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system hidden 8 minutes Holla Forums User deleted his own post #5991716
system hidden 25 minutes Holla Forums User deleted his own post #5991329
system hidden 50 minutes Holla Forums User deleted his own post #5991295
system hidden 52 minutes Holla Forums User deleted his own post #5991315
system hidden 1 hour Holla Forums User deleted his own post #5991236
dysnomia hidden 1 hour Holla Forums Deleted post #5980441
dysnomia hidden 1 hour Holla Forums Created a new permanent ban on Holla Forums (#140567) with reason: fuck off
system hidden 2 hours Holla Forums User deleted his own post #5990902
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: 450e928641
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: 2adcbc6ee1
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: fb63940511
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: 9418396add
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Created a new permanent ban on Holla Forums (#140562) with reason: goon
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Created a new permanent ban on Holla Forums (#140561) with reason: goon
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Created a new permanent ban on Holla Forums (#140560) with reason: goon
dysnomia hidden 2 hours Holla Forums Created a new permanent ban on Holla Forums (#140559) with reason: back to freech, yozam.
dysnomia hidden 3 hours Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: 1b3910db6f
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Other urls found in this thread:
this isn't anything new
what's your point?
Live footage of an interview with dysnomia
Yozam here ama
You can't meme yourself into the good guy, tyrant. Maybe you should just disable logs and ban everyone who tells you to fuck off.
I really don't care what you think. If you don't like it leave, that's what board creation is for.
how old are you?
Yeah nobody is saying you're breaking the law or violating the global rules, dipshit. I'm saying you're an hypocrite faggot who just wants to silence dissenters.
You are sperging out harder than moot ever did. The "Holla Forums mods have no rules either" joke never applied to permabans.
Legacy boards were a mistake.
keep it up
You forgot your capcode dysnomia
Seems like dysnomia is asshurt he got called out for being a Jim dicksucker.
How much did it hurt when you were called out on /sudo/ for not knowing what the fuck IP hashes corresponded to, and that you accepted the fact that Jim revoked your moderator position to give to Mark?
Pretty much. He's a newfaggot that didn't even know about /16 subnets.
A permaban isn't a joke, that's not a "Holla Forums mods have no rules" type of ban it's a faggotry ban.
But of course, he's just a Jim dicksucker.
Also, the mental illness displayed is hilarious.
This site is now so afraid of boogeymen that you actually miss the real group of shitposters that fuck with top boards. The former /foolz/ crew. And ultimately no one even cares about them either.
God damn this place is such shit. Honestly, I wouldn't be upset if it just burned down tomorrow, because I'd be free from the mental illness, rampant paranoia, newfaggot dicksucking mods, 4chan-tier IRC clique still existing, and people straight up denying reality because it's uncomfortable to acknowledge.
Just end your life.
Dysnomia is probably just leaving this thread up to attract more people calling him a faggot, so that he can doxx/permaban more "goons".
Friendly reminder that Jim either stored what amounted to 40,000 records of unencrypted credit card information, including numbers and CVVs, in addition to logs associating posts to that credit card information, or was aware of its storage.
And if he was not aware of it, he is still liable as his company developed, deployed, and administrated the software.
Meanwhile, retards are still sperging out over a dozen IP addresses leaked on a development server, when the owner leaked 40,000 unencrypted credit card records and Hotwheels leaked either logs of SQL dumps containing IP addresses from a production server several times.
inb4 logs disabled and poster IDs added
He's upset that he got called for both sucking the dick of Jim and being such a newfaggot that he didn't know what the mod IP hashes correspond to, nor what a subnet ban is.
Is this just shitposting or is he actually going to do it? Or will he just set up a different name to "give the board to"?
kennedifag here. Me and Dysnomia go way back, even if another mod decides to delete kennedi memes, I should be able to tell if it's Dysnomia or not.
Keep an eye on >>>/operate/
Kennedi out
Whats all this about? I've not browsed for a few days.
Check the logs, 'newfag' removed all the bans.
dysnomia is a weeb faggot but I think he's doing a good job in general..keep up the good work
Does that mean you've sucked his dick a few times?
Good thing he resigned
I poop address
Pedos please go.
Got any proof you cuck?
The credit card leak was from, the site run by NT Technology (Jim) to sell Rounin Passes. Hiroyuki was the admin of at the time, but not of which Jim ran:
$ whois
All like this back in 2002, as well.
$ whois
It's pretty obvious, based on the name:
Feel free to present any evidence to the contrary. You have none, because this is a pretty clear cut case that Jim's company was responsible for the leaking of 40,000 unencrypted records containing credit card information, in addition to months worth of logs associating posters to that information.
Prove me wrong, faggot.
Live footage of an interview with OP.
that's what I thought
Nobody seems to care. May they die here.
You're right tho'. Pretty obviously that's how he squeezed Hiro out. I suspect he was working with either the US spooks or the Japs. This breach linked known personalities with their anonymous post history and was catastrophic for their reputations. Hiro was a pain in the ass to the japs and getting rich. Now, hiro is more or less a fugitive in japan and Jim's company owns 2channel. So whether you follow the money or the politics, it all leads back to jim.
Board creation doesn't really work because of the network effect. This can be seen in the cries of ">ded board" which get posted whenever someone suggests moving somewhere new. I suspect you know this already, which is why you're so smug when suggesting that people go somewhere else. You'd be less of a shitposting hotpocket if you thought there was any chance of people leaving.
I do actually have some ideas of how to fix this in future imageboard implementations. Essentially you have to decouple board moderation from interactions between anons. In other words you should be able to seamlessly switch boards while still seeing roughly the same threads and interacting with the same people.
In this model each board would be associated with a content tag. Two boards with the same content tag would share the same post and thread database. Moderation would function as a filter database unique to each board. When a mod on a board deleted a post, anyone browsing that board would no longer see it but people on other boards could still see it. There could also be features like automatic filtering of replies to filtered posts to make life easier for the moderators. Only global moderators could remove posts from the database itself, effectively deleting them across all boards.
he already fucked off fam
This idea is guaranteed to fail.
HHAHA YOURE VERY FUNNY OP HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KENNEDI CHECK EM WINS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice try but you need to go to the >>>/oven/
Do you seriously think 8ch/b/ is being D&C by alphabet agencies you dement?
LOL XD!!!!
Oh, that's the first good news for Holla Forums in a long time.
No more so than any other alt-chan. That is to say, you're probably right.
Permanent bans are way too disproportionate to the crime, a one month ban seems more appropriate even less for being a 'goon'.
That kind of bullshit is why I left 4chan.