Titties & Tarot

Alright Holla Forums, there was another thread where someone claimed to be psychic, and it absolutely sucked.

I'm not psychic, but what I do have is a particular set of useless skills. And for the record, I don't really believe in this stuff.

Ask me a question, phrasing is important. Give me your name, first last or even a screen name or nickname will do. Your horoscope sign couldn't hurt either.

Post tits as payment (they needn't be yours, but shitty tits = shitty reading.)

Is my ex roommate who loves to talk about how he Cofounded a subreddit, microbrews, talks about much he doesn't masturbate and has wet dreams, a complete and total douchebag?

In place of tits you present me Proxy Paige's gaping ass. She gives such great head, but the girl is fixated on her anus.

Taking your question seriously, my reading says he's gives shitty advice power goes to his head and he uses it terribly, says he's insecure and depends on feels over facts perhaps describing himself as spiritual in the face of evidence proving him wrong about something, says he has a tendency to make the exact same mistakes over and over again, this next card makes him sound like an SJW, it says he's the type of guy to film himself giving money to the homeless, the sort of person who gives to charity only so it'll make him look good. The next says he frequently acts without thinking, the next card quite literally suggests his only possible redemption could come through suicide… It pretty much just goes on like this. The final card suggests if he doesn't change he'll end up friendless and alone.

So yeah, he sounds like a douche.

I am going to be taking a roadtrip to Nevada (from Maryland) for a gun convention. Im looking to get into guns as a career, will I find what I'm looking for in the ways of networking and possibly a job? Will anything terrible happen? Will we find out after these messages?
Also my username is BattleJesus and I am a Leo. I give you two gifs as payment, i hope they sate you.


The first card tells me you're experiencing a bit of wanderlust and excited about the trip, but you need to plan it more carefully.

The second card represents your obstacle, and honestly it's a doozy. Prepare for the unexpected, you're either going to drive through a sandstorm or a crazy person is going to block your path.

The third card represents your goal, and in this case it bodes really well for your trip. It says you'll be good at this and extremely successful. Definitely go forward with this plan. The next card basically echoes this. Strength, victory, you're going to overcome whatever that obstacle is through strength.

The next card in a roundabout way is saying the trip is going to be really exciting for you, you're either going to return with an interesting story, or you're going to meet someone really wild.

The next card essentially says to embrace your fears and anxieties. If you're worried about something, just prepare for it. I don't know if it's a money thing, or a legal thing, but make sure you have all your bases covered and you'll be fine.

The next card suggests you need to behave maturely, don't let your imagination run wild. The next after that basically echoes this, act like a businessman, project professionalism.

Second to last card again references a fear of a possible crazy person.

Finally, your last card referencing the outcome should you go through with your plans is Justice. A very good sign you'll be quite happy with the results.

So, tl;dr: You're going to be really successful in the gun business, but watch the fuck out for crazy people and prepare for absolutely everything.

Hey, are you still here? I'm writing out my question. Here are some humorous tits and asses in advance.

Thank you for your wisdom kind sir. I shall keep it in mind for this trip.

Id also like to ask another question if thats ok with you.
I recently moved out on my own to a place and got a good job that I really like. However, one of my friends lives in this dream house thats about a half hour away from everything. I have yet to find out all the info on this place, but would it be a good idea to persue it? (I also only have a picture of my cat left to post as am on phone)

OP, I'm the guy from the previous thread who asked you to link your own thread.

My sign is Cancer (kek) My name is Daniel and I'm going to study psychology starting this september. I live in Europe.

My question is; Do I have a good chance of becoming succesful?

Here's a pic of Katie, as per request. Enlighten me, Senpai.

I would also like to ask about a douchebag.

This particular cuntnozzle is in my class. He irritates the ever loving shit out of everyone around him and when people get tired of it and tell him to stop, he accuses them of bullying and being out to get him.

Here are some examples of how he behaves on a daily basis. Let's call him Marty.

Marty asks several people stupid questions almost every day. One guy in my class comes to school by train every day and every day, Marty asks him "Did you come with the train today?" and later in the day "Are you going home by train today?".

Despite always claiming that he never judges anything by appearance, he always insults peoples appearance, right to their face. There's a guy who is pretty short who Marty constantly mocks. "Oh, I didn't see you there. Could you reach your coat this morning?". Our teacher ages are always mocked, too. "I was reading about the American civil war. You must be able to remember that, since your so old."

The questions and insults visibly irritate people, but he doesn't seem to care.

Everything he doesn't like is a personal attack. I had just bought my first smartphone and I was talking to some guys in class about it. We all have Android devices while Marty has an iPhone. He was sitting in the corner, shouting at us that we were excluding and mocking him for having an iPhone. We were not talking to or about him at all. I had just gotten my phone and was asking the guys about its features. We ignored him. Later, he told a teacher that we had bullied him, but the teachers know how he is, so it didn't go anywhere.

He bought a gaming computer one day, and within two weeks, it got infected with something and wouldn't boot. He seemed to think that I was supposed to fix it for him, because he kept calling and texting me. I didn't want to help him and told him to leave me alone. He was pissed about this. It seemed to me that he thought he was entitled to my help, and told some people at school that I was an awful friend, because I didn't want to help. But, everyone knows how he is, so no one cared.

There are a lot of examples and don't feel like typing anymore.

My question is, will Marty ever grow up and stop annoying us?

My name is Sigurd and my sign is Pisces.

My name is Daniel too! (Im the gun question user)You have an awesome name man.

Right on, dude. Our name means 'Judge of god' or some shit if I remember correctly. In the bible, Daniel was the dude that was thrown in the lion's den and the lions refused to eat him

I like the name.

Here are a couple of pics from Cleo Le-Tan, a Vice reporter that i have the biggest crush on. Dem titties, man. Dem titties.

He made friends with the lions i believe, helping them out by getting a thorn out of one of their paws. All around chill dude seems like

Yeah and they threw him in because he was such a skilled government official that the others got jealous and plotted against him.

Basically, Daniel was a genius, kindhearted and successful young man who subdued the king of the jungle. A true hero, Jesus got nothing on him.

Tarotanon was right, looks like we all gotta watch out for those crazies, amirite?

I guess. He hasn't done me yet. I suppose it takes some time to make a decent prediction. He can have all the time he wants.

Im sure hes working pretty hard, this thread blew up. Im honestly thankful for what hes doing, as weird as that is. But i believe in tarot cards. Theyre pretty neat and id love to learn how to read them.

I'm sure he is :)

I don't believe in any of that stuff, though. But it's entertaining.


Way of Life problem.
My life sucked, no friends, bullied in elementary school, workoholic step-father who forced me to work like everyday at our lage home yard at village where i lived. Nothing sucessfull i did was enough. We moved away from there in my 15´s. Afterwards i lived with my mom only. I wished for a luck in my life.
Sudenly granted. Few years back, at my 17 when i started living on my own, i got lucky in everything i did. Couple charges against me, turned out just fine. I could go in IDGAF style. stole cash, went wild. Fucked up in school, done it few years later. Could not find job, lived as cave dweller with friendsd. Everytime i could do what i liked and didn´t had to lift a finger for it. Crossed the line at something, got away with it after some talking. Fucked up in job, talked it out, everything is fine again. Got my driving license, and then lost it due d&d. Drive anyway, got caught, and got just minor charge.
But. I cannot somehow improve my life more. Can´t get better PC, or a phone. Always have old shit that is subpar nowadays. Have sometimes idiotic friends. People that i find trustworthy often stabs me in the back. Can´t find gf that will understand me or share my traits. My previous gf was nice to me, smart, gamer, drawfag.. but her parents were assholes and overall it just didnt worked out over time. We were together 3,5 years.

TL;DR. Life sucked, sudennly life is fine and i can get away with about anything i do wrong. But i can´t get better in my life. Can´t be happy.

Weird. That wasn't the picture I posted.

Remember this Holla Forums glitch

Ah shoot, sorry guys. Stepped away for a bit to have a late lunch.

Getting some interesting and very telling results again. My initials instinct hearing this were "go for it" but the cards I'm getting tell a different story.

First card represents the atmosphere surrounding the situation, and what I'm getting represents choosing luxury, debauchery and physical pleasure over practicality, stability and comfort. Luxury isn't an inherently bad thing, I think the question here is whether living there is something you can afford without negatively impacting your life.

Second card is the Six of Rods (Triumph) and it represents your obstacle. I think this is saying you should wait to go for it until you have the stability to try it with little risk. Third card is about procrastination and indecision. It couldn't hurt to go look, I think this is saying before long someone else might move in.

The next card is telling me part of why you're considering this is because you feel isolated and lonely where you are. Do you get along really well with your friend? Familiarity breeds contempt, hanging out with someone and living with them are two different things.

The next card is the passing influence of responsibility. It also warns of you being overburdened with work. This either tells me you're going to take the riskier option, or that if you do you might end up working yourself to the bone to afford your lifestyle. Find out how much it would cost, factoring in commuting and stuff like that.

The next card -which is a thing to be embraced- is the wheel of fortune. If your heart's in it, you should take a chance.

The next card represents the role you should play or attitude you should have, and it's saying you should be passionate, ambitious and cocky.

The next card is saying you should free yourself from the difficulty of your situation, and move on from a past failure or humiliation. This card is for your environment or people around you, so this could be referring to someone you're around.

The second to last card basically says you're hoping this'll be one big party if you go there, but the last card again suggests caution as it shows the outcome as… well, I'll just paste a description of the card I googled online to show this isn't even my interpretation. This is how it's described: "Unfavorable news about business, finance, or the physical world. One who delights in all forms of luxury and physical excess, leaving practical matters unattended. Irrationality and failure to recognize obvious facts, coupled with a poor work ethic. Wastefulness, lack of focus, and loss. May portend the loss of a job or promotion."

I'd urge caution here, user.

Thank you kindly again, tarotanon. I will use this information to think over what i shall do.

Hey OP, got a question. There was this girl from my highschool last year that I oiked who's name is Victoria. We went on two dates together but she quit talking to me. Does she still like me? I can provide more info if needed

-First card: Describes the atmosphere of being a stressful situation that brings out the worst in people in pursuit of personal gain. Are you in some sort of competition with your peers?
-Second card: This seems to me like your main obstacle is one of your professors. It's the Emperor. Someone in authority with great speaking power.
-Third card: Says specifically that to achieve your goal will require patience, tact and balance.
-Fourth card: It's reversed Strength. Trying to be dominant at the wrong time, lack of preparation, loss of reputation. Avoid this and you'll succeed.
-Fifth card: Virtue. This one's all about personal responsibility. It can be lonely at the top. You need to think long-term and start forming relationships based on trust now.
-Sixth card: Reversed Judgment, which represents procrastination and indecision. This is something you're going to be dealing with soon, either from a peer or something you'll have to prevent yourself from succumbing to.
-Seventh card: your role is to be as the Sun. Be faithful, truthful, happy, bright and contend. Strive to be grossly incandescent.
-Eighth card: Ah geez, this is a rough one to get given that you're in a college environment. The environment you're in and people you're around represent an ideological challenge to you, you hold some opinions which may differ from the majority of your classmates or that particular professor and fear being humiliated or made an example for disagreeing.
-Ninth card: Again, this is saying you need trusting relationships. Start making friends user, good friends who will stick up for you. You need some people in your corner.
-Tenth card: The outcome card is the three of coins. This bodes well for your success. Stay the course and keep at it and you'll definitely be successful.

Thanks a bunch, user.

What you said strangely enough gave me a couple insights in how I might want to approach things in the near future.

First card doesn't particularly appeal to me.
Second card has yet to come, and same goes for sixth and tenth card.

The rest are pretty much applicable to the present. I'll remember to be tactful, think my decisions through, be assertive and not too aggressive, and start forming long-term relationships as soon as I can, in order to establish a basis for the future. And I'll try to be less pessimistic and more incandescent from now on.

Thanks, user.

Marty sounds fairly spergy. I'd suggest asking him if he was but by the sounds of it, he'd take it as an attack. If he is autistic, he can't help acting like that. You should just be blunt and tell him his remarks are insulting and spell everything out for him like you would a child, as he may simply be oblivious. On to the cards, though:

-First card: King of Pentacles, not really seeing how this relates unless Marty is a spoiled rich kid, every other possible meaning of the card describes a smart person of good character. But it can just be interpreted as rich person.
-Second card: Your obstacle is The Tower. Confronting him that he needs to change could lead to a massive meltdown on his part, and negative consequences for you.
-Third card: A false start, an unrealized goal, decadence, wasted time. I think expending effort to change him might be a waste of time. You won't have to deal with him once you're done with school, at least.
-Fourth card: The Hanged Man, well if it's any consolation if he doesn't change his life is going to suck.
-Fifth card: The Chariot. This is sounding more and more dire, it would take a herculean effort for him to change.
-Sixth card: It's the reversed King of Cups, and this card is to be embraced. It basically describes a really scummy human being. I think you're just going to have to accept him the way he is.
-Seventh card: The reversed High Priest, this is your role. I'm just seeing the same message again and again. Dealing with him will only make you look like a fool.
-Eighth card: Confide in others, approach him as a group with any complaints. Take solace in the fact that he isn't your responsibility, and you won't have to see him again when school ends.
-Ninth card: (your goal) Nine of Pentacles. You want to help him, but every other card is saying it's a waste of time.
-Tenth card: (Outcome if you do) Well, shit. It's the Devil. Stay away from Marty, trying to help him will apparently only bring about your ruin. He's not worth the effort.

I interpreted your question as "How will Dave find happiness?" I'll keep that in mind while reading the results.

-First card: The atmosphere surrounding the situation is the Knight of Cups, would it be fair to describe you as idealistic, intense and romantic?
-Second card: Your obstacle is represented by oppression. It's going to be hard work rising out of your financial situation, and the amount of work it will take will likely contribute to your discontent.
-Third card: You goal is represented by the Magician. The key to your happiness is self-improvement. Read as many books as you can, maybe try a trade school. A feeling of mastery can grant great satisfaction, so put simply get good at something. Read some books on developing communication skills. Try book4you.org. Type in some topics you're interested in learning about.
-Fourth card: The situation's foundation is the King of Wands reversed. Was your dad a conman? This could be describing the people you thought you could trust that betrayed you. Avoid negative influences, if you have friends who have screwed you over, they're not your friends. Your past doesn't define your future.
-Fifth card: The Knight of Swords reversed. You got a lot of shitheads in your life, user. Again, I see this as advising you to avoid negative influences.
-Sixth card: Embrace The Moon. This represents cyclical changes, beauty into beast and vice versa. Sounds like you're about to meet a really wild woman user.
-Seventh card: Ace of Coins reversed. Go for what's practical and stable, avoid being tempted by material things in the short-term.
-Eighth card: The Emperor reversed. This is the third or fourth card that's basically spelled out you're surrounded by assholes. Purge yourself of toxic influences, focus on bettering yourself. Maybe consider moving.
-Ninth card: Your hopes are represented by Strength. It's gonna get better, user. You will overcome. You got this.
-Tenth card: Your outcome: The King of Cups. Nice. Your experiences with these people are going to result in you being a good judge of character. Just consider everything in your life a learning experience, you're gonna succeed.

Giving you a different spread specifically for relationships.

-First card: (How you see yourself) Swiftness reversed. Smooth move, exlax. Sounds like you think you fizzled out or came on too strong on the dates. Maybe you feel you rushed things. Maybe you were too serious for her.
-Second card: (How you see her) The Devil? Either you're upset with her for ignoring you, or she's hot as hell. Not a good card to draw here, though.
-Third card: (How you feel about her) Ace of Pentacles. Kind of just stating the obvious, you'd like to see a future with her.
-Fourth card: (What stands between you) The Page of Pentacles. Either she hasn't had time to speak with you because of job responsibilities, or she might have met someone else.
-Fifth card: (how she sees you) Prudence reversed. This could mean a number of things… none of them good. Could mean she doesn't think you'll make an effort to improve yourself, could mean she felt you came on too strong and tried to push it to a level she wasn't ready for, or it could mean she thinks you obsess over things too much.
-Sixth card: (how she feels about you) Completion reversed. Well, shit. She thinks you're lazy, according to this. You don't have follow through, maybe you were late on those dates, maybe you don't keep your word.
-Seventh card: (the challenge of the relationship) It's represented by Strength. Basically, if you want the relationship to work prove her wrong about her perceptions. Make her see in you whatever initially made her agree to those dates. If she went on two with you, you couldn't have gotten everything wrong.

How open-ended can these questions be? Is it possible to ask on someone else's behalf? And why do you want pictures of tits?

holyfucking shitballs tarotanon your interpretation is accurate af..

1) yes romantic
2) right on target, thats my actual situation, im working my ass off in shitty job to get better
3) bullseye, not reading a book, but articles and information. Im working myself to get better in IT support wich im lately very into. I´m in few groups on kikebook and actually advising or helping people, so with your confirmation, i have feeling this is really for me
4) holyshit yes he was (btw not my actual dad, but rather my stepdad). Problem is, i have difficulty with people in long therm, first they are great, awesome friends, then after some time, they became assholes…
5) just wow
6) heh yes, basically that was what i was on up to now.. so more likely i stick to it..
7) see 3 part two
8) i always overcame, but was never satysfying in the "happy" way..
9) i was telling about myself that about quite some time!

I basically struggle to find the right way for my life. I lived as lowkey, from shithole to my gf parent´s house, now with couple friends in apartment in big city. I have basically everything i wanted but not what i need.. Im normalfag, with some shits in past. When with friends in pub, i can talk about anything, help someone from fixing pc, to relation or psychology. I am able to judge person just from talking with him about anything. From body language, to how he talks about something. Well that way i can absolutely see a girl if she´s interested in me, or interesting enough to me to be interested in her. Yet i´m somehow picky, and have imaginary chart of what people (or potential gf) have meet to be a great match. Too picky?Don´t know. But i know i have to have someone to have some interests or knowledge about something like me…
Yet i´m stuck in part where i don´t know how or if i should try do something, because i dont wanna fuck it up. I learned about many things from past. On the other hand, the rest… I am very patient with people, sometimes too kind (and thus getting screwed) to some who i think they deserve and learn. I can greatly improvise in moments when nobody thinks out of the box or sticking to the book.
I don´t know what else…

Have some extra tits..

To others:

Oh great psychic

What the hell is wrong with me.
Have some OC

im a capricorn. names marcos.

I don't believe in this stuff, but holy shit! This describes the situation almost perfectly! The dubs don't lie.

-First card: He's not spoiled, rich, smart or has good character, but he feels extremely entitled about everything. Close enough.

-Second card: Partially true. Won't have consequences for me, because the teachers are not stupid. They know how he is, so they won't believe anything he tries to spread. As for meltdown, he has had anxiety attacks many times before, where he didn't come to school for a few days. Of course, when he came back, it was always very important that EVERYONE knows about his anxiety and how hard it is for him.

-Third card: I have personally given up on changing him and I'm going to try and ignore him until my education is over. It's not easy, though. He's loud, sometimes.

-Fourth card: So true. I was a bit worried for him, at first, because I knew if he didn't change he would be very alone one day. But, any sympathy I once had, he has thoughtfully irritated away. Now, I couldn't possibly care less.

-Fifth, sixth, seventh and eight cards: They all seem true. We have tried confronting him, individually and in groups, but nothing sticks. It seriously seems like he does the same mental gymnastics that Eric Cartman does. Nothing is ever his fault. No matter what he does or says or how angry people get with him, he is always convinced that we are overreacting and that he did nothing wrong. Then he goes around telling anyone who hasn't turned hostile yet, that everyone is trying to peer pressure him into changing who he is. It's very important to him that as many people as possible know that HE is the victim. I can't wait for my education to be over.

-Ninth card: See fourth card. Wanted to help at first, but now I don't care any more.

-Tenth card: Jesus Christ… Will do.

Well, this was fun. Thanks OP. Have some tits.

will people ever like Edwin? I'm Aquarius btw

Is RLB going to be happy soon?

My name is "eurip", Capricorn

All you faggots are fucking retarded falling for this shit thinking it's accurate. Look up confirmation bias and the barnum effect.

It's just good fun, bro. Come on in and have some titties.