then she would come back, hopefully

You fucking double nigger.

Here you go.

They just had the one, though.

Dumping the /wx/ pics, what little there are.

Respond Spidercunt.

Your feet are disgusting.

Your artwork is shit.

And you look like a boy in lipstick.
That's all they had ;_;

boob sag percentage: 1000%

fucking dropped

actually pretty good feet

and after all the abuse that body took, maybe a 6/10, if I didn't know her history, then maybe 7.5/10

You mean her incest stories? I always thought those were bullshit she made up.

Holy god damn she's fat as fuck. How hard is it to eat right, cunt? For God's sake, you blob.


She's just a bit curvy. No need to exagerate.

Those androgyne lips are fucking kissable

Yeah she was actually very pretty and the best part of 2015. Come back please, we miss you!

t. Spiderchan

No, fuck off back to tumblr. She is covered in a layer of excess fat that she hides with camera tricks. She has a stomach roll you could fit all the dicks that ever molested her under. It's a flap.

Ever wonder why she never posts a normal full-body shot? Because she's swimming in lard. That's probably why she's whoring herself out on the internet in the first place, because it's easier and more immediately gratifying than abstaining from shoveling McDonald's past her autistic lips and down her viral gullet.

Not to mention, she is into classic video games and wants to become a game developer.

I want her.

Now it makes sense. Gotta distribute nudes to cry about in ten years.

She's fucking sexy. Fact.

Fight me, shitfuck.

Look at and tell me she's fat. She's a little bit chubby, but swimming in lard? Come on.

I will have you know that I recently started lifting.

I'll have you know I'll use my raifu to win my waifu. But at least you appreciate her beauty.

Stop the tsundere act, OP. Spiderchan can only be summoned with love.

All this conflict. If only she would post, there could be a chance for peace. We need you now more than ever, Spiderchan!

Number one, no, I don't like chubby girls.

Number two, I definitely don't like "chubby" girls, who are universally fat sacks of shit encouraged by dead-inside fathers and the desperate yapping of orbiting examples of overexposure to internet porn like yourself.

And finally, Spiderfat here is actually even more grotesque than the typical case.
Open your eyes, look at that fucking flap. It's like she was starved as a child so now she carries her winter store with her. It's like she's permanently auditioning for the climax of Click. It's like she's prematurely constructing a moldering mobile safe space for when happens.

I don't care how many arthropods she's crammed into the one place food escapes from her instead of being inexorably drawn in and converted to lipids. She's got a major case of the fats, and your soppy sad ass, dick in hand, can't change that.

I did. That was my first response. Look at the first pic. Take in the rolling, expansive mass of her bloated belly and cellulite-encrusted thighs the way she takes in hot dogs and Ben & Jerry's.
Feast your eyes on the sprawling, massive results of her feasting her face.
Run your gaze across the trembling, engorged, gelatinesque body that can barely run across its room in search of small animals to use as enemas.

Come on yourself. (You will, undoubtedly, after reading this post, because you seem to be an obesity fetishist.)

I'm not OP, and I'm not some sort of arcane master of eldritchian horrors, either, which you imply by claiming my goal is to summon the festering mountain of flesh that gapes vapidly at us from the pictures OP cursed our eyes with.

It's becoming more likely each passing second that she's lurking, but can't reply, having sat on her keyboard and forged it into metamorphic stone.


HAHAHAHAHAHA post which says "women need to be controlled by men" and then claims domestic violence is made-up

There's roughly the same number of women as men. Some of each are gay, asexual, trans, etc etc but roughly the same for each gender. So the number of straight cis men looking for girlfriends is roughly the same as the number of straight cis women.

But then, you're deciding a sizeable proportion of the straight cis women - maybe half, maybe 20%, maybe 80% - are not suitable to be girlfriends.

This means a similar proportion of straight cis men - maybe half, maybe 20%, maybe 80% - cannot and should not have girlfriends.

No point blaming women for this. When you decided to divide women into marriageable and unmarriageable, you also decided that there aren't enough women to go around.

I can't help but love this bitch. she reminds me of people I hang out with.

I have no idea who the fuck that is but I'm fapping like crazy. Is there any more material of her?

This is the most hateful thing I have ever read.

And this is a close second.

Me too, Spiderchan.
Now please post your now ruptured hymen.

Estrogen poisoning is real.

Last reply meant for

Spiderchan. She posted them here on Holla Forums last summer. There are more videos out there, but I don't have them. She went into a TinyEye? chat with some of us, too. Not sure is anyone recorded that. Also went on YouNow trying to get banned. Yelled about niggers and jews, started stripping. It actually took them a while to notice despite trying to get kicked off.

All of you kill yourselves.

Hey, shitdick, I've put a lot of effort into the premium hateposting on display here that's so representative of and renowned within and without our community, and I'm not just going to take accusations of fawning, yearning, pining, or any other positive nonsense lying down.

Well then you I appreciate. To the rest of you, she's not coming back and camwhores are not what this place is about. Stop embarrassing yourselves over some 3rd rate teenager.

Spdrchan pls

tits are shit tier but everything else is really nice

That's the same tits in one of the banners here by the way. Pretty much our only camwhore.

I'm going to nekoshotachan. At least it has an intact culture.

I always had an attraction for tomboys
spider-fam a CUTE



And post some updated tits.


You have to [come] back!

There we go

She sure does. How is my thread still alive two and a half days later?

Easy, she was cute and people on here are horny. Why do you even ask?

Idk, just make her come back user. Please!

I wouldn't know how to.
I only recently came here from Holla Forums and /n/.

She just appeared a little over a year ago, and then was gone almost as quick.

I know the story already. I'm just saying that I don't have any connections that I could use.

Yeah. They said in that /wx/ thread she had done more, but I think they were confused.
I couldn't find what they were talking about, and it looked like it was cyclical and might have lost some earlier posts.

This place needs more camwhores. Real ones.