Pipe menus are love

Pipe menus are love.

Pipe menus are life.

I've never seen a faster way to access files than this.

Have you come across or thought up any exceptional ways to use pipe menus lately?

tiling wm is love
just rxvt, tmux and vim
what else you need?

emacs sucks

that OS sure is shit, install Debian, Arch, Bedora or Gentoo.

Using the mouse is always slower than keyboard. So your menu system is inefficient and belongs in the trash

I don't think that's necessarily true, tbh fam.

I wish Openbox and Enlightment weren't the only window managers with this amazing functionality.

xfce has pipe menus too, and you can add a directory menu as an item in a panel

I wasn't aware the Xfce menu was even editable.


It is if you aren't a pleb that doesn't know how to type.

Is it better than openbox?

Oh yeah no, I'm not talking about the XDG applications menu (which is embedded in the desktop right-click menu), I mean the desktop right-click menu itself. Would be so nice to be able to insert some customized pipe menus into xfdesktop's menu.

Is there a way to get pipe menus with dwm?

Tell that to Rob Pike...
With the keyboard, you think.
With the mouse, you do.

Is what better than Openbox? Bunsenlabs is just Debian with a finely tuned Openbox setup.


ohh gotcha. I've wondered myself if there's a util for that.

Shrek is love
Shrek is life

get this shitty interface off my board


Typing is only efficient if you already know
1. where to look
2. what you're looking for
So kindly go fuck yourself
inb4 I have over 9000 IQ get on my level pleb!!!!!

I have over 9000 IQ get on my level pleb!!!!!


I have over 9000 IQ get on my level pleb!!!!!

May as well just use windows if you are this stupid

Hi uriel

For saving images I don't know how I'd manage without the Save File to addon

problem I have with pipe menus is lack of thumbnails when hunting for images.

That's pretty neat, I haven't gotten a new Firefox add-on in quite a while now.

Perhaps if a thumbnail was generated on mouse hover over an image item in the menu?

Anyone else here remember threads for Th !e.FaLconO6's guides on firefox addons? Does he even post on imageboards after hitting it big with logicalincrements.com?

That's not a bad idea; this Browse.. button in my browser could use a pipe instead of opening another window.

pipemenus are garbage for looking for files
but they're great for opening software
but then awesome does it way better

Man, being a faggot is so trendy nowadays.

Tab completion won't save your speed when you have several similarly named directories.

pipe menus* are great only when in addition to search. searching is way better and should be the primary method of access. pipe menus are good for browsing all available options you have.

* which are really just a method of representing hierarchy. the real enemy is flat icon menus as in gnome3.

Y'all niggas know there's more to pipe menus than file browsing right? The OP was just one example of how to use them. You can for instance create a pipe menu to check your email.

yea, no
either use a tiling WM and have a dozen terminals open, switching between them with the wm's keybinds
or use a regular WM and have one terminal with tmux running in it, switching between windows and panes using the tmux keybinds

using both a terminal multiplexer and a tiling WM just feels counter-intuitive, as you're using your WM's shortcuts to switch between the WM-managed windows, but the multiplexer's bindings to switch between the terminal panes. Add vim-splits with the default keybinds on top of that and it's a complete clusterfuck, three different sets of shortcuts to switch between programs, terminal windows and vim's splits

maybe. personally with the sheer amount of images I have from decades on imageboards something like shotwell or gthumb still makes more sense for my collection.

If you know what you're looking for wouldn't that make it faster to use your mouse with piping?
Unless the names of your files and directories are all really short then you could be about to navigate significantly faster with your mouse once you know the pattern.

This guy fucking gets it.

What's a pipe menu?

when you make your whole "my computer" as a submenu...

tmux has tabs. It's still useful with a tiling wm

terminal emulator


A pipe menu is a menu that you "pipe" a script to, such that its contents aren't static but can change.


I press winkey+shift+enter, type command or partial command then tab to get list of commands. I can also type winkey+p and run programs directly.

Why the fuck would I mess with a multi-window mess? Also the rice helps me or something. I do not know what the fuck

How can it be that Openbox is literally the only window manager or desktop provider that allows for pipe menus?


Judging by this thread, linux is full of autistic retards that get triggered by useful UI. And they wonder why the millions of meme distros combined can't even hit 1.5% of the userbase.

You want a good UI? Put everything on your desktop. Fuckin nerds.

What I would love from that Bunsenlabs Places pipe menu featured in the OP is some way to bring up the "Open With..." dialogue for a file. I can't use it for accessing certain file types regularly because I often end up opening them with different applications that aren't my default choice.

Then I assume you have never used zsh.

Have you ever had any non-trivial directories? Torrent directories for example? Instead of trying to find the one you want in a menu of hundreds, it's so much easier to justcd *Boku\ no*

If you don't know what you're looking for, why the fuck are you looking for it?
If you don't know where to look, how will a bunch of nested menus ever come close to helping? Surely you'd use "find -name \*.jpg" or something?

why am I not surprised





That's what I do, actually.

If you're going to pretend a messy desktop is for the sake of user convenience, at least make it convincing.

Theme sauce?

what about PekWM

Is Fluxbox still around? It had pipemenus, no?

I thought you wanted ...Freedom!

Thats super nerd. Who wastes all those hours programming?

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just kys. Pipemenus are only good for launching GUI applications like>>598876