Story time

Story time

Do you guys think this plan is legally possible? Would we have to live together? What problems would this cause? I keep imagining people (companies I'm applying for) finding out I'm married then asking me about it as a friend. This is fucking Utah, land of Mormons. I can't just say I married my male first cousin when he was 17 and I was 18.

tl;dr: I might marry my underage, first cousin to emancipate him

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Do it. You might as well fuck the system if it allows you to do so.

And people wonder why the quality is going to hell

You dumb fucking nigger, he's 17, he can just leave and live on his own you pleb.

thank you christ

Or maybe he could suck it up and kick the stepdads ass so you two don't have to be homo married…to your own cousin.

Fucking do it dude, ignore the wannabe puritans. It's worth it to keep him out of a crazy household like that. Might as well abuse what the lefties set up.


no he can't. Age of majority is 18 here.
To become emancipated you have to:
1. Military
2. Marriage
3. Court approval

He's not getting court approval, and can't go into the military

if you fucking read it, you'll find that age and gender are crucial to the problem

Me and my friends were thinking about doing kinda the same thing except to our British Friend who wants to escape Europe. The current debate is who's going to pretend fag marry the bastard.

please leave

Fucking do it, just beware of the abyss, and the coming news cycle at any level. And don't become an actual sodomite.

This is what will happen

do whoever has the biggest asshole has to marry



If I can I probably will. The problem is that he's emotionally and mentally unstable and I can't support him.

Jesus, nobody is going to arrest him and bring him back, he has a year to go, tell him to pack up and leave, find somewhere to rent.

He doesn't need a court order to become a man.

Do it, at the very least to spite your family and SJW's at the same time. Your cause is a noble one, I can't think of any other reason I'd support gay marriage other than to save your own kin from their degenerate mom and step-dad.

If any company refuses to hire you then you can sue them for discrimination. You can also no-fault divorce once he hits 18. Our legal system doesn't care if it screws you in the ass, you shouldn't be afraid to take advantage of it to screw others in the ass for the sake of preserving your family's safety.

wew lad

Oh we were going to do whoever has the tastiest precum but that will work too

you mean sex

so you're going to gay marry your crazy cousin, who you can't, support to keep him out of an abusive household, in Utah? no fucking way this will end poorly.
you need a tumblr faggot.

he can't deal with his dad without one of three things happening:
1. Jail
2. Hospital
3. Mexico or Russia

He could just beat the fuck out of him and then maybe his step-dad would leave him alone. I'm starting to think your cousin deserves a beating and that you are a massive faggot OP.

if you're so wise, find a better solution. one without happening

Gosh, NO user, that's an awful idea. Just be around and for him wile he waits to turn 18.

He wants to marry him so he can suck his dick guilt free.

what have you done today? played gta V then ordered dildos off of amazon to "prank someone"?


I'm dead fucking serious. If your cousin fought his step-dad mano e mano then he'd at least gain some level of respect. Your solution to this problem proves you are a huge faggot inside and outside. I hope his step-dad kicks your ass too.

No, but he will have one when you marry him, rape him, and you use the marriage to protect you from the law you massive queer.

Buy a guy and give it to your cousin, that way he will able to defend himself.


his stepdad isn't abusive to everyone. he just hates him for something he did a while ago. He's all anger and won't ever respect him for what he did

You were right the first time with these couple of queers.

Is that what your boyfriend did? Don't need to be so bitter, there are plenty of nice gay guys out there for you

among others

I don't care about your cousin's step-dad's emotions. This isn't your blog. I hope your cousin gets beaten to death so you can take that as a warning not to be such a huge faggot.

This step dad seems to be the only man around, banging your aunts pussy and making her little faglet know his place.

motherfucker do you really need more explanation why it's not smart to beat someone up? I hope you finally choke on your razor blades so no one has to deal with this pathetic piece of shit you've become.

just kill yourself and donate your body to the retard exhibit so you can feel like you were worth something

Why don't you just beat the shit out of his abusive stepdad? Get some friends to come with you if you're scared

Both of you should just go over and prep her bull and learn something from him, instead of becoming even more of a disgrace by marrying your retarded cousin.

Just challenge his faggot stepdad to an honorable fist fight duel, offer something equivalent to him not beating your cousin if he wins and man the fuck up for your brother. If you're willing to jump through hoops and get gay married to him, you're should be willing to take and give a beating for him.

Hell just offer to be the stepdad's punching bag in your cousin's stead. Way more manly that becoming a certified faggot.


It's not gay if I'm on top, right?

sounds like a plan to me.
I literally don't care about ethics right now. Knowing this family, it'll be illogical to beat someone up. It'll land me in jail for years because they will call the police. They always do. Unless I'm lucky enough to claim self-defense, but that's a long shot

that and he'll call the police if I ever mention a duel
he has literally no honor. He's married to a psychopathic bitch that manipulates the fuck out of him.

For the love of all things holy please tell me there's some kind of police report, or something. Anything on record to lend credence to this allegation.
If not, you're going to need that data to exist on record. Neither of us likes where I'm going with this.

thx, fam

where are you going with this? set him up?

Yeah no

I'm for gray morality, but nothing illogical

If the dude is actually abusive, you won't have to "set him up", now will you?

It's a matter of self-respect. Intelligence means nothing without the willingness to control the world around you.

I don't know what your talking about

Best of luck with your "pretend" incestuous gay marriage.

Way more realistic than spending a night in jail for fighting.

Sage for not politics blogposting.
mods have forsaken us

you can't just type sage in the comment field newfriend

I was merely jesting my dear newfriend

Goddamn it all

Good, because I have absolutely no ulterior motives

You could just elope together and not get gay-married. Sounds like auntie and stepdaddy wouldn't really give a fuck if he just packed up and left. Probably hoping he will. And yeah, court orders are for faggots.

do it sounds fucking hilarious
make a documentary about it and show it at sundance

true, I honestly don't know much about him, except he yells and threatens a lot. He's never been around his stepson without witnesses, and he does know his wife loves her son, even though she's psychotic (extreme borderline personality disorder, and/or probably histrionic). So he hasn't put his stepson in the hospital yet, even though he's said everyone would've been better off if the stepson was aborted

calling it now.

I just read the fine print in the Utah laws, and apparently we have to be at least 55 AND infertile. So this may not work. However, first cousin, once-removed marriage is legal. I need loopholes

Do it OP

Fucking this. The both of you ambush the fucker and put him in his place. There will be no charges or shit like that, make that clear.

Help your cousin like a man, not like… whatever strange world you are on your way into.

you can just be incest-faggot that wants help to get married with your cousin for all i know, thats not even crazy by today standards, so why would i help? bretty degenerate tbh

Do it, then when he gets emancipated minor status divorce him. For bonus points, adopt a kid and force him to pay child support.

Or you could just not give a shit because it's not your problem.

I married my third cousin so i can import her from Ukraine and make aryan babbies, go for it op, just no homosex u fggt

goddammit. you got me.
butt if I wanted to fuck him, why would I need some dude in a robe to ok it?

Perhaps you're grooming him?

Brown person detected.

My urges are nothing that Rohypnol can't cure

Do it faggot

being gay married to your first cousin at 17 and 18 for beautiful assfucking is perfectly natural and nothing to be concerned about.
His stepdad also lives like an hour away, and I just think it'll be easier to sell him as a sex slave

Child support sounds like a good idea
Would I have to feed it though?

My 10th grade bio teacher emancipated herself at the age of 15 OP, look into that

This plan is so mortifying, so fucked up, so unabashedly degenerate, yet, it could become one of the better parts of Holla Forums's legacy.

Do it.

Thanks, but I've thought about that

Do you think a judge would emancipate him if he paid for rent and food at our grandparents' house? (like at $20 and $5 a month, or something ridiculously low like that)

Sit down with the stepdad and talk him not to be such an asshole with your cousin.

And wtf does this have to do with politics? This thread should be bumplocked.

Could work, but my cousin is an unintentional instigator. I posted it here for legal advice as I don't know how well it would work with the law

If they don't accept it, you could cry that they aren't tolerant.

Play the Jew at his own game.

Go to the Jews for help. They hate Mormons.

I can kind of see this as politics since if this guy can use this bullshit law (gay marriage) to work in his favor even though they are doing this SOLELY to get around other laws, then couldnt other people do this for more devious schemes?


Do it for the shits and giggles.
The system is so fucked up that marriage is no longer an institution of love but one of legality.
Take advantage of the system in every way you can.
If the men's room is closed, use the ladies room and claim you felt like a woman for 5 minutes, then claim discrimination (in a very deadpan sarcastic way) if anyone complains.
Can't reverse the system? Degrade it, make everyone hate that they got their way.

Do it for the lulz.

Do it OP. You could also contact a lawyer to see if it would fly. Often they will offer free legal advice or legal advice for a very low rate.

just get the fuck off this board and fuck your cousin already you fucking faggot and then kill yourself.
wait, you should kill yourself first.

Then how will he fuck his cousin?

why the fuck should I care about the desires of a degenerate faggot?

Well you were telling him to fuck his cousin. I mean if you tell him one thing and then tell him to do another thing that contradicts the first, why bother telling him something that will be canceled out. If anything you are just wasting his time.

ffs fam

that's so stupid.

op don't you think that would destroy the sanctity of marriage?

>to enter, a heterosexual male "couple" must get gay married

>"It essentially makes a mockery of marriage. Marriage is a really important institution about love and commitment and it's sad to see that there are people who are making a joke out of that," he said.

>"Gay and lesbian people are fighting for the right to marry in Australia and have been fighting for the right in New Zealand, and it's because they take marriage extremely seriously, and the commitments and responsibilities that come with that. Here are two straight guys making a joke of that, and that's deeply concerning."

>Shelly Argent, a spokesperson for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, said the stunt was in poor taste.

>"This is two straight men who have done a wonderful job of trivialising marriage on their own," she said. "I hope it takes them quite a while to get the marriage annulled."

lol butthurt

>Bob McCoskrie, director of the conservative NZ lobby group Family First, said condemnation of the radio stunt by gay rights groups was ironic.

Bit unrelated, but imo "marriage" is just a social construct that was brought in to signify a couple were exclusive and were to have kids.

The government then brought in all these incentives to keep people (that they approved of) reproducing so they could expand their population, which would increase growth in science and the military.

While gays can't increase the population without a third (surrogate) member, they are capable of improving someone's life by adoption. While not viewed as optimal to many, the government realized they are still better than nothing and extended their support to them (yes, others did it just to loosen the governments grip–inb4 the government doesn't define marriage. Wtf do you think they've been doing the past couple centuries? This is different topic entirely so I digress.)

Tl;dr: the government (as a group) never viewed marriage as the "beautiful matrimony". As a collective they gave incentives so people could reproduce and further the government's agenda.

Why doesn't he enlist in the Coast Guard or some shit?
If it's really that bad at his household, could going into a minor military branch really be that much worse?
Even to get him out of that hellhole, gay incest marriage is pretty degenerate tbh.
Also, I genuinely have no idea what I'm talking about here, can any veterans/currently enlisted chime in?


Government-approved marriage and love were never the same thing

A bit off topic: Why can't I find a job, Holla Forums? Is the gov't specifically telling employers not to employ me?

he has a point. At least understand basic logic before you act authoritative.

With the high rates of pedophilia involved in homosexual adoptions, I would say that being raised by a couple of gays is worse than nothing.
My aunt's a dyke with another dyke wife, and those kids honestly look dead inside.
Them being my aunt's biological children, there isn't a whole lot I can do about it either, especially with them living in maximally degenerate California.

Anyone notice anything unusual about this post?

as a minor, you need a guardians approval to go into the army and they don't think he fits the medical requirements


Gays are, on average, better parents than heteros.
Yes, that statement is misleading because gays can only get kids with the governments approval, whereas heteros can do it by accident on a coke night.

Also, if you could find any correlation from a credible source between orientation and crime rates (I don't mean gay pedophiles tend to go for boys more often than straight pedos) I'd love to see it.


i know i'm just joking. tbh i'm a trap who is against gay marriage.

please commit suicide

will do fam

what game nigga

ive played Vicky 2 a million tmes and shit is so dull now

currently plqying vicky 2. east asia starts civilized, chinese substates independent and china has cores on half of guanxi and part of yunnan. persia also starts civilized and has a huge population, korea has a population slightly less than japan, phillipines is independent.

playin korea, miraculously conquered manchuria after a 4 year occupation so my infamy dropped down low enough to avoid being absolutely BTFO by China, currently getting my dick sucked by south east asia

Being supportive of immediate family members is a good thing but sometimes they're just lunatics who are nothing more than a boat anchor around your neck. Don't let other people's disastrous lives interfere with your own.

HoI 2, you gook.

What if the judge orders you to suck his dick before the whole court to prove you're gay?

Just buy him a gun instead. Shoot the fucker in self defense if he tries to abuse him. Don't come up with long-winded excuses to exercise your evil sexually immoral and deviant fantasies of sodomy.

I might just let go and message him every so often.
He's one of my only friends though, even if he's narcissistic and has some issues

This is fucking retarded, your 17 year old cousin should be old enough to defend himself. He should just kill his stepdad and claim self defence.

Maybe a knife, but with his record it won't look good



well I can't fuck him in the ass before marriage. That's unethical.

Darkest Hour: a Hearts of Iron game

I modded the files to make China great again, so you probably won't get this result.

>on Holla Forums

I knew you fuckers were all closer degenerates.


We're doing it for the lulz. Subverting the system. Malicious compliance and all that stupid shit.

Better my closet than your basement

That's a phrase I havent heard in a long time. Sure, it's lulzy, but goes against everything Holla Forums stands for

Ebin strawman


Get /fit/ with your cousin and beat his step-dad into a bloody pulp and, also, stop posting.


OP consider suicide and anyone supporting this garbage, you would be doing this world a big favor. Fuck your blog post of a thread.

We're you born retarded, or did your mother drop you down two flights of steps as an infant? If the step dad is abusive, get it on film. Report him to the police. Fucking degenerate faggots.

Fucking shills stop trying to stir up things.

You're in denial, aren't you?

make me, fgt

Since when do you have to marry for emancipation?

Further if he simply leaves the state he doesn't have to get into a fucked up "marriage" with your dumb ass.

Finally, coming to Holla Forums to get an endorsement for your gay fucking incestual relationship while packaging it as a "good thing" for him because of his parents? Get the fuck out degenerate, you'll find no sympathy here. Anyone siding with that bullshit plan is clearly a lefty fuck trying to compromise Holla Forums's standards. There is NO reason when an incestual relationship would be acceptable and even less reason when there are clearly less degenerate options.

As long as you two don't actually fuck, it should be alright under a legal pretence to save him.

Man, I wish I had a gay cousin to save me from my abusive parents when I was a child, OP you are a degenerate fairy.


this is the logic i see that is very common amongst leftist and normalfags


kys. just do it.

keep sticking stuff your ass trying to fill the void daddy left


your videos are not helping your case.
fucking zoofag

i am done, if you are just shitposting 10/10 bravo

So there ARE options. Eat a dick, faggot.

Make no mistake, it's faggy as fuck, but isn't a genuine expression of degeneracy. Just like how pedro is going back, this sham of a marriage, should it be real [SPOILER] :^) [/SPOILER] is going back (into the trash).

And I fucked my spoiler

You cunts realize this is going to end up on fag_cousins subreddit as "evidence" of Holla Forums compromising it's morals right? You're playing right into the bitch's hands.

If the cousin was really in a bad way he would do everything in his power to leave. He would take the issue to court for proper emancipation which requires being able to prove one's ability to care for him/herself or he would get a waiver to join the military early. Failing that he would move the fuck away.

In no way is a gay fucking marriage a good thing and abusing the system just gives the degenerates more power. They get to claim everyone "benefits" from it.

How the fuck is a gay marriage ever a good thing? How the fuck is marrying a relative ever a good thing? This cunt OP wants to take advantage of his cousin (if there is indeed a cousin and this isn't just a hypothetical to "prove" Holla Forums is willing to compromise) and possibly molest the fucker. That isn't to say what the legal ramifications will be when the cousin doesn't want to take the dick and wants a "divorce."

OP should be shot and I hope the cousin's parents do it.

OP should do it only if he's willing to spend the rest of his life with his cousin in a loving relationship otherwise God will be mad at both of you.

It'd be a lot easier for the two of you and some friends to beat the living piss out of his step dad.

Suicide, fam.

…are you trying to gayfuck your cousin under the most sneakiest of false pretenses?

How many more months until he's 18?
How many months will it take to plan a wedding?
Do you really want to marry him, or is this only to save his ass from abuse?

This all seems like a silly reason to marry someone. Honestly, he could just spend as much time away from home until he's 18, and then leave immediately.

Blow your brains out, queer.

just under 12 months.
I don't exactly plan on color coordinating dresses with flowers
No, why the fuck would I want to marry him? Holla Forums read way too far into this. This is to emancipate him. Not consummate him. We'd "separate" immediately after the wedding, then "divorce" when he's 18. What the actual fuck guys?

send me a gun, faggot

Same thing.

honestly this might be worthy of a screencap. funniest shit ive read in years.


considering both

God can lick my butthole

get over yourself. no one fucking cares about the opinions of this board, much less you

grow one and send it to me

You'll make the news.

This is a Holla Forums post if I've ever seen one

hey, you guys will get to use it as propaganda that gays don't work

but he can