Ah shoot, sorry guys. Stepped away for a bit to have a late lunch.
Getting some interesting and very telling results again. My initials instinct hearing this were "go for it" but the cards I'm getting tell a different story.
First card represents the atmosphere surrounding the situation, and what I'm getting represents choosing luxury, debauchery and physical pleasure over practicality, stability and comfort. Luxury isn't an inherently bad thing, I think the question here is whether living there is something you can afford without negatively impacting your life.
Second card is the Six of Rods (Triumph) and it represents your obstacle. I think this is saying you should wait to go for it until you have the stability to try it with little risk. Third card is about procrastination and indecision. It couldn't hurt to go look, I think this is saying before long someone else might move in.
The next card is telling me part of why you're considering this is because you feel isolated and lonely where you are. Do you get along really well with your friend? Familiarity breeds contempt, hanging out with someone and living with them are two different things.
The next card is the passing influence of responsibility. It also warns of you being overburdened with work. This either tells me you're going to take the riskier option, or that if you do you might end up working yourself to the bone to afford your lifestyle. Find out how much it would cost, factoring in commuting and stuff like that.
The next card -which is a thing to be embraced- is the wheel of fortune. If your heart's in it, you should take a chance.
The next card represents the role you should play or attitude you should have, and it's saying you should be passionate, ambitious and cocky.
The next card is saying you should free yourself from the difficulty of your situation, and move on from a past failure or humiliation. This card is for your environment or people around you, so this could be referring to someone you're around.
The second to last card basically says you're hoping this'll be one big party if you go there, but the last card again suggests caution as it shows the outcome as… well, I'll just paste a description of the card I googled online to show this isn't even my interpretation. This is how it's described: "Unfavorable news about business, finance, or the physical world. One who delights in all forms of luxury and physical excess, leaving practical matters unattended. Irrationality and failure to recognize obvious facts, coupled with a poor work ethic. Wastefulness, lack of focus, and loss. May portend the loss of a job or promotion."
I'd urge caution here, user.