How to we physically remove stormfags and SJW's from the internet?
How to we physically remove stormfags and SJW's from the internet?
Shut it down?
We can't, the internet is basically their base.
You can't, the only option is to destroy the jews user.
Storm fags will exist across all cultures and all times because the jews exist and continue to jew.
The only true way to remove them is to destroy the internet.
It's easy, kill them
implying they're the sameā¦.back to tumblr faggot
Gotta love this freech crowd!
and they keep equating a marginalized, censored movement to a mainstream movement with political dominance to discredit it further. lamest D&C attempt.
Hey Chris. Long time listener, first time shitposter.
It's simple: Patreon. We start a patreon account to raise the money we need to buy helicopters and helicopter pilots licenses and start PHYSICALLY REMOVING Stormfags, SJWs, Democrats, and Communists.
exactly, just like the nazis are a counter-movement to marxism, stormfags are the natural reaction to jewry.
You remove jews, and the world gets peace again.
Wait, has there been a 6000000 post on this board? Oy vey!
I understand you're trying to start a meme by making multiple posts equating stormfags and SJWs
But why do it on such a dead board m8?
By leading happy lives, not letting them affect us. They cull themselves.
why salt
Dead board meme.
Leftypol have pretty much nailed this already anyway: idpol
The reason SJWs and the stormfags hate each other is because they were made for each other. When will they finally just fuck?
They believe in completely opposite things though, we can't claim America is the same as China because they are both exploiting the rest of the world through economic manipulation, the fact there are similarities in their methods even though their goals are exactly the opposite doesn't mean they are the same.
Running is not the same as swimming because you move your legs, that's fucking retarded. An ambulance skipping a red light because there's a life at risk isn't the same as your drunk uncle doing it.
please tell me which one you would prefer?
by breeding a new master race of supreme gentlmen mixed with terrorist arabs
ddos their isps
Right wing death squads. That's a lot of paper work though.
false flag them as terrorists, they all go to gitmo.
That or abduct them then dump them on an island with no running water, electricity or the internet. Use drone to watch them whine about being oppressed by wildlife and trees and plants and shit.
You don't. Wait for them to invite Mohammed Al Burqua into your country. Mohammed kills them in the name of Allah. Done.