Civil War (((Current Year))) edition

It's that time again Holla Forumslacks!

Discuss which states will get BTFO'd irrecoverably, which ones will rise to power, how many liberals will be stomped under foot by either side(s), and so on.

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If Hillary wins the election, she'll probably carpet bomb Germany with her "culturally enriched" military in case the German people decide to overthrow the German government.


Her army will be too spent fighting the uprising pockets in the home front to ever worry about backing up her galpal.

Tsk tsk shill, you're not going to get those pennies if you fall behind like that.

We've already discussed civil war in the USA multiple times, but what about Europe and the rest of the world?

There pretty much has to be a revolution simultaneously in every civilized country with an army. If it's just in one place, then the UN and all the jew led countries would come at once to genocide the rebels.
If it happens just in the west, then Russia and China are free to send their military and just conquer everything. Taking a country which is in a civil war by force with an organized military would be easy.

The next one will be highly fractured. States splitting into new ones and aligning with others.

North v South will not be happening again. Urban v Rural with sieges that will not last very long. Urban centers raiding rural towns and small communities that can provide for themselves. Eventually these small communities will band together and overthrow the Urban areas that will be largely starving and without power.

They will try to take what you have and give nothing back.

It's basically going to be like Syria

Already drew this, this is very likely

Texas would not survive independently so it would join the PCU

PCU friendly with SU but not aligned culturally because niggers lol

PCU and SU hate WM and Left Coast

WM fighting two front war between SU and their Russian allies

Alaska possibly under Russian control

Aztecas not really a nation, more like a destabilized zone via Hispanic radicals.

This is a big risk for Germany and Europe in this election, when the German government falls whether they will recover their former glory or be overtaken permanently by globalists totally depends on if Trump wins or not.

Yes it will, but not just north v south. If a breakdown in the government happens the governments of the south will finally crack down hard on the negroes because they all know what the problem is in the south.