Don't worry. she won't suck your dick.
you're too much of a beta.

help me user tell me what I should do

Given your post, I'd suggest under no circumstances should you be yourself. You need to watch every Johnny Depp video you can get your hands on between now and Friday and just be him. Women love Johnny Depp.

He's fucking sarcastic, weird, and ironic. Literally a weirdo.

You have to bring smooth lines.
For example, after the movie, you could say, "Hey baby, how about instead we go eat, I eat your pussy."


Exactly, you clearly aren't relaxed enough to impersonate someone normal. This way you can still be a weirdo, just the kinda weirdo women like. You need to become Johnny Depp by friday. Trust me.

how the fuck do I kiss?

You have to stick your tongue in her mouth.
Then try to scrub as much plaque off her teeth as possible.
As of recent, women also like it if you lick the inside of their nostrils for a bit.

Also, you have to dress like the pirate faggot Johnny Depp was playing some years ago.

Baby steps, man. First we need to figure out your outfit. I recommend something like this for the first date. It's smart, but not overdoing it. You wanna look like you're naturally stylish and you'd wear this kinda thing to go grocery shopping. A tux reeks of tryhard.

Make fun of the movie a few times during the movie. It will help her associate "having a good time" with you. But don't over do it. Helps if you have watched allot of Decent movie reviewers like red letter media to develop this kind of humor.

And if you have balls and willing to risk it say something that is both politically incorrect and funny. And don't say this at random, naturally lead into it during conversation because comedic timing is everything. You have all dinner to find the moment and if it does not appear, it's better not to try at all.

But if you successfully do this she will remember you as the individual who made her feel many fun emotions in a single night.

A side tip is that women like men taking the lead in conversation but at the same time they liked to be listened to.

Do all of this with a chill and apathetic attitude. Keeps her second guessing what your emotions are and makes you interesting.

Final tip, like drawing, conversation, flirting, and seduction take practice and experimentation to learn. No magic tip on the internet will suddenly give you a harem.

Nigger its a single fucking person that you are trying out to see if you like. Calm the fuck down and acknowledge it for what it is. You aren't in a diplomatic marriage, you don't have to walk on eggshells with him, just try to enjoy yourself, talk about shit that interests you and see if you connect on some level.

One more tip, movies are generally not a good first date because it doesn't allow that much interaction between you and her. Try to make your next date something more interactive. Example: if you have a ping pong table you could challenge her to a match one day.

Jokes aside, can you tell us more about her?
Maybe then we would be able to actually give helpful advice.

These guys give pretty good advice but don't forget about Johnny Depp. It's important.

You're lucky, I'd say.
Girls like a confident man.
I am way too insecure to meet grills atm, and any girl I like online is already taken and/or far away from me, so fuck my shit up.

A cucumber down the pants never hurt, neither.

your a faggot, just say "ayyy u wanna succ the succ??"

Imagine she's one of you're friends, this is how I started out talking to women's and now it's not even a problem anymore.

You know what to do.

The failure is going to come.

Instead of going through 3 miserable fucking hours of lying to yourself thinking that you're going to have an asshole presented to your cock; instead of putting her through 3 hours of wondering if you're ever going to somehow spontaneously grow some fucking abdominals and get your confidence to a level where she wants to suck on your success with her clit, confess that you're a first timer, ask her if you can take a picture of the two of you at the fucking Johnny Rockets-style kitsch diner which you will inevitably end up attending, post it here, and spend the rest of your youthful days getting a fucking job and growing some muscle so you can end up getting resources to contribute to your bros and gaining the eye of other fucking women.

This is easy. Look in the mirror, and say start rehearsing all of your lines to talk to the girl. And then, right before you head out, make a pledge to never say any of those things.

Kissing? Easy. It's like thumb wrestling, except you're trying to strangulate her with your tongue. Hold her nose for maximum effect.

How do you act? Simple. You know that cool guy you know that gets way more pussy than you? Don't do what he does. You're an ugly piece of shit and it won't work for you.

And don't worry OP. Best case scenario, she runs away disappointed. Worst case scenario, you go back to being a faggot. Either way, it's a win/win for society.

I really like your meme.

I try.

Good thread OP. I expect a greentext story about how miserable you did on Friday.


don't let these autists give you any help OP.
you want to wear something casual. to let her know you aren't stressing over the date. then you take her to the movie. treat her like shes your cousin. just make small talk, and you guys will awkwardly progress from there. that's how relationships work.

just cut to the chase and hand over your wallet and start wearing a chastity device. Start counting how many days your with her and she still hasn't sucked or even touched your dick.
a pocket knife helps too

Good on you, MATT BlackHawk… have fun at Maccas!

just Holla Forums yourself


as if we needed your commentary to know nicole was a faggot


Jus Holla Forums urself

Present it?

Don't get ahead of yourself, faggot.

First, you have to make a decision. Do you want a real relationship or a casual fuck?

Either way, though, the root of your strategy ought to be taking it the fuck easy, being yourself and just trying to have a good time. Cause if you can't have a good time on the first date, you won't ever have a good time after.

Just offer her some weed if shes cool, should be smooth sailing after that.

Go for it, OP… she'll be flat on her back in no time!

You couldn't have been acting this pancaked when you first asked her out, otherwise you would have never gotten a date.

The most important thing is to be calm and confident. Pretend like this is a regular thing and you know what your doing. Even though you don't you still have to act like you do.

Also don't worry about kissing, that comes super naturally and it'll just happen.

Show her some cp on your phone

Get drunk.

basic rules of a first date
1. hygiene (shower with special attention to your genitals, ass, and armpits, also shave or trim facial hair, brush your teeth, wear deodorant and maybe a small amount of cologne)
2.wear something nice but casual. If you go with a tshirt, make sure it is unstained and wrinkle-free
3. remember that you are assessing them just as much as they are you. This helps me stay calm if I am nervous, but it also helps you remember to watch out for anything weird.
4. expect to spend a little more than you think you are going to. women love when a guy goes the extra mile like going for coffee after the movie+dinner (this leads to conversation too) or getting her a souvenir at a tourist trap
5. make an effort to kind of guide your date through doors, through hallways, etc. Not only does this demonstrate confidence and thought, but it allows for casual physical contact in more intimate areas than her hand like the small of her back or between her shoulders.
6. Make her laugh. This is arguably the most important part of this. Humor, especially situational humor, shows a woman that you are intelligent and fun. She should never look bored. In a way, you are an entertainer, and she is you audience. Try to at least have her smiling and/or making eye contact for 80% of the date outside of the movie.
8. Don't take advice from Holla Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you. (seriously though do 1-7 and 9)
9. Greentext that shit after, nigga


Dont panic

You must be a real life casanova.

I know this guy IRL.

wasp a frog?

Neither have I, but I think if you stopped blogposting about your insecurities and manned the fuck up you wouldn't have any problems
How the fuck did you manage to get this girl to go on a date with you if you act like this much of a faggot?
tldr quit dwelling on the future and live for the moment, and quit being a faggot.