London’s East End ‘Like Baghdad’, As Cockney Culture Dies Out

This isn't even funny anymore. I simply cannot believe Britain is sitting there and taking all of this while an entire culture is being destroyed. All the while retards in London elected a scumbag Muslim, who has already insulted Donald Trump and made veiled threats against people who dare insult Islam, to be their mayor. The stories alone in this make me feel horrible for the Cockney's, but this quote set me over the edge

This is the very reason why Progressives are a plague in society. This deluded idiot sees absolutely nothing wrong with having only three white people per class. In fact she thinks is just wonderful when someone comes in who can't even speak English because its so "multicultural".

Please London, find something, anything at all, that links Kahn to terror groups and get him ousted as quickly as possible.

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It's Kikebart but remember to always archive…

Watching "Henry V". Henry did bring violence to the French.

Dubs guy is in this movie too. 10/10

Seriously, the Brits lost much.

Pic from a different war, but same spirit of manly combat.

It ducks that all these cultural centers will be destroyed but the best way to clean up this mess is declaring a quarantine in cities with a concentration of invaders and clearing it out block by block like the ghetto in Warsaw.

Cockducking phone.

I really wish he didn't have to apologize. And fuck that French comedian. Does anyone know if he's a massive cuck that loves Muslims?

i'm guessing the critical theory/undermine-values-of civilization sentiment has a stranglehold of news sources, k-college education and stories/entertainment

England here.

Can't wait for that day, but I feel no sypmathy anymore. If you literally allowed to be bullied out of your patch and land then what?


Thousands of years of history.
Cultural nurtured through strife and prosperity.
Countless drops of blood that soaks the land…

All washed away by George Soros and a dozen politicians.

RULE, BRITANNIA! lose the waves:
Britons are now our slaves!

The irony is that if whites started pouring into any of these foreign shithole countries the local shitskins would Jihad, mobswarm, Boxer Rebillion, etc them out (if they were able).

Spanish Inquisition ring a bell?

I love you guys but why are we such goddamn cucks?
Why is it that we at most can shitpost about this on anonymous/semi-anonymous forums?
We may very well be the last sons of the west, the inheritors of white culture, pride and tradition, and yet what have we really done to protect it?
We should be organizing and putting everything we have into fighting this shit, not shitposting/watching anime/playing video games.

The natural evolution of this will inevitably lead to a point where the "immigrants" will eventually start demanding things unable to be obtained without force, and at the time they start to use that force, it is then whites will realize what we have been telling them all along… It is not freedom or multiculturalism that the immigrants want, it is breeding space for their own people.

I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to stop this or reverse it, but we're beyond the event horizon here.

I honestly think that the only way the public would revolt against them is if the muslims attacked and killed a royal. no advocating for that, but I'm sure that's the only event that would wake them up.

I saw a documentary that detailed a DNA test on White English High School students who could prove local ancestry back three or so generations, can't remember exactly where in England.

The results demonstrated they they and their ancestors had been present in the area for thousands of years.

Wish I had the link but searching on JewTube all I can find is leftist bullshit stating the opposite.

I honestly can't imagine that at one time that little island striked terror in the hearts of the world.

I read the history book and almost can't believe it.

I remember what mum said on her death bed. She said to me: "Del," she said, "don't let the Pakis take over London, Del."

China must be happy.

It had an amazing past and its end will be incredible in a dark way, the first who just laid down and died without a fight. I don't think western europe is gonna survive this bros. East Europe sure, if america elects Trump and chaos happens, maybe. Its a real damn shame though since western europe and its colony america are the original light and best white stock the world has to offer. It will never be the same….

What a stupid, stupid, utterly naive bitch

How the fuck are they going to assimilate to "British" culture when they grow up surrounded by fellow foreigners?

I guess at least we'll live to see Labour politicians debating whether throwing gays off roofs or stoning them to death would please Allah more

your mom shouldnt have named you after a shitty computer

The reason is Jews. Sorry to offend jews, but jews have a stranglehold on all of our media outlets, financial systems and legal systems. They use these to control every aspect of our lives. If anyone attempts to curb this immense influx of invaders in anyway, groups created by jews and staffed by jews identify the individuals involved and immediately move to defund them, discredit them or incarcerate them by any means possible.

It does not matter what the people want. The media tells the people what the people want. The media decides what issues are discussed and what are hidden.

Think whatever you want about what I said, but once you study it, you will find it is the truth. You will have no voice as long as your media is subverted and the true offenders are allowed to define that anyone pointing that out is a criminal or somehow insane.

If you want your countries back, you must create your own media centers and hold them, regardless of how much "money" some shamster offers you, and regardless of how hard the compromised media outlets attack you.

When America, England, France, Switzerland, Germany etc are dead the world WILL be a shithole. And none of you can say you weren't warned.

Is there anyway to solve the problem without killing a bunch of people?

The nicest option is the Trump Way. ie: deport them. However, in bongistan, they aren't even illegal, so good luck trying to convince any braindead normie why they have to go.

Oh there's a way. It would require massive deportations but there's hope.

Whites are still the majority nationwide… but is there a will left in the British people to fight?

I honestly don't think so.

We know what needs to be meme'd.

There are infinite options between allowing your homeland to be overrun like a bunch of cucks and killing people.

Those who control the puppet want you to think those are the only 2 options though.

Another option would be for the queen to kick the bucket and the next monarch to snap and reveal that he was hiding his power level for decades and takes power via a Royal coup.


I assure you there would be "a jolly good beating" as they might say in the streets of london if that were to happen. But the way it is now, the country is falling and becoming an islamic republic.

I doubt even that would work.

I honest to God want to say it would be, but I honestly think even THAT wouldn't do it.

you'd think the public would bend over and cry "we deserved this"?

Welcome to Holla Forums! Don't forget to look at the sticky here , and try to keep this place away from Holla Forums's hugbox mentality.

Well, at least Britain has freedom and democracy. God bless the Queen :^)

I dunno, I don't think there would be no violence, but nothing on the level you need to truly purge the country.

And just to be clear, I'm not saying we should sit down and take it. You fight the hopeless war, you fight the long defeat, no matter what.

And also, not saying this is just Britain.


Recognized the video before even clicking on the webm. God bless Vindex and God bless National Action!

And God bless Jonathan Bowden. He was one of the most redpilled people on Earth.

fuck i hate the guardian

…or it proves that what Guardianistas view as "Britishness" is so broad and all-encompassing as to be useless as a means defining oneself's identity

a means of defining one's identity*

Apologies for the purple prose

Welcome yourself newfag!
Don't forget to read Thomas Carlyle and finish your evolution to traditionalism.

and remember, Holla Forums is always right.

I don't understand why Europeans literally deport all their non-white populations. Only the U.S. is constitutionally bound in guaranteeing them citizenship if they're born or naturalized here thanks to the 14th amendment. As far as I know, no European country as the same obligation to keep their non-populations other than moral posturing

Imagine what will happen if a non-muslim tries to run against that mayor as well. These people have destroyed their culture and thrust themselves into a losing battle on their own soil.

We need to quarantine london and leave them to die. This country would be so much better

If the actual WILL to deport non-whites is there then citizenship or constitutions won't fucking matter. It doesn't mean anything. Literally social constructs. You can just make a new law if you want and deem every single citizenship in the country invalid and start from scratch.

It's fucking tragic he died, but I'm not sure he would want to see how far the West has fallen.

Bowden understood the sickness. This is what he expected.

We need free speech before we can organize, as our organizations will just be subverted by the ones with a monopoly on violence, in the semi-totalitarian states we live in.

An organization of strong leaders empowered by local populations throughout a country can declare and take independence. It's happened before.


Some people are new and some are shills. Not everyone is as versed in this shit as a Holla Forumsack

It's like they're turning children into cultural suicide bombers.

you need to use words that convey the meaning you want to convey, user.
you don't call teammates cucks because we're not. even those of use who might be full blown cowards (yes, that's an insult you *can* use on your teammates) those people still aren't cucking, so they aren't goddamn cucks.

t. the professor who was shitposting while you were taking finals

which is why they try and drill the meme of the white oppressor into them from day one

How long until a Muslim Prime Minister?




Fuck off, amerifags have guns, and you have what, one racial shooting per 5 years?. When you've lost 1/3 of your country already?. What can we poor, gunless eurofags do?. Wait for election to elect another kike/kike puppet, that's all.

Defeatist. You are the problem. If you want peace, prepare for war. Show up ready to die, fanaticism as a catalyst is not the irrationality you've been brainwashed to believe.

Why do they keep repeating this? The first thing I did when I saw the first nigger as a kid was ask him why is he brown, why are his hands not as brown etc. Same to turks, why is your skin so brown, why are your eyebrows so dark..

RIP Jonathan Bowden


and then you have fags like

What options does a Brit have when the average Paki family has 9 children? Will you fight only when outnumbered 30 to 1? 100 to 1? Or is Britian being part of the Caliphate an inevitable fate?

Stop fucking acting like we're alone in this. Every white nation (even Russia) is being deliberately 'enriched' and setup for a holy war against Islam, by a kike-riddled and addled elite.
I loathe these ridiculous posts that are presumably being written by people living in some white utopia, which doesn't bloody exist (or, more likely, by some grease-coated yid).
If you're on here, and you're white, then you are fucked, and you know it.
This is not to say that the future is one of continued racial disintegration: the future is one of resistance, and the eventual transcendence of even our races' greatest glories. But, for now, we all occupy the same plague pit.

This is an opportunity. When the general Londonistan area finally succumbs to anarchy Poland needs to use defense of emigrants as casus belli and roll in there.

Establish a penal colony. Criminal convicts go there and become civilian overseers, making sure everything keeps going, the former immigrants go straight to administration, while the military keeps the peace. Now just introduce contraceptives to the drinking water and wait.

If I had a pair of severed heeb hands on a stand I'd go rub them together.

It's worse than that

I can't purchase a rifle till I'm 21.

Start by building closed communities in states with SYG laws.

When what remains in your classroom is 3 native white children lost in the mud, then it's wrong to call it multiculturalism, this is replacement.

It's a moronic statement because muslim children are indoctrinated from birth. Their entire being is defined by islam. Of course they see color and religion. And to them, white and Christian is a fucking enemy to be defeated.

It's fools and horses you twat


That looks like a painting of a bunch of re-enacters who are looking forward to the beers and bbq once they are done LARPING.

Anyway, hWhite genocide. One unique culture down the drain.

How retarded are you?

So there were 10 men shagging 1000 girls between them?

1400, whoops my bad.