Was a NEET for 3 years, almost 3.5, had no motivation or anything going for me

>Somebody on /r9k/ posts this video youtube.com/watch?v=-7c9tB77YdU


cool blog faggot

nice blog post faggot.

good job

now you're not only still a kissless virgin with no job, but you have years worth of debt to pay off. congratulations.

It's something.

Don't let the faggots tell you otherwise they don't know. I'm an old fag and have been doing blue collar shit for twenty years. I'm literally starving. But I never got into a good trade though. That is a good option as well.

At least you're not retarded

Well that's commendable, congratulations. School is over. No more being surrounded by people your own age.

Get ready to work your ass off. Good luck.

how the fuck do you get a job, nobody will hire me. I have been trying for years and I came out of school with decent grades. Not a single job.

Am I on some list because of Holla Forums? My parents act as if it is my fault.

Have some self respect mate.

That has nothing to do with what I asked, and I don't lack that and sit on my ass. The problem is not a single place ever calls back and I have handed out several dozen applications over the course of the last few years and to no avail.

It doesn't help that I live in a sort of smaller place, but I feel like I am the only one with this problem.

This is what I mean by have some self respect.

There are millions in your position. You are not special. Your fee-fees have nothing to do with it.

It's shit out there right now, we all know it. Stop crying and do what you can. One foot in front of the other.

Holy shit, I used to shitpost nazi Holla Forums stuff on /r9k/ non-stop during 2011/2012. (And this video was on my favorites list)

I get you mate, but for now all I can do is one-foot-in-front-of-the-other right back into my house and go fuck myself. I wish the social fabric wasn't shit, I would mow lawns or do anything for people but for some reason where I live everyone looks at me like I am retarded if I were to try doing it.

You're not on a list, the kikes have just done a very good job of creating this mess.

Why are you worried your neighbors or peers would look askance at you for engaging in honest labor?

Depends on his major if it will matter or not.

Or even if it it's a shitty one, that the can make use of it over the women that get theirs in the same field and don't do shit with it.

I don't worry I am trying to say I have tried it before and got rejected by people with even fucked up lawns.

Keep trying.

You should have gone on welfare instead of college and had a dozen kids with a dozen slutty bitches.

Copied and pasted straight from cuckchan.

Well done faggot

Next step is to find a good woman and make some white babies.

benis :DD

Good for you user.
Good for your society too.
Good all around.