Is Leafy secretly one of us?
He promoted a Holla Forums user Evalion to his millions of subscribers.
Is Leafy secretly one of us?
He promoted a Holla Forums user Evalion to his millions of subscribers.
No one is one of us. We are a group of one.
We are along and shall be forever alone… Together.
Holy shit quit spammng this crap.
No, he's just a butthurt hapa. He probably browses for Elliot memes though.
For fuck sake, quit promoting this lying whore god damnit. What a bunch of faggots seriously, stop worshiping every women that says something that might be or is racist.
Oh look, it's yet another Evalion thread. Who could possibly be pushing these? Cui bono?
Neither of them are one of us. You're not one of us either.
OP is fag, sage, take your e-celeb drama back to twitter and jewtube.
Evalion is a whore, but at least she's a whore who is actually doing something for the cause. She spreads memes to the masses, we need more like her and less like you.
Evalion is cancer
You mean Holla Forums wannabe?
Remember that all e-celeb shills follow one of two protocols
nobody cares about your e-celeb faggotry
Evalion is a solid 7 but her voice is a 10.
This is getting to be Holla Forums tier Kennedi posting.
Muh lady needs attentions, and you're gonna give it to her god damnit!
>her voice is a 10
I want to choke her with my dick in her ass so she squeaks even higher as her death throes cause her anal sphincter to tighten around
my cock
Pornography is a tool of the Jew.
I've come to realize you're all a bunch of edgy hipsters. You whine about how we are in the fringe yet complain about "e-celebs" when we finally get massive attention. You guys love to be fringe, you don't want to win, you just want to snuggle up in your nazi blanket in your secret corner of the internet.
Fuck off cunt.
Stop leeching off Holla Forums.
Fuck off, conformist. Popularity does nothing but dilute. Holla Forums needs to stay unpopular so we can maintain our meme energies, Evalion is a tool nothing more, you are a tool nothing more, go spread our memes in the real world like the good little tool you are, you will never be a wizard.
Look, faggot.
I don't like these e-celebs and twitterfaggots because time and again they turn out to be controlled opposition. Every one of them sells us out at every opportunity. Every one of them can be bought or can have another agenda we know nothing about.
Sinead McCarthy, Ben Shapiro, Milo "niggerdicksucking" Yannopolous… You name me one of these pieces of shit that accurately represents I stand for and isn't easily bought off to endorse tranny bathroom rights and I'll concede.
E-celebs: Not even once.
Nope, he's a dumb as fuck SJW faggot. As you can see from his latest exploit, where he unwittingly exploits 2 million teenagers to Holla Forums material.
This girl is spreading the good word, so i don't give a fuck.
I want to fuck Evalion. I wish she had nudes or something. At least a titty or something, fuck.
Also, her boyfriend is a faggot vegan. Why does every girl I think is decent have to already have a faggot boyfriend? Fucking shit.
Seems like you're the faggot here. Almost like you don't realize that Jews control the meat and dairy industry and that eating the flesh of animals is part of Jewish blood ritual.
No, leafy is and always will be a fucking faggot.
Sinead is a crazy feminist bitch
Shapiro is a kike (never trust a kike)
Milo is a faggot kike (never trust a faggot kike)
What's your point?
Evalion is a cute little nazi, she couldn't hurt a fly.
Don't worry. If she's real, she's just fighting her instinct to be with a real man. It's a phase. I bet she already pretends her faggot vegan is a real man when they have sex. She'll succumb to an actual man at some point.
It's true for many of us. We've been used to being edgy exiles for so long it doesn't feel right
Why should anyone care about Evalion? I think the only reason she's been given any kind of attention it's because she's either hot, or controversial.
Holla Forums shouldn't care about her, even complaining about her is simply a waste of time.
Because people like her do more for our cause than most of Holla Forums combined
Could you stop spamming these shit threads about some random cancer youtubers ? We have actual issues to discuss here, not Youtube-tier ebola
Does anyone else feel like evalion might be a self-hating jew?
Low test homo, swerve!
Silly faggot nobody cares about anything you say
I would rather see this girl than the 6 millionth rule circumventing Trump thread.
so…you are a pr fag ?
Oh, hi Holla Forums.
Onisicuck made a video about her too now. This is very good news, her channel is fucking blowing up with views. Like Trump said, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Lol what is all this e-celeb viral marketing shit. You should be ashamed, why am I seeing all these fucking halfchan Holla Forums tier threads on here? Did everyone go to another chan now that Hotwheels is ded?
Kill urself
Won't be long then until this little shit hops aboard the normie train:
More than half the catalog is now Trump spam, it doesn't even fucking matter anymore.
Fucking spam again. The only time these retards should have a thread on here is when their an hero videos are available for viewing. Not rumor vids, there must be blood.
fucking kill yourself evalion, constantine, sinead, kyle, and on and fucking on. YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE SO FUCK THE HELL OFF
I don't care, just fucking stop shilling these people.We don't need a 7th thread about them in 2 days.
His voice sounds like a 5 year old.
evalion is a shill and there's screencaps to prove it you nigger.
Hes right, the board has been spammed for 2 days at least with this shit.
And don't forget to fucking sage when you post here.
Oh fuck off, i don't hear you complaining when half the catalog is about Talmud Vision theatrics involving Trump.
This girl is sharing Holla Forums material and her channel is now blowing up because these SJW fucks are giving it attention. If anything it's time for salt mining, rather than crying about it here.
Are you even sure you're a Holla Forumsak, you fucking whiner.
Cry somewhere else please.
She could be of use to us if she was actually a fascist with this many subscribers instead of just another attention whore
I know, I haven't been on as much lately and everything just seems to be getting shittier over time. There are still interesting threads but they're much less frequent than they used to be.
Just my 2 cents
Evalion is a Jewish agent who is out to destroy the white race. Give her no views.
A lot of loyalty for a hired kike.
We should indeed use her for salt mining
Fug, meant for
They're not photoshops, you're just some faggy worshipper who can't handle the fact that she's a whore shill.
post them
Look at the description for his video. How can you read this and not be astonished by the absolute lack of idiocy in this description. Wtf do libcucks even think at this point ?
Sage because off-topic
I just reported Onision cuck for bullying.
You sure as hell aren't from here jewish shill, you're probably trying to have some of us pay her for her shit. We've seen enough of those e-celeb cocksuckers to know they all end up being cancer that harm the ideology more than helps in the long run.
She can do whatever but for fuck's sake stop trying to shove her down our throats. We don't need a thread as soon as she farts, it was already bad when every single Trump tweet meant a new thread, we don't need that faggotry sliding the catalog too.
Just passing by, but why Holla Forums is so butthurt about Evalion? She is bringing Holla Forums-tier stuff to a wide public, and now this moron LeafyIsHere just broadcasted our message to literally millions of people.
I have not seen any kikery in her videos. So far it's a huge success for redpilling normies on jewtube.
Because she is a jew whore whose only purpose is to destroy the white nationalist movement. And she is doing a marvellous job with that.
I have not seen a conclusive proof to this claim yet.
I think it's mostly muh pr faggots
That and nobody trusts e-celebs.
Sage for slide thread tho smh tbh fam.
Have you seen the comment section ? I think 4/pol/ is raiding this fucker hard
You keep saying this but explain how? I don't see the danger.
Are you retarded?
This literally just started today. Someone is trying to shut it down.
epic comeback, shlomo
JIDF please
Stop shilling this underage faggot.
When it's a shadow, his hands look like a big chin with bumps and boils lol
animals don't care if you care about them.
people only anthropomorphize animals in contemporary society due to economic excess allowing for decadant psychologies to develop.
man is a predator that is why we have stereoscopic vision
If the basic rules of conduct and engagement are already decided upon, cute women are often put at the front of the expedition as a mere figurehead, in order to build excitement and provide a more charming atmosphere, see pics. related.
Here's some more, and unless you fags have a bigger plan to capitalize over this shit you're just a bunch of eceleb worshipping faggots. This whole thing is sinead 2.0.
The worst thing about her is her racism and fascism.
Might have been nice in the 20th century, but today we know that we need an inclusive and diverse conservative movement to beat the SJW's and people like that shill whore only divide our movement.
Hello John Oliver
And… you just outed yourself as a shill.
Now hold on a minute, her claiming to be a 'shill' was part of a livestream show and was basically irl shitposting with Holla Forumsacks.
Anyway why does any of this shit matter? Who gives a flying fuck about leafy or evalion? We do what we always do and always have done. We use these people to the extent that we can and drop them like a rock when it becomes apparent they are detrimental.
even if evalion is a paid shill, she's still taking the heat off of others by ass-blasting liberals into fighting that instead of fighting our important interests like gex.
Right now while the jewry is distracted by low hanging fruit it is the time for all of us to be revving up them propaganda engines and push it out nonstop
That's not just that dummy, there's another thread that just poped right here this is a coordinated effort. We're being massively shilled.
And you're not saging?
And I call bullshit on the "It was just a prank bro !!".
I switched thread in between and the sage didn't stay sorry. I resaged here
I'd pay a heavy load for that cam video where she "pretended" to have sex.
I could "pretend" to jack off to it.
Here around 45:00 she says it's all baiting.
I was kinda shrugging and not caring much about this whole neon genesis evalion stuff, but this is the six gorillionth thread
use the goddamn existing ones instead of spamming the catalogue before they even remotely hit the bump limit
if your thread can't stay in the catalogue by force of the interest it generates, spam is just going to annoy people
We're being raided, don't forget to sage.
I really don't give a shit. And nor should you.
This situation will cause a concentrated effort within the SJW and the international jewry community. They are going to be solely focused on this for a while. It would be wise to use this distraction to our advantage instead of sitting here picking 'sides'.
I didn't give a shit before we started being raided with that waifu shit like when we found sinead being a mudshark and the copypasta with "sinead and her boyfriend andrew anglin ect…" started appearing. If we're going to use this as a massive redpill distribution we're going to start to spread memes.
Those are 10/10 threads.
10 out of 10 times made by the renegayde fags, which are suspicious as fuck since they started bitching about encryption and nicknames online.
They obviously aren't made by the Renegays
Didn't she just say that snailmail was safer, which is actually true?
It's not safer if the feds can read it and know who you are.
the Evalion channel is created by jews and their servants as a caricature of low tier posters on Holla Forums, a bait that to trigger normies and therefore build an anti-Holla Forums army, and also give dumb Holla Forums wannabes a false leader.
Standard psy-op tactic.
Just the fact that she's bashing out quality edited videos on average 1 every 18hrs, continuously for months shows there is a team working full time.
Also she's scripted, obvious, but that fits in with this being a psy-ops.
It is not in the interests of Holla Forums to make such triggering vids without long, well argued reasons to come to such triggering conclusions and stances. It only helps opponents of free speech.
Anyone expressing support \ defence of evalion indicates they are tarded or a shill.
Nothing works if you're a retard about it.
Fuck um both tbh, but fuck this dude more.
How can you not be a "retard about it" when you're actually trying to spread a message to as much people as you can ?
If you're real…. you don't need Holla Forums…. Holla Forums is too suspicious. There is no reason to try and emulate anything here.
In the video or whatever it was she was talking about collaborating with people and planning shit out, not redpilling.
Why are you not harvesting salt from the mines in the comments Holla Forums ?
It's still stupid.
I hope she breaks up with her current bf so I can swoop in and take his place.
No, it's stupid to think anything done on a computer is completely secure or private.
There are more than enough reasons to shit on here, that isn't one of them.
*on her
Women don't ever support their ideologies with any loyalty. Of course, this is merely fun for her. How is that surprising to you, unless you fundamentally misunderstand the differences between the sexes? You're apparently very much a beta male, user.
Spoken like a true Omega.
There is 0 reason to start e-celeb threads like this. The people that do so are either trying to
I have no face that expresses my satisfaction.
Stay butthurt, anti-eva cucks. As it stands you have no reason to countersignal her as a genuine Holla Forums user
literally who?
if she is an e-celeb, why is she being promoted here on Holla Forums? You realise e-celebs are best case ruining the discussion by spreading her personal, over-the-top opinion, and at worst intentionally trying to misrepresent groups?
are you really going to fall for the electronic jew?
You don't have a face since you are a mobilecuck.
It's interesting to watch a pro-white channel go from 5K subscribers to 50+K subscribers in 2 days time.
thanks for giving me another reason to bump.
You cucks are beyond retarded.
desperate fags who want a le nazi girlfriend.
you've always been like this. that nazi camwhore you faggots went all over, that other twitter bitch (not tay), and some other insufferable kiketube one. fall for this one again.
you might have autism.
Salt delivery, right on schedule.
im not raiding Holla Forums with my yellow tooth e celeb bitch because im beta trash. go worship another female online and let me know how that internet girlfriend is.
The only people that are butthut about this are;
The stick out like a thorn to anyone experience enough to tell the difference.
(salt emotion coon rune)
I'm enjoying your saltiness, go on.
WE, as in the collective of no ones, sculpted the current political landscape by leveraging our obscurity. This little harlot comes in on third base and claims she hit a triple. We never needed you before, and we were victorious. This is either an attempt to subvert us, or a case of stolen valor. Fuck this idiot, we never did it for accolades, we did it because we have a moral compass. The same cannot be said about any camwhore, especially one that's dried up gash couldn't rattle enough tokens so she moved on to shock-jockey idiocy. This is bad, we do not want normies here, that's why this whole thing works. Leafy was paid to make this video, her subscribers are bought, this is all a set-up.
We permit Sam Hyde on this board because he's actually funny [Sam cums], and he isn't conspicuously shilling this place to the public at large that his humor is attacking. This is fucking insufferable. Women, every time.
Because she is not genuine in what she is doing. Everything is there. Yet the white knights who destroy every community swoop in and have to justify her. Her opinion only matters more because she is a girl on the internet.
lol kikebook a lot?
Maybe you should get back to your bag of foreskins.
Salt, continued.
don't worry fellow nazi you'll get that yellow toothed jew pussy if you support her goy!
A lot of loyalty for a beta shill.
You're terrible at this, son.
Have you ignored all the previous post made so far?
Why the fuck is a some gamer-streamer being promoted on Holla Forums?
It's okay if it's a girl being promoted. But if it was a male Holla Forums channel things wouldn't be kosher around here.
spice added ;^)
Mods really have to have a zero tolerance policy towards e-celeb threads.
They truly are reddit tier cancer
Thirsty beta faggots think she'll suck their dicks if they shill for her hard enough.
She's not a gamer-streamer, only she was promoted by some. I don't care that much, but a lot of the more miserable Anons. here losing their spaghetti salt is funny.
she isnt someone is raiding the chans
There has been a noticeable influx of reddit cancer.
as seen with this nignog
Get thee behind me.
it's easy, never take any reaction from chans as serious, form your own opinion, don't take decisions because of peer presure, do your research and if you think you found something good, try to do something about it.
Eg. only thanks to crossposters did Holla Forums changed from containment board to normal board, even though many anons were
which is very similar to
which all plays nicely into the kikes hands and their plan of creating disconnected internet bubbles aka what is going on on facebook and google already that only server information which do not disagree with what that particular bubble believes.
Sure hate those places, but it is stupid to keep everything we know for ourselves
Did thou reveal himself to be a traitor?
^ you. kill yourself kike.
What if one of the things that "we know" is that our memes derive their power from not being flooded by normies now get the fuck off my board
Sure is salty in here.
she's not appeallng to us, she's appealing to normies. not an argument.
not an argument, she's obviously doing this fulltime and though i personally am not contributing to her, so far she's earned every reichsmark she gets.
not an argument
work on normies, so what? it's youtube after all, and it's paid off bigtime so far
all natsocs have some form of romanticism or fanaticism within them. some of it is genuinely facetious. not an argument
she isn't pushing this, not an argument.
any other poorly scraped point i can molly for you?
Evalion is a jew kike shill with a hook nose. Leafy is a e celeb loser who is working with evalion to make money.
Evalion has jewish handlers who routinely fuck her for a future porno to be released.
Spread the word golks. I don't get paid to spread truth like this. BUT evalions handlers get paid to push a literal kike shill onto us.
Add some spice you faggot. Gotta rev up those spicy meme amirite?
kek btfo now you're larping you're from Holla Forums
Mods really need to put an end to this kike shilling on here. Once and for all. Let this shit be spammed all day on the other chans… Which It is because evalion is literally WORKING FOR THE JRWS
>being this much of a massive cuck
wew laddio
It's O.K., user. The interest is really due to the way her channel exploded in subscribers from 5K to 50+K in two days' time. The next step is whether she keeps growing or gets censored, or rage-quits from the amount of drama coming her way. All of which would be determined by week-end.
The novelty is not going to last (by definition). By the way, you badly represented that other user.'s comment. Ideas are not the same as memes.
They need to remove E-Celeb shilling in general, it's pure cringe.
nice way to out yourself there, lad.
And here it comes, the 'ALL ELSE HAS FAILED, APPEAL TO UNSURE MODS' tactic.
don't fall for this shit, allow one thread about her to stay alive until she stops being relevant.
Are you fucking retarded? No way is your figurehead nazi wife going to do that.
It boils down to BUT MUH WIFE THO
muh dik
Yeah, user…. I filtered you because of your revolting and spastic reactions to every single comment. Bye, not.
come on i can be hip too fellow cucks
Your only basis for her being shilled here is that she just regurgitates information and she is a girl. How pathetic are you? Other youtube channels Holla Forums related give useful insight not just regurgitation. If she ever develops critical thinking, which I doubt ever, then she wouldn't be shit.
god I just can't even like deal with this right now like oh my god
#triggered #smh
Well, I filtered him so that I could have more time for new-comers like yourself. Let's go.
Seems to me that you're the one who is
Convince me that you're not a beta orbiting E-Celeb shill.
This gon' be gud
Nah. You stick your neck out and make your point, user.
What's funny is that he's the first that was triggered. Considering his "you mad bro" 2008 tier tactic changed to 2015 with "salty salty salt"
if you checked what he said earlier. he wants a nazi wife. so he'll shill here so he get good boy brownie points.
I made my point, E-Celeb threads are cancer, always will be cancer and everyone in them is cancer.
You need to justify your existence on this mongolian nail painting forum not me.
Newcomers to what? There is no content in this thread, it's everyone calling you a shill, to which you reply with
"Kike Jew Rabbi"
"le salty?"
This isn't working here man, whatever you are trying to do has failed miserably and you should probably change tack or give up altogether. I suggest the latter. I don't know what your end-game is, but you clearly are new here and shouldn't be posting, let alone making threads.
It pleases me to know that I have forced you to write your entire message to me in one line, user.
In a game of tit-for-tat, if you can decrease your "tit" and increase the other man's "tat", then a healthy individual (tit) can outlast the other (tat) by endurance.
Stay salty, "Anonymous".
The pure cringe is a hook nose JEW is getting donations off stupid nazis when she's literally a jew who is an example begging jew with no job.
Those jews sure know how to get the shekels from the goy
Go again, I was replying to that other user. who is doing the "one-liners".
That's remarkable, user.
Do you write for National Review? "Respectable conservatism", ie. circle of hugs, was recenly dismantled by The Donald.
Strawman. She's preseting the same facts we agree upon in an easily disgestible viral format for normies. and she's succeeding. if it was a man wccomplishing te same thin, i'd be promoting him in the same matter. fun fact: i was the OP of the thread that helped the initial spread of 'With open gates'
How pathetic are you? Other youtube channels Holla Forums related give useful insight not just regurgitation.
None of the have managed to create the mass apeal that she has in such a short time through unintentional promotion. and in turn, she's already promoting those channels, such as TGSNT
If she ever develops critical thinking, which I doubt ever, then she wouldn't be shit.
not an argument, she isn't a source of philosophical insight. that's ours, and other's job within our sphere. TRS and their autistes come to mind, she's merely the attractie news presenter, figureatively.
any others?
That red text is a little hard on the eyes, user. Could you do something to change it up to something better?
You have to accept that there some pretty pathetic individuals on Holla Forums and if they see a women saying their political opinions they'll worship her with tenacity.
It's sad but true.
Here's why.
If you want to resort to using females to getting your message out.You'll die like the Gaming community did using women. You attract desperate betas like a5d3cc who become loyal NOT TO THE MOVEMENT BUT THE FIGUREHEAD. This is like worshiping the stick Jesus used and not Jesus' teachings.
she wouldn't need shilling if she was so great.
That's true of most guys, on or off the internet, regardless of political views.
Oh god, thanks for that. i needed a good laugh.
I'm sure you guys have multiple people working this angle. There were threads at 5am being spammed to hell with shills and anti-shill shills. This has to be a hustle run by a bot or in multiple time-zones. We are going to find you, and you are going to deeply regret this, spook.
Dan, if I see you in person, I will remove your jaw from your skull. Fuck you Dan.
Sad but false. No one is responding to these shill threads with anything but malice, it has only restored my faith in the lads that have been here leading the charge.
Again, Dan Gabriel, there is no where on earth safe enough for you.
u mad
There you have it boys, faggot Dan Gabriel in the flesh. This was all a ruse, by the
Dan Gabriel
all that text, devoid of a logical reason not to support her.
No one is stopping their singular efforts and passing the baton to her, she's just the first to have near-mainstream success since gex hence why she deserves some praise.
Look user., I made a little book out of your rage-ing
This could be TRIGGER INDUCING. so tell me why you need a NAZI WIFE figurehead? i don't lol.notacuck
I write for myself. I'm not such a ubercuck to need a le pure nazi wife on youtube to live with myse
no ty fag. im busy posting dank kenndi memes on Holla Forums like you posting this ugly jew rat on Holla Forums
it's not the namefield reddit cuck. subject. you should know that.
u salty?
forgive me, i was lacking a little oxygen from the hilarity
You only support her under the false pretense of
everyone who is on her channel subscribed is there for her body.
have you even listened to her? she's absolutely nothing unique. just like every e celeb whore that catches the "omg muh nazi wife" appeal.
you are also telling Holla Forums to support this bitch like we're your personal army.
go donate 100 autismbux retardo.
hold your breathe.
yeah this has been going on for a little while now. i am enjoying the lulz.
keep up the good work annons
Not mine. It's all regurgitation with me :^)
-t Noah
Also can the mods please anchor this thread? It's shit filled with dumbasses and shills, I've seen less cancer on 4cuck.
hi dan
can i cook your shrimp cock?
user., how do you know that the poster that you're appreciating is not some kind of spastic anti-white?
That's very charming.
What religion are you?
I've not once said 'go donate to her'. people can watch her stuff and decide if she deserves it all by themselves.
yeah, because youtube is abounding with camwhores appealing to and pushing the propaganda of the natsoc crowd, right?
We've been through this already, little man. not an argument.
Holy shit Danny, I wouldn't hire you to clean my gutters, fuck you are bad at your job.
Pic. related
I'm not surprised that you've put up another very charming post.
The salt is abundant in this thread.
Oh Danny, your penis is a shrimp. You are the worst employee to ever collect a paycheck, period.
Well would you look at that, the shillposts stopped as soon as Dan got called out. I wonder what's going on here, I think I might bump the fuck out of this thread now for visible Dan Gabriel gaffs. Dan Gabriel, take your sophomoric antics to >>>/lolcow/ where you belong.
Why do you act like a mental case, though?
yeah ok sure user
The fuck is a Dan?
At least I'm a mental case with a shred of talent, the same can't be said about you Srgt. Shrimpdick.
The fuck is a newfag?
no one was responding to you falsely applying them to this hread ecauseno one saw t as coherent argument
I can only imagine how pissed dan must be to see shills shilling with his face/company.
It's no wonder he's stillposting hi shitty memecircles here, even after his candidate cashdaddy got knocked out.
he's attractive
How about some English, every sage was responded to within 60 seconds until I started Danposting, then the spambot cut out. What's going on here is obvious.
Ashley Jones was organically successful, trying to bite MDE's swagger. Dan saw that, and figured he could use androgynous lolis as a vector to subvert this board. Well it didn't work, and you are still getting FIRED and you will work at MCDONALDS for the rest of your MISERABLE FUCKING LIFE KILL YOURSELF DAN.
Fuckin' 'el, why can't my lazy ass land a government meme job? Oh wait, it's because I'm a competent individual. Dan, you suck at your job, bud. Go apply at Olive Garden, it isn't much, but it's what you can do.
Holy shit, this chick is hillarious. I can't tell if she's trolling or how much.
I can say… she's probably going to be doing porn soon since there's zero chance anyone will ever hire her after revealing her power level and a channel like this is never going to last long on YT, nor make many shekels from it. No matter how many views she gets.
Check these dubs
Her audience is virgin beta Holla Forumslacks. See pic related.
Nice buzz-words, Buzz-poster! Dan, you know all the best buzz-words that I identify with.
user., I would like you to prove that you are not whatever you have described others as.
What buzzwords?
My god, has this thread driven you to complete insanity or do you actually think your shitty false narrative insertion is going to work?
Can't a man take a shit, nowadays?