OC Thread #3

The thread is solely designed to post, talk about and possibly improve our own shitty OC creations. You gain nothing from posting here or you'll get a couple decent ideas, who knows but nothing will happen unless you're willing to leave your comfort zone.

If you have any form of writing you want to share (such as a pastebin or something similar), post it in the write thread (unless its a quick green-text, then its fine)
Ignore the autist that keeps derailing the thread, the BO was already notified and Beyonder said he'll keep an eye on the thread

Previously on the OC thread:
>Tekka posted more of his brown-waifu, tranny face finally got a face lift Posted in the Questionable Malcontent thread
>Tempered user shares his redesigned sonic inspired Art-wise idea
>Some user posted some-sort of TV TV is the head creation
>Another posted his furryJoJo inspired OC

Thread #1-archive.is/fyBTz
Thread #2-archive.is/Vuhfl

Other urls found in this thread:


Also no sign of user from the original OC thread.

Anyone got a link to that script he wrote?

How come Holla Forums has all kinds of interesting OCs and sometimes even accompanied by some kind of lore, but /furry/ seems to have nothing but inane donutsteel fursonas?

Because furries are mentality ill faggots by default. There's no saving them, even the horsefuckers from /pone/ has better OC then them.

Horsefuckers are just a subgroup of furries, despite how much they want to deny it.

>horsefuckers *not worse than furries

I've actually been roaming around doing drawfag requests instead of working on OCs. Plus I'm working on creating new characters instead of trying to fix those old OCs



Here ya go

The hell is that thing?

What about the ones with the suggested changes?

me trying to figure out my style

which motion blur looks better guys?

There's a style?

The third one but the both of them look to define.

1, definitely one


You don't "figure out" a style you sycra drinking fagtron.

Your style happens automatically as you gain information and adopt things that you find appealing. You probably won't see it until you git gud though.

None of them. You're not supposed to use smudges like that for static images, especially when it covers the main subject.

If this is an animation, it's impossible to judge it by a single frame.

Because alot of furries are shit at writing. They tried to create some /furry/ universe there before and it fell apart after 2 days because they couldn't come up with a proper foundation. Furries always seem to fall into the same story trap when it comes to their anthro shit they always want to do something with fantasy and have anthros be some second-class citizens to humans.

None of them. Best suggestiong I give. Redraw the kick from the beginning and the ending at the same time same picture then draw the motion blur between these two kicks.

Big guy is Vertal, little guy is Horiz. They're sentinels/cops/security guards for a setting I'm working on. Horiz has a family, Vertal lives alone. The bug girl is just a bug girl, mostly using her for practice. Same for blue lady

This summer I'm gonna get back to work on the script and start hunting for a new artist to do pics of them. I think it's about time I start giving this idea some more light.

Stick to a blonde mane, the rainbow color doesnt stick or it could just be the art style.

It was the artstyle right there.

I never really chose a mane color for Tom because I never really planned for the comic to have color (colorists are expensive dude) but I would probably go for white or blonde. Another detail they missed is that Tom's horn is supposed to be burned at the tip. This is due to when he was younger his magic was forcibly halted by outside interference.

Did you make the 3d models or are they for reference?

Made them

Hello bones

Thought you guys might be interested in this.


Contain your erections.

What's with this style cancer? All of those are the same. That's just asking you to draw a different scenario, not emulate an art style.

Something like pic related would be much more interesting, though I can't find the blank template.

Is this your self-insert, user?

Heya folks, it's me again, I just wanted t' get some suggestions and feedback on lil' Button here. I get the feelin' that she's lookin a bit, "CalArtsy" in a way, though that could just be me seeing that ol' "beanbag face"

I don't see it.

Whose the artist behind the fourth drawing?

Why are they in loin cloths?

The problem with the CalArts style is whether it's hard edges or curves, it's too soft. There isn't a sense of strength or confidence in the lines. A good variety of line strengths plus a good sense of what you want is enough to avoid the CalArts style. So it isn't the beanbag face that's the problem as long as your lines of confidence.

CalArts Artists replicate what success, that's what they doing. In the 90's they tried replicate the Ren&Stimpy Style, which they failed. Now the Potato Smile Style.

What you are talking about is: Just don't be very restricted.

I hope you guys where practicing while i was gone. Too bad this place is dying pretty fast.

B-but why, though?

I love seeing your work, I'd hate to see it vanish!

Thought I'd try a chainmail/loincloth combination

uhh.. I may have sort of given up on them. Idk, I just didn't feel like the story was really going anywhere, but I feel kinda bad bc the characters were turning out decent.

Tbh, pic related is the most I've drawn of them recently.

Shame, felt like we were getting somewhere.

What makes you say that?

Probably because of how long it takes for a response to come in on threads and the fact you've got alot of threads here that are months old at this point. I felt like the userbase on 8/co/ dropped a few months ago or has steadily been dropping.

It's just not 8/co/ it's EVERY board on Holla Forums. Between all those consecutive months of constant tech issues, false promises, and Jim gaining full ownership a lot of people have jumped shipped either back to cuckchan or some other imageboard.
Sad fact of the matter is: we've lost a lot of good people. Even sadder is the fact that we're not getting them back. Cuckchan might be terrible shithole but the fact that posting works coupled with the idea that there's always someone responding to or making threads outweighs a lot of the good Holla Forums has done in the minds of many people.

It's a vicious cycle as well the more people that leave the less posts there are. The less posts there are the more people leave. I've noticed in some places there has been small recent surges of activity but Holla Forums is still nowhere near as active as it was during its prime.

Odd because it looks like both Holla Forums and Holla Forums regained a lot of their dropped traffic.
Before the whole site transfer it was around 2800 for both and when the site officially transferred, it dropped to 2600. Now its back to 2800 even peaking at 2900 for Holla Forums. Hell even boards like /pone/ got an increase in UIDS (95 to 125).

Maybe Holla Forums just has bad luck. Or those shills that keep trying to blame Holla Forums for everything caused more damage than originally thought.

Or maybe its just summer and people are out doing shit? Holla Forums never really had a big user base in the first place.

Here's it now.

So this is how imageboards die, huh?

Holla Forums becomes exactly like it's creator, hotwheels, thus dying a poetic death, meanwhile halfchan just becomes more and more pozzed.

I'd be tempted to start my own chan, but I'm not sure it'd be worth getting dox'd or any of that shit.

Jesus Christ, would you fucks stop it with the D&C crap.

I don't know whether you fucks have been paying attention but Holla Forums's actually been gaining people the last month. With TOR back, shills can't say shit about the site anymore. If you have any complaints go to /sudo/ or else do please! Do us all the favor and fuck off somewhere else, we were having such a nice OC thread before you fucks came along. Either stay on topic or fuck off.

Well shoot, that's sad. So what are the new character you had in mind?

Never really said that Holla Forums will die out.

16chanSay no to spam

Say no to spam = Say no to spam


I meant my own chan as in an imageboard straight from my piratebox. Of course it'd be some shitty one board chan, but still.

Crashing this thread

The furry fandom started as an inherently special snowflake group to begin with in which it was built around designing anthropomorphic alternate identities. From attention whoring it was made, and to attention whoring it will return.

Oh Null you shouldn't have!

What's the story behind this guy, reminds me of Huey from the Boondocks.

You can partially blame SA for the modern day furry. Their constant raids back in the late 90's and early 2000's caused them to spread about from their usual forums.

Quit being such a sourpuss and enjoy it while it lasts.

What's the story with this guy?

It must have been the "triggered" image. As of yesterday, that was the only thing I'd ever posted here that lined up roughly 1:1 with the version posted elsewhere, and thus the only thing that a reverse image search would have turned up.

>tranny face finally got a face lift Posted in the Questionable Malcontent thread

That's Baggy-chan. While she's roughly modeled after the aforementioned tranny face, she's a separate entity spawned by a conversation in the QM thread a few months back.

The nose really does make a difference.

This is an in-progress t-shirt design showing the player characters of the games I've worked on with my friends.

There really isn't much to comment on, its pretty bare bones. The knight looks good though.

I'm aware these aren't the most original looking characters, but they're weren't designed for any serious projects.

They're alright I suppose, it needs to be fleshed out a bit more.


Holy shit, you're the one that posted the original picture of the tranny with the animal nose in one of the OC threads and got shit on for like 50 replies afterwards.

To be honest, I know that this whole site is Holla Forums territory with me being an avid pol user but I seriously love me some brown girls, especially when they have white features. As much as I love blonde haired, blue eyed qt, I really enjoy your OC, especially after the massive facelift you gave her. Call me a filthy race mixer but I really like the look of your OC now tbh fam.

Bravo user, you are now my nigger.

BO pls

If you want to rulecuck censor chans like 4chan, at least do all of the ones people have been shilling.

Yeah, right.

I had two things.
First was this concept I made about 3 years ago where these two characters were basically divine entities in training, Death the Kid, who is not a reference to an anime, I didn't even know there was already a character named that, and Life the Child. I ended up getting stuck on it tho bc of the fact that I wasn't really sure how to set up the world around them and how to make the rest of the cast. So yeah, I'm having some difficulties with this one too.

The second idea was two things, a cute little girl meets a space fugitive who unfortunately crashlands on Earth. I originally wanted to make the space fugitive a big bear or some sort of fierce creature, but I also considered a unicorn more of a reasonable fit for the girl. I haven't really expanded on this either, I'm just working on designs for now.

tl;dr my characters are underdeveloped and shit and I need assistance pls.

The second idea sounds much better.

An alien criminal disguising himself as a magical unicorn, while tricking a young girl into hiding him from the space police, sounds like something that would air on Adult Swim.

Eventually they find real magical unicorns and the series becomes a parody/satire of the Phoebe and Her Unicorn webcomic

The unicorn is also voiced by Gary Anthony Williams

Which one?


When i have a decent introduction and planned out the first ark you'll hear about the story, for now i need a feel for what i want to do with this comic.

Presumably the one that's displayed in the catalog.

Because /furry/ is one part /r9k/, one part ongoing drama depo. There is some creativity but it's occasional and doesn't compare to early days.

I do intend to provide some stuff that's relevant to both /tg/ and /furry/ and that might invigorate both boards once I'm done with it, but I don't expect to finalize it absolutely any time soon.

What's brushing story behind her?

Howdy folks, I'm back with another character,

This guy here's some dumbass who thought he could be some kinda real life super hero by mashing up the themes of a baseball player and a detective together.

I need some advice on the color palette though, because I've not a clue what color his uniform should be, aside from the brown jacket which is subject to change if need be.

Actually I kinda like the white under coat

thanks user! Question tho, how do I design a cute girl? I tried doing the overalls dress and shirt underneath but there are already characters like that

I like this character a lot

it feels incredibly exploitable


or a simple checkem or else

Ginger hair, freckles, green eyes, twin bun pigtails. Keep the overalls and make her around 9 years of age. Give her a bubbly but naive personality, she knows she really should've grown out the whole unicorn stuff but it's something really close to her.
Give her a little sister that always wears a tutu with curly blond hair.

It's an interesting coincidence that someone else has an idea of baseball equipment guy.

Indeed it is. I guess this is what I get for basing a character off those terrible "Bat"(as in baseball bat) man jokes.


These threads used to be titled "character design thread". Now they're titled "OC thread". Really symbolic of the change from good old Holla Forums anons to tumblr users.


I know how you feel user. Just last thread we got literal furry shit, niggers, and deviantart donut steel tier faggotry all around. these really should have only lasted one thread, before all the autists came in.

Honestly its just people posting their shitty OC's (Honestly that's what they are why call it something else?), considering the rate this thread is going (post wise) the next could return to the original name.

By all means you can go back to this shithole if you want- boards.4chan.org/co/

The design you had going seemed good, get rid of the skirt though.


Autists like or from the last thread are the natural conclusion of any OC thread- tumblr faggotry and deviantart autism. The decent people here knew this, and yet they just kept going, didn't they?

Yes, and you can feel free to write about your oppression and plight of censoring xer's original characters at tumblr.com

Exactly. This is why we need to stay vigilant against the tumblrtards that plague this place. I personally find the "tumblr >fuck off" guy an obnoxious spammer, but in the end, he's kind of like a neccesary chemo, isn't he? He doesn't contribute anything to the board and uses sage as a downvote, but, ultimately, he's looking out for us. I don't want this place to fall to the same fate as 4/co/. I don't want it to become tumblr-lite. I care about it. That's why I need to call out tumblrtards whenever I see them. And god are these threads crawling with them.

Amen brother.

Dubs checked. So, is this now a jojo thread? Should we do the same thing we did to the AT threads (now /jojo/)?

Good luck with it, though im not sure where you're heading with the whole magical urban design.

Yes, yes it is.

Did he post anything else or was it just the baseball guy?

Kept the overalls, added shorts instead of a skirt. I'll color this later, but for now, what do you guys think?

Looks good so far, though some might have an issue with the art. No nose for the girl?

adding noses to humans never really was my style. should I add one?

Never hurts to experiment a little, if it doesn't fit try changing the facial design a bit.

(DOT)nl was word filtered with others due to cp spam

it was word filtered until it got in the way guess he missed one


Crazy, aren't they.

Maybe you could give her a cowboy handkerchief around her neck, see out plays out.

You could give the archive a look.

*see how it plays out

Fuck me with a rusty pipe.

Fuck off

fuck off

Back to cuckchan.


fuck off






Kill all cucks and SJWs.






Quads say tumblr and cuckchan must die.


You ever going to elaborate on it?














Don't forget jews and mudslimes too!

And so shall it be.

Good get.





What went wrong?

I have no idea, just take screen caps, archive it and email the BO.

Well, if all we wanted was to admire big guys, I wish someone would've just said so earlier. It's not as though Tranny Face is the only character I'm working on.

I'm not the one featured in the OP, I was just making a guess based on what the guy had said.

Sure is halfchan in here.


What are you talking about? Previous Jojo threads went smoothly.


Nice, you finally got the face down. What's the story with the Trent guy?

Easy: Some retarded fucking faggot had the bright idea to call this an OC thread instead of a Character Design thread like some tumblr faggot.

And you're one of the reasons why thread derailing exists.

Baseball bats are great weapons. You can find them everywhere and it's satisfying to swing.

Are we being raided?

Oh fuck off, there's no excuse for dumb cuckchan tier spamming.

Probably goons, seems vaguely similar to the template thread nonsense they've been trying to push on Holla Forums.

I'm just saying, OP naming this "OC thread " and the abundance of "quality" from threads past and present like this was like placing a flashing sign saying "Spam Me."

But this is the first time this happened

On boy, we got a special one dont we?

Never gets old.

Hey I was wondering what's with her eyes? Did she lose them and had to get a pair of cybernetic ones?

I can understand the problems people are having.

Character Design Thread implies showing a character and then feedback improves it based on our experience with comics and cartoons

OC Thread implies just showing off self-inserts like whatever the flying fuck is.

I don't think there should even be threads like this here, gives a shit what some anonymous people on Holla Forums are doing with their webcomic that'll never start.

That would've been posted even if the thread had a different name. There's no stopping autists, just look at the single image spam for proof.

This, im just surprised they've copied anything from the east design wise, considering they like referencing the shit out of them.



It's "beyonder" btw

Jesus christ what a faggot. I guess in the end there's no where to go if you don't desire tumblr hotpocket faggotry on a Holla Forums board, is there?

Unfortunately not. I guess. When one makes or moderates an imageboard, people like are bound to show up thinking everyone will automatically accept them as 'one of them' if they have enough epin (xD) reaction images, irregardless of how autistic and functionally inept they seem to other people. Worst of all, since they hold the same obsessively sperging mindset that is required to moderate an internet forum, they get in kahoots with the moderators. These people will fight ever so vigorously for their safe space, until either the mod gets tired of some random suck up emailing them at the slightest opportunity or everyhting goes to shit and the sane people find another IB or board to go to. All we can do is speed up that process by triggering them whenever possible and enjoying the laughs there is to be had as they sperg out.

That guy's an autist, he was defending some 'tard that posted xe's nigger tranny OC in the last thread too.

Daily reminder that ACTUAL SPAM like isn't deleted for hours on end but emailing someone about "spam" (read: having fun) is censored right away. What happened to Holla Forums being the antithesis of safe space faggotry?

We got publicity. Suddenly all these faggots obsessed with le epic internet drama came in and demanded everything they don't like be deleted.

Even on Holla Forums the mods are banning what they subjectively deem to be "spam", read: what they disagree with, while actual spam gets no punishment. Are these really the faggots in charge of Holla Forums?

God. I guess this is it? We're slowly becoming halfcuck again, filled with the same insufferable faggots and hotpockets?

There ought to be a dedicated board for fighting the respective cancers of each other popular board. Something like /chemo/ if that hasn't already been taken and can't be claimed. It'd be easy: create a cycling thread for each major board, and try to make the autists go away. We'd make Holla Forums great again.

you didn't see the thread last night did you

Sent a claim request for /chemo/. I'll make sure to make you a fellow mod user, assuming codemonkey gets off his ass and it goes through successfully.

Awesome, user. Here us spooky evil goons can plan out our spooky evil raids against the innocent citizens of Holla Forums and others :^)

daily reminder that that's what sperglords like and actually unironically believe

Holla Forums is one person now and funposters are only one person, gotcha.

you fuckin' retard

So I guess we can safely assume that this thread will never recover.



This thread has everything from whiners to counter-whiners to offtopic and avatarfags by now and nobody seems interested in original content.

So now we wait until the claim goes through?

Why I'm just posting best fem!jojo with no malignant intent. My folder's almost out anyway.

Just screen cap the responses and send an email to Beyonder.

Yes, and ignore the faggot that keeps insisting people email beyonder when we're not even breaking any rules.

We're just talking about the thread and past threads. Perfectly on topic. Now if you consider "whining" against the rules you've already gone off the safe space deep end and there's not much I can do to help you.

And then we have this guy filling the room with strawmen.

I really hope he eventually gets a trip so I could block him. And ten bux (joke intended) says he's the very same faggot calling everyone that triggers him goons.

Im out of sfw fem!jotaros ;_;

I personally fail to understand what rules we're breaking that would require such desperate and assblasted action. Spamming? No, all we're doing is talking about these threads. We're not going off topic, we're just conversing on the state of the OC threads and Holla Forums at large. Maybe he's just incredibly challenged.

Right on the money user.


I think emailfag was initially referring to:

You'll forgive me if I'm skeptical about that being an organic development. At least it culminated in a good get.

Oh, that does seem like a rather homosexual thing to do, and also not of my doing. Refresh, they're all gone now.

I think whoever did that was just really desperate to get quads. At least enact your master plan in the span of multiple threads to make it seem lest orchestrated, smh

In the interest of being more on topic, I've decided to create some OC of my own to wait it out until you get the /chemo/ email. How do you think I've done? Keep in mind that drawing with a mouse is rather difficult, and my art skills are rusty because I don't have any interest whatsoever in art and have never drawn on a pc. I call him "le emaill man of sucking moderator cock", and he thrives in his natural habitat of his parent's basement using hotpockets as nourishment. Here we see him writing up an email at this very moment, at this very post, in fact, as he has gotten very offended at it. Criticisms?

For a mouse and little experience it isn't too bad.

I have but one my anonymous friend. His pose seems rather stale, and I think such a neckbeardy physique would be better suited doing something like screaming about "goons" while his mother looks down on him from the basement door, dissapointed. Can you manage that, old pal?

Pardon me for being out of the loop, but who is this email man, and why does he send the emails?

One gorzillion hours in paint, m'lad

Red frog waif user here;
She was an old demon i drew when I was still obsessed over SMT strange journey and spent some time looking through a list of yokai in wikipedia. I did make other designs of demons but they were all coldsteel-tier.

Looks like an odd combination of Frozo and that one snowman from final fantasy. It's solid but the eyes / visor look out of place

Thank you verily sire. I wonder if we could locate emailfag himself, in all of his autistry, and confront him on the accuracy of such a design?

Full blown autist that plagues these tumblr-tier threads, presumably >>598804 and . Incredibly afraid of goons (sa forum members) raiding his shitty threads for some reason. really likes emailing beyonder (as opposed to just using the report button).

Oh, he's watching this thread. Wallowing in his asshurt and sperging out even more, maybe even preparing a long winded reply.

I wonder how many emails he's sending right now. I'd like to read them, like the blog of an insane person slowly breaking down.

It'd have very rich narrative potential.

I've been working on this chuckle fuck for too damn long, and I can't seem to get his eyes right.



Eyes seem fine to be what are you trying to do?

the character is supposed to be a younger guy, so I want his eyes to give off a youthful, almost naive appearance, but also be fairly stern.

So status on claiming /chemo/ user? If you want we can talk about this over irc or email.

I think you already have the eyes down, have you considered changing the eyebrows?

His eyebrows must stay as they are, big and bushy.

I think eyes2 looks the youngest

Personally he looks young enough, do you have any other image of his face in a different position?

Yeah, I've settled on them as well. He's supposed to be around 16-19 years old, and considering how huge he is, going for the youngest eyes is probably best.

I have this incomplete animation.

Holy crap nice. But yeah I think you got the face down, but you could always try modifying the shape of the head.

Because flailing at your enemy at only slightly longer than arms reach is so useful in a world of guns.

No response, here's the email I sent.
Nah, talking about it here triggers the autists that think we're "derailing"

You can have a gun and a bat.


/chemo/ will make Holla Forums great again.

feels good mang

but how will we get other people to visit it? just relentless advertising?

Got anymore animations?

just this

Not bad, keep practicing. Have any actual completed works?


Simple: we get rid of cancer on boards and attribute our efforts to /chemo/. Once people see what we're doing, the traffic will naturally flood in. Fixing up the tumblr faggotry on this shitty thread and shitty board will be our first project.

Shame, keep drawing though. I'd like to see your progression.

Jesus, this place does need a fixing-up. look at all these faggots still trying to give tumblr: the thread life.

Like this?

Not really, anything colored and complete?

Then start saging. Donut Steel: the thread starring emailfag and whoever the fuck posted does not deserve to be bumped. Try dioposting, too. It triggers autists.

I don't really have anything on me.

Oh well, keep practicing

If you have a gun then the bat is dead weight and the one thing soldiers and cops hate more than anything else is dead weight. Most cops go completely unarmored most of the time because just a vest can easily run 30+lbs.

If you're going to carry a melee weapon it'd need to have use beyond a signature look. Lightsabers are universal can openers and glowsticks, cattle prods and tasers are less-lethal and generally quieter than guns.

Before adding gear to a character try to put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself if you would reasonably have any need for it. If not then either leave it out or make the character bloodthristy psychopath like Mad Jack Churchill.

I'll just post as many cringey deviantart OCs as I can until the sperglords actually still trying to give this thread life go away. And the mods can't ban me, all I'm doing is posting OCs as per the thread's request.

It is when you're a device to tell a story about futility of choice and concept of relativistic immortality

Is that all you got user? Concerning deviantart, there's a lot of cringier shit out there. Mostly involving pregnancy and/or self inserts.

What about Casey Jones?

I sometimes wonder how do character who exclusively use melee weaponry operate when they go against someone with a gun. Alot of times they're saved by someone else before a shot could be fired or better yet they take out someone with a gun then use it against the others.

If you were walking around with a bat or some other melee weapon as a vigilante would you carry a firearm on you as a 'just in case'? If so it would need to be a small pistol.

these can't all be serious, there's no way people can be this autistic right?

Shrek and shadow is the hottest meme couple though, lets be real here

Chirstcucks everbody.

Everybody can access the internet, user. Everybody. Also keep in mind that these were probably largely made during 2006~, where the counter-clture of calling things out as cringey or embarrassing only existed on SA and 4chan and the like.

whomever made this should be raped and crucified.

What about a BATGUN

How would it shoot baseballs at such a speed to actually do considerable damage?

it's powered by sheer hatred.

Protip: save pictures with few colors in .png, and pictures with many colors, such as photographs, in .jpg.

Well I'm done with the sketch.

Nice, but the left hand looks kinda off

aye, I see it.

That's much better. So what's the story behind him?

Out of boredom I mad a few shitty quest threads on Holla Forums. It lasted too damn long, and I was updating nearly everyday. A mod bump locked me, and I used it as an excuse to jump ship.
Now I feel the little half cooked story I was developing had gone to waste, so now I'm refining it and am hoping to repackage all of it in a series of comics.
not a web comic mind you, but a comic none the less.

Richard is the "protagonist" in a way, but he's more of a supporting character to be honest.

Neat, so is it a medieval setting or something?

Can't top you. That's the best cringe I've seen in a while.

the short answer:Yes

The long answer:**The setting is the far flung future, you know the drill. Think of the aliens universe with a small dose of the supernatural. To travel FTL Engineers took the system shock approach and broke reality in order to bend it's rules. Well this is bad for the universe, so after a hundred years or two of doing this, the universe gets fed up with this bullshit and just fucking breaks. Now every time you go FTL you end up in what amounts to the warp.
As a result every single off world colony not in the immediate vicinity of earth is cut off, millions die, and millions more are left stranded on strange hostile worlds.**

Enter [Planet to be named, lets call it X for now], Planet X was a pretty large mining outpost off in deep space. The planet was already habitable and full of primitive life, so setting up was easy. a military contractor also set up base here as lab to create super soldiers for hire, as the planet was in a legal grey area. The upper class is made up of various test tube babies, all beautiful and nigh immortal. and every one else is mostly miners, engineers, researchers and various other people who'd be interested in living on planet X. the general population is descended from east Asians and Europeans, so a lot of motifs associated with the two will appear. All is fine and dandy 'till FTL becomes impossible. though cut off from earth and all other worlds, planet X goes on just fine. Until a psychic sets off a super massive explosion in the main population center, killing most of the planets population and destroying most of the planets infrastructure reducing the people to a fist of the north star type world. and then that blows over people rebuild and eventually start to forget about civilizations past.

A few thousands years pass, there's knights in shinning armor, mages and wizards, dangerous and exotic wild life, war and strife, and towering super soldiers sleeping in the mountains. Richard is an orphan from a recent war taken in by a kindly couple, little do they know Richards father was a genetically engineered killing machine. His adoptive father teaches him how to fight like a champion. He grows up fairly fast, looking like a young man and standing at 6 feet tall by the age of 14, doesn't help that the physical labor he does on a daily basis has left his body chiseled like granite. As result of that and the grim situation, he is married off at that age, he and his wife get along fairly well despite her being around 4 years older than him, they have their first child a year later. Richard later joins a religious convent dedicated to helping out the needy during these trying times. At the age of 16 He is sent out on a pilgrimage to the continents largest city. that is where his long and arduous journey begins

or at least that's the idea.



sooo, if we tried to make another thread but named it Character Design Thread, would it still be counted as autistic since it's been tainted?

yeah, it's kind of like if a woman went through a few years of being a complete whore. She may try to go back to her old pure ways, but she'll always be tainted

If you do this, don't make the same mistake as OP the retarded faggot.

Brand it Character Design Thread 3, and don't have that autistic "Last time on the previous thread" shit.thread

Well, just in case the plan is still to nuke this thread good and proper, I guess I'll get in responses to those who'd queried. I'll try to stay concise.

He's a former special forces operator who now acts as a freelancer. He captains a small spacecraft, manages a team of fellow paramilitary contractors, and is an adoptive father to Reina better known as Tranny Face around here.

She was created as part of the KAIROS experimental cybernetics program, along with 59 others. In addition to being genetically engineered to have a predisposition for compact, athletic physiques, they've undergone long-term chemical augmentation to improve bone and muscle density and make them more receptive to cybernetic augmentation.

The cybernetic eyes were just one component of an extensive battery of cybernetic augmentations applied to the KAIROS.


Good stuff. The only issue I see is that the shoulders might be set just a bit too far out from the torso. When you're dealing with a muscular physique like that, the upper arm sort of tucks in between the pecs and lats when it's at rest.

He's not the only one. The last thread spent the better part of a month intermittently shitposting about my faggotry, but it still managed to recover by the end.

A thread is only as autistic as its participants. Giving it the correct name certainly couldn't hurt, though.

this better?

Just like that.

It always makes me happy to see artists seriously studying anatomy.

I try to make a sketch a day.
spoiler for lewd

with tits that small she might as well be

PNG export keeps fucking up in krita and I was too lazy to change the colorspace.

99 bottles of beer on the wall,
99 bottle of beer,
You take one down and pass it around…

I too appreciate good anatomy
good job user, keep it up

Sweet honey, go on!

What are they fighting against space jihadists or something?

Holy shit that's good.


How big are you exporting the thing?

Hey Holla Forums remember that time we went through a bear phase?

Then that bird phase

What phase is next?


It was really just one user pushing the bear thing on.

That was pretty much independent from the rest of the board-tan discussion. The cartoon thread came up with a couple decent ideas but in the end they couldn't keep themselves together.

I liked the bear personally. The cartoon thing though well that was an artist heavy thing and not many showed up so you knew how it would turn out. They did have some pretty interesting ideas and designs but ultimately didn't have any goal in mind besides OC, nothing wrong with that.

I have no gripes about bos/co/ but the fact the artist that was spamming him put a lot of people off.

Honestly the cartoon thread would've worked if they didn't focus on creating a world where everything had to fit in perfectly. It wasn't the Infinity-verse, you can practically do anything with a cartoon. They should've just allowed people to use whatever character they felt best suited a certain comic strip or green-text story. Nothing cannon just have fun creating and if a certain character trait is used by most, then let it be.


That is a better idea user. I remember the first thread of it had that in mind but then it went into the canon territory. Hell we could try it one more time with that in mind but there would need to be a proper way to introduce it. I guess take it more like classic cartoons where they do their own thing and have their own cast till they crossover for a short or something. Eh it's just food for thought since I doubt many want to try it a third time.


The arms need a lot of work; they look anorexic thin and the hands are too small. Ears should also be slightly visible, since she looks like she has none. Either her shoulders should be lowered or her breasts raised higher on the chest.

The eyebrows need to be thinner, too.

say that to my face fucker and not online, see what happens.

Eh, changing the image is going to be a bit of a problem, but I'll keep it in mind

Sure it could work, if there's enough interest it'll bring in people naturally. But one of the main rules should be whatever is made for the thread will be public domain for everyone else. If you create a character don't expect your creation to stay the same, if the majority likes how a character is contrary to the creator's intention, well too bad and vice versa.

But user I don't know how to draw, only how to write

Yo I got name for the third pic.

The guy in the background can be the Turd Burglar, right. A Welsh master criminal who smuggles the jewels he steals out of countries by using his master pickpocket skills to place them in the anus of an unsuspecting passenger on a plane. Even if he get nicked the fuzz will have to let him go since they have no evidence. Then he can just get on the plane and steal them back once he lands.

Think Lupin III but

His arch-enemy can be the sleazy French interpol agent Ouvrier P. D'entrée. A chain smoking badly dressed hapless fool that keeps getting outwitted by the Turd Burglar, sometimes even unwittingly carrying the jewels himself.

Or maybe I am just high

Try the write thread then or getgud.

user you forgot about the fist

Man I don't see no fist. It looks like the sheep fucker is waiting for something to fall out of the faggots ass though.

quick scrap

Finally colored them. Which one seems better, anons?

There can only be one creator of a unicorn character in this thread.

But nah the first one with the orange hair looks best to me.

Orange hair + Striped shirt best

Yeah, work a little more on your art first.

Definitely the first one for the girl but the second one for the unicorn.

You forgot the freckles.

What the hell is that supposed to be?


That aint no fist. That is a partially opened hand waiting to thrust itself deep within Ouvrier P. D'entrée to reclaim the precious Bourbon Sapphire that Turd Burglar stole not a fortnight before and cleverly hide within the colon of his arch-nemesis.

are you the fucking character designer for code lyoko

I'd still hit it

Thanks, guys.

Well, I fixed the freckles tho you can't really notice it. Also added names and altered Mark's colors.

I'm not too sure for Mark as a name. Maybe something generic like Akabras but everyone calls him Mr. Sprinkles because you know cute unicorn name. Requesting white fuzzy spots on Mark's back to complement the Mr. Sprinkles name

It's just a coverup name since he's disguising himself, but Mr. Sprinkles would actually fit better


I'd watch that cartoon.


Hey again, it's me from ,
and .

Seeing as this thread is still somewhat shambling, I was wonderin' if I could get some suggestions on what to do with this young lass.

This character, Lace, is meant to serve as a superior/older sister figure to Button, the 2nd pic in OP, and I'm trying to figure out what color her hair should be.

All I know so far is that the color has t' contrast with Button's black hair and that the color should definitely NOT be white/gray since she'd look like an old lady.

I feel like the redhead would work for her

Seconding with the redhead pick. Elder redhead/younger brunet(te) siblings are common in cartoons.

I'll vouch for the little violet hair, it fits more with the dress.


What the hell is that ugly thing!

Don't practice by imitating Butch Hartman. Even by toon-styled standards, his shit is horrendous.


I kinda like the first one

Looks pretty t the eye though.

Its also one of Holla Forums's leading fetishes

If that's your scrap, then what do you consider an actual good piece?



I had too.

have a cute grand theft auto 3 OC

Yeah, you might have the wrong website kid.

ah fuck thanks carl

Wait I missed it, what was there before?

Some things are best forgotten, Miku.

Something terribly drawn

People should really start reading entire threads before they post

user you better post the source of the second pic

Need help.
Trying to make this guy look more "Retro Future" while trying to retain the general "Clunkiness" of his design while also wearing "fancy" future clothes.
Any ideas Holla Forums?

okay, so turns out I was wrong and I suddenly wanted to work on this concept again, so I'm currently redesigning all characters. Kira is finished, now I'm working on Deimos.
if you need an explanatipn on who these characters are, read over the first thread

Holy shit, its a massive improvement!

How does the wheel work?
Thinking about how characters work makes 'em believable.

Designed her for my animation course, so had to draw angles and such. Curious on you guy's thoughts on her. She's a really dedicated reporter, possibly insane too.

The way her face is visible through her glasses makes her design too busy and hard to read, in my opinion. I'd say make it so that only her eyes, eyebrows and her cheeks are visible.

I'd also recommend keeping her mouth completely away from them, as it tends to create tangents.

I like her design, it's pretty cute.

There can only be one Kira in these parts.

thanks, user! any input you could add?

I like her, but maybe add some sort of little colorful tie on her collar to contrast her plain outfit. It'd match up well. Don't forget to stretch and squish her character more when you want her to be expressive. 6/10 decent waifu

I'd masturbate to porn of her

this thread is unironically some OC donut though, your post fits right in

Does someone know about an outfit generator or a database or something along those lines? I'm alright at creating any other aspect of a character except for outfits that would actually fit them. Or just outfits in general.

It's not really OC if you do that spurdoposter.

You'd have a better time looking at outfits from google images. Or buy the Sims I guess.

I mean i don't know what i expected from the designated tumblr thread but still JEJEJEJ


The wheel operates on pure bullshit since I ain't no engineer.

Apparently, some kind of mechanism inside the robot allows the wheel to go in or out of the body for desired height, meaning that a large amount of the internal space is taken up by the wheel.

New Thread