I am both Chrystal and Potchan, and neither were "real."
I am both Chrystal and Potchan, and neither were "real."
Other urls found in this thread:
I always knew Potchan was a tranny.
Lol no. She was my live action avatar.
Prove it with a timestamp.
Can't. I hired her to do pics live, and the vocaroos. If I can get a hold of her, maybe she'll do another. Here's her trip though.
How much did you pay? Did you write all of her messages?
Tripfags need to be gassed
post tits
But… why?
I knew it faggot
women are naturally repelled from anonymous sites
They can't use their identity as leverage for attention without posting tits
Why did you do it? For what reason?
im gonna need the tit tax or im leaving thread
I paid a rough total of $400 for what was about three sessions. Unfortunately, we never met and remain anonymous to each other. She drew on herself.
I have none.
I did it to hopefully make anons happy by seeing tits and boost morale here. But it was addicting. If I don't confess I'll end up spending money I don't have.
Wow user, that's actually kind of nice. Paying to get Holla Forumstards in a better mood… Potchan could've gone without the whole "liking dysnomia" angle though
I did that because I was paranoid timestamps, etc wouldn't be enough. Dysnomia is only on this Holla Forums. Plus I liked her voice. I thought dysnomia would have more of a problem saying lain was a shit. A potentially rowdy but fun moment.
Here you are.
That much? Are popular cam girls even paid that much for actually masturbating live on cam with face visible?
It was a nice gesture, what I'm most disappointed in is that you paid that much.
Fucking. Kek. This is some next-level dedication, user.
Congratulations, you're now my 2nd favorite user in the history of Holla Forums – #1 will always be bankanon.
Tell me about bankanon.
Are you Dysnomia?
You see, neither her nor you can write a y properly.
I wanted someone unknown, I recruited her from a classified. Another girl got cold feet when she found out it was in a chan. And neither would show face.
I had no idea what the rates were, and since it was live, on demand, I made an offer then added bonuses for other things. Basically I came into some easy money and just wanted to make it happen. Don't worry I bought myself something nice with the bulk of it.
Even knowing I was also Chrystal?
Nope not him. Just an user.
paid too much but we had fun. thanks bro
Anyone else kind of feel better knowing this is a boy's club? Normally I'd get upset that we don't have any femanons, but this place feels comfier now that chrystal's come out tbqh. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for the ride, tripfag.
So, when's Chrystal coming back then?
Did "Chrystal" ever post nudes?
Okay, but why didn't you spend all that money on a whore who has better tits?
I did pay too much. Kek.
There are definitely femanons here, I think. Spiderchan was certainly real. They just like to stay anonymous and don't necessarily want to show their tits.
Chrystal can't really come back now that I revealed her persona. No she never posted nudes. She is a friend I actually do know that would not do more than hold the timestamp envelope.
I didn't know what I was doing or how to negotiate. I just wanted to make it happen.
Suddenly I don't feel like I'm all that crazy for loving this place as much as I do.
It's worth saving, and you just reinforced that fact.
But I am retiring my trips.
I'm glad. That was my intent. Have a fun event.
Reminds me of the user on Holla Forums who spent over $1000 (multiple times) in Steam sales and just gave away the keys.
How's that stopping her? ;–;
Come back Chrystal, I have some cum pics and classy porn for you ;–;
I too wasted money for other people. Thanks for doing that though, because maybe perverted retards could've moaned at their monitor for a bit instead of being negative about everything for once. If your plan worked, that'd be great, and thanks for trying! ^^
Kek. I actually did give out $5 in steam codes a couple of times in my Chrystal threads. But yeah I came into a windfall. No worries my $2k new PC is getting assembled tomorrow. Plus it was tons of fun and Potchan still likes to chat and send me free nudes once in a while.
Good to hear.
I suppose. Who knows. Mostly Chrystal had a few fans but made many more furious. ♥️💖💗
Glad to contribute some OC. Any actual femanons please feel free to contribute and give of yourselves.
What do you do for a living, user?
so youre telling me I got relationship advice from a guy?
God fucking damnit
I'm a fucking NEET. But I used to do general office drone stuff.
But… where do you get the money?
Sorry. But it was still good advice. Worked for me. Now I live the NEETl life off of my girlfriend, kek.
There was a miscalculation in my autismbux for the last couple of years and I got a surprise refund. Suddenly out of nowhere my bank account had a few extra thousand in it. Payed off some bills, got a new computer, and made a donation of signed tits to Holla Forums.
Kek, nice.
i still liked Chrystal, she was great and made me feel better about myself.
Dont you feel like you should acomplish more in life? I remember almost becoming an hero when I had to tell my date I couldnt afford both meals because I spend my money on laundry detergent
Very nice, user.
You've inspired me to contriboot in some way – I'm gonna have to put some thought into it.
user can you still pretend to be Chrystal, she was so nicely positive and made me feel happy.
Can I do that?
It was funny because Chrystal was an accident. I was laying out some bait and got accused of being either a white knight or a femanon. ITT it just got assumed I was a femanon so I just rolled with it, grabbed some tits online and bang! There she was.
I was semi serious with her, in that I thought Holla Forums was too negative. Then I was just nice, etc.
It's kind of fun bring a girl.
That's what you get for pursuing a grillfriend when you don't have anything to offer.
Your best bet is to just lay low until your not a loser, and even then, a grill probably isn't the wisest decision.
Every fucking day. And I will, hopefully.
screenshot the outgoing money with timestamp
gg you are doing great work user
^ You better continue being positive Chrystal OP, otherwise ill hate you forever. jk i don't hate you
Actually thats the thing, I have enough to offer just not enough money to support myself, buy expensive camera equipment and go on 50$ dates
ayy lmao
I will be angrily positive you double nigger. Kys
You're still in college. Film school, right?
Well then perhaps you shouldn't buy retarded camera equipment – unless it's video, then you can mek some movies.
Everyone is a fucking photographer nowadays.
How nice of you to remember
Too bad fam, filmschool actually requires you to have expensive ass equipment. bummer huh?
That IS a bummer.
I just watched pic-related the other day – you should check it out if you haven't already seen it. Definitely one of the better new(ish) films I've seen in a while.
Blacked when?
Yay~ 💗💗💖♥️
(I'm actually not her hugest fan, I just walked into the friendly porn dumps a few days ago and liked the spirit of the thread creepy user, if you remember)
Hey creepy user! Yup I remember you.
Ill see if we can watch it in class, most of my classes are actually just watching artsy movies and writing about it. Besides that I get eh-money (about 250$ per 2 weeks) doing shitty corporate films. Enough to pay rent but Im still busy af working my night job (Drive through)
So will you continue to be Chrystal, OP?
I miss you trans/cross user here
I don't know. It's possible but most likely not. We'll see. But I hope you can understand that I'm even less qualified to give good advice. But I can hang out in your threads at least.
Well it would definitely qualify as an artsy movie…
Thanks bb~
What a lovely thread this is.
I'm kind of curious, if you keep being Chrystal, how will that work with there being anons who will not have seen all this.
I understand, but you can still be positive and spread good mood.
Where the fuck do you live nigger
That's why I don't think it will. It was both a ruse and genuine, so it's hard because I made some friends. I was myself but not.
Hard to know what to do.
I will do my best. ♥️
thank you~
I think I understand. I think most people would play along, plus it seems the friends don't mind?
I don't count myself among them, I'm barely a passer-by, but I still enjoyed being around Chrystal and her silly emojis :3
Also hello crossanon~
Hey creepy? user.
So then who was honeypotchan??
Spiderchan's younger sister.
I hope she comes back
Chrystal what do you think about me?
Huh? Oh you're welcome!
Spiderchan or Honeypotchan?
That didn't answer what you think about me.
Like how do you see me as a person.
I think the person accusing you might've been me baiting. Did they pretend to get really mad if you called them a neckbeard?
This many faggots wanking it to someone's gut and moobs.
I'm relieved
You know exactly what is expected of you.
Is mouse in here btw?
You are super nice! Sorry the question confused me. Did you mean struggling with your identity? My very amature opinion is you're just a cross dresser.
I don't think I used the term neckbeard, but yeah I think other people were playing along too. Do you mean that very first thread?
Drink bleach?
Aaw thank you for calling me nice even when I feel myself being a trans more then crossdresser.
Amsterdam, about 600$ for a 2 room appartment
Who is/was bankanon?
Chrystal, idc. Keep posting porn and emojis and acting like a horny "one of the guys" girl so I can have fun and unwind when I come here, thanks.
Back to cuckchan with you
during all that time pretending to be a girl, did you ever consider the fact that perhaps you're a flaming faggot
that was pretty gay, but i can understand it being fun if i was in chrystal's position
meanwhile all the real grills on here knew you were a guy so no harm done :) thx for trolling the penises baibai
I made a fake profile on a dating site, just to see if you would view my profile, so I could post your pix on here.. I assumed you were must a troll when no one viewed my profile.. I forgot what site it was, I never used it before.. TX user was gonna drive cross country for some booty. You should of set him up with a some fag off of Craigslist and filmed the encounter from the bushes, anyways, you still are a massive faggot for encouraging cross dressing user.
tldr your advice was/is shit
Well whatever. I liked those Chrystal cum pic threads, can someone else continue them?
i am this person.
what about vinnie?
Burgers & Fries (and fucking multiple guys)
mouse was banned.
I wish I saw antiamerica-anons face when he first realized his love was a dude. lmao.
It's actually a relief to know there was no great girl who lives too far away from me.
orrrrrrr maybe there's just a little bit of faggot in you after all?
There has never been any faggot in me. Not even a little one.
Can you forgive me? I felt pretty bad about it.
Like I said. I'm relieved. I wish you had let me in on the secret though. I would have played along. You say you feel bad but you're a liar so I don't know if that's true or not.
Every fucking day, all god damned day you making ridiculous threads about yourself, derailing thread after thread to spam your stupidity, demanding everyone change to your whims. You're pathetic. I mean not because you're on Holla Forums all fucking day, because you spent money trying to pretend to be another person barely anyone cares about to no real end. Why would anyone give a shit? Why would you possibly think anyone would care about any of this?
You're not funny. You're not attractive. You're not witty, or interesting, or remotely intelligent. You're just an autistic narcissist who when confronted with reality will once again retreat back into spamming the same shit.
You suck.
It is true, but I'm glad you're relieved.
Message received, you won't see me except in Kennedi threads.
fuck the fuck off you triple nigger
Go create profiles on sites like reddit and harvest e-rep, a name for yourself and attention over there.
The worst of it all is that this community gives these tripfags what they want and even applaud them.
Then again, what do you want if your board vols are namefagging attention whores themselves.
Holla Forums was always full of faggots, but 8ch Holla Forums has become the farthest thing a random and anonymous message board like Holla Forums is supposed to be
Get more mad. You're almost there.