Freech are using their boards like big guys, encrypting their messages and posting across boards. What is the meaning of this?
Freech are using their boards like big guys, encrypting their messages and posting across boards. What is the meaning of this?
Why not just send each other emails or something? Are they really this fucking autistic?
autistic, definitely, going through this much effort for years just to kill fullchan?
Autistic as fuck
what world do they live in
When will we BTFO them once again?
not until they piss every board off at the same time again
A world of complete fucking denial.
We already DDOS'd them several times, thats no longer fun
lets just spam them like we did back when they were still Holla Forums and give them a taste of their own medicine
As soon as we figure out the super sekrit code for their raid messages. Would Holla Forums know anything about this?
No, they wouldn't know jack shit about this, every one of them are autistic freetards. Most of Holla Forumss userbase fled when their shitty hack of a BO told them too, and nobody cared because Holla Forums was such a shitty board to begin with
Where did they flee to?
Various other boards, some went to Infinity Never most went off to nntpchan, some wend to endchan
did they really finish nntpchan?
I honestly have no fucking idea, all I know is every other chan board is a graveyard except for halfchan and here
I see, I guess if we're willing to post on josh's abortion of a site we could always ask some of them.
Probably not, but based on their thread it sounds like the 1337 [email protected]/* */ code is simple to remember once you know it. It's probably just an alphabet cipher or something.
I doubt theyre even that clever
why would you even care?
those guys aren't even worth the attention
Did freech really create a fucking Enigma machine to protect their shitposts?
Let's fuck their shit up.
Turn the catalog into nothing but sheboons.
I fully propose this.
Lets make a thread about it.
so get started and link it here
How the fuck do we decode them?