People getting mad at managers of businesses and foreign investors instead of at the banks, the governments...











you heard the man

The stuff that dreams are made of.

Orwellian Pikachu, kek!



How many of your commie friends attempted suicide after Comrade Sanders betrayed you?

communists dont vote, we federate


Shut the fuck up you clueless pseudo-intellectual piece of shit!

go on


communism never works

I like how marx himself was a jobless loser who bumbed off his rich father and friends, just like most 1st world people who want communism.


get the fuck off of this board dude. this is top tier garbage.

What does?



i dont understand why you would undermine your own argument about capitalism with a NEET meme


Howdy user!!!

pepe is rich user

why use a meme that calls for nationalism?

pepe has been changed into a meme of nationalism, user
it is time for you to let go and realized how hard Bernie screwed you over

So instead of being oppressed by a corrupt government that tries to rob us blind, we end up oppressed by monopolistic corporations that try to rob us blind. That is soooo much better.

The real answer is a balance of the two sytems, with checks and balances to prevent either extreme from happening.

why do you think nationalism is wrong?

best of both corrupt failures


I don't

I'd rather be oppressed with food to eat than starving in a gutter


neither do i

food that feminizes you?
food that dulls your brain?
you are new to capitalism yes?

why would you want a government user?

do you crave masters over you?

Because without a government that deals with the most basic of things, the people will be weak to both invasion and infighting.
Libertarianism is the only answer to your leftist disease of the mind m8

I believe that we should absorb the monster corporations into the state for international trade of goods and local business.
The state would restrict the local business to allow small business to compete.

now for the rest of my dream nation

only one race and maybe a tad bit of welfare for old people.
that's only if the populous can't be convinced to take care of their elders.

those who refuse to work will be thrown in work camps or exiled to alaska.

the mentally ill would be thrown in asylums and the genetically defective would be forcefully sterilized

guess you want to starve to death then, right?

not even quoting the second question is very telling

a claim made with no proof can be dismissed in same way

not sure what you are proposing, libertarians are anarchists in the stage of removing the terminal cancer (the state)

do you?
i have starved before
under your beautiful capitalism
and i am growng strong now to cut it out from my country, then the world



why couldn't you get food
you sound diluted when you say this, capitalism is more wide spread than ever today.

Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!

my only options to eat consisted of begging, stealing, or scavenging
i worked harder instead to be able to get something of my own that did not involve eating rotting roadkill

diluted what? im quite concentrated, comrade, the disease is indeed widespread - and it creates its own enemies who are my recruits
again, "you?"

why couldn't you get a job
you sound committed to this, I'll give you that

I think he left?

jobs are hard to find sometimes, despite attempts - the unemployment numbers arent people unwilling to work - but people looking for work