The Meaning of Names

So there is this belief that the meaning of names has some sort of meta truth to them. Many civilizations of the past believed it.

Out of curiosity Ive looked up the origin of both my first name and surname several times in the past. Going back 10 years Id look into it every so often for shits and giggles to try to learn more of my ancestors. Before today the most recent time I looked into it was about 6 months ago. All of those times there were a shit load of links and they all said the same thing.. That both my first and last name were based as fuck in origin

I just looked it up now.. They have both been completely changed to shit that is completely stupid and trivial.. everywhere every single link has been changed.

Anyone else look up their name origin in the past please check it again. Im having a bit of a berenstein moment right now.

You'd have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to rewrite the entirety of history attached to both my names.

Don't respond without a sage because there's more important shit to talk about right now.

Hello Mark.. Thats my name also. 6 months ago every site said it meant warrior angel, with no mention of mars. Now they all say mars with no mention of warrior angel.

Anyone out there actually look into their name origin more than 6 months ago please check it again.

Also in the past every site said that the name predated rome.


My name literally means "the one with the new house". Never been more disappointed.

Christian name Greek in origin, descriptive of a personal quality.
Surname Irish in origin, clan/lineage identifier.

No change from what they've always been, and neither has immediate applicability to my life.

My name is Ryan, which means "little king" in Old Irish.
My last name means "mortarmen" aka one who builds walls.

I am 6ft3, not a king, nor do I build walls.
This is sad.

I live with a fun amount of, "What the fuck"

First name is pretty accurate considering I have a bad habit of buying two of everything if it relates to food.

As for the last name, yeah…. Lots of shit can be said, but lets say "hole in the dirt" is an accurate depiction of how most of us live and how most of the males in the family have dealt with people problems.

Who's this Mark?

Surnames nigger.

I also have a kikename. But what the website forgets to mention is that it derives from either Josef or Jesus can't remember correctly which one. It's also run by fucking kikes and they didn't explain shit. Based Jews man. Based.

What is your new name?


I've seen this data collection thread before.

Hmm.. what I don't get is why they explain the Hebrew translation so well all the time but never the Latin or Greek. Yahwe is gracious yeah right.

My first names mean laureate and masculine. They both originate from latin.

My first and middle names have specific meanings (beloved; protector/guardian) and the last is the area my family came from in Britain. So not much room for interpretation.

The modern derivations of josef are too obvious. Jesus' is less obvious. His name was actually Yeshua, or as we in current year +1 call him, Josh.

Greaaat I have the most marxist name in existence.

We couldn't have picked a better God-Emperor.

Being named for ancestor gives you their inherited luck

I suppose it fits me well enough
I respect your freedumbs as long as you respect mine, but I don't want you trying to indoctrinate me with your beliefs and ideologies, I understand some people can't leave others alone due to moral reasons and convictions but I'm very opposed to that and proselytizing ideologies.

You sure it's not god emporer if great Wall building?


not a data collection thread. I didn't ask for peoples names I asked if theres anyone out there who has also looked into it before whether or not the meaning of their name has been changed. Because mine has, especially my surname. It used to have a dank meaning and now its been reduced to 'he who comes from this geographic region'

I wish, but I am not a big guy compared to Donald Trump himself. Plus, I won't help build the wall, Mexico will.

My name, when read all together including my middle name, means "Usurper, Oak in the midst of an apple orchard." First and middle name are derived from middle english and gaelic respectively, last name is derived from anglo-norman origins.

Can you share what the name is?


My name means "defender of mankind"

Also, what's interesting is, with the Oak being considered "the king of the woods" by some folklore, my last name implies royalty.

My first name means "godlike", my middle name means "he who grabs the heel", and my last name means someone that lives in a meadow

my names are dumb

All of this makes me suspect I'm supposed to bring mercy and grace to a peoples while being firm and brave while making them independent and isolated from other peoples.

Oddly enough this lines up with my political thought pretty well, and sounds very familiar to a certain man with a funny mustache around the 1930s…
>inb4 I'm Hitler 2.0

What up, Frederick Aiken Appleorchard

top kek

Christian Greek first name, to honor God
German last name, Mountain Person or Miner

I absolutely hate the fact that Jews can share my first and last name.

Obviously, this isn't accurate.


name used to mean "helm of want" now it means "helm of desire"
is this some barenstain shit?

I was about to post that.

what site

My first name means "peace" and came from a great king.

My surname means "the mayor of (shiny) money".

Shlomo Geldmeyer

Want is just the Germanic word. Desire is the Latin-French word for want.

Hashta begorrah! Mayor of shiny money! Gotta protect me golden lucky charms!

First name: god will improve
Last name: priests' manor/farmstead

ay chaim.
many shekel to you my friend.

Fuck it… Walsh in the past the origin was listed as being a derivation from the gaelic word for strongbow and was given to some of the soldiers in the strongbow invasion. Now everything says it comes from the gaelic word for welshman.

Mandela Effect? Berenst#in maybe?

With the gradual dilution and deletion of Christianity, and the rise of "secular morals" (amorality), are we living in Hell? Have only those who died before 911 escaped?

You know, when you spell it out like that, it's actually kinda cool. I guess the nordics knew what they were doing.

First name- Means Great in irish
Last name- Means Forest in Irish

So I'm a Great Forest

Gods Gracious Gift.



Okay Sean.

Nice trips.
Actually, it's dirty, money-grubbing Irish.

The spuds clearly didn't. My name means "Gift from God, Noble"

nice, my sister's means Gracious Light from the Mountain

mine is He will cry out from the mountain

Given name: Aramaic for twin also name of my favorite apostle

Surname: Originates in Shropshire/Midlands, first used by nobility or some shit like that.

to conquer

as of right now, not very fitting.

Dumb American bro, listen to me. My government WILL pay the wall, but the labor will be done by Americans to create jobs and estimulate the economy.

Back on topic, my name comes from the greek for "stone" and my surname is is reminiscent of the slavic tradition of adding a "son of whomever" before the surname. The only intresting thing about my name is the fact that I'm the 25th consecutive son in my family to bear the name.

Surnames: dweller by the wood - "Wolf"

Other name doesn't really have a meaning that I can find. It only states that is in relation to the tribe that was settled in England and Gaul.

It means Welshman. I had a friend with same name about 10 years ago, I told him it meant Welshman.

He was "black Irish".

Pedro Pietrovic

So my name is "Friendly Scribe/Cleric".

Pretty accurate, I'd say.

Your first name is William, isn't it?

First name - to bring salvation
Surname - to strike fear

I bring salvation through fear.

Checked this a few times in my late teens and early twenties and it's still the same.

LARPagans win again.

checking the big one…

My name means victory of the red hill people

checking the big one.

Nope. I failed to make myself clear. You see how spics often have surnames like Ramirez or Martinez or some bullshit like that? I suspect it is derived from the slavic naming convention, but slavs don't outright take it as a surname, while hispanics seem to have adopted it in such a way to remember the first patriarch of the family.

But since you tried I will probably end up doxing myself now because I have a massive ego and I I will probably be safe anyhow.

In addition to having your standard firs and middle names, hispanics typically have 2 surnames we take our father's and mother's first surname unless you're Picasso. Seriously, fuck that guy.

So my full name -middle name and second surname included- means:

"Stone Bear King/Man Depending on what you interpret the roots of Arthur to be, Son of Fernando [something that I legitimately have no idea what it means; but I know to be of flemish origin and is really similar to the german word for "forbidden"]".

Which I can make cool by interpreting as "Fernando's Forbidden Bear-King Stone"

Sucks to not know what half my name means, but I still carry it with pride. Especially since I'm the 25th Pedro Fernandez in my family.

And to answer the OP, none of this has changed in over 10 years.

I know that sparrows symbolized European peasants and commoners, so it's pretty cool, I guess.

My name means bearer of Christ and my last name is enthusiasm…

Mine means mighty warrior, same as always.

Fucking thanks alot mom and dad…

Son, I think your name makes you a commie.


All these people with interesting name's, here I am Blank Blankson. My first name literally has no meaning because it is an anglicized version of a different name that's like "gift from god" or some dumb shit you would say about a baby. My last name literally means "son of Blank" and my father's name is "Blank" so my name is fucking stupid.

My first name is a composition between kind/gentle/handsome and birth.

My last name mean fur trader in french.

boy, you'r parents sure had high hopes for you so why are you disappointing them?

test tbh

I owe no one anything simply by existing.

Also, I hope they are dead. I haven't spoken to anyone in my family in years.

Spanish: Defender of mankind
French: Bishop

Defender of mankind: the Bishop

I assume my ancestors were clergy or something since my crest is a lamb wearing a helmet and holding a cross

Hmm… I have a kike name. Used to mean gift from God, but just did a search and only one site says that now, which is a kike website.

I remember there was a thread on the Toronto protocols, and it was mentioned that they intend to accelerate change, so that everything is in flux, even history. Is this how they're doing it?

Well, apparently I'm not God. Always good to know these things.

From wealth The twin Roof-tiler
English Aramaic Germanic

I am none of these things, although supposedly I'm descended from at least two noble families.
if you know my names please don't say

I am not destined for greatness.

that would suck for me, my name literally just means "god judges me"

what the fuck is that about.

is it weird i know that means your name is micheal?
always feels weird to know these things.

You can operate Google. Good job.

is that why my luck is abysmal?

tbh greatness is overrated

the happy bucolic life is god tier

Implying a kike would give anything.
It used to mean gift from god in the stuff I read a few years back.

Glorious wolf soldier. Not even kidding.

My last name is a word for an old ritual where men would tip hats at each other after a moment of clarity.

It's a prophecy user. It means you will help to build a new house that your people will take shelter and live in.

What that house represents is up to you.

If I used google, why the fuck would i point it out, you retard?

My name's Gaelic for crooked nose.

nice data mining thread

also my name's meaning still exists.
mfw all you faggots fell for this obvious trap

nigger, the only thing that names ever meant was when they were spoken with intent

how would any datamining help? they would have to know us and use the appropriate name?

My family name when traced back into Irish Gaelic, meant son of bear. It was on my ancestors coat of arms, but i suspect it has to do with our tempers and the fact that we are covered with hair.

Me first name literally means "gift of yahweh", because my mom's retarded and couldn't come with a name from her own bloody culture.

Last name literally means "someone with a particularly pale skin and complexion".

oh shit dude, he got common names, i wonder what smith means, you better go track down all these bakers and shit.

Another "names" thread.


Fucking Christzionists

My name means something along the lines of: "God is my light". It's also much like one of the arch angels ( specifically the arch angel that watches the gate of Eden with a fiery sword, the arch angel of death and light ).

My names mean "loose piece of rock" "ruler of the army" and "fortification" in that order.

I don't have a damn clue what that adds up to.

Staff of God

tfw realized bible was desert people book of lies since early childhood

praise unto Odin

Universal ruler here

Alternatively "Bringer of great peace"

First names: Just, Ambitious, Hero
Last name: Terresterial / Army


Just fuck my shit up I guess.


Alas my first name is like many "english" names in that it is in actual fact a hebrew name.
Pretty much any name from the bible is going to be fucking hebrew.
But its meaning is amusing at least. "God is my judge"
So you know. Fuck your worldly courts, etc.

My surname is Irish. Which is not amusing.
Even less amusing is that its pretty much balls deep in Irish republicanism.
Which for a Bong is not a good thing.

Last I checked my last name was Bear God or named
After a Bear God in Norse.

I'm English but its origins are from Norse that settled in Scotland.

well I do make people laugh.

I just think of the count from sesame street.

"One filthy spaniard, ha ha ha"

First name is kikey

My surname means 'beekeeper'.

My GF (hopefully wife) has wanted an apiary to raise bees ever since she wrote a paper on them in high school, so I may just live up to my ancestors name.

My mother is a Martin from Boston and is kinda larpy about IRA and Irish republicanism because mick pride is fairly common over in Massachusetts and Maine, or so they tell me. She went to some ceremony celebrating the Easter rising this year actually.

Good luck bonger

I also like counting

When I was born (1995) I got a framed picture with my name on it. Brandon- God's chosen one.

now websites all say "Light on Beacon Hill"

It's horoscope tier shit.

However, I'd say it is true that the connotations a name has can help to shape how a person views themselves.

I think my first child will be names either Aaron, or Bonnie (after the blue flag).

Six million jews, hehehe

I did pretty extensive research into it. And Id stake my reputation on the assertion that all of my research pointed to it deriving from the gaelic word for strong bow.

ok thank you

edge factor : unnobtanium

brandon was on the short list for my sons name. According to the internet it meant Gods chosen one when I looked into it which was ~2 years ago.


either we've slipped into another universe or the kikes are up to something.


Nope, mine is still the same.

Yeah the yanks support for irish terrorism disgusts me to the point where I laughed when Boston got bombed.
After years of being a key area of IRA support and staging area for CIA arms dealers smuggling weapons to the IRA, it got bombed by terrorists.

Sweet delicious poetic justice.

Ivan is the common Slavic Latin spelling, while Cyrillic spelling is two-fold: in Bulgarian, Russian, Macedonian, Serbian and Montenegrin it is Иван, while in Belarusian and Ukrainian it is Iван.

It is the Slavic relative of the Latin name Johannes, corresponding to English John.[1] This Slavic version of the name originates from New Testament Greek Ἰωάννης (Iōánnēs) rather than from the Latin Io(h)annes. The Greek name is in turn derived from Hebrew יוֹחָנָן (Yôḥānān, meaning “‘Yahweh is gracious’”). The name is ultimately derived from the Biblical Hebrew name יוחנן (pronounced [joχanan]), short for יהוחנן (pronounced [jəhoχanan]), meaning "Yahweh is merciful". Common surnames derived from the name Ivan, are Ivanović commonly used in Montenegro and Serbia, and Ivanov, commonly used in Russia and Bulgaria. "Ivanovich" is a Russian patronymic/middle name meaning "son of Ivan/John" or "Ivanson/Johnson".


i have kikename


I have no intention of datamining, but I strongly suspect Holla Forums has an unusually high percentage of Normans for an [asian nation] [art style] board.

Nous allons effacer le soleil sur le jour de st Crispin une fois de plus.

but you knew people would freely give their names in some cases so he was correct this is what it is

Its always been mars. Mars was the god of war. Are you okay?

Your parents called you a gift from god, now you wish they were dead. What went wrong user bro?

Every site on it used to say that the name Mark meant 'warrior angel' with no mention of mars.

Mars and warrior angel aren't too far off from each other but such a complete difference is still huge.

Can you maybe see how these two things could be conflated by lazy historians or translators?

But will I throw it off, or continue to toil for my own destruction?

What if it does not refer to the yoke of slavery, but to the "divine yoke"?

One job user and you fucked it up.

I am probably much older than you and ive looked it up years and years ago and it said mars. There's lik 3746252837463 name and baby naming sites on the internet, you probably just saw one that didnt mention it.

First name
Last name
tfw I am Judge Dredd


"War-God Champion of the Holy Church"
Just like always.



first name

writing a book to convince everyone of the logic behind Christianity

Greatest famous wolf
Wew lad

It's pretty generic honestly

why live

It may be closer to "tailor who cuts at the seashore"

Am I a serial killer?

First time I looked it up was over a decade ago and the most recently aside from yesterday was 6 months ago. And I went to many, many sites as I was looking into my family crest. They all said precisely the same thing. fucking shame I didn't think to archive.

Sure, they are very much similar, save for in the past none of the sites made ANY mention of mars or Roman mythology. And I don't see how every site on it had the same information and now they are all different that is what has me bugged out.



Yea, about that…

Don't worry lads, I'll see us through these dark times.

…Alexander Theodore?


I'm pretty sure we have an unconscious understanding of what words mean, including names, and that we name our children accordingly.

When you study languages seriously, you can actually see how the phonetic aspect of a word relates to his meaning; for example: most words qualifying feminine or smaller things have an /i/ sound in them and this is related to the short vocal cords found into small organisms (animals or humans) and the fact that sound resonates more acutely on little objects.
We can argue that an innate understanding of the meaning of certain names clearly gives a purpose to naming people. Ex: your child seems to be timid, but a good watcher, discrete, so you name it something that means he is timid but a good watcher, etc.

My name literally means "Man that was born in the fire".
Holly shit this name is fucking RAD.

my bad for not archiving something I didn't think would be changed


Congratulations, you're about to get the job offer of a lifetime in November.


What permanence did you really expect to find here in this world?

what is your name

yfw Trump really does become God Emperor of Earth, destroying Marxism in the process, proving beyond doubt that he is an avatar raised by the collective consciousness as counterbalance to the century of dildos we have just had to endure.

Is this another datamining thread, OP?

It's probably "Kenneth".

Yes, it's a very subtle one at that.

It's interesting how it's the opposite in Chinese culture at certain times. In Chinese communities that hold on to the old traditions (e.g. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, etc.), the whole naming process is highly complicated, involving checking the birth stars, zodiacs, celestial elements and sometimes involving even the parents. The child is then given a name that fills in the gaps that it's considered to have, e.g. a child that has a weak constitution will have the character for "strong" in it to make up for that, or a feisty child will have the character for "calm" or "serenity" to calm its personality.

Also read the significance behind his last name. Here:

Also his full name translates to 1488, anyone have the image I don't seem to have it.

Teuton first name, Greek middle name, Anglo-Saxon surname. Full name means lion hearted defender and ruler. Hoping for the best with a name like this

I kek'd.

H-hey goys

My sides. Sorry for your loss user.

So according to my name I should be some kind of ageless hermit waiting for judgement day

I think my mum was into weird shit back in the 80s.

It's ok, the Latin form means "one who descended" and there's a possible relation to a Germanic spelling of the word that deals with land, something like "owner of land".

People in western countries name their children while they're still in the womb. You're a dipshit.

is that a neuro gauntlet?

Name's don't have any divine meaning, they are man made. My name is Giuseppe Gallo, that means God increases my cock.

You really think that has divine origin?

Italians man, holy shit



"speaker of the mountain"… was i born to meme? Born to be Chief Memesmith of the God-Emperor?

One of the Johns saw the apocalypse coming, I see the collapse of society on Holla Forums. The other was a baptist, I told some normies about Holla Forums. Close enough for namesakes, I guess, but I'm confused about how I could apply the meaning to my life.
I'm not exactly tough nor the best person to support others.
Gracious, tough as rock nimble navigator? I really think I'm not what my name says I am.


That's a blatant mistranslation on his part (possibly intentional, for lulz).

In Italian, gallo does mean cock… as in the animal. The rooster. It doesn't have the genital connotation of English.

che dioporco ti sei fumato, beppe

I hate my parents.

Close. But not really.

Petra is the greek word for Rock. As in a foundation stone, implying stablility.

Petros however, refers to pebble. A loose piece of flint.

Have a quotation

The feminine noun πετρα (petra) means rock or rather: mountain of a rock, and is used about 15 times in the Bible. The only derived construct is πετρωδης (petrodes), which consists of our noun petra and ειδος (eidos), meaning appearance (from the verb ειδω,eido, meaning to see). The noun petrodes denotes rocky places, or literally rocky shapes, and it occurs an additional four times (Mark 4:5, Matthew 13:5).

A petra is used to build houses in and on (Matthew 7:24, Luke 6:48) or hew sepulchers in (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:46). It's also used to metaphorize someone's firmness or strength; the Septuagint uses it in 2 Samuel 22:2 in the familiar phrase "The Lord is my petra and my fortress." Paul refers to the Meribah event in 1 Corinthians 10:4, and compares Christ to the petra from which the waters flowed (Exodus 17:6).

Petra denotes a firm foundation and as such it serves as a metaphor for faith in JesusChrist. The masculine counterpart of petra is πετρος (petros), which denotes a wobbly flint that won't supply any footing and can be tossed away at will.The masculine noun petros could mean rock in Homer's time but in the time of the Bible, it was always used to indicate "a piece or fragment of a rock such as a man might throw," as Zodhiates' Complete Wordstudy Dictionary New Testament explains, "Distinguished from the masculine petros is that petra is a mass of rock while petros is a detached stone or boulder, a stone that might be thrown or easily moved."

In the Bible the word petros does not occur besides the name Peter.

The most remarkable conjunction of these two words petra and petros is in the famous scene of Matthew 16:13-20.

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus asks the disciples what they think of Him. The men rattle off a list of heroes but only Peter submits that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. Jesus responds by saying that he couldn't have obtained that insight from any human teacher, or even have figured it out by himself, but that it was given to him by God.

And then He says to Peter: You are petros (a small wobbly and easily movable stone), but on that petra (the unmovable faith that is not from man but from God) I'm going to build My church.


meant for

I have no idea why it didn't work.