When did VICE have articles like this?
Slavery info on VICE
vice was founded by gavin mcinnes
Who now cucks for Fox not daring to accept anyone rational in the US would question Israel's influence on US foreign policy. Gavin is controlled opposition saying what we want to hear, but marginalizing it by being the supposed extreme edgelord guy tellin it like it is a hero to us all bullshit when there's plenty of lines he won't cross and he answers to whomever signs the checks just like they all do.
There is a song by the Dead Kennedys that I always think of when I read posts like yours. Its called Chickenshit Conformist, and it has a line that sums up why we will never make progress.
"Too many factions
Safely sulk in their shells
Agree with us on everything
Or we won't help with anythng
That kind of attitude
Just makes a split grow wider
Guess who's laughing while the world explodes
When we're all crybabies
Who fight best among ourselves"
People with your attitude are why the left is winning.
Gavin isn't fully niggerdeath but he has done good stuff
He will always be very butthurt though that VICE made its 3 best documentaries while he wasn't there
Really? You're bitching about infighting an you want to infight more by quoting "I just came out of the closet" "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" flag burning Jello Biafra's lyrics to me? You think anything Fox shits out is intended for our benefit?
Go to bed Gavin. You're drunk.
Oh yes, and another thing, the left isn't winning.
What fucking world do you live in? They've been winning. We hope to change that, but let's not be delusional. The left has been winning battle after battle. We can't expect to win the war if we aren't willing to accept our loses and learn from them.
fags can marry, men in dresses can use the women's bathroom, millions of muslims are taking over white homelands and you sit there and try and tell me
There's nowhere to run in the information era, it's checkmate. Also there's some logic that has been injected in to the information machine they are running, the change is inevitable irreversible and it's fractal in it's nature it has unlimited depth and power it will consume the wicked.
They're top down supported. They have control over the media which constantly lies and wants everyone to believe what views the common populace holds. We're much closer to the silent majority which sees liberal ideas as absurd, political correctness as having gone overboard, and politicians as intolerably corrupt. If it was true it's completely hopeless and they've already won Trump wouldn't have the Republican nomination right now poised to go up against Hillary despite the massive smear campaign waged by the media. You think I'm bad, this defeatist shit of yours is what we don't need.
And fuck your Gavin crush too.
actually mentions jews
This was written when Gavin still controlled vice.
It was probably Gavin who wrote this post.
Kind of cool.
Not in the minds of the people no. They're with us. They want a return to rational civilization and the pendulum is set to swing. What we have is corrupt leadership and it's losing its grip. How many SJWs and cucks do you really think are out there? They're a fringe just made to seem larger than they are by the same people who use them to push policies nobody wants. But look at what the people are doing, Germany refugee centers are going up in flames daily, nationalist movements are rising, open revolts in the US, there's push back and it's getting stronger. Don't lose hope faggot.
Faggot detected
Keep hugging Gavin's nuts goy.
Vice used to be an edgy right-leaning rag. It got away with it because of peak late-00s hipster irony that clouded everybody's views on everything.
Some people might be too young to remember at this point, but for a while the people who we now know as "nu males" were all about putting forth this idea of a post racial society where white people saying "nigger" or "faggot" were actually "stripping the words of their power." People we now associate with hysterical leftism like Louis CK and Sarah Silverman were big proponents of this back in the day.
The horror.
You're not from around here are you?
the only thing anyone needs to know about slavery is that:
all jews need to be enslaved before exterminating all jews
This is actually a pretty good article.
not going to read the article because
already know the article does not metion
muh public school
muh banks
muh gubberment taxes
and of course the fucking jews with are actually a tax on white people
having jews in your county is a tax that creates all taxes.
Who cares if fags can marry
Trannies make up .05 % of US population & as long as they're trying to blend in as a woman noone will know they're peeing "not including crazy special snowflake gender queer fags" who can fuck off and pee at home
Muslims are trying to take over the west.. not so bad here in America but fuck Europe fight back faggots
Kinda crazy, I was literally in the middle of watchin The Gavin Mcinnes Show, and this is the first thread I see.
Who cares if guys can marry more than one woman?
Who cares if men can marry dogs?
Who cares if men can marry little girls?
Who cares if men can marry pillows?
Of course it's a good article, Jim Goad wrote it. He did everything you guys are just catching up on now back in the early 90's (pic related, but be warned, that's a jew he's next to)
Goad also wrote "The Redneck Manifesto" which should be on every Holla Forumsack's reading list.
Always wondered why I've never seen a Jim Goad thread on here, he's also best buds with A. Wyatt Mann (Nick Bougas)
Exactly, the only people who support it are butthurt leftists who want to stick it to The Man. How about instead they just leave marriage alone and keep raping kids.
The tip of the spear of more identity degenerate shit. Let trannies even lay claim to "mainstream" culture and you leave the door even wider for otherkin and furfags to parade their shit around.
Gavin got most of his ideas and inspiration for Vice directly from Jim Goad.
This article was one of the more prestigious writing gigs Goad got after getting out of jail and was actually one of the things that started a rift between Gavin and Shane which lead to Gavin eventually being bought out.
The trouble with Goad is that he's become a civic nationalist. He's written plenty of good stuff though.
Who would have thought? You want people to be able to tell you what you can or can't do? The government can do that for you. They'll start by taking away your first and second amendment.
He still does. Here's his latest from May 9th:
Why do you think the federal government enforced gay marriage over leaving it in the hands of the state? It has nothing to do with the issue itself despite all the propaganda, it's a further expansion of federal power. With gay marriage comes more regulation which will worm it's way into law and education and anywhere else it can be shoe horned into. You support gay marriage in the name of liberty when you had to use force of the state to get it, and in the end it will limit liberties for everyone. That's how civil rights work and why they never achieve what they're supposedly supposed to achieve because all it really is is a mask to hide socialism under.
Oh bullshit. The initial guy wasn't complaining about the federal government overstepping its authority, which it did, but that fags are allowed to be considered married. Worse, that retard would probably approve if the federal government had banned gay marriage. He doesn't care about states' rights.
It also helps that King Nigger is a gay and the Democrats and a lot of Republicans believe that fags have a "right" to marry, nature be damned.
breddy gud. National Poz Radio has been going on about that case for a week or so now. I suspected he was black because of the location and because he was killing nigger whores, but I guess they forgot to mention his race for some reason.
I wasn't replying for the guy, I was replying because I was included in the response. But I am defending the guys right and my right and the states right to not approve of gay marriage. However we agree, the threat is the federal government once again overstepping its authority.
They don't believe jack shit. The Democrats and Republicans and King Nigger do as they're told then sell it to us with slogans. Our government is nothing but puppets. ZOG brah.
Most trannies hate other kin fur fags feminist ect
Its funny how 10 years ago feminist hated trannies, called them nutered men who wanted to rape them in bathrooms and were an insult to women. Now feminist are trying to be all buddy buddy with them to gain sjw brownie points
Some actions of the politicians in question are inexplicable unless somebody somewhere high up in the chain of command believes their morals compel them to to move in certain positive directions, so to speak. For instance, there is no economic incentive to force federally funded institutions to allow trannies into the bathrooms they masturbate about being allowed into. In my estimation, it's less that establishment politicians are ZOG puppets and more that only those vetted by ZOG and found to agree with them are let in. It's also quite clear that a lot of Jews seriously believe in what they're doing; see en.wikipedia.org
Hitler dubs checked
Sure, but it's the same thing. Vetted by ZOG or being given direct instruction by ZOG is still a shadow government calling the shots while the general public remaining unaware of who their leaders really are and what their motives really are. The purpose of allowing dragqueens to beat off in the stall next to your wife and daughter isn't economic of course, it serves to further the subversion of our society like pushing a rape victim you got tied up in your basement to do more and more depraved things until you have complete psychological control. Just a small part of it but they've been doing this bit by bit for decades. While some deluded fucks up there may actually believe their own bullshit the end result and objective are the same. No society has thrown out so many of its own traditions and survived. Couple this with the TPP and how western nations seem to be voluntarily giving up their sovereignty, and how the same agents are behind both agendas, and it looks to me like they're going for their endgame.
Honestly though I don't think it will work. Americans for all our faults are stubborn armed and we throw very violent tantrums.
Both disheartening and encouraging is the fact that the Weimar was even further gone than we are today.
Some SJW in the comments spammed a reddit link to the BadHistory part of it under posts not coming at the article.
Are you in high school?
Vice is completely controlled by the left. They sold out years ago. They play the same weed documentaries non stop to try to get people who otherwise wouldn't smoke weed, to do so.
they're pro fag, pro immigration, and they feel the bern like there is no tommorrow
I want Yuropoors to leave
meant for
Jim Goad was one of the first people to recognize SWJs as a menace to society. His 90s writings describe them perfectly as authoritarian narcissists who would do real damage if they were given any amount of power, but back then they were still mostly a fringe subculture. Social media and crowdfunding allowed them to turn playing the victim into a full-time career.