Vegan Gains is starting to make some good points.
I don't agree with this channels views on veganism, but I can respect the balls this young man has to deal with the hate.
Vegan Gains is starting to make some good points.
I don't agree with this channels views on veganism, but I can respect the balls this young man has to deal with the hate.
Other urls found in this thread:
That nigger is never going to make it.
He's a sick fuck.
He's a weirdo.
This guy is an edgy SJW.
not only is this e-celeb faggotry, but you're pimping a vegan nigger.
You're on 8/pol/, behave like it.
this faggot is promoting e-celebs, niggers, and veganism, you really think they're a Holla Forumsack?
then again you're most likely a plebbit/newfag/whatever for not calling them out on it and not saging.
Whatever say, stormweenie :^)
been using this board since 2014
if its really worth a watch webm
not going to give this nonwhite sargon of cuckad tier youtuber views
OP is probably from reddit
just bc you've been coming over here from reddit every once in awhile doesn't make you one of us, faggot.
been coming here for 2 years and you're still a massive faggot. are you a nigger or just retarded?
With the exception of being vegan. I feel the same way. Fuck people. Does that make me a SJW? Its mostly why I come and post here. I hate people and I'm sure most of you do too.
Sadly most of the Trump shills are normalfags who don't have a single misanthropic bone in their body.
You should look into veganism, it's a safe haven for people haters.
I'm actually jealous of normies because of that. I wish I didn't hate people. But when life hands you lemons….you squeeze them into the eyes of the nearest asshole.
Pray tell me how protein deficiency is making you a complete retard, user.
Fuck off.
Read a nutrition book, retard.
Read plenty.
You need to supplement your poor diet. Because you're a fucking omnivore, not a vegetarian animal. Go eat your filet for your daily dose of testosterone, you manlet.
nigger threads unless they have real shit to say
nigger threads unless they have real shit to say
I really miss 2014. This board is like halfchan now
He's just a butt hurt virgin. Not one of us.
White girlfriend
Well his mother is white and she's the one who raised him, pretty much all of his friends are white, my father was black and left his mother, so can you blame him for having a white girlfriend?
Oh god. Vegan Gains is a sociopath.
When did Holla Forums become so cucked as reddit?
Did you really link this whiny-voiced, effeminate, Canadian vegan faggot who got dumped by his internet girlfriend from Europe probably because he out-bitched her, an actual woman.
That's not a buzzword, genius.
Being autistic doesn't make someone a sociopath.
Explains why he's so fucking whiny. He's so dramatic and he bitches about people like a woman. It's hard to listen to. I watches this faggot put together a chair. He needed instructions, and it took him like twenty minutes. Basically he thinks like a woman, and for the most parts acts like one too, what with his little dramatic internet feuds.
No, not a buzzword.
Don't hate inferior people. Why let them influence your emotions?
Laugh at them and enjoy the fucking circus you feely faggots. Not alienating everybody around you is also a bonus if you want to get anywhere.
If you're going to be a misanthropic nihilist at least make it into comedic nihilism and you can be just as edgy but still have a good time.
His shirt tells me that he is a good goy.
Also, veganism is below fucking shit-tier.