Why does the German audience applaud to this?


Why does the German audience applaud to this?

Other urls found in this thread:


because that's what you're supposed to do. didn't you go to school?

They are hired puppets user. Germans are rebeling it fucking up in there. Also stop shilling this junk.


You do realize these (((people))) are brainwashed into believing that multiculturalism is good?
If not you are
The projection is mind numbing. All these people need is something to break the Jew feedback loop. Once it is destroyed then all of it will collapse.
How can you even be convinced from that? That's about the same level of a jamal trying to justify why the blonde 8 yr old white girl deserved to die.

Fans of the guest showed up, and acted accordingly.

Using (( ))

Every fucking shillthread every fucking thread

Remember that people. It' true.

Bull fucking shit

For every "rebelling" German right now there's 10 antifa faggots.

We'll see what happens when the people who don't "care" start caring, but I personally think it will be too late for them.

Sweden and Germany will be the first countries to fall, then other will prepare while US and Russia stretch their war boners.

They somtimes cast the crowd in shows like these.
I watched the same format 12.05.2016 about "Is Islam dangerous?".
While there were a lot cucks, pseudo intellectuals and single moms spouting their usual crap there were a lot based people who didn't give a shit and called out Islam.
Shit escalated quickly at the end to the point where the crowd boohed the muslim, said all muslims have to go and said the islam NGOs are the front organisation for the white genocide.
I was really suprised because it is states tv and they put out migrant propaganda 24/7 at this point.

Here the episode i was refering to:

I can see a future Europe where blonde and blue-eyed people are hounded down, just like the albinos are in Africa.

When people clap for their national character's impending destruction, there's really nothing you can do to stop it.

Any sauce on the OP's pic rel?

lol, bullshit, maybe some 10% which is nothing


D&C thread

Why have you allowed more than 50 millions of spics inside your borders.

You should know the answer to both of these questions by now.

Both are continents are going to be cucked beyond recognition.

Stop trying to make a false comparison between them.

Find me a clip of Americans clapping to the same kind of remark as in OP's vid.

I don't need too, your entire democrat party and it's voters are doing the clapping.

as the filename says, sure she doesn't belong to Germany, because it's daughter of Polish president - Kinga Duda.

In Germany, every party except AfD and NPD seek to genocide ethnic Germans.

That's way worse than Democrats pandering to dindus and wetbacks.

Also I'm not American.

There's no point in arguing which continent is worse. White people are going to be minorities everywhere.

What a weird thing for you to say who keeps bumping this D&C thread and then says

Clearly you like arguing about it. i simply said that we both have problems and the answers as to why should already be clear

10% is the magic number needed for

Stormcucks actually believe this.


Fuck off. This thread is about Germany, Hans.

Germany is dead. DEAD. By 2040, they will be part of the ISIS caliphate. The only thing that will stop it is all-out war and nobody has the stomach for that, least of all the Cucked Germans.



Demoralization the post


I havent been outside in over 7days so I honestly cant comment on this shit, however Ive been trying to slowly tap into ppls belief regarding immigration and so far Im on a 50/50 chance where its literally extremes, I havent found any middle ground in people that I tried to talk to.
People were either super pro islam immigration poor refugees while others even knew that Germans would go extinct if this shit continued.

My boss on the other hand is a mix that believes the cute little crying kids from the refugee photos while actually disliking all the shit islam is doing in Germany. Even tho Im pretty sure I could redpill him, which would actually be a smart thing to do as hes very good with martial arts and that'd be very needed if shit ever hit the fan.

Aren't US' wars done by (((bankers)))?
Because I'm afraid the US won't interfere, Russia may do it but who knows.

Use weev's R.A.C.E system, it works really good.


Funny how everyone is crying about D&C while each one of you fucks hounds the British in every related thread.




But here?

Wow you D&C shills!!! we must come together!!!

I hope you realise that white in that graph means white and spic therefore there is a added non-hispanic white

Do your job then and call out D&C when you see it instead of crying about me calling a D&C thread what it is.

It's because they have a weird fetish for Germany. They're too fucking stupid to realize that the Germany they romanticize doesn't fucking exist. Germany doesn't want to be saved, they want to be enslaved by mud dick.

Germans are so brainwashed they actually believe this. You non-cucked Krauts need to revolt and bring down snakes like this.

This is fucking disgusting.

Haha yes goyim just laugh with me about how Germany wants to be destroyed it's not like all of Europe and it's colonies have a problem with what is happening.


That's why.

This is why niggers and kikes are so sub-human. You kick while people are down and the run when they get back up.

I can see a day where jews will be rounded up and killed cleanly because of how ugly they are and people will cheer and there is nothing you can do about it.

Bull fucking shit you cuckold faggot and is the most popular party most germans want Merkel gone and refugee shelters get burned down every day. Go be a nigger somewhere else

Bullshit, mass immigration happens all over europe. Sweden, the UK, germany, france etc. they are all mass importing foreigners from islamic regions. A certain narrative is used to make this mass immigration appeal to the native population so they accept it without having any rational reason to allow it except declining birth rates.
The interesting part here is how certain brackets of the population react to it. The people with below and average intelligence are the biggest part that could oppose it, since they have a bigger connection to their "primal instincts", and thus might be the most likely to stop it. Especially if you assume they are the ones that take the biggest blow because they are most likely at the bottom of the income pyramid. The intelligence bracket that is around iq 105-115 will most likely accept it (they are also fewer in numbers) since they have tendency to put nurture over nature, and are more receptable to nice ideas using a certain sophisticated framework. The intelligence bracket above that is more like a wildcard, pragmatism (not drawing any attention) vs idealism (stand for the truth etc.) because they can see where this leads to. So they either go along or oppose it, but that is determined by various other factors like their own offspring or certain values that will get thrown into the gutter over a certain period of time (like the rise of a mild dark ages). or other people that might see that as a good thing (fighting declining birth rates).
I personally think that mass immigration is very beneficial to certain interest groups and by that i do not mean the majority "white genocide" psychopaths but mostly people protecting their monetary interests.

not sure if theyre shills but its a shitty meme
full cringe everytime I see it

meh, Germany as a nation has never been bound by borders. Plenty of Germans outside Europe with their bloodlines intact. Wisconsin is probably more German than Germany at this point

According to that graph there's about 100,000,000 more non-spic whites than there was 80 years ago, also non-spic whites seem to still make up about 2/3 of the country. When Emperor Trump gets elected, I wouldn't be surprised if we go back up to 80% white in 4 years

It's really fucking disgusting.

Didn't a Holla Forumsack show that even if the wall is built whites will still become a minority in US? I think you Americucks fucked and SOL.

I bet that sand nigger gets off at the thought of beautiful blonde hair blue eyed Aryan woman going extinct. That shit skin envy's White beauty and is so delighted that all future 'Germans' will have generic brown skin and brown eyes just like her.

What really surprised me was how they didn't fight me too much except typical white signaling. I think a lot of them are faking it externally, but internally they are mostly proud to be German.

Counting the days at this point.

Keuchland, Keuchland, über nichts.


shouldn't be too hard

They are gonna call you a ZOGbog occupier, user.