Right-Wing Politics in America

What is it's current state from your point of view, and how do you see a way out? We know that the Alt-Right/True Right is more receptive to government power, but there is a large segment of the self proclaimed "right wingers" that absolutely hate government, and conflate all governmental politics with left wing statism. How do we bridge this gap, and look for a better future for the right wing of America? Personally, I lean more towards Fascism and National Socialism, but wouldn't necessarily refuse to hear out Lolbergtardians (it's just a meme, don't get butthurt) and Ancaps side of the story on how they seek to remove degeneracy without using any state power.



I used to be on this bandwagon, but it's not tough enough from my perspective. Paleoconservatism doesn't use harsh enough means to stamp out degeneracy, illegal immigration, and nationalist promotion. We need to figure out what our priorities are from both Fascism and Libertarianism, and we need to strengthen both ends, rather than watering down both to Republican politics.
I just personally don't see any scenario in which people are running around lighting flares with Misanthropy Division patches and National Action flags fighting for the political cause of "Paleoconservatism." That might just me be, but that's the way I see it.

Yes, but what next?

Didn't mean that as stamping out nationalist promotion, by the way. I'm sure people get my gist regardless.

I think we need a dictatorship to move aggressively to wipe out the degenerate factions like jews, muslims, and homosexuals and regain control of minorities.
Then if there are any true volkish men left they will overthrow this tyranny and rebuild our republic as it was intended, with white men making decisions on their families behalf and the government reflecting their strong values
Otherwise we will end up with all the weak enslaved as they deserve, including the white cuckmales.

Degeneracy almost always comes from a big inflated govt. I highly respect Nat Soc and Fascism, but I do not think Nat Soc Germany would have made it in the long run with millions in war debt. If you think about it big government is pushing diversity, feminism, open borders and the welfare state.

If we had a true free market it would be impossible for women to compete with men, all diversity quotas would be erased and we would have freedom to associate. we would also have wealth up the ass which would lead to large white families. As you notice in history, every time the state grew bigger degeneracy occurred. I think we need to be freedom loving people for this to ever work, NatSoc is simply not going to come back.

If you want to stamp out "degeneracy", then there is only the Fascism and Catholic Fundamentalism for you.

America is built upon the idea of freedom i.e. classical liberalism and separation of Church and State.


Well, here's the real question:

Perhaps we can start by sorting out our "differences" and see what each party has to offer.

First and foremost:

Just prove that the authority will protect citizen's rights and the "free market".

Thank the lord the Mods did something based again!

We must use the tools of the oppressors to break the chains they have bound us with
The final and truest test of our will comes when the enemies have been beaten and the time to set aside those tools of the oppressors is upon us
Do we move towards strength and freedom, or fall into the habits of slave kind?
A strong man knows that victory is the only test of character greater than defeat

Addendum: this is D&C. You seek to drive a wedge between the totalitarian right wingers and Libertarianpaleo right wingers, when in fact we need each other right now just to ensure our age old rivalry can continue.


Exactly. I'm trying to bridge a gap, and mods are kikes trying to stamp out good discussion.

So does glory, nationalism, and societal achievement. What's your point? Degeneracy has only been pushed in the West in the last century, thanks to Marxist influence. Government control has never been a leftist problem until now.
I don't necessarily disagree, but Hitler was still a god among men.
Sure, but it hasn't pushed it before.
This is why freedom-based politics still interest me, because they might be a good alternative to fighting degeneracy with authoritarianism, and that's why I made the thread for people to speak their piece.
That isn't true at all. Can you cite some examples that aren't just from the last century?
Well, in America I think a political revolution has to come from principles based on freedom, so you might be right. I'd still want to go full National Action on this sort of thing, though.

Maybe not.
Daily reminder that the separation of Church and State was nowhere in the Constitution, only freedom of religion.

But how? The mixed market has objectively failed America.

Depends on what freedom you seek. I seek freedom from degeneracy and ethnic genocide.

Are you a bot?

I guess the mods will never remove the bumplock. Potential gone to waste, as per usual.

It was one of the founding father's ideal. Then again, freedom of religion implies you can be free to worship or not to worship.

It hasn't, America is still the world's superpower.

I think it doesn't have to be full on Fascism or full on lolberg. We can take elements from each and apply them to society after we win the culture war.

For example, free trade and right wing economic principles are fundamental to a countrys wealth and prospertiy, but there should still be a firm government regulation on banks and international trade in case they become detrimental to the economy(like today with china). While stuff like welfare will be completely removed other than for the old and the disabled, taxes will be low, and worthless government programs and subsidies will be entirely cut(common core, planned parenthood, quotas etc).

On the freedom aspect, the important things like free speech, gun rights, self-defence, property rights and other constitutional stuff will be kept 100%. But the government will still be able to crack down hard on corruption and money in politics, and reserves the right to jail, fine or execute political figures, media moguls and university professors for intentional lying, treason and cultural subversion(if proven in court).

I know this seems a bit mild for Holla Forums standards, but keep in mind this will be after we have won the culture war and dealt with the jewish problem once and for all which should be the main concern, and not minor disagreements in policy of our respective utopia.

So for now focus on making memes, redpilling your friends and shifting the acceptable conversation window to our side.

What the fuck do you mean? Paleocons have never really been in power in the USA.

Pat Buchanan wanted to stop all immigration when he was running for president.

Yeah, exactly. I don't necessarily think America should institute a state-backed religion or anything, but implications of religious themes involving God and the Bible aren't violating any foundation to America.
Oh, no shit? Is that why we're mass consumers instead of producers now, and have been buttfucked by free trade and globalism? Get a clue, and look at the world around you.

Sup, National Review? I'm pretty sure the consensus, at least on Holla Forums, is that free trade contributes to globalism, and we need to re-institute protectionist policies similar to the early days of America.
Agreed, but you must have confused free trade with free market.
I honestly don't mind minimal welfare in an all-White society. The core principle of welfare is supposed to be that you care about your fellow countryman enough to subsidize them, and I think that'd be achievable in a majorly White country. With that said, though, we might have to repeal it for now until we boot minorities.
I can agree on this.
We need to turn over a lot of free speech cases with the Supreme Court, however. Shit like porn and degenerate content used to not be covered under free speech, and we need to make that the norm again. As for the rest, I agree.
Yes. We must Pinochet-helicopter the traitors.
But you can't win the culture war and fight the Jews without a governmental system that works. That is kind of my point. I'd like to start a political revolution from the ground up, with like minded Holla Forumsacks, to demand politics similar to the way we'd like. This would gain a lot of popularity across the country, in my opinion.
We gotta take to the streets and get people to listen to us a la National Action-tier demonstrations. National Action is full NatSoc, however, so that's why I'm trying to gauge what our message should be in America.
Thanks for the reply!

True, but it still plays ball in Republican politics, and I haven't personally seen any paleoconservatives make calls to reverse a lot of long term ills in America. I could be wrong, though, I just don't want to conflate Paleoconservatism to something that it's not.
I know, and he was also a Catholic fundamentalist as far as I'm concerned, so he was a great man. With that said, I don't know what all of his policies on degeneracy would've been.

Don't worry about Libertarianism. It's just a stepping stone ideology anyway.

You are a libertarian up until the point you ask yourself whether people who violate borders will respect your property rights.

And then you suddenly snap out of it.
