Female genital mutilation should be legal in its mildest forms: gynecologists
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yeah, but the fact that cosmetic genital surgery is even promoted for children is a symbol of the degeneracy of the current year
minimal doubt there
pic related
mixed with all the 'muh tolerance' crap
purge them all to Hades
Reminder that these are the people getting fast-tracked into medical school.
As long as male genital mutilation - which is far worse - is legal then I completely agree.
How does it feel to be so easily manipulated into defending a line of reasoning against your own interest? You're against dick manipulation but are now defending it. Try moving past child level of reasoning.
We use the useful idiots along the way, user.
No doubt their lobby knows about this. When you're talking to your degenerate associates, never call it female genital alteration. Always refer to it as mutilation.
Ask them which rights overrule:
Ask them if they are ready for this.
The "culturally insensitive" line of reasoning is incredibly easy to debunk. Simply ask them if they think the feelings of adults are more important than the genital integrity of infants. Ask them if an infant's right to genital integrity overrides an adult's right to mutilate said infant's genitals.
This is second grade logic; the sort of thing grade schoolers would understand without a second thought. You actually have to be pretty smart to try and find ways to rationalize FGM (or male circumcision for that matter).
meme magic time? get feminists to mutilate their genitals in the name of sensitivity and tolerance?
i remember some jew wrote a newspaper comment, stating that if we were gonna ban circumcision, we might as well reinstate the "jew paragraph" (the law banning jews from norway). this was before i got redpilled, when i basically saw the jews as an ally in the fight against the muslim scourge, but that seriously rubbed me the wrong way. if you don't like our values you can gtfo. now of course, i think a jew paragraph is a mighty fine idea.
Cultural rights are a bullshit concept anyway, but it's something feminism and SJWs promote. Anons know it's bullshit.
By getting feminists to fight it, they must choose between cultural rights and individual rights. You let them choose, but what feminist wants to be part of the movement that allowed FGM in North America? No feminist I ever talked to thought FGM was ok, and these are women who have body modifications.
We're still at their flanks, working against their ideology.
they're already culturally appropriating gay bugchasing culture. might as well! :^)
They really ought to be getting preemptive double mastectomies. Imagine the health benefits of completely eliminating breast cancer!
The main argument against banning circumcision was that it would be done anyway by Jews, so it's better if it's done in public hospitals/medical centers with sterile equipment then in some Rabbi's basement. With the added bonus of being "free" :^^)
i dont know why the atheists leading the governments around the world completely remove all laws
oh wait because they are scared of something :^)
One the one hand, you guys bitch about numale fags, but on the other hand, you fail to realize that it is the fire of true suffering that hardens a man.
So either we're going to have to keep cutting dicks, or we're going to have to start doing the bullet-ant-gloves thing.
Also, fuck off jews, we're going to either call them both mutilation, or we're going to call them both circumcision. I don't give a shit which, but they're the same thing, they're going to have the same name.
google translate isn't working so well for you tonight.
fuck off you filthy mudskipper
yeah, i know. but isn't that how jews do it anyway, as part of some ritual? i thought hospital circumcision was for good goys. in any case, the argument is retarded.
Male genital mutilation is already legally forced on infant boys.
Why not girls?
Equal rights? Equal rites.
If they slit the clit, you must acquit.
But if they pin the skin, you must make a din.
I used to think that way about a lot of things, but it's a bullshit way of thinking.
It's harder to change something than keep it the way it is. Whether that's making something legal illegal or vice versa. Yes, they should both be illegal, but that isn't going to happen any time soon. Female mutilation, however, is nowhere near close to getting legal, and it's much more beneficial if it stays that way.
Ideally, the law should always be consistent with its own logic, but unfortunately it isn't. However, it's far more important to shape society positively than it is to make the law more consistent. You don't make cocaine legal just because it's about as bad as alcohol and that's legal. Ideally, they would both be phased out from society, but good fucking luck getting rid of alcohol in a real way.
If I had my way, we'd make both forms of mutilation illegal with mandatory yearly checkups every year until 18. Non-compliance would be grounds for immediate deportation, or in the case of ACTUAL natives(I guess 4 generations or more in the country is a good enough way to do that without gene testing?), they should have their child taken away by protective services and be forbidden from having another. They should receive no maternity leave or any other kind of benefits that should come with a new pregnancy and have that kid taken away too, ASAP.
Why aren't we banning male genital mutilation?
Wait, are you saying you want to use the government to look at kids' dicks?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Really, I'd like to know.
op, why is your filename "african american woman" and not nigger?
all circumcision is bad, jews did it thousands of years ago as a sign of their contract with their north arabian war god, similar to the self-castration committed by the gala of Ishtar/Inanna in Mesopotamia
female circumcision is relatively new, the niggers in africa started doing it because they believed it was a sign of respect after their arabic slave masters would do it to their women because a girl who's cunt has been sewn up too tight for a man to fuck without ripping her open fetches a higher price in the bazaar since you have 'proof' shes a virgin
the mudshit dumb sick fucks began doing it to their own daughters as a sign Abduls daughter is really a virgin so Mohammed owes him more money for his daughter since she was chaste
only in the jewnited states of America, the hospitals specifically ask in Europe whether the parents wish their child to be circumcised and most dont put their babies through that
I'm sick of these hypocritical Western women who prattle on and on about how "inclusive" they are, and how "intersectional" their Feminism is. But these very same women embrace Islamophobia when it comes to a woman's right to have a circumcision. Males have enjoyed the right to circumcision at any age since forever, but the West is so blinded by its insane, baseless hatred for Islam that even "progressive" Western women stand against THEIR OWN RIGHTS by not only body-shaming women who choose to be circumcised, but demonizing the whole procedure altogether. Hillary can't get elected fast enough. #DumpTrump
Its actually quite assorted, the number of puppets but the puppetmasters all tend to be one religion
fucking goddamned Jews
words are not strong enough
projectiles will have to speak for me
Slippery slope dont realz tho.
There was a shift in politics since Kellogg's idea hit mainstream.
Besides the estrogen compounds, this could explain some of the irrationality of nu-males.
Fuck Jews and fuck Islam too.
Fucking idiots, I have been saying this for a long long time
If any kind of mutilation becomes illegal first it will be male genital mutilation. After that female mutilation can be made legal for a couple of years so men and womynz are 'equal' again :^)
Yeah, silly kaffir, cutting off a girl's clitoris is a harmless procedure, with no downsides whatsoever. Why on Allah's yellow earth would you think it's bad?
No form of infant mutilation should be acceptable or legal. Life-time imprisonment or the death penalty should be legalized for those who would prefer it was legal.
let them snip
Aw man, Al's last days were sad. :(
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Oy vey!
Jeb here guys. Please stop harassing me! I've dropped out of the race already, why do you keep making fun of me! Leave me alone *Cries* !
it aint the labia they cut
they remove the clitoris, they gouge it out of their bodies and then eviscerate their labia and vagina and then stitch the flesh together so the only thing they have left afterwards is a small hole you cant even fit your pinky into so their cunts dont fill up with menstrual blood and cause septicemia (i wonder how long it took the arabs to figure out if you sew it up completely they got a fever and died within a fortnight)
girls already pay to get their labias cut off if they've got huge pussy lips because its unsightly, when we're a foetus in the womb if you've got XY your genitals lengthen and become your penis and the proto-testes descend and get covered in the scrotal sack
if you have XX the genitals receded into your body to create the clitoris and the proto-testes stay where they are and form the fallopian tubes while the scrotal sack skin undergoes a mutation and becomes the vaginal walls
for dudes this is the equivelant of having our cocks cut off but our balls left intact so we can still produce sperm
its cut off for 'purity' but all it serves to do is make sex either impossible because the openings too small or so painful for them they wont have an affair
Finally true gential equality, now western grills and full grown bitches can now know what is it like to get your gentials mutliated before you could even consent just like boys
What movie is this?
Fair to note that Muslim cocks are really really tiny, even Mohammed preferred a 9 year old girls pussy.
At that age her whole vagina was about the size of an adult humans thumb.
You racist! there is nothing wrong with circumcision!
There has been no proof whatsoever! GAH! my feeling are so hurt! How dare you be this hateful!
the believer
yeah but this is also the time period and place where even if he fucked her into a screaming blood soaked mess all they'd do afterwards is give her opium and stuff cloth up her snatch until it stopped bleeding
then she'd be wider down there enough fo him to do it again at a later date
Don't forget those extra nerve endings are required to make a longer lasting orgasm.
Orgasms with circumcised penises happen eartly and are short and snappy. Whereas with foreskins orgasms take awhile to happen and once they do the orgasms last longer.
Nah I'm pretty sure he had a tiny cock. The only Muslims that have a near-human penis size are those that got intermixed with Romans (north africa) and Greeks (turkey).
its pretty funny aint it, semites have smaller cocks than pajeets and koreans and are also the only ones to start cutting up their own genitals
maybe thats why the jews like to promote lgbt shit all the time, as long as a cock/vaginas getting sliced up they're in heaven
he did the right thing,
So they cackle like turkeys and run into traffic? Is this the new leftist strategy?
Greeks originated from turkey you unclutured twat.
please explain
I don't even know where to begin with this one…
All of this is just so very wrong.
This is news to me, as far as I know they originated from Neolithic Balkan cultures.
Im afraid Sam Hyde was right and that there is no true solution except that one day "we're just gonna kill em!"
Yup, when you finally realize and begin to accept this truth you can finally be at peace. The true final solution is coming and the more these jews push these niggers in europe and the US the faster their end gets nearer.
These cultures do not integrate within our society, this is literally the stepping stone to civil war. If they are a small minority of a few percent, they can easily be controlled. If it increases to 10 to 40% you will sea consensus fracking in order to give the minority the power. Once their demography reaches 20 to 30% they will demand special treatment, they will demand that you concede your way of life to theirs. Once it gets up the 30% all bets are off, history has taught us they will actually use guerilla tactics to kill our people until our people rebel.
You will become plenty of angry in the coming years with all the shit these monkeys bring with them and cause. Knowing full well this all could have been prevented had we had a proper border, proper migration policies etc etc. But just remember, these niggers will wake up plenty of other whites to the cold hard truth of what they actually are.
We are already seeing Europe shifting to vote far right in plenty of countries. We see left on suicide watch as they lose their power while increasingly propagandizing against national socialism. Constantly bringing up muh holohaux, slavery and other assorted bullshit. The death throws of a dead ideology that has proven to have failed what it intentionally set out to do. Socialism works, if it remains within its borders, it doesn't work when u invite third world shit people with an entirely different religion into your country and then not even force them to assimilate but instead try to appease them at every corner.
People will always inherently want a good future for their children, people don't want their countries enriched by useless scum. They don't want to pay taxes to support their useless shit ideology and rat offspring.
In the end, war is coming to Europe. Prepare your lists of the traitors, i certainly will be spending a large portion of my time killing as many white traitorous scum that includes politicians that openly propagated, voted or brought this demise to us.
Waiting and preparing patiently for the breakdown of society or unless a proper movement arises that i can join to struggle with.
Might is right
End the Kike
All hail the Reich
Lungs, i meant lungs.
Mutilated men should look up Foregen and age regression therapy.
There are ways to undo both the sexual and lasting psychological damage.
btw posting that image on 4chan gets an instant permaban. I got permabanned for posting it a couple months ago and they won't listen to my pleas to lift the ban. What can I do?
Would you like some crabs cumskin
Phimosis is quite disgusting and unsanitary. What's the medical condition in which a woman would need some kind of "genital mutilation"?
do you see these disgusting fat sacks of human waste in my first picture? good.
these people have skin, a lot of it actually, and over time it grew to accommodate their fat ass. now that you understand this basic principle, apply it to a dick, because as you should know it is covered in skin.
so in this magical way of stretching, steroids, specialized tools, or persistent manual stretching can do away with phimosis with no need for circumcision, because circumcision is a solution to a temporary problem in every single case I've ever seen. it's even a last ditch extreme measure for this en.wikipedia.org
I know of this
I wouldn't consider fixing this mutilation though.