I don't see a thread about this. The Hillary team is committing voter fraud in Iowa. It's on camera.

quoted from the article

"So basically in the caucus they have to hand count everyone depending on what side they’re sitting on. Well when it came time to do the second count the numbers were off. The first vote breakdown was like this

FIRST VOTE: 215 Sanders 210 Clinton 26 O’Malley 8 Undecided 459 TOTAL

And this is the SECOND Vote: 232 Clinton 224 Sanders 456 Total

So somehow they lost 3 people but Clinton’s vote went up by 14.

So basically what had happened was Hillary’s team didn’t take the time to do a full recount instead she just added the new people who joined the second vote. Which clearly wasn’t an accurate count."


No surprise and fuck Sanders but this is important.

one of you should already have done this. I can't even redtext


get in here fuckers

sshh just let it happen

let the berniefags butthurt flow


I would MUCH rather her burn the US to the ground than a globalist kike syphon off more and more of the US's money and bleed the US dry even further.

He's a kike, kill yourself.

Calm down. I don't want Hillary or Sanders, but the God Emperor can use this and it needs to be spread.

one last bump

you make me sad
so be it


This is info that will break up the democratic party even more causing liberals to lose faith in voting or switch to Trump's side out of spite.

Yea this is the killer for the Democrat party.

Bernie will lose no matter what, this is crumbs compared to the cake he'd need to win, but it upsets leftists seeing their 'hero' blatantly cheated, so lets full throttle ahead in revealing this shittery.

There we go. I got this off some anti-neocon youtuber who hates Hillary more than Bernie but isn't supporting either. Where do the Berniecucks congregate? We get it to them and it'll be like shaking a beehive.


This is how they do it? Is this a fucking joke? Why don't they just have a metal voting card on these people & have them walk through a metal detector one at a time to count the votes?

I've seen valentines day card counting more advanced by this.


They're still cancer

Clinton won because she has better ground game.

look at these nu-male faggots

You're wrong, it's clearly because she's a grass roots movement.


Jesus christ am I taking crazy pills here? We had at least 6 full threads during the iowa caucuses and probably another 2 or 3 specifically discussing the possibilities of voter fraud indicated in this specific clip. Am I the only one in this thread who was there for it? Is everyone in here that new?

Welcome to the RNC/DNC. Caucuses are fucking shitshows every time.

Nothing about this is new, nor is it surprising to anyone who's closely followed the leadup to a presidential election.

p.s. sweet trips you newfag



Where is the problem? It looks like there were 34 voters who could have switched from O'Malley or Undecided between the first vote and the second.

We should really attack her on this because it could slow her down enough to give Trump the advantage.

But Bernie is a shill, so he will never challenge her on it. He was meant to lose.
