Trump is turning Jews against each other
Was this his plan all along?

Is he turning the Jews who aren't "in the know" against the ones who are?

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this is exactly what i've suspected all along. it's nosecret that those at the utmost globalist hierarchy can't fully control or indoctrinate the common jew below them. To quote trump from a far earlier rally:
'There are some really disgusting people[in big business and banking], and believe me, folks, they're going to start working for us.'

Trump planned to subvert the common jew from the beginning.

Maybe there are good jews and bad jews like every other people?

I am jewish
I love Trump and support nationalism
My friends all think of me as uncomfortably far right wing
T-t-thanks Holla Forums

There are good muslims too, but when the most Islamic organisation in the world declares jihad against Europa, profiling is the price you have to pay!

half of the beauty is how hilariously it comes together and how it inspires others to revolt against the system by using it to their advantage. there's another thread here where one person turned his whole class against a teacher who was preaching about the Holocaust simply by asking for equal representation.

When the biggest jewish organizations work towards white genocide profiling is the price you have to pay.

You are funny, I'll gas you last.

what this user said

:) profile me all you want, all you will find is that I have created a few dank Trump memes and baneposted a lot.

If your lucky you can earn the title of edeljude. But no shiksa's for you.

Plenty of your kin play the long game in order to subvert so I would never relax. Benji just being one such recent example.

Well to be fair user prior behavior of anons doesn't matter on imageboards.

In fact that's the central idea of imageboards.

He seemed to be talking about distrust of jews in general, not simply when posting on imageboards.

Fair enough

I already have gf, she's white. her eyes are brown, mine are blue. Does that matter?

Benji is more cuck than eternal jew tbh. It's more weak men hate strong than jewry. He was fairly based except for his chickenhawk antics until Michelle Fields lost her arm to a dirty Lewandowski armbar.

TBH people, there's a good litmus test on wheither a jew is trustworthy or not. Ask them is they support open boarders for the US then for Israel. If no to both they are fine, if yes to both they are a garden variety liberal faggot. If no to Israel but yes to US, rev up them ovens.

Its more like a rift inside the micro world of right wing jews, on one side the neocons who want the goy to die for israel, the other side the jew who is more loyal to america.

Anyway, the faster the neocon dies out the better

Borders is not enough. Ask them if they support the right for white nations to keep nonwhites out.

"Closed borders" can be taken to mean leaving the existing problem to fester.

One thing at a time. Closed borders and deporting of illegals buys us an extra 10-15 years.

Trump is leading a Jewish faction against another.

Enjoy the show.

If you help us jew these jews then fine, you're honorary. But you're American First, white second, and Jewish last. In fact just drop the whole Jewish thing all together, and just dedicate your life to a white America.

What would you call a self inflicted shoah?

I distinctly remember an article about Israel keeping Israel jewish. If someone could post it that would be cool. Comparing it to WN definitely rustles all the right jimmies.

Exactly. Borders closed is the immediate goal.

One more point I would like to stress: The reason the globalist rot was able to infect and lower our defenses was because of the dissolution of the family. Why did the family dissolve? Because cuckservatives, who are no more than 60s liberals never let them forget, gave muh freedumbz to individuals rather than families. Families are the smallest social unit not individuals. No other race besides whites puts so much emphasis on the individual. Food for thought.

A solocaust?

Yes since Jewish history will be retold as a long game of last man standing.

Did anyone really think that they would stop back stabbing, even if it meant doing it to their own kind?

It's like the story of the scorpion and the frog, except the scorpion survives and is later eaten alive by its children.

The Jews in corporations, banking and the media are not the same as the Jews who walk the streets.
Common Jews and elite Jews are very different.

Isn't Holla Forums a wonderful happy place? :D

Not when the useful idiots show up just to call you kike.

If you swapped them of their titles for a day you wouldn't see a difference. So what's different about them?

Would you see a difference if you swapped Donald Trump with a random white guy from the Midwest?
Would you see a difference if you swapped Ben Carson with a random Negro from Detroit?

It certainly does not have anything to do with Islam because Qur'an tells muslims to fight uncomfortable people and does not prohibit cousing marriage.

It is not beneficial to argue agains muslims, one should argue against Qur\an instead.


Plus it would be the biggest nobel prize winner with 6 gobrillion winners.


Guiness record winners*

It would win nobel prize too.

True, I'd extend that to most people tho. Being rich makes you isolated. It's those isolated people who never see the harm their policies inflict on the common man. Trump is the exception it seems.

Don't know much about being rich but fairly well off. Thinking about how little I care about the lives of hoodrats, I guess the global elites think the same about us. Maybe we really need to care about people below us more but the only way we can do that is if we share commonality -> the same volk…

Let em. It's fucking Holla Forums. We need to be fucking hardcore in order to counterbalance the SJW. If we shift the Overton window far enough right with our shitposting then Trump looks normie friendly and our goals are met. It's all the propaganda game, making sure our ideas can be discussed in the open.

I never outed myself as having jewish heritage before and wont again cause fuck being a namefag of any sort. Was wonding how Holla Forums would react. Once again, Holla Forums shows itself to be a place of completely sane extreme discussion. And that is why we fuck with their heads.

At the end of the day, both the commoner and elite subscribe to the same ideological thought. Swapping them wouldn't bring any real change, just material differences, such as their ability to outjew everyone else. Is this the difference you're referring to? How good at following the Talmud defines how "elite" a Jew is?

the thought of it sends my sides skyrocketing.

The elite Jew is incredibly rich and holds extreme amounts of power, the common Jew does not.



Aside from material differences, what is there?

Your line of thought makes me think you're a good commoner goy jew who supports Trump because he'll make commoner jews like you great again right?

That thought saddens me.

But I never said I was Jewish, go-I mean guy.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Here's my point. At one time, the descendants of the elite jewish clique were commoner jews right? How did this end up?

What makes you think it'll be any different this time?


Calm down NSA.


If only. Six million more!

And then what? The result is still the same. You seem to have a fantasy that instead of some 1337 inbred Jew among those that run things from a shadowy room, it'll be you instead. Protip: You won't.

You're maymaying wrong and it's showing who (((you))) are.

How exactly does that make me like the NSA?


Can't you just lose the Jewish aspect of your identity?

Lol wut? If they're busy fighting each other, they can't fight us and we can move forward with our plans. You aren't grasping how divide and conquer works.

Let me elaborate, they also advocate the destruction of your race.

The fate of any power structure made by jews is D&C, since that's their MO to make any power structure. I don't have to worry about the long term viability of anything they "build". Likewise, trying to build anything using similar tactics has the same fate.

Yes. What do you get if you mix manure and ice cream?

You personally participated in white genocide. No god can save you from justice.

Time to take the red pill(pic related), user.

The ones that stay out of white nations.

lel stay cucked


this, your religion is long dead.

most jews are shit anyway

I am reminded of that weird part in Ender's game where his siblings troll online to prevent everyone killing themselves. The brother took an extreme position and the sister took a more moderate. Eventually they compromised on a somewhat extreme position that saved the world.

It bothered me cause I couldn't imagine random anonymous trolls on the interwebs weilding so much power, then I watched the Holla Forums drive the alt right into
1) Create the weaponised meme "cuckservative" , destroying multiple GOP consultant's careers along with inspiring the eponymous bestselling book.
2) Taken back twitter and reddit of all places from SJWs in a fucking firestorm of vengence
3) Exposed half a bunch of neocon jews for the traitors they are to the extent that the JQ is being asked in the open.

There really is something to this spira… meme power!

Nah too much fun to troll. There are many SJWs around. Sometimes say weird things like "you don't know x cause you are white" to which I reply "actually I am Jewish and more oppressed than any PoC. Remember the X!"

So far my highscore is X = 600 million. They never fucking question it! HAHAHA

And I am saying I don't at all feel threatened by them. They are absolutely necessary. When the world returns to a sane and happy place where white families can again live in a wealthy and prosperous nation run for their benefit, all these "kill all jews" types will calm their tits. This is the goal Holla Forums is united in working towards correct?

Trolling cucks on twitter with jew hate is the funniest fucking thing tho. Triggers them like nothing ive ever seen.

Muh blue eyes doe…

I meant jewish by race not religion. I am agnostic. Thinking about Christianity but hear a lto of churches are cucked. How do I find one that is not?

Are you gonna ban me from shitposting here? Cause it seems that is more influential than newspapers and shit :)

Nigga, that's been his plan for his entire business career. NYC is chock-full o' Jews. If you want to make a single cent over there, you absolutely have to know how to pit Jew against Jew while avoiding getting jewed yourself. Business in NYC is all about jewing Jews that jew Jews that jew Jews.

Do you think the Holocaust happened?

Wow dude that's brilliant, I cant believe that never occured to me… If we all adopted jewish pseudonyms online (and irl when the moment calls) , and just hound people about how they will NEVER be as oppressed as us, it would cause a huge shit storm I feel like. Especially if we trolled it on worldstar.

I dont mean outrageous pseudonyms like sully shekelstein, but rather just normal jewish people who juuuust cross the line enough to get people offended, but not enough to realize the ploy.

"because my daddy was jewish"


It'd be something along the lines of "internalized anti-semitism." I mean, we've already got internalized misogyny, internalized racism etc.

I'd fuck her. I'd like to violate a Labour kike bitch.

You're kind of fucked, to be honest. You're either going to be a traitor to your own people, accepted by whites but not one of them and never fully trusted. Or you side with your own people and get gassed.


Kill yourself for worshiping a fucking Jew and then telling a Jew to worship himself

I don't hate every individual Jew. But the old Jewish culture and strict religion must go, as Christians reformed themselves. You will notice, if you take a very long and broad view of history, that there have been more variations of Christianity than any other Abrahamic religion. Europeans didn't know it over time, but they slowly changed Christianity to suit their culture as it also changed their culture to suit Christianity.

Now this isn't a defense of Christianity; personally I believe that all Abrahamic religion must be purged from global culture if we're to have any hope of relative world peace. But my point is that Christianity caught on with Europeans and embedded itself in their culture while Judaism didn't for a reason. Christians believe that there can still be mercy for those who don't believe, which was a fairly novel idea at the time. This prevented them from maintaining a hard line on nonbelievers and eventually you have the modern, generally altruous Christian of today.

Contrast this with modern Jewish, especially Zionist belief which states outright that Jews are God's one and only chosen race of people, and that non Jews are put on this Earth to serve the Jews. This is the core belief of the Jews and it hasn't changed. Or, if you like, we can look at Islam, which has always said that Muslims are entitled to conquer non Muslims and subjugate them to second class citizenship. It's a cult about world domination. This is shit that would be banned in many civilized nations, including Germany, for cult like doctrine, if it wasn't for the political implications.

To put it shortly, Judaism is the religion of rulers. Islam is the religion of conquerors. Christianity is, as it always has been, the religion of slaves.

How much do you know about the link between Jews and communism?

Reported for intl. You lose.

What do you want to know? Or is that rhetorical?


Then you’re retarded.
lol he thinks the reformation had anything to do with abrogating old doctrines
You’re both a retard and hopelessly naïve.
kek, whatever you have to tell yourself, intl.

If you stop trying to kill our blood and race – we can kill nigger together and save Israel. And kill the Pope too!

But one way or another — lots of people are going to die before Globalism either destroys humanity and returns us to the Planet of the Apes, or we evolve into the Kyptonian Vulcan Overman Aryans we were meant to be.

More and More Catholics expose themselves to be the true enemy on Holla Forums

Seems like it. Jews who aren't in the know don't understand that Trump is controlled opposition so they don't understand why other Jews are supporting him.

Jimmy Ruseman may I suggest?

As I said earlier, Jews aren't getting gassed IRL when we are so effectively doing it online to all the right people. They are becoming more and more irrelevant everyday. Memes not murder!

I don't agree with your last sentence. Were the Christian colonists all slaves? Did a slave mentality stop the British empire being formed?


You're still getting gassed attention whoring spamming kike.

Once Trump's finished D&Cing your kind you're going straight to the ovens.

That's why you think you should personally participate in white genocide, right? :^)

Sorry, expulsion has been tried many times before. The people in the past probably didn't have access to enough information to realise that it's only a temporary solution. We're not going to fall for it this time.

Kikes will be killed. Period. We cannot rest until every single last one is slaughtered. It is the ultimate end goal for every single ethnicity on Earth.

I don't care what your beliefs are I will personally throw you in the oven Chaim



If you can fit in a car's ashtray then you can stay, otherwise you get the gas.

Orthodoxy is best. People who grew up in Orthodox cultures tend to be pretty redpilled, but can't say the same about converts, especially former Protestants/Evangelicucks. Either way, that's not a big deal since Orthodox don't treat their church like a political social club, it's rather a hospital for the soul.

To be honest it seems like most western converts to orthodoxy basically just like the bling and are LARPing faggots.

If you're not born into a culture that practices orthodox christianity, you shouldn't practice it. It has too many cultural ties for an outsider to practice it.

Since you seem out of the know




Dubs confirm.



they convert out of laziness, they get fed up with their prot heresy but they remember all the lies spread about the catholic church and then they see the orthodox church and see it as an uncorrupted church because noone spreads lies about them yet are too lazy to research their history.

At first I thought that was the crazy chick who killed her kid and was being smug in court.

I think I got the crazy part right though


Nah, the local cultural aspects are clearly distinguished from the religion itself, especially in the Orthodox Church of America. In the US you can fine Orthodox churches where everyone there is a convert.

It's funny you talk about Protestant lies spread about Catholicism (which you're right about), but at the same time you spread lies about Orthodoxy (which Protestants also do). Meanwhile, Orthodoxy has no need to spread lies about anyone because we're secure in our faith.

those dubs tho

What about Autoholocaust?

Well, the moralist leftist jews that don't care about israel hate trump.

And then you have the nationalist rightwinger pro-israeli jews that love trump.

This is what happens when the mothers stop doing crack and start doing spice.

"No…the HOUSE password!"

As a Christian myself, I don't really recommend screwing around with church denominations. Read the Bible, and soak it all in. After you got that, look around and figure out for yourself what teaches you more about the Bible. Whatever that is, will probably also have the best community, just by nature.

I've been to 3 main churches in my life, and I didn't particularly dislike any of them, but one of them, which I grew up in, was kind of dead, even though I sort of liked it. It was full of old people, and not much excitement to go and DO something, even though they also had missionaries that they supported. The depth of knowledge about the Bible was also lacking, or maybe I've just grown up since then and can appreciate it better. That was a Baptist church.

One of them was alright, but again, it didn't dig as deep into the Bible as the current one does. I just didn't care too much to listen to the sermons, cause I didn't learn something from them, usually. It's probably great for other people though, and I hope that they get something good out of it. This one didn't have any displayed denomination that it went by.

The current one has a pastor that goes so far into it that he's always explaining things to the smallest detail. He knows history from a Biblical perspective, and ties it into history from a, well, historical (for lack of a better term) perspective, which he also seems to know a lot about. He explains what the words originally meant. So, he'll be reading things in English, but he will explain what the words originally meant in Greek, and so he explains what it all means through that perspective, which is pretty valuable. They had words with several meanings that you wouldn't get in English. Also, he would explain the cultures and such, which helps give context and meaning to what's explained in the Bible. Anyway, this church is amazing, and the main pastor is someone who can consistently teach me something new. They have a website as well, where they have archived videos of the sermons that were given. This church has no stated denomination either.

I assume they're just non-denominational, because they simply follow the Bible, and they state their own beliefs on their site, and in their sermons, but they have no label attached to it. It's just the Bible.

I genuinely mean it, I'm not even joking or being edgy.
Fuck, reddit is already destroying our values.


Point out they're both zionists, they put Israel first instead of the US, that all they care about conserving is GDP.

Reported for Jewry.

Thats the biggest bluepill of all, user.

Pic related.

I'd highly suggest you to insert yourself into globalist kike circles. Network with them. Gain their trust and infiltrate some organizations.

Also, do you believe any bit of the holocaust? Do you have jewish relatives or friends who have said some jewy shit about the filthy goyim?