Business man to recreate 9/11

Businessman raising £1m to recreate 9/11 to prove conspiracy theories true or false 'once and for all


pretty much a waste of 1m, unless he purchase the building identical to wtc 100% and the same age, and used exactly as much as wtc, which is impossible

Since you missed the point, he's saying that he's going to ram the plane into a building built in jungle asian land that is likely to be much less structurally sound than WTC were. If the plane leaves a skid mark on a shit building then we can reasonably assume the impact of the plane didn't really do anything to WTC proper.

Wonder how they're going to assassinate him…

since you missed the point, if the buildings wont be 100% the same which is impossible, 99% of people wont care about this experiment

The Boeing 747 will probably malfunction and hit the crowd.

This. Every building is different in some aspect

Really nigger?

Here, a nice redpill for you aspiring jew (((ALT RIGHT FAGGOTS))) to ignore

This is pants on head from more angles than I can contain in my physically limited mortal body.

Not to say jews didn't do 9/11 or whatever, but you can't just grab some random building and expect it to be relevant, unless it's the same design by the same engineer.

Won't take much for him to go "missing", or for someone to sabotage the test. I wonder why they would do that though…

This guy gets it.

This guy doesn't.

The archive is at the bottom you illiterate nigger

Go jerk your mutilated cock to trap porn, jew faggot.

IDK FAM I think a high budget and maintained building built by a white devil has more structural integrity than some old decaying building set to be torn down.

its already been proven to be a false flag

You're a fucking retard. The building will have to be given a similar foundation and identical internal structure. It doesn't have to be as tall, but it does have to be from the same blueprints.

If he's going to use a Thai building, of course it will fucking fall down immediately. Then they get to say, "lol looks like you were wrong! Glad we killed all those troops in the Middle East!"

I would donate if it was a building in Saudi Arabia or Israel.

No matter how you look at it, 9/11 is about as sound as the fucking Holohoax.

Especially the whole part where everyone who doesn't buy into it gets viciously attacked.

The litutania episode needs to be added to that list… they faked the entire thing


The what now?

Then how did the two towers collapse in the same way if no two buildings are comparable enough to make a prediction?

I hope the people saying "IT MUST BE 100% THE SAME OR ELSE IT ISN'T VALID" are given first class seats on this flight


who cares how it happened lets talk about (((who))) was behind it.

They were TWIN towers. Twins. They probably dressed the same, had the same crushes in highschool, and spoke to each other in a secret language that no one else could understand. Of course they were going to collapse together in the same way.

What bothers me is how broken up building 7 was over the ordeal. Clearly 7 was harboring some feelings for one of the twins because all it took was a burning piece debris to collapse.


He could do something funny too. If the building doesn't collapse after an hour, he can surprise everyone with a controlled demolition of the building.

Did you ask someone else to type that out for you?

inb4 Israeli students help build the tower

why are there no whistleblowers about 9/11 like that faggot edward snowden did?

{Huge inferno rages in skyscraper (China) building is left to burn it's self out.}[Didn't fall down]

Always relevant

that building wasn't hit by a plane and didn't have jet fuel burning in it

Steel beams can't melt our memes!

Really tho… regardless of your position on the conspiracy issue… who wouldn't want a front row seat to this spectacle? Who the hell would be "offended" by this?

There would obviously be a lot more people involved with an agency like the NSA than the would be in an attack like 9/11, yet Snowden was the only whistle-blower of note, and he only came out fairly recently.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

but… it can weaken them…

You don't need to melt something for it to break.

Oh my, you poor poor misinformed bluepills…
I weep for you…

Daily reminder that "dancing Israeli" Yaron Shmuel got married on 9/11/2002 - to celebrate a successful operation?

All at once at equal intensity all over the building in perfect unison when the fire was contained to only a small part of the structure?

Well, if this guy manages to do this he wont

(((They'll))) sneak up during the night and plant explosives inside the building.

You present a very reasonable angle. I salute you.

I guess you never took a metal shop class or even played around with a piece of scrap metal and a grinder. If you did, you'd know that the heat from grinding will take the temper out of tempered steel and it will fail prematurely.

The sad thing is there is actually useful information on pol but it's being drowned out by tinfoil hat "moonlandings were fake" lunatics. Almost makes me think someone's doing it deliberately to make red-pilled people look like idiots.

Let's say for a second it does melt dank beams. Why did it collapse from the bottom up and not from the middle where the plane crashed?

Swamp gas, mah nigga. That shit's fucked.

I didn't say "melt" I said "weaken." They are two different things. Show me a clear video where the towers collapsed from the bottom.

The explosion itself would probably topple the shitty Chink building, which I can imagine would only be 2-10 stories tall. This is why this is a stupid idea.

Why don't you show us clear evidence of a building falling straight down on its own footprint at freefall speed because of steel beams weakened by fire which didn't even touch most of the steel in the structure? Maybe a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a tsunami too?

How do you get a 747 and a building for one million pounds?

you wait for the collapse and then buy it with 3 gold coins, a chicken and 10 bullets, like the old days.


I can't figure it out either but I would assume he owns useless property to do this with and he is going to buy a plane that isn't in service anymore and just get it functioning enough for the "test"

You trade in 20,000 americans

The construction of the WTC was rather specific and unusual.

The exterior wall was structural. It didn't have an internal structural…structure (god shit wording) to rely on when its exterior wall suffered considerable damage from a plane ramming into it.

As I recall it was built that way to save time and money.
And nobody else really builds anything that way. Because its shit.

Instead of actually recreating it, he will just "recreate" it. The building will be brought down the same way it was demolished.

Doesnt matter.
Most people i know are smart enough to realize that ramming a jet into a building will not cause it to neatly collapse into itself, not to mention what happened to WTC7.

They just dont care.
Its easier to just ignore a few facts here and there so you can still believe that everything is fine and the state has noting but your best interest at heart.
Ignorance is bliss.

I would have been convinced this was for real if he was using that 1 mil to build an accurate computer simulation of 9/11, but to do what this idiot is saying for only 1 million is fucking impossible and retarded.


*drops mic*

Will the jet fuel melt steel beams or will Meme magic melt the beams?

In related news, another American businessman will be attempting to recreate the holocaust


How is he going to crash that 747 in the building without a remote control or having the plane programmed to take off and hit the building at the right speed?

I think the only thing he's going to prove is that controlling a 747 from the ground is possible.

No it's not.

Really these days the pilots on a modern airliner are babysitters for the autopilot.
There in case shit goes wrong and for landings/takeoff.

So if you really had to then you could autopilot your plane into the reproduction tower and just have the pilots lift off then bail out.

Does that mean he's going to kill his own daughter on TV?


This. Most people still have that image of the heroic pilot in mind (and airlines foster it to instill confidence in the passengers), but reality is as you said. Automatization is the name of the game. That's why pilot salaries are steadily falling since about 2-3 decades as well.

No, but he might fuck her.

do you even fucking know how the buildings were constructed? its like a monocoque building, its wasnt a rigid structure to begin with




Buildings made in Thailand are so poorly constructed that this event would be the perfect experiment. Those nips literally have no idea how to build things.

I don't care about 9/11 but I would like to see an airliner plot into a building.

Depends. It won't be new, of course, but a nearly decomissioned and gutted one? If he has the right connections he could pull it off for that amount.



Untrue. WTC's structure was an incredibly sound form of engineering. The outer structure carried 60% of the weight, the core carried 40%, and was designed to withstand 3-5x its total load limit.

Embed very related. It's long, but as someone who previously defended the official narrative from a physics and engineering perspective, I highly recommend it.

Well that and increasing supply of pilots.

Especially these days in the west since if you're trained by the military to fly any boeing cargo aircraft then you are trained to operate any boeing passenger liner.
I think for the USA's C-17 you don't even need a conversion course.
While for other cargo aircraft you still need a bit of retraining. But the costs are negligible next to training from scratch.

Hence why airlines these days prefer to hire direct out of national airforces rather than train people themselves.

I love you guys sometimes

He needs building 7 as well - the third tower that collapsed.



Hope this guy has good security.

He's basically begging to 'have a heart attack'.

I actually thought of this years ago

Have some chinks build a literal fucking city of world trade center building and just drone the fuck out of it with commercial jets, missiles, whatever just to show how fucking bonkers or not it really is

it had a solid core you numbnut kike fuck


You can't buy a 747 for a million brit-bux, and I'm very curious to know the permitting process for demolishing buildings via airplane in Thailand. This guy is gonna steal the money.


You don't. Probably a scam.


Not because of automation (yet). Blame 911 and how every US airline went through chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Regional airline pilots make less than McDonald's managers the first 5ish years. It sucks. Major airlines (delta, AA, United) make decent change. (But after years of exp at a regional)

Not at the commercial level. Delta gets ~50% of the newhires from military yes, but most of the regional airlines are about to hit a massive pilot shortage alongside the boomer generation retiring.

