THIS IS A FUCKING TRAP! this is exactly a mirror image or a shadow of mainstream media! they want real and normal people to have NO FUCKING SAY in what gets posted and anyone who "spams" gets banned for having dissenting views! BOYCOTT /newsplus/

THE ONLY NEWS WE WANT IS FREE NEWS. if the average user can not post whatever news they deem to be relevant we have LOST

ask yourselves how in the world /newsplus/ took off so fast? how has /newsplus/ been flooded with new thread and grabbed such a high places on the board index already? they want complete control over our news source here on Holla Forums so that /n/ will be forgotten, and then we will have NO freedom.

Because that worked out so well for /n/ right?

looks like biased news to me


this was never supposed to happen. since the beginning users were supposed to create their own boards and make their own rules, as long as they didn't do anything illegal.

this is an Holla Forums coup

this is just like systemd on linux

be prepared to jump ship if this community manager cancer spreads to the rest of Holla Forums. this is why we have seem a massive uptick in shills, because they hate Holla Forums. these are the same people who destroyed 4chan. and so Holla Forums was made. now they want to destroy Holla Forums. they wont stop, so we must not stop. do not give up any ground

ALL NEW NEWS ARTICLES ON THE FRONT PAGE LINK TO /newsplus/ you don't need to be more than an idiot to know this is very bad

Yeah because /n/ was so amazing with all the horrible spam and constant neverending shitposting.

I like the idea, but fear the execution


it had some actual news on it though, besides the trolls.

we are the resistance.

new goal

can someone please make a new /n/ or news related board? lets stop using both /n/ and /newsplus/ and make our own board!

WHAT THE FUCK IS /n/?! A board of unbiased, freethinking people of truth and fucking logic?!

No, its a board of shitposters and shills who provide nothing but le trump is awesome and cumskin. It's Holla Forumss attempt at trying to sound credible in anything they fucking say, and completely falling flat on their fucking faces each and every time. This is probably your only hope to get some news about shit that matters.


reposting image from other thread.

what is librechan like?

any good?

It's good if you want to go to jail.

reposting pic from other thread showing chronological events.

What in the flying fuck is this?

what the fuck? what's going on there? really bad shit?

It's just another honeypot safe haven like masterchan. Full of CP that mods won't delete.

dont forget to add that a certified reposter on n+ are avatarfags like rach.



Just the same shit that used to be on Holla Forums before Jim sperged out, so if it's illegal there, it was illegal here, and you'd already be vanned.


That's some furry autism right there.

/n/ is shit