I was thinking of coating her nipple piercings in bloodroot. If this cunt puts them on her nipples should rot and drop off. What say you Holla Forums?
Revenge on cheating slut
lol did she find a nice big black dick to satisfy here in ways you'll never can?
Do it.
Proceed to do it with every subsequent chick that has nipple piercings, no matter if they cheat or not.
Those things are shit.
surely she'd notice there's some weird goo on the piercings before she actually put them in her nipples?
This, nipple piercings a shit.
HCl on her dildo/vibrator?
Good going op. You're putting thoughts in peoples minds to do this too.
Holla Forumstards need this idea like this guy needs a hole in his head.
Stinks of virginity in here.
Hate piercings in general tbh.
No, it feels awful.
Smells of cuckoldry in here
I'm starting to think the average faggot here equates sex with cuckoldry completely, so maybe it might for you.
anita pls
It's just that piercings and tattoos are both still for whores and sailors.
I know.
"Free love".
If you fuck a girl and them meet her ex, did you cuck him or did he cuck you?
And if you both cuck each other, what's the point?
Yes, I see you posted a whore.
Call me when you insert a plate into your lower lip and get yourself some mud dreadlocks
Nip piercings are gross. Clit piercings come with herpes. EVERY girl with a peirced clit has herpes. I guarantee it.
I honestly only do a woman without peirced nips. Tattoos are cool and all, but they look very trashy and not sexy. I prefer a woman look like a woman.
zoz, I think this is actually what all the kissless virgins have convinced themselves.
They deserve better than all these potential race traitors by proxy, they deserve a PURE, WHITE, ARYAN VIRGIN!
Hookup culture killed western society.
nigger what? he's just about the least whory person in America
he walked out of a multimillion dollar job rather than compromise his beliefs
So, yes, then.
Can you imagine if the conservative culture was preserved until now? You'd still be a socially awkward virgin, but raging over how restrictive society is and how everyone else but you has their perfect nuclear family, 9-5 and superior collection of old timey records and hickery dickeries and whatever the fuck you thought was so great about the brief period of time between world wars and the 60s.
Except in this other world not only are you stuck on imageboards, everyone judges you and gossips about you and tries to figure out if you're gay or a paedophile despite you never talking to any of them.
Truer words have never been typed.
Jesus man, where do you get your 70mm?
because you're projecting really hard
Woah dude, where do you get your conclusion from?
Because that's Reddit tier pop psychology.
If he loses the argument he has to admit he is not morally Superior for accepting and raising his gf's kid and constantly providing for a chick who will likely cheat as soon as she has an excuse.
Whores are more likely to cheat. This is known as the "well duh" principle.
Where did you get yours from?
Interesting that the focus in the thread is on the pros and cons of piercings and not grevious bodily harm.
Those are some fine morals b/tards. I'm impressed.
fuck off moralcuck
Well everybody agrees that he should make the cheating bitch lose her tits so what is there to talk about?
Go snort a sinus-cunting amount of MD and fuck some diseased mudshark, Faggot.
"Wow Holla Forums derailed into trivia instead of talking about the obvious reaction-seeking edgetarded OP? I mean I can't believe that after 13 years users of English imageboards are not still shocked and appalled and feel compelled to loudly insist OP doesn't do the thing he's totally about to actually for real 100% do as if they could somehow change the outcome with their keyboards! Like OMG!"
Are you fucking retarded?
lots of laffs, so is right then?
What was there before hookup culture? All I can think of is the 50's. Or are we just asking rhetorical questions in the hope the other stops replying so we can get a false sense of victory?
She deserves it. We agree on that.
We are just chatting about hot vs. not. Me, I like unmodded chicks the best.
Are you sane?
Marraige to virgins. Before the 50s it was common, and it is still common in many foreign countries.
You can't argue society is stronger nlw that we have switched. VD is rampant even among normal people. Single Motherhood is the new standard causing widespread probelms both financial and social.
It is not sustainable and never has been.
He's arguing that his GF banging other guys makes him more manly then men who demand fidelity.
What do you think? Insane or just overcompensating?
Good possibility. My own mother tried to get me to date single moms to "rescue" them.
Then when I married a virgin in college she was pissed and hated her from day one.
I don't see her logic. Is it narcissism?
Are you hard of reading? Hook up culture started in the 60's, before that there was a brief period of conservative bliss in the 50's, then it was a constant state of war. Are you deliberately trying to read what I type incorrectly?
Like where? Afghanistan? Before the 50's sucked.
huehue i gishgallop u git out da thred!!
How many psychoactive drugs is your mother on?
Hey bro I know these fucking stormfags are worthless and so insecure like totally out of touch with their feelings, but to be honest bro so are you and your heteronormativity is pretty objectionable.
I personally regularly pay (vegan only) men to suck my girlfriends' penis as it is a liberating experience for all parties. Perhaps you should be more open-minded bigot.
What golden period did war ever stop?
on a beach in europe and noticed an otherwise doable but heavily tattooed mom. Her son got into an argument with an arab boy over kidstuff and the arab boy shouted 'did ur mom escape from a penal colony?'
oops, wrong thread
Read a book nigger.
Maybe that's something to think about.
yet still oddly on topic.
the Komnenian renaisssance of the East Roman Empire was stopped by the Crusades
his favourite dog is a cucker spaniel
Cuckerman the Ignoble