God, how cucked is r/the_Donald…

God, how cucked is r/the_Donald…

These people seriously think that evil Nazis are put in their race-mixing rainbow-flag diversity just to make them look bad.



Into the oven it goes.

Can Reddit ever not fuck up anything they touch?



What the fuck is wrong with reddit? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them? How can people be this continuously lost that they can't ever manage to do anything right?

Reddit needs to be shut down. Its time for it to go, this is it . It's leftist cancer is infecting the entire Trump election.

No offense but that first panel is a pretty accurate depiction of Trump fans and American """nationalism""" in general.

Holy fuck delete Holla Forums

Reddit has been an absolute cancer since 2009.

To the surprise of exactly no one.
Sage goes in every field.



The admins have accounts that don't get logged in any way by any part of the servers.

These special accounts can message as a different user.

These special accounts can create actions as a different user and allow the logs to record the specified actions.

Now remember over the last 2 years? Every 'happening' on Reddit of a sub getting banned or co-opted/stolen? Remember how one set of mods is always saying "we never said /did that!" and the other side is saying "you did that! Here's proof!!!" The above is why.


No I will not out myself.


No I will not prove this.

Shitskins are welcome as long as theyre "legal" to these people

>Shitskins are welcome as long as theyre "legal"

as long as they're in their own countries.*

you all have to go back
reminder that redditfugees are NOT welcome

European was pretty based for redpilling the plebs.

I'm starting to think something should be done about leddit. But what?


Don't we have 4chan to send them to?


The comic is basically correct, The Donald reaches the front page of reddit all the time and inflicts mass asshurt on Leftists.

The reddit admins want an excuse to stop that without looking like they're biased. Anything like /r/european is going to get shut down if it's popular.

4chan considers Holla Forums reddit while /r/4chan has nearly 700k subscribers.

"reddit" is just used as a buzzword for anything someone doesn't ike.

And if the Donald calls a ban on mudslime shitskins entering the country, then they wont be there legally, will they?

The problem for the plebbit bros, is that they aren't used to D&C Shilling like we are,
They don't know how to recognize bait and disgusting sneaky jew tactics.

I am in favour of helping them, because I see the need for us to redpill normalfags if we want our message to move forward and become a reality.
I'm not going to ask any of you cunts to do the same, I wouldn't wish reddit on anyone. It's a degenerate place.

But If we just stick to Holla Forums it's no different from being in a fucking echo chamber.
I want to convert normalfags to the cause, and make the cause a reality.

I'm starting a plebbit account and I'll begin pointing out obvious shills to the masses.

It'll give me something to do while I'm bored at work at least.

Holla Forums get out

That isn't feasible I'm sure they'd have security like doors and cameras.

It already happened I read on TRP that the donald is under direct SJW control after they axed ciswhitemaelstrom.

I honestly don't need proof anymore. Reddit is so fucked-up now that what you posted makes absolute perfect sense.

funny, I've seen that same argument used on cuckchan.

you have to go back.


Isn't 4chan actually 8ch's filter from reddit / tumblr / twitter etc?

Here. I'll give you this;
I'm a contractor. Their admins don't do shit besides push a narrative. Where do you think the tens of millions goes to?