Good or bad news everyone,another one of Hillary e-mail got out and here we have,what many on this board already know, the evidence of why America intervened in Syria, and probably why ISIS was formed.
Help our greatest ally Israel, cripple Syria and Iran relations by overthrowing Assad and put another greatest ally.
Hillary's e-mail: Destroy Syria for Israel
Other urls found in this thread:
In other words: The normies can finally read what Holla Forums knew all along
But why did the niggest go along with this plan?
Democratic party is just a huge load of bullshit controlled by the chosen, so what one decide the other does?
Sockpuppets don't have a mind of their own.
How do all these Hillary emails get out btw?
The mail was hacked, but I think the FBI is releasing non-confidential files to public from time to time.
Just read the letter in full, that's some sinister shit.
Basically from that point on Israel can do whatever the fuck they want in the region.
Also the fact that they officially declassified Israels nukular arsenal.
Iran needs to have nukes.
A counterweight (Iran) will provide a balance to the Middle east solution.
Daily reminder that the (((U.S. government))) specifically created the refugee crisis to further its white genocide goals in Europe.
Oh, and guess (((who))) put pressure on Western governments to take in more refugees?
Which would not have worked if Europe wasn't full to the brim with leftist faggots and their chosen leaders.
It's not the fault of the United States that most of Europe has zero functioning border control, and in fact, considers border control to be nazi.
You sound like a sand nigger. It's never their own fault. Always someone else to blame.
Border control would have eliminated this entire problem. You faggots are so fucking leftist that you haven't even considered it.
DONT LET THEM IN. How hard is that?
Salty there, Moshe?
Salty about victim complex, yes.
He is referring to the chosen,sure as hell the last time American had control on their government Jackson was president.Also yes,it's your government fault.Germany is a puppet State,Italy too,France and England "won" the war so they are okay with all of this.The EU is a creation of bankers and multinationals,started by your government (talks about this precede the WW2).Not you or your fellow americans,the same faggots who sold us sold you.This is not a game that can be played alone,traitors are on both side.
Did I mess up somehow or has that website been nuked already?
The U.S. military still occupies Germany you fucking moron. They would carpet bomb the shit out of German cities if the Germans tried to overthrow their government. Remember what happened in Serbia in the late 1990s?
Serbia government was attacking other countries.
Not saying NATO bombing was any good, but it wasn't NATO trying to keep Serbia in line.
In fact, Serbia right now is still loyal to Russia and does not have American troops.
maybe we can do our own astroturfing
maybe we can change the narrative to 'goyim you need to take in more refugees so that there are less near israel'
Jesus, am I glad I got it archived. Available for 2 months, and then few hours after it's here it gets removed.
That ain't no coincidence.
All I get from the linked web page is this picture with the caption "gone fishing" below it.
I love being right about everything. I was talking to my normie dad about this and he thought it was just tinfoil. Time to rub it in his face.
Oh, so suddenly removing kebab is something you justhad to stop. And it was totally great and rad and awesome and mer'ca fuk yea, because countries. Okay.
They were removing more than kebab, look at the croats.
Kosovo was unrelated to Croatian independence war.
Actually, it is. USA controls Europe you dumbass pleb.
I know that feel. Thanks, Holla Forums.
Hillary Laughs at Nuking Iran for Israel
Part of Trump's foreign policy and fixing the Middle East is helping America's allies there. So far his own biggest ally seems to be Israel. Just a thought.
Good job,
OP being an immense fucking homosexual didn't archive it, and now this is what you see when you click the link.
You coulda just searched for OPs link on
I know it was archived, which is why I said "Good job"
…just pointing out that once again OP is an immense faggot and you people need to learn to ARCHIVE EVERYTHING.
I don't remember cuckservative journalists covering the email scandal mentioning this email in November.
Just to note, the archive I posted was the link of full letter, the article archive is by someone else, elsewhere in the thread like
although I archived that too
Actually the archive says March 22, so its kinda old. November is just the date it was declassified, apparently.
How did we not know about this sooner?!
because any mainstream reporting on HRC emails purposely buried this email, youd have to go to sputniknews or something
Thread theme
Sticky pls?
All I get from that link is a picture that says gone fishing
Who should we vote for?
Does a choice matter if the end result is the same?
Really? That's the company line you are going with now? You are not even able to control your own borders because the US controls Europe?
Explain Hungary.
It's almost as if the countries in Europe not controlled by faggot leftists ARE able to control their borders, despite said faggot leftists screaming and crying about it.
Shills showed up quickly. Do you really want to make this yet another thread about "Trump is Kosher" where you get completely fucking smashed? …again?
Of course you do, that's what you're getting paid for.
I just enjoy saying that Trump is going to have Jewish grandkids.
I didn't know anti-shill tactics made me a shill.
Don't be silly a converted jew woman cannot have jewish children.
Israel wouldn't even grant her children a right of return.
Then what are they?
Her children would be partially ethnically Jewish, but she and her children would not be admitted into the Tribe.
And that makes it okay how?
No, kike.
Correct. Any nationalist media and political parties are either illegal or heavily persecuted. Mainstream parties are controlled by America. People never wanted it. Even Merkel didn't run on the platform of wiping out Germany with unlimited immigrants (she was presented as a conservative). If you put it to a popular vote, most would not want mass immigration.
I never said it was okay, I'm not the user you were talking to.
It just means they have the downside of being ethnically heeb, while not getting any of the gibs that Jews provide for each other.
Anyone got an archive? OP's link has been shut down.
That's the most damning email i've read yet.
-It shows the state department's true objective for its actions and stances in Syria (weaken Iran's presence in the middle east, and help Israel out). She says it bluntly.
SHE WANTS US TO GO TO WAR AGAINST IRAN. She must think, if they don't have nukes, we can do whatever the fuck we want, just like in every war in the past 40 years
-It shows that Israel has a monopoly on nuclear weapons in the middle east
-It states that Israel is considering a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities
-It links the Kosovo conflict with predicting how Russia would act regarding America's air strike policy on the Syrian air force (so wouldn't the Kosovo conflict in a way be a test run to see how Russia would act when its closely allied nation is attacked?) She basically says Russia won't directly attack the US's air force in Syria.
-Uses Libyan Intervention as a way to understand how different Syria's rebels are versus Libya's. She reveals that the rebels aren't unified.
-It avoids the UN Security Council since Russia would oppose anything America would try to make there
-By taking out Syria, you prevent weapons moving into Hezbollah from Iran->Syria->Lebanon
I'd say sticky this.
ty and polite sage
That is why we bitch at OPs that don't archive their links. It's not just for denying shekels.
Daily reminder that the heebs goal over the next century entails the partial annexation of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
There are a lot of anti-shillary memes out there, just yet had to be found.
Who gives a fuck about 6,000,000 post… stop sliding this thread.
He said (((US government))) not US government fuckboi.
You had one job.
bump again for damningness
I'm so sick of these fucking kikes spending American blood and European soil to expand their power.
Wait, wasn't there another email that said that she wanted to support Palestinian rebels?
If we, the Trump supporters don't vote then Hillary will win and she's a thousand times worse than Trump and we don't even know if he's a good goy or not. Anyway, you're a shill and we already know this, Hillary recently hired a lot of "correctors" to shill for her online, you are not being subtle at all.
So what it with do you bad for the emails and ten?
Fucking rats, they are causing the wastage in democracies all over the world
Which would never have happened if it wasn't for your fucking cold war you imbecile
Seriously, anyone? I'm 100% sure that I read this in a thread about the whole email fiasco a couple of months ago.
>the costs to the United States will be limited.
Israel is willing to sacrifice American lives.
He is going ti invade Iran for Israel. Get ready to be heartbroken goys.
Trump will be worth it if all he delivers on is the wall.
are there muslims shilling for hitlery yet?
that i want to see
t. not a burger
p.s. i can't wait to see trump destroy clinton, and because her entire political life is basically indefensible her only comeback can be "b-but muh vagina!"
The Jews own both Democrat and Republican.
Trump agreed to sign his name in blood to the Jew master. (give me the crown and I will invade muh greatest enemy)
ITT: butthurt cumskins who blame their problems on the jews yet again even though their own women welcomed the sandniggers with open arms and vaginas. Your race is cucked, take some responsibility for that. No other race would allow subhuman scum to run in the street and rape their women.
who should I vote for then kike?
then why do you care who I vote for?
no insult will ever stick to the white race because we all know that we are better than you. have a dead nigger for your effort though.
go back to /n/, you underaged faggot.
To be honest, there are also significant number of mudshits here who believe they dindu nuffin too.
you know you've found something when the usual suspects show up to try and derail the thread.
Fuck this shit
are there muslims shilling for hitlery yet?
that i want to see
it's funny i see niggers trying to force the "stronk black" meme, forgetting whites colonised their entire continent, enslaved their entire race. it's only by the grace of the White Man that they are even allowed to walk around today. they know they will never match the intelligence and culture of the White Race, they cannot compete on equal ground so they have to leverage the natural compassion of White Men against them to even get some scraps of Western Culture.
remember niggers, there but for the grace of White Men go thee. know your place.
That doesn't change the fact many white women are whores are primarily responsible for the mudshit invasion. That doesn't change the fact that islam is a death cult and all mudshits must be genocided. That doesn't change the fact that assad could have avoided all of this if he implemented democratic reforms.
Vote for Trump, because he may be good, but don't be a naive normalfag thinking that a charismatic guy who is populist and vague shares all or even most of your values.
What blood has been shed? It's mudslimes killing other mudslimes. Sound good to me!
someones forgetting there's been 2 general elections held in syria since the war began
If you want to criticize Assad, sure, but do so by the standards of other governments in the Middle East, and not by some idealized notion of what "democracy" is supposed to be, but really isn't, in the West.
Post this redpill on plebit on the /r/the_donald subreddit, it's a hit on Shillary and King nigger so it should get censored.
so it shouldn't get censored.*
You've been trying really hard lately.
Its almost endearing.
Nice try ahmed, we all know these were not real elections. You can't have a democratic system because you are subhumans. You can blame the west all you want, you will always be subhumans.
We're spreading this, right?
Your words have a very Semitic vibe to them.
Of coursh.
Liberal cucks dindu nuffin. White women dindu nuffin.
See what I said about that Semitic vibe?
I mean, for real though, are you an Israeli?
i knew you were going to say that. fuck you and fuck nato and your "legitimate election" bullshit
shillary will appreciate you vote come november mordechai
funny meme tbh
Differing opinions on whether election was legit or not.
You misspelled misogynist.
This leaks and suddenly the state wants to sue Saudi Arabia. Great misdirection Jews; stupid normies will never see this.
This is old news.
Why is this pinned now?
Also, Hillary is a shill, and an e-celeb.
And not one consideration of American interests
It's all about Israel Israel Israel and their long stewing revenge against the Arab League
When did Holla Forums get swamped by leftists and mudslimes?
faggettsss (Holla Forums's BO/mod) is a legit sandnigger as /operate/'s ex BO confirmed months ago. Lurk moar.
Does someone remember that other e-mail where the pentagon suggests that with the right leverage they could give rise to an Islamic insurgency in eastern Syria?
Where they basically admit that the use of sarin gas by Assad was a false flag orchestrated by America with Turkey's collaboration, and that since the EU didn't take the bait and bomb the shit out of Assad, their best chance to cripple Syria would be through what would later become ISIS?
It would be the final nail in the coffin if we managed to tie all this info in one easily digestible infographic…
I find it extremely suspect that threads like this are coming out specifically in the wake of these revelations.
Thanks to mods for pinning this thread, because clearly some organization was paid to slide.
Nah, that's false. Empires always become complacent and then fall to mass immigration, regardless of the ruling group. There's also the part where no other race has been on top for a very long time, so uh, who exactly is to say what "your race" would do?
Yeah, women have agency. What a fucking idiot you are.
kek'd tbh
It's what ive been posting for months.
Iran nuclear deal gives Israel casus belli to invade whenever with no risk to them.
They don't, but the user has a point. No other race but ours let give women this much freedom. We have to take responsibility for that.
I will hint you down
Sure, but we also have to keep in mind that mudslimes are fucking subhumans and would have tried to fuck with us one way or another. Europe won't know peace until we exterminate every one of them, in or outside Europe.
Tell me when muslims attacked us before Israel.
is this a new meme?
women ruined the world
everything is fucked, we have been doomed by the traitors within, the liberal women
their maternal instinct and strong aversion to conflict dooms any race or nation once they gain the vote
pic related
Tradition is dead, there is nothing left
Islam, I don't fear it. The women should but I don't. I won't have to wear a bhurka, or have a male escort to go outside, or any of that. If anything women might finally be put back in their place. So why contain it? We should fight to defend what? There is literally nothing left, western civilization is exhausted and bitchy women run companies into the ground while they get lauded as heros. Just say no.
What if they had a war and no straight white males came?
We have to take responsibility but we aren't responsible for the propaganda that has been shoved down our throats for generations telling us to racemix and accept all migrants. These are rapid, specific changes that have only occured in the last half century. How much responsibility can we possibly take?
Is this a joke?
Then you're either a shitskin or retarded. If you think that being a male makes everything hunky dory just the way it is now in Islam, you're wrong.
1. Dear fuck, the world is degenerate.
2. Dear fuck, that was funny.
Bullshit. My father is jewish, mother russian orthodox. I qualify for birthright even though I'm Christian and uncircumcised. I've never gone because I'm not a kike
Top kek.
Funny that it was just hearsay that she was involved in the syrian war for israel and that her emails proved it but they actually hadn't released the email that did before now.
Oh well, even if I was talking shit I ended up right in the end.
Interesting. I guess if they don't actually have the nukes, but could make them, that would be the time to strike and be fully justified. I guess that second step between the deal being signed and Iran actually having nukes went under my nose. The point wasn't to get them nukes, but to show the world that they could and thus must be destroyed.
Correct. Glad someone else sees this. And Iran does not even need to be making nukes, since they could just lie or fake the evidence like they do with anything else (Saddam has WMDs and is throwing babies in gas chambers!!!).
You heard about it. Good for you. Some of us haven't heard about it because we don't spend 15 hours a day on this website.
So what did the Jews do in this? Or is it just Hilary to blame?
He had to payback the Jews for that Nobel Peace Prize somehow.
Why are we defending Iran so hard? Don't we hate Muslims?
According to the FBI the Jewish Defense League is one of the most active terrorist networks on US Soil. But nobody in the MSM ever talks about. Just like you never heard about the Israeli terrorist who tried to set off a suicide vest in the Capital Building back in the early 80s.
I need a source on that quote.
Shias are OK
Fuck off, faggot.
Why don't you fuck off instead, if you can't argue properly?
Oh, user…
Not even trying ow.
Like we don’t have that?
Again: fuck off, mudlover. No islam here.
Okay, so can you answer why we're all defending Iran then?
As far as I see it, the Jews and Muzzies can kill each other for all I care. Why are we taking sides?
Russia has them as well, so at this point its hard to tell who's pushing which ones to the top. Particularly with how many people fucking hate her.
Because only Israel has attacked America. USS Liberty, 9-11, etc.
Iran took some people hostage, but only because we assassinated their democratically elected President, which resulted in a 2nd revolution where the Clerics took over.
Even if that were the case you'd still have Eric's kids.
This video does a good job of linking ISIS to US even if it is an anonymoose faggot.
Rare in Iran
What are you talking about?
At this point I think you're just trolling.
Yep, you're trolling.
OK, tell me what they did.
More secular than Sunnis is what I meant. Practice your reading comprehension.
Help a newfag out here guys. US intelligence dismisses Iran's atom bomb program as a hoax, and I guess Trump doesn't know that? Trump has said the biggest danger in the world right now is the possibility of Iran getting a nuke.
Here are the possibilities as I see them.
*Trump isn't being honest, but he knows it's a good line of attack against the Dems.
*Trump doesn't know the truth and he is just repeating a popular opinion.
*Trump has some unholy motive.
Of course I'm voting for Trump regardless.
Trump is either a good goy or someone who's blue pilled about what's actually going on in the middle east, not sure which. Even if he secretly sucks kike cock he should still be supported just to push the overton window further to the right, just be ready to be one of his harshest critics if he pulls some Iraq/Libya bullshit with Iran.
That's all very reasonable, thanks.
everything there is true except for the flipflops, skipping leg day, malnorushed, and the thing about the bladness/hygene
Wew! Sorry mudlad - your spinoff religion, the basis of your morality, and your proud "ancient" heritage just isn't very special. Your modern value boils down to rugs, frustrating israel, and superficially pissing off the united states. BUT - if you really believe that frustrating israel means you aren't manipulated by global zionism, then i pity your lack of self-awareness. A strong shia state and weak (sunni) neighbors is good for israel, an essential distraction. Zionism uses the shia as a tool to pivot support toward israel and distract muslims from the jewish state, just as they use ISIS and anyone else weak enough to be manipulated and foolish enough to get involved. If persians were so smart maybe they wouldn't have a religious state. If they were so strong maybe they wouldn't have lost their only rightfully-elected secular leader to a foreign-backed coup. If they were so important maybe they'd have nukes, etc, etc.
tl;dr Sorry Persiastan but No, you're so outclassed it's not even funny.
It's not the best-possible future, but it's also not the worst.
I don't see any hope for the best-possible future. I don't see any way to turn society around. I can't even imagine a scenario in which society will acknowledge the truth about human biodiversity. If you can propose such a scenario, even just a hypothetical, I'd love to hear it. It'd make me feel better.
Because refusing to acknowledge this truth (that race is real and races are different) leads inexorably to the worst-possible future - like refusing to acknowledge that your house is on fire leads inexorably to a conflagration. As the demographics change, as the proportion of low-IQ groups increases, things just get worse and worse. The outcomes for blacks never improve. We never accept any other explanation than that racism is holding them down. We never do anything about it - and ironically, we never help them (isn't that hilarious? liberals can never help them, even though helping them is all they talk about. Race-realism actually would help them).
Eventually, all our elected leaders and government officials are black. The majority of them are corrupt (well, a larger majority than are corrupt now). Worse, they're incompetent. Everywhere becomes like Detroit. Everywhere becomes Flint.
Pic-related is your leadership. Literally too stupid to provide a basic utility (water) that white people (Romans) provided to their people thousands of years ago. And I guarantee you, the people of Flint will continue to elect low-IQ leaders.
That's the worst-case future. And I think that's basically inevitable. Now, you say that Islam wouldn't be "hunky dory" and I agree with you. But it wouldn't be as bad as the worst case. Islam has a bunch of stupid rules. Well guess what, negotiating systems and living within rules is like white people's fucking super power. We'll actually do okay. Additionally, Islam is brutal about justice, and that's exactly how you keep low-IQ populations in check.
Brookings think-tank paper on plans to destabilize Syria into a weak confederation
The Zionist Plan for Middle East (Oded Yinon Plan)
Washington's Farewell Address (with admonitions on future foreign policy):
"But [America] goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is a champion and vindicator only of her own." -John Quincy Adams, Speech on Independence Day, 1821.
If putin doesn't want to do it, Holla Forumscucks don't want to either.
The main problem with islam becoming majority is that it's being done by violent replacement of populations and the arabs who are bringing islam in are low IQ (average of 90 last I checked whereas whites sit at 100) so even if islam comes in, you won't get a resurgence like in Nazi Germany, you'd get the same degradation as your worst case scenario. Violent, tribalist, low IQ population takes over and fucks everything up through general incompetence and murder.
This same thing actually has happened before. In ancient Egypt, the Romans were occupying the country and so the Pharaoh made a deal with the neighbouring arabs to come in and remove the Roman garrison. In exchange the arabs would have open boarders into Egypt. They succeeded and then moved in in droves. Very quickly the Egyptians had to learn arabic to communicate with the massive horde of people that increasingly outnumbered them and then eventually had to give up their traditions and beliefs and eventually the throne. Egypt, which once had the same racial marker phenotype as whites (thanks for preserving king tut so well, guys) now no longer does. The country is in ruins, festering with poverty and corruption and religious extremism. Hell, Egypt used to be 100% Christian before that deal and now Christians are being forced out and slaughtered.
Your idea of letting islam invade and take over will result in nothing more than an active attempt at genocide and destruction rather than genocide and destruction through incompetence if we let any other low IQ pop flourish in our boarders.
I honestly prefer the first.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I can't tell who is shitposting ironically and who is shitposting legitimately anymore.
Poe's Law.
No it doesn't.
You're not responding to anything I said. I didn't claim there were no problems, so you sound like an idiot for telling me there are problems.
I said Islam was bad - but not the worst thing. I said that I feel the worst thing is inevitable. Those are my points.
It's like if I said the ship we're on is sinking. That's the worst thing. Gosh, I'd love to stay on this warm, comfy ship, but I don't see any way to make that happen. The worst thing is going down with it. Life boats are not as bad as going down with the ship.
…then you, like a total idiot, tell me "the main problem with life boats blah blah blah"
If you said that life boats are worse than staying on the ship then you'd be addressing my point (you'd still be wrong, but at least you'd be on point).
That is not my idea, you fucking moron. I don't want that to happen. I want to stay on the nice, warm comfy ship and I want to sail around the world in comfort and happiness forever.
I want to live in a stable, prosperous society. I want to be surrounded by high-IQ people with enlightenment ideals. I want competent leaders and shared values. I want community and altruism. That's what I want.
But I don't think that's going to happen. I don't see any possible way for that to happen. I think that we're going to end up like Detroit. Someone mentioned Islam, and all I said was that it's not as bad as Detroit. Please don't insult me by saying that my idea is letting islam invade.
Let me state it this way: Afganistan under the Taliban isn't as bad as pretty much any sub-saharan country you can think of. The Taliban would kill you if you helped the infidels or you cut your beard, but believe it or not, they didn't just randomly fuck with people. They aren't actually prone to violence. There wasn't, believe it or not, the random violence that people in south africa deal with right now. They weren't prone to violence, they were just stupidly fanatic. That means there were rules.
And my point is, white people prosper when there are rules. If growing Opium in Afghanistan was legal, you'd set up a farm and be the best grower in the country. Everyone would say, "wow he's smart." If someone tried to steal your shit, you'd beat them to death and everyone would say, "praise allah, the thieves received justice." You can't do that in africa. More people would be trying to steal your shit. No government would support you in defending yourself. When you make money, everyone will say, "that's not fair! gibsmedat!"
NEITHER OF THESE OPTIONS IS WHAT I PERSONALLY WANT. I want to live in a stable, homogeneous white society. But I don't see how that's possible, and I'm saying that in my opinion Islam isn't the worst possible thing.
Let me end with this point - as dumb as the majority of muslims are, note that they build beautiful mosques and they actually take care of them. They have enough self control to actually venerate something - anything. Compare to what blacks do in rich western nations. We give them opera halls. They could use them for rap battles for all I care. But they can't even organize themselves to care for what's already there, let alone build shit.
Understand my point now? Pic obviously related.
mfw Hilary is the architect of the mudslime niggertide invading Europe.
Shouldn't be a big surprise
Autists always sliding interesting threads with arguments about Trump or Islam or shit.
As the email states Israel is considering an open war against Iran. The plan is basically this:
1) Iran will more or less go back to being a secular country. After being humiliated with both Israel (who are worried for their security) and Arabs (who are tired of Iran trying to overthrow their countries) the Iranians won't try any shit.
2. The US, just like they did with Iraq and Afghanistan, will have to babysit the new Iranian government.
3. Since the US is now allied with Iran, a major power with plenty of resources, they will ditch Saudi Arabia completely. They will get the Americans to do this quite easily with the 28 pages and the constant shilling that Saudi Arabia is literally ISIS as they have started doing recently.
4. Saudi Arabia, no longer having the American dollar behind them, will be forced to take drastic action to get power. After being among the main leaders in the war against Iran, they will try to revitalize the idea of a pan-Arab (if not pan-Islamic as Faisal wanted) state.
4. Erdogan, a closeted Islamist and Antisemite, will naturally jump and praise Saudi's plan and work with Saudi Arabia to revive the Caliphate.
5. Israel using Egypt's Sisi will repeat the old days with Nasser and Imam Badr and start a revolution in Saudi Arabia and an uprising against Erdogan.
6. Total Islamic collapse, the Shariah ban on usury is gone, the Islamists will be mocked and ridiculed as a failed movement who destroyed their countries, and Islam finally gets the protestant reformation and the Enlightenment, leading the Muslim world into complete degeneracy and acceptance of their secular Jewish friends.
Total Jewish victory.
For the Jews it's not over until the Muslims love Jews as much as the westerners do.
Simply put the Jewish Messiah will be Harold as a God by all people and people will flock to Jerusalem to learn Judaism. This can't happen if the Muslims still hate Jews.
I fucking knew he had a messiah complex. Fuck Harold.
The end is neigh
wew, shitskin btfo as always.
Then that just gives you something to work on, user.
That's the difference between you and the shitskins- you can choose to better yourself
Get the fuck off my board, kaffir.
Kek, no.
What exactly do you think is this going to do to Europe? With what Holla Forums has dug up so far, we know there to be plenty Islamist personnel in the migrant diaspora, not to mention many Turk nationalists. What are their reactions going to look like?
This thread was an interesting read.
Bump for others to meet the same good fortune.
Stopped reading right there.
My point is that you're saying one option (letting violent, low iq peoples invade and subject us to their beliefs and customs before murdering and kicking anyone who is not them out just like what happened in Egypt) is better than the other option (letting the already present, violent, low iq people continue to breed rapidly and murder their way into being the majority then subjecting us to their beliefs through voting just like what happened in Detroit and Flint).
Both options are the same. Both will result in us being supplanted and killed. Both need to be actively avoided.
The only not-shit scenario is for the west to remove the corruption that is already present and stop being blind to race. Considering both the corruption and the mass campaigns for anti-racism are run by the same ethno-religious group, they can both be completed in one step. Those useful idiots will do whatever their masters tell them to and follow along with mainstream trends; tell them to do something good and you're fine. The EU is on the verge of collapse and has been for a while now. Racism is ever increasing throughout the world and self-segregation (by race) has happened since the dawn of time. Regardless of how improbable you think it is, there is nothing else that will not lead to ruin and eventual genocide other than us fighting for ourselves.
A history professor at Portland Community College in Oregon delivered a lecture on Monday in honor of the college's April Whiteness History Month in which he declared that whiteness must be eliminated in order for the world to achieve peace. In a lecture entitled, "Imagine a…
Hey professor!! Go fuck yourself you piece of shit!!
No one, you fucking burgerlander. You are all gonna get fucked in the ass by Israel because everyone of your candidates is an Israeli ass-kisser and you don't want to admit it.
Enjoy getting fucked, United Shits of Americunts.
damn, schools in america is fucked up
Nice proxy faggot
Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of 'Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired' Germans
I didn't say it was fine.
That you misquote me proves you don't have a valid point yourself. I win!
You don't qualify by birthright
jews must have jewish mothers, not jewish fathers.
thanks user. I will.
You act like this is something new.
The Jews took over with the American Civil War.
The thing is, Trump is a Nationalist.
Even if hes a shabbos goy, is circumcized, and starts practicising Judaism… if he just Builds the wall and gets us out of these international trade treaties… he will do more for this failing country than any other president since JFK or McKinley.
You have disappointed me for the last time, Holla Forums. Hanlon's razor confirmed, embed related.
inb4 the email is fake
thank fuck
Europeans, going back to Ancient Greece, Rome, and even the Germanic tribes had far better treatment of woman compared to other races. I'm all for restoring traditional western gender roles, but not full Moohamhead or Confucius like some the other anons are suggesting.
We Americans don't give a fuck about your endless bickering. You constantly start wars and then drag us in kicking and screaming. Then you get mad when we win and now control the entire world.
Which is why i said your government you motherfucking idiot.I doubt you or your ancestor had enough power or position to stand with WIlson or Roosevelt at that time.Fact is you weren't dragged in,your government knew damn well what it was doing.I mean both Pearl Harbor and Lusitania smell of the same false-flag for fuck sake.
And please,how the fuck you control the world when every fucking time the UK was near getting its shit beating you step in like a good slave?Where is your independence?Muh tea in the harbor?How many fucking people died for helping the UK in both wars?Or are you a willing slave of the jews?
0. Brits are losing war to Krauts.
1. Brits fill "civilian" boat with weapons
2. Leak info via third party to Krauts
3. Law of Land warfare, Krauts sink civilian vessel used for military purposes.
5. Globalist Wilison now has the excuse to go to war.
6. Jews are of course involved because muh holy land.
So muslims get beyond fucked over, but then the kikes will be unstoppable.
Decisions decisions…
Okay there retard, whatever you say.
I'm scared at how easy this was. Does this alarm anyone here? been meaning to invest in a backup generator, & now seems like the right time.
Fuck, mispost. Was trying to make a topic.
Obama is part Jew.
The Eternal Anglo strikes again.
When are you Kikes going to stop trying to switch people from yourselves to Anglos? It's not working.
He is black and also part jew? Does that mean he has to sit at the back of the oven?
The kikes who shill against Trump on here always ignore this
pic unrelated
Would recommend not outing this until Hillary is democrat nominee. She will be easier to beat than Bernie Sanders.
I created a thread about this very topic back in early April, but the Trump faggot nigger mods wouldn't sticky it.
Did anyone saw CNN just now?
Breaking news about Hillary losing edge over Trump on national poll?
Shit, so Trump Train is no more?
Im not burger so I dont give a damn anyway
You really think Hillary would rub her hands in an email and gloat about how they're gonna make up Iran's threat. If anything it shows she's cunning enough to keep up the charade in "private" communications, or she's much lower on the rung of power than some think she is.
That or the email is fabricated to make it seem like what you implied.
Getting paid to defend other countries?
Is America Outer Heaven now?
Holla Forums we're up against an anti-Holla Forums cunt here.
Know how most people on Holla Forums are INTF or INTJ? Well, Shillary is INTJ.
We need ways to finish this steaming cunt.
You mean INTP?
Fug you're right. INTP
Wow, so pregamed….. Syria and all.
Unless you gentlemen see this video and despair, let me remind you.
The situation in Syria was SUPPOSED to be already "Normalized"
We got oil companies and global banks playing our represenatives like cheap $2 whores.
Using our military, funded by our tax dollars, and the blood of American Citizens….
To save these private coeprations and multinational companies a few billion dollars….
By having us all foot the bill for a 2 trillion dollar war of resource acquisition.
Because a couple of greedy motherfuckers won't let go of their stranglehold on our global economy….
Fiat Currency
Pic related + Solar thermal electrolysis + Solar thermal Sabatier reaction = Methane, from thermal energy, air, and water.
And we already have multiple national, natural gas distribution systems in place.
And we don't even need the solar part, if we use Nuclear power for the thermal energy instead.
That's the fucked up part about ya'lls econosphere….
It's basically fucked by 2 families that refuse to let go of their profit margins.
more like 2 families times the half kike population
Pretty sure that population was "Adopted" in something like 400A.D. by the rothschilds as a Shield, yo.
So conflicted. On one hand, supporting israel is just ick, but on the other hand, destroying syria would really make me smile.
I don't know guys. I'm really considering a vote now.
We literally do not require additional middle eastern petrochemical deposits.
We literally require NO middle eastern petrochemical deposits.
One Shield two shield, Red Shield, Blue Shield….
Think of it as saving Syria so you can ship the rapefugees back sooner.
whats happening again?
Paid shills and raiders DDoSing the board.
Because he has stock in either Rothschild controlled businesses, Rockafeller controlled businesses, or both, or he is a pawn of either.
We hate Jews more.
sandnigger lite
Daily reminder to not hate the Jews but the synagogue of satan and the pharisees who pretend to be the Jews
You don't hate Jews tho, modern Jews are just Pharisees pretending to be of Judaism.
there are no "real" Jews anymore. They all converted to Talmud Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
jidf detected
In other news nobody is surprised
But I hate all forms of Abrahamism.
So what do you like? The Sibylline Books?
Official Shillary Theme
Reading this email I've linked, looking at the attachments, I think this was written by James Rubin?
When did this triple-parentheses thing start happening, anyway?
I get that it's the Jews, but still. I got busy for a month or three, and I came back to this in nearly every thread.
You're the lowest shit blooded mongrel imaginable. You have filth in your veins. Mud and pus and the blood of innocents run in the corrupt vessels which hold that worthless pile of degenerate trash you call a body and a mind together.
Everything about you is wrong. Everything about you is filth. Everything about you is worthless.
The lowest untouchable, the most villainous vermin, the most vile of scoundrels wouldn't dirty his hand putting an end to you.
You have only one hope: the purifying fire of oblivion.
Dude, I leave for two freaking *days* and I have to play catch-up.
me too. Not that Foxman wouldn't say something like that…
I thought it was from this.
The US trained and armed ISIS … tried to overthrow Assad in Syria … simultaneously destroying Europe with mass immigration … all for Israel
Holla Forums is always right
Obama's landing at the bay of pigs
Does anyone know what happened to that post? He replied to me saying that they were both Jewish puppets, but why was it deleted?
He said he hates Abrahamism
So i guess muammar gaddafi gold backed currency was just the cover story for the intentional destabilization of Syria. Once muammar gaddafi was killed isis came to fruition. The obama admin knew they weren't arming moderate rebels, they knew they were creating an army to attack basher al assad from inside Syria. Then the us led coalition was able to bomb whole neighborhoods to kill one or two "suspected terrorists" thus giving people in the region a reason to want to join isis and the war on the west.
forgot pic
Now with the forced migration in place its only a matter of time until people are okay with wiping out muslims (which was the master plan). Once white nations kill off israeli opposition Israel can turn around and say "whites are all nazis look what they did to the muslims."
They'll throw us under the bus once were done helping them expand their borders.
Let me just……
So i guess muammar gaddafi gold backed currency was just the cover story for the intentional destabilization of Syria. Once muammar gaddafi was killed isis came to fruition. The obama admin knew they weren't arming moderate rebels, they knew they were creating an army to attack basher al assad from inside Syria. Then the us led coalition was able to bomb whole neighborhoods to kill one or two "suspected terrorists" thus giving people in the region a reason to want to join isis and the war on the west. Now with the forced migration in place its only a matter of time until people are okay with wiping out muslims (which was the master plan). Once white nations kill off israeli opposition Israel can turn around and say "whites are all nazis look what they did to the muslims."
They'll throw us under the bus once were done helping them expand their borders.
My bad pol
D&C, whether shill or moron irrelevant.
We should have too much integrity to think religious truths change depending on what tribe one is born into.
"religious truths"
Easy I vote for a greater America and a greater world.
Man I really miss this meme. It was a lot funnier than the shitty 'this is bait' crap. Where has the time gone.
fuck off shill
Sounds like he's implying that Suadi Arabia had better stop funding terrorists and start doing something about the refugees or we'll stop buying their oil and protecting them.
He's also said that one of our main allies in the middle east is using and abusing us. "not saudi arabia" "you know who it is."
Either we're going to get fucking paid for policing the world and start taking care of ourselves or we're gonna pull out from everywhere and start taking care of ourselves.
You're either full of shit or you haven't paid any attention to anything Trump's said about foreign policy.
So what's your point? We all want to end Zionism and corruption, but we can't do it overnight. It's gonna take time. The Donald might not be the most anti-Israel person in the world, but he can give us time. And also build a wall.
You christkikes are truly pathetic
Its insane how much of a grip their 2nd wave abrahamic metaphysical roleplaying cult has on their balls, brain, heart
But I hate everything that isn't my specific infallible brand of catholicism (Including the libcuckold pope) and I want the institution of a Kingdom of Jerusalem where isreal is, where every sandnigger is killed (It doesn't matter really, God will separate His from theirs).
It's from a video of some guy who uses some reverb sound effect.
I don't know, I don't watch videos.
right, because we vote on immigration policy.
our problems were caused by liberalism, not traitorous kikes!
Indeed, all 3 abrahamic religions produce madmen that are unable to think or act like normal human beings.
We're right about everything by the way.
I'm getting real sick of being right all the fucking time, lads.
Its like that Rogan bit. If practically everybody is more stupid than us, and we're not that bright, then we are all truly doomed.
Go to, it's a Holla Forums site that hosts articles podcasts. If I'm not mistaken the parenthesis comes from The Daily Shoah podcast, where they use echo effects when they say jewish names or things. The parentheses are the echos. If you use chrome (kek), they have a "coincidence detector" extension that auto-adds parentheses to text. I wish they'd make it for Firefox.
I thought they were ISIS not hippies with hammers, why not just blow it up with suicide bombers like usual.
Wow, that is truly terrible.
One of the worst attempts at shilling I've ever seen.
The have been trying to frame Hilary for years and so far nothing has stuck. Maybe you guys are just fucking idiots and none of the shit is true. Your true masters, the CIA, who you pledge allegiance to every day when you suck the Federal Reserves cock already choose her as your leader. Why don't you all just shut the fuck up and listen to your masters? Ronald Chump is controlled opposition. I love how it was common knowledge that all elections are bullshit and the CIA can install a puppet government at will, then all of the sudden you retards fell victim to social engineering for the billionth team and started a cult around this false prophet reality TV star.
Way to go boys! Don't say I didn't warn ya!
Aight later. If you need me I'll be at the bottom of the nearest skyscraper trying to find a portal out of hell.
Ah, reality always hurts when it slaps your shit.
I guess we are all just hoping that somehow he will be different and burn the current system to the fucking ground. Like a second coming of Hitler.
That is a naive thought, of course, as he would be disposed of very quickly if it truly were the case.
I think Richard spencer brought up an excellent point on his last podcast. He said that Jewish Hollywood/SJWs actually think they live in a 1957 America.
The quoted poster is a prime example of this. He or she still thinks the CIA is some blue-blood old boys club. He or she has no idea that's it's a play thing of Jewish globalists and zionists for at least 60 years.
Wouldn't want to disrupt thier fantasy though. They think they are speaking truth to power!
My feeling that Obama doesn't want to leave office is even STRONGER now than it was 6 months ago.
Hillary will get arrested for the secret email server before or after the election. In either case Obama will say: "we didn't have a legit election, so I have to stay in power until we can have another one that will be legit". Even if Trump wins, and Hillary is arrested, they say the same thing.
Shilling and censorship of chans is now in overdrive. Reminder that the reason why 4chan worked so well for so long was because of extremely light moderation/janitors. You had to actually break written rules. The censorship on chans now is not based on written rules, and the mods are probably shills.
I had this feeling a few months ago. Man I hope we're wrong.
fuck off trump faggot
Was Evalion really so bad?
Kek said Trump is a real prophet.
Fuck, those bastards.
It is surprising, because by doing the deal with Iran which was widely considered shitty - Obama probably stopped Iran getting surprise attacks from the Israelis justified by the nukes thing. Since they were already assassinating nuclear scientists in Iran.
So if anything his deal undermined Israel. Which is probably why he is doubled down trying to overthrow assad anyway. Can't let his jew masters fall out of favour
one dude from romania got all of them and was sent to prison for it where he probably still is :(
idk if he is the leak
his alias is guccifer btw
yuropoor here, got a question since this was fairly big
Does average normie know about this e-mail now, after all that happened? Or was it swept under the rag by the mainstream media and nobody got any wiser as always?
Umayyad Caliphate, Ottoman Empire…
Since their Prophet died, Muslims have been trying (and almost succeeding several times) to conquer Europe, up until the end of WWI. Now they are back at it.
But show this to normies and they say "nice tinfoil" or "what, are you some sexist?" or "…but…but…Bush" or "of course this happens who cares"
But who sent this email to Hillary?
The media doesn't report on the content of the emails at all, except to say "x number of the Clinton emails were released today".
why does Holla Forums always have to be right
Hillary Clinton needs to be tried & convicted of her numerous crimes dating well back into the 90's and imprisoned indefinitely. That's the least she deserves. After that, all of her supporters should be subjected to a mandatory IQ test. Any females that score
Do you know where you are?
Get pilled before you post on this board
What the fuck, get out of here you moron.
This is good objective, many women are unfit. Hillary had better be focusing on girls with stupid noses.
You Democrats disgraced America putting in Clinton and Obama.
Dubs dictates she was trying to leak them all but there's a conspiracy that only lets a few drops out.
Let me guess; the special access program is a horrible abomination.
Don't call them Israeli, that would imply they are native both race and culture to the land. They have no roots.
this is nice ill tell the next pharisee i see to pharifuck him/herself
This is beautiful. And enlightened me to the very plausible future saving grace to old urban and suburban economies which will grow increasingly defunct as technological and economic leaps create new high societies in fully functioning micro-economies outside of old systems. In Europe it's Muslims and in America it's African Americans.
The future is coming and the system will face an inevitable altercation. Ultra efficient towns will be planned in the money and will be fully completed from scratch. No losers allowed.
Well…It's the Jews that have controlled foreign policy since FDR.
Your average American isn't thinking, "good, dominate those fucking Europeans". The average American gets nothing out of our presence in yuroop.
They are thinking in the old cold war frame of mind. "If we aren't there, they will get steam rolled by the ruskies"
Believe me, the average merican in the US believes that.
We aren't a particular malicious people. Which is why Jews have to use false flags to get us to go to war….Then the jews do a masterful job of setting up the 'fight' as "good vs evil".
Americans won't just go to war cuz you looked at us wrong. That's the Jewish international media's narrative.
A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody's talking about the bird
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird
Surfin' bird
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, aaah
Is that ben bernanke?
I'll give you a short and incomplete list of the top of my head. And this is only for Europe, how the fuck do you think this religion has spread so far everywhere else in the world?
Spain, nearly the entire country was occupied by north african sultans ca 800 A.D (prior to this north africa also used to be christian and arable land until mudshits literally wrecked it)
Byzantine empire destroyed by turks, final defeat in 1454.
Subsequent occupation of greece and the entire balkans after this, resulting in:
Raiding and kidnapping (for slavery and muslim harems) of christian mediterranean countries for centuries, especially cyprus.
Failed sieges of Vienna in austria in 1529 and later 1683, you can thank fucking poland for that.
Christians in the ottoman empire were second-class citizens, prone to murder, rape and theft without the state giving a fuck. Most notably, the state massacred 1+ millions of armenians and assyrians a mere 100 years ago.
I also recently read that the turks to this day are intentionally invading northern cyprus "peacefully" through emigrating muslim population there. Churches and other historical sites in northern cyprus has been vandalized.
Islam is an absolute fucking cancer to humanity in every conceivable way.
And that no one in europe or the US is taught any of this in public school is fucking insane.
It's sad that this is so true.
Normies truly are terrible.
You're still wrong though, because jews got to them first.
You should've known this the moment you mentioned Spain and the Byzantine Empire. Both had to come up with solutions to the jew and only because they had been getting rekt by them.
Jesus Christ you're such a fucking child.
If you haven't realized by now that there is no one you can 'vote for' because no one is representing you then you deserve to get enriched and jewified.
Yeah because that's totally the US and not the jews that run it.
We're in the same boat as you Clappistani; we have no 'chosen' leaders, only kosher jew-approved puppets. Unless you mean the Chosen then yeah we have lots of them.
You mean the Cold War triggered off when the Soviets took the helm after Germany lost fighting on two fronts, by governments that were all and still are all effectively Jewish-controlled via their monetary systems? The American intelligence systems were largely modeled after the British ones that were already established, and the British government just bent over and let the kikes ream them with dreidels while telling them to die in a war that should have never happened. Same with America, and every other allied country.
Stop infighting. It only takes away our focus on the true enemy, which the every day citizen most definitely is not.
Another reason women are unsuitable for politics.
As a statist, I root for both empires.
Hello from the planet DUH
Quick question brothers…
Why no thread on the Clintons, Soros and Poland?
Why no thread on Israeli Defence Minister resigning due to 'growing extremism'?
ok thanks
Is it bump locked?
I would have thought the Israeli Defence Minister one was a HUGE deal.
the CFR, who arranged the EU precursors, were all Americans. the aim was to prevent europe from becoming competitive vs the US. America made the EU as a poison pill. It is all about relative production.
Paul Warburg was a German, International Jew. He was most likely the ringleader of that group.