ITT: Fuck The Allies

It isn't a commonly accepted view amongst the dross commoners, but the Allies were legitimately the morally black 'bad guys'.
ITT: Post why the Allies were so fucking terrible.

Some shells struck the Lake Nemi Museum, but they didn’t cause much damage. Then a few hours later, smoke arose from the Museum and soon the two ships were burnt to ashes

Other urls found in this thread:|publisher=St.|publisher=Mount;–38)).–1938).,–33).;,;–Czechoslovak_border_conflicts;–Hungarian_War;–Ukrainian_War;–Hungarian_War).–19)#Background)),;;,ózef_Piłsudski;–Soviet_War;–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact;ózef_Beck).;–Ribbentrop_Pact;;;;,–89)#Stalinist_era_.281948.E2.80.9356.29;;;;;;;;;,;,_1st_Baronet;;,,,,,,ürzburg_in_World_War_II).,;;;;;–50);;;;;;;;;;,_Jr.).,

Say what you will about the politics, but an anti aircraft battery is a legitimate military target.

The New Zealand Corps were ordered in early 1944 to lead an attack up the Liri Valley, which was overlooked by the historic Benedectine monastery of Monte Casino, which was built circa 529, perched high over the coastal road from Naples to Rome. The Allies advance would end in the monastery's destruction.

The NZ commander, Lieutenant-General Bernard Freyberg insisted that the monastery be bombed before his men advanced. He believed that the German's were using it as an artillery observation post and that heavy weapons were stored there, though this was false information.

On the morning of February 15th, 1944, 229 American bombers dropped 1,250 tons of bombs on the monastery reducing it to rubbble.

On March 23rd Freyberg called off the attack. It had cost them over 2,000 lives and achieved none of it's objectives.

They were allies with Stalin's Russia.

Allies with the USSR murder machine, friends of international socialism, the greatest engine of mass murder ever devised by man.

Western democratic businesses, banks, and governments funded the Soviets.

America is the only nation to ever use nukes in warfare. They dropped them on civilian populations.

"The Allies" also firebombed Dresden, and Tokyo. Remember the Blitz of London was only done in response to Allied air raids on Germany.

Britain started the war with Germany. Japan took one of America's bases, which American took as justification to murder every last Jap until they obtained an unconditional surrender.

The Germans and the Japanese fought to keep Communism out of Eastern Europe and Asia. Their loss lead to the rise of the Soviet Empire and Maoist China, exactly the sort of nightmare scenario the Axis were trying to prevent.

Never forget that "the Allies" were allies of the USSR.

The Allies created the holohoax, sold out their nations to Jews and other foreign interests, promoted mass degeneracy, desegregation, feminism, abortion, egalitarianism in general, tore down Rhodesia and South Africa, and have generally done everything in their power to destabilize the world in general, and the Middle East in particular.

This. The UK and US ruined the world, badly.

Even if the holocaust was real, it pales in comparison to Soviet atrocities anyways.


Why does everyone here dislike abortion so much?


During our proudest moment French nigger troops also went onto a huge rape spree (of course) on the Italian civilians, with the (at least) tacit approval of the allied high commands.

Also there's no justification for the atomic bombs. It was to test the weapons on the Japanese.

As if Japan had other choice but not to attack preemptively since war was coming anyway. The only reason US wanted to enter the war against Japan it's because anglo-influenced-by-jew community cocksucking each other. They were scared Empire of Japan would cuck Australia.

Monkey Hueland fought in Italy with a few detachments. Niggers raped Italian girls very often.

They were scared Britain would lose their shit in the Pacific.The first things japan attacked were Britain possessions,captured a lots of britbongs.

Also Mussolini went to UK and French to ask the restitution of part of the clay to Germany,he was afraid that Germany would attack Italy to gain life space for their people.Both refused,and then applied the sanctions for the attack on Ethiopia(bullshit,it was the same year Italy privatized the bank,getting Italy out of the schemes).Fascism worked so good we were out of the 29 crisis faster than anyone else.

And water is wet. More news at 11!

Tell that to the normies. Thats the whole point. If we must change society, Truth must be shown; But we will be called nazis if we show them the truth.

There is no free speech in our societies. And normies, althought they said it, in reality gobble up whatever the TV says.

Proles are the ammo in the social wars that cliques of elites wage against each other for power and dominion. Illuminating the masses is akin to trying to educate your shovel.

Truth is irrelevant, as 95% of people don't care for it anyway. They're slaves by choice, ignorant by dictate, and cattle by definition. Truly goyim. Their reality is whatever is artificially constructed for them by the people currently in power. The SJWs of today would've been the most fervent NatSocs of yesteryear. People are cattle, and you're a fool for thinking they have the ability to transcend their limits.

There never was. Even if you were to create a true Utopia, the vast majority of its citizen would just parrot the ruling zeitgeist. People are followers. Slaves. The fact the majority of them aren't seething with rage from being chained and shackled to filthy semites and home-grown traitors via economy slavery is more telling of their mental framework than anything else.

Today's TV is yesterday's Pastor. To quote Fallout, 'War never changes'. And the war for the hearts and minds of men is the only one that matters - the subsequent ones waged on the physical plane are just logical, foregone conclusions.

If you want to change things (no idea why you'd want this, because it robs men of responsibility, which itself is the impetus for growth), you'd need to attain power and tear down the ones who currently enjoy it.

Good luck with that.


It is true that the majority of people dont give a shit though. Look at voting rates. The majority of people do not even vote despite it taking 20 minutes.

Most people just want a quiet life. That is why the person who speaks of bringing jobs back now has the Republican party nominee, not at the wishes of the party higher-ups but at wishes of the people who actually voted.

And there is nothing wrong with wanting a quiet life. Dont be some giant negative douche who cries about the shortcomings of man on an internet imageboard as if you are the perfect man, meanwhile Joe in Pennsylvania just wants a job so he can support his kids and wife.

It depends on the conditions. Usually between 50 and 90% of people really do not give a shit about politics and just want stability, safety, and predictability. But you cant pretend like the effects of the masses does not matter. Look at what spics are doing to the US and how they are changing the political environment. 75% of beaners who vote, vote left. Sometimes even up to 80%. Blacks vote left at a minimum of 85% of the time. 95% of black voters voted for Obama.

You're being far too cynical about it. Going on about "oooh people are cattle damn it all". If you dont have any faith in your people, why should they have faith in you?

Fuck the Allies and their trustworthiness. Anglos truly are the bane of the world.

At least my ancestors fought for the right side.

Even though they ended up stabbing their brothers in arms in the back

Dont worry.

You know, the abby would have been a supreme strong point for the defense, but the Germans refused to use it on the grounds of it being a cultural heritage to be preserved, they informed the allies of this too.
But they bombed it anyway, missing the actual German positions

Well from the information OP provided, yeah pretty much nothing happened. Its not possible to come to any other conclusion unless you have brain damage or something.

Not that difficult to comprehend.

The cool thing about Monte Casino is that many of the people who work actually work there sympathize and view the axis forces as the good guys.

come on

Educate yourself you nigger, even kikopedia suffices

The Germans concluded an agreement with the Vatican in December 1943 giving assurance that German troops would not occupy the abbey.[42] The British official history, first published in 1973, states that the German commanders considered the "Cassino Position" to be the keystone of the defensive line[43] but concludes that "There is abundant and convincing evidence that the Germans made no military use whatever of the abbey's buildings until after the Allies had wrecked them by bombing.

Fuck everyone involved in the war tbh. It was nothing but a retarded shit flinging contest as a continuation of WW1's clusterfuckery. There was nothing to save, nothing to protect, nothing else to lose. Muh people? What the fuck is the point of saving muh people by sacrificing them into warzones to die like dogs for no reason? You war mongering cucks just making the world seem more miserable for everyone.

The world was pretty much destined to be doomed since protties won 30 Years War and brought the jews with them. Capitalism and banking were a mistake. Tsardom Russia was pretty much the last hope the world had, but it got slaughtered from all directions and converted into a commie jew paradise. For the europeans, God is dead already.

Dumb ass germans thinking that they could save the eurosphere by introducing EVEN MORE dumb pointless gimmicks called nationalism and race worship. How will that kind of crap restore the faith of the people? Didn't they know what started the the chaos at the first place? Have fun in Dresden lads. Should've stayed at weimar and be thankful of whatever you got faggots.

The jews have re-engineered this world into a selfish world. Poverty, racemixing, and population growth beyond control are some of the symptoms. Capital, progress, and standard of life are the only thing in people's mind. No one cares about faith and sacrifice.

God is the only thing that can get rid of that selfishness of the jews, everyone would live and die in any condition for God no matter what. Dying for your nation and volks doesn't make you a saint or even anything, but dying for God, nothing is more rewarding than that. Faith was the only thing that could save the world, but no leader dares to put faith above all anymore, not even the current pope.

So it's all checkmate now. That's it, Jews won, no hope for your utopia lads.

Those are kike words, boy.

You can bet your ass that the Allied bombing campaign in Europe occurred specifically to destroy cultural sites, murder civilians and terrorize the populace, military targets were secondary concerns. It's the same as what Cuckstians did when they invaded Europe by murdering pagans, especially targeting the priestly caste, and destroying holy sites. The purpose was always to destroy the true heritage of Europe so that it could be replaced.

ALL Semites and Semitic ideologies must be removed. Peace cannot be achieved until even the memory of their vile race has been erased.

I wasnt talking about that you retard. Where the fuck did I even mention that?

If everything's so hopless, why don't you just save everyone some trouble and end yourself?

If I recall correctly, the eternal city herself was spared mostly because of the intervention of the Pope. Anglo subhumans would've probably bombed it to the ground otherwise.

National Socialist Germany was a perfect nation we should all hope to be able to see again within our lifetimes. A nation for Europeans built on European ideals, which is why the Zionist controlled, Rothschild owned Allies were deployed to destroy it. The Jews don't give a fuck if you stay a good goy worshiping their cousin and their god, but yahweh forbid that Europeans should have faith in themselves instead of a Semite and the theistic communism taught by that Semite.

The god you speak of is nothing more than a construct of Semites. The divinity which has always mattered to Europeans is within our blood.

I said it's hopeless for your utopia where whites live with whites happily ever after to take place.

It's not hopeless for yourself though, if you have enough faith to give you a different worldview. Faith must make you think positively and not lose your mind regardless of what kind of fresh shit the world throws at you.

People like this these one specimen for example, are hopeless creatures that don't understand a word I said.


You'll have to go back to leftypol

fuck off ya britcuck and I can tell your a britcuck by the way ya talk. Your country literally sucks jewish cock and ya think your so high and fucking mighty with your nihilistic trash thinking you can devert blame away from your hell hole of a country.

Hitler didn't want war, it was Churchill who did. he wanted the people to be safe and prosperity to rain for their to be peace in europe but it is impossible with kikes fucking shit up and so they had to be rooted out.

You go on like the nazis did not believe in god, but you are wrong they literally put gott mitt uns on their badges. In reality the faith of the time was half co-opted with catholics opposed to hitler who literally ended poverty in germany at the time before the war, while the protestants/calvanists tolerated the jews and didnt even follow true biblical doctrine half the time and finally the masons and jews had already spread their tentacles far and wide corrupting christianity in the nation.

After Hitler got in and cleaned the trash people were happy the germans in germany finally could live happy lives and many regained faith.

Germany wasnt per say about race worship it was about hightening your people to their highest extent physically, intellectually, emotionally and spirtually. To try to reach the highest point the top of the mountain not through underhanded mean but through hard work day in and day out, love for oneself and your people and faith in a higher purpose.

oh wait your a blood sucking kike probably also live in britain you fucking faggot I can tell by your language



Kaka, yes, faith in a Semite and a Semitic god sure has worked out great for Europe. The ideals and heritage of our race have been all but vaporized, Semites control everything, and other foreigners are imported on mass to replace us as slaves since the Semites fear we might reawaken to the nobility in our blood as the National Socialists did.

Scum like you are why we are in this situation. You get to hang with the Semites you love so much.

What the fuck are you shilling about? Europe has become the most secular continent on Earth over the past century, even moreso than East Asia at this point. Nice attempt though.


Karelians are in the finno-ugric culture-linguistic-racial group, the same as the finns.

It's like saying "bavarians aren't saxons" their still German.

false, I don't even speak english.

God is obviously not their priority. Hardly see a God in their movement. They're nationalists, they love nation more than God.

You don't get what I'm saying. The chance to get rid of Jewish influence completely has been missed because people don't truly believe in God anymore. We now believe in freedom, which the jews have bandwagoned into. We have lost our common standard and there's no chance to make a new one. The natsocs might uphold virtue, but they have no further reason behind those virtue, therefore it can't be absolute and universal.

Like what Yuri Bezmenov said, sane people won't die for truth but they will die for God. Because truth is empiric and empty, while the mysticism of God is infinite. This is what I mean by faith. You can spew out all the truth you want, like what the nazis tried to do, but don't expect it to change change the world.

Do you want to know how people instantly know you are a subhuman brit?


Normies piss me off with their lies about Hitler and Germany. Holla Forums, you guys, piss me off with your lies about the Allies.

Can't you see? He speaks freedom.

I wish the d&c would stop, British government might be cucked to hell and back but there have always been true Britons trying to fix their shit.


Legendary post.

Where in the world did you get the idea that a single country's national purpose was intended to be absolute or universal? What the hell does this even mean?

And then they had the gall to call Hitler and his allies "The Axis of Evil."


ITT: LARPing stormfags who cant stop sucking Hitler's cock and wishing they could fight in the Wehrmacht despite being more out of shape than any liberal.

They did good in the East at least.

But what's happened to the West today is a direct result of their doing.

Historical context
{{see also|Events preceding World War II in Europe}}
At the conclusion of the [[World War I|First World War]], the [[German Empire]] signed the [[First Armistice at Compiègne]] on 11 November 1918 as an end to hostilities with France, the British Empire, and the United States during the convoluted [[German Revolution of 1918–19]], which began 29 October 1918.

Negotiations between the Allied powers regarding post-war Europe started on 18 January 1919 in the [[Salle de l'Horloge]] at the [[French Foreign Ministry]] on the [[Quai d'Orsay]] in Paris. Initially, 70 delegates from 27 nations participated in the negotiations. The opposing nations of the [[German Empire]] and the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] were excluded from the negotiations. At first a "Council of Ten" comprising two delegates each from Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Japan met officially to decide the peace terms. It became the "Big Four" when Japan dropped out and the top person from each of the other four nations met in 145 closed sessions to make all the major decisions to be ratified by the entire assembly. In June 1919, the Allies declared that war would resume if the German government did not sign the treaty they had agreed to among themselves. The government headed by [[Philipp Scheidemann]] was unable to agree on a common position, and Scheidemann himself resigned rather than agree to sign the treaty. [[Gustav Bauer]], the head of the new government, sent a telegram stating his intention to sign the treaty if certain articles were withdrawn, including articles 227, 230 and 231. In response, the Allies issued an ultimatum stating that Germany would have to accept the treaty or face an invasion of Allied forces across the Rhine within 24 hours. On 23 June 1919, Bauer capitulated and sent a second telegram with a confirmation that a German delegation would arrive shortly to sign the treaty.

On 28 June 1919, Germany signed the [[Treaty of Versailles]], a peace treaty which formally ended the state of war and imposed various punitive measures upon Germany, including [[Treaty of Versailles#Military restrictions|military restriction]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Territorial changes|loss of territory and colonies]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Reparations| war debt, and effective acceptance of blame for the initiation of hostilities in World War I]]. At the time of the armistice, an attempted [[German Revolution of 1918–19|Communist revolution]] transpired (October 1918-August 1919) , resulting in the abdication of the [[Wilhelm II, German Emperor|Emperor of Germany]] in November 1918, and what became known as the [[Weimar Republic]] was subsequently established in the wake of the uprising. The transition from [[monarchy]] to [[republic]] was difficult, and many in the new government were not supportive of the democratic system of government. The officer class gave little support to the Republic, and Germany was forced to borrow money from the United States and others to pay its [[war reparations|war debt]], imposed by the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In the early 1920s a period of [[hyperinflation]] made the [[Reichsmark]] almost worthless. In January 1922, one [[US Dollar]] was worth 191 Marks, but by November of the same year it was equal to 4,200,000,000 Marks.{{cite web|last=Kalfus|first=Richard|title=Weimar Republic 1919-1923||publisher=St. Luis Community College|accessdate=6 May 2014}}

In 1932, [[Adolf Hitler]] was appointed [[List of Chancellors of Germany#Weimar Republic (Reichskanzler) (1919–1933)|Chancellor of the Reich]] following a contentious election. Under Hitler's leadership, the [[Reichstag (Nazi Germany)|Reichstag]] turned the government into an effective [[dictatorship]] under Hitler's oversight on 21 March 1933 with the passage of the [[Enabling Act of 1933]], and the economic hardships were significantly diminished via implementation of new economic and social policies. After five years in power, Hitler [[Anschluss|annexed Austria]], former component of the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] (allies of the former [[German Empire]]), into Germany, despite such an act (specifically, "prohibition on the merging of Austria with Germany without the consent of the League of Nations") being banned by both the [[Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)|Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye]] and the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In early November 1938, the [[First Vienna Award]] was signed, allowing Germany to seize the [[Sudetenland]], a German-speaking area of [[Czechoslovakia]] which was formerly a part of the [[German Empire]]-allied [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]]. Soon after, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and also gained [[Memelland]] (part of the former German Empire from 1871-1920) through the [[1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania]].

While some sources claim Hitler still wanted more, to create [[Lebensraum]], or "living space", for Germany, other sources claim evidence of [[Ethnic cleansing|hostility]] on behalf of Polish [[partisan (military)|partisans]] toward [[Germans|ethnic Germans]] in the [[Polish Corridor|Danzig Corridor]] (territory lost to [[Germany]] as a result of the [[Treaty of Versailles]]) which may have served as a motivating factor for the [[Invasion of Poland|German invasion]] (often portrayed as [[propaganda]] to justify German [[expansionism]]).

Two [[Western powers]], the [[United Kingdom]] and [[France]], gave [[Anglo-Polish_military_alliance#British_Guarantee_to_Poland|guarantees]] to [[Poland]] that they would declare war if Polish independence came under threat, as presented in a statement to the [[House of Commons]] by British [[Prime Minister]] [[Neville Chamberlain]] 31 March 1939 (formalized by the British 6 April 1939; not ratified until 4 September 1939 by the French):

{{quote|… in the event of any action which clearly threatened Polish independence, and which the Polish Government accordingly considered it vital to resist with their national forces, His Majesty's Government would feel themselves bound at once to lend the Polish Government all support in their power. They have given the Polish Government an assurance to this effect.

I may add that the French Government have authorised me to make it plain that they stand in the same position in this matter as do His Majesty's Government.[ Statement by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on March 31, 1939.]}}

Although they honoured these guarantees by declaring war soon after Germany's [[Invasion of Poland]] on 1 September 1939,{{cite web|last=Rapten|first=Pema Dechen|title=Political Disorder: The Weimar Republic and Revolt 1918-23||publisher=Mount Holyoke College|accessdate=6 May 2014}} and although the [[Dominions]] of the British Empire quickly followed suit, so little
practical assistance was given to Poland, which was soon defeated, that in its early stages the war declared by Britain and France was described as a [[Phoney War]].

Further, neither the [[British Empire]], nor the [[France|French]], ever declared war upon the [[Soviet Union]], which invaded Poland on 17 September 1939 (17 days after [[Nazi Germany]] invaded from the West) and held sway over the former-Polish territory at the war's conclusion, having become a part of the [[Allies of World War II|Allied front]] in the course of the [[World War II|war]]. At the insistence of [[Joseph Stalin]], the post-war [[Yalta Conference]] in 1945 sanctioned the formation of a new provisional pro-Communist coalition government in Moscow, which ignored the [[Polish government-in-exile]] based in [[London]]; a move which angered many Poles, who considered it a betrayal by the [[Allies of World War II|Allies]], and, as a result, [[Anti-Communism in the Communist Bloc|as elsewhere in Communist Europe]], the Soviet occupation of Poland met with [[Cursed soldiers|armed resistance]] from the outset which continued into the fifties. The consequences of the [[Yalta Conference]] subsequently added new permanence to the end of [[Poland#Postwar communism|Polish independence]] on 22 July 1952 with the creation of the [[People's Republic of Poland]], a [[Communist]] [[puppet state]] of the [[Soviet Union]] which held sway over the territory from its inception in 1952, until [[Poland]] once again achieved [[independence]] on 13 September 1989, following the toppling of the [[Communist]] regime and preceding the [[dissolution of the Soviet Union]].

The Allies were - mostly still are - Jew-serving scum.

t. German-American

Not really. Abortion has its role in any good eugenics program; as far as it's used to cleanse the population of scum, it is a good think indeed.

Yes, the victors rarely tell the truth, and they write the history books.

Because that's the truth.

The claims against the Germans are largely unsubstantiated and part of a blatantly-obvious propaganda effort on behalf of the Allies to paint themselves the good goys… Er, guys.

Both sides did bad things, that's what happens in war.
The difference is, every little aspect of the Germans has been exaggerated and painted as the paramount of monstrosity, while with the Allies, its 'just the way war is'.

The Allies wouldn't be so ripe for decrying if they didn't try to paint themselves as heroes who saved the world from Nazi domination at every turn, and weren't so deeply in bed with the kikes.

Abortion for genuine and minimally-hazardous eugenic purposes is one thing - sluts being allowed to willfully murder their unborn children, something people promote on the basis of 'well it keeps the bigger population in line! (at the cost of several million perfectly-healthy white babies each year)', is another entirely mate.

If you support abortion without genuine eugenic need, or on the basis of vermin control, you need to re-evaluate your moral/ethical stance… That, or take your autism meds.

Dumping some copypasta

First of all, it goes without saying that the outcome of World War I was extremely unjust with the Treaty of Versailles that was forced upon Germany ( Germany was deemed as entirely responsible for the war by the Allied powers (even though it was started initially by Austria-Hungary and Serbia) and stripped of virtually all military and economic power. German land was confiscated (; The monarchy of Germany was completely done away with and the country was turned into a social democracy, and was plunged into poverty and misery from its debts and concessions to the victorious Allies. (The reparations were so severe, that Germany only recently finished paying them off in 2010 ( Wilson’s League of Nations was the first step in trying to create a one-world international governing body. The Allies played with millions of lives as borders were wantonly redrawn across all of Europe.

As an example, Czechoslovakia as a nation was formed by the Allied powers after WWI. The formation of this country had no basis in ethnic or cultural borders, as Czechs, Germans, Slovaks, Hungarians, and Ukrainians all made up significant portions of the population (–38)). About 20-25% of the population was German, and suffered persecution in the newly-created country (–1938). Forcing all of these ethnic groups together into a single nation on the whim of the Allied powers fragmented the country and it was cut to pieces by surrounding nations in the interwar years.

The Holodomor in 1932-1933 was the genocide through starvation of an estimated 2.5-7.5 million people in Soviet-controlled Ukraine ( The Soviets systematically confiscated food and agricultural equipment in their fervor to remilitarize, control the populace through collectivization (, and eliminate the Ukrainian independence movement. The famine also caused additional millions of deaths in regions such as Kazakhstan, North Caucasus, and Siberia; the deaths were covered up by the government for decades, ultimately only coming to light when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 (–33). The Jewish Soviet Lazar Kaganovich had a leading role in causing the Holodomor and these related famines (

The 1929-1932 Soviet policy of mass murder and deportation of relatively well-off peasants known as “kulaks” resulted in deaths conservatively numbering 5 million ( Later towards the war’s end, in May 1944, Stalin would exile the Tartars from their native land in Crimea, in which over 100,000 died from starvation and disease (

The total number of Christian victims in the Soviet Union due to its state atheist policies has been estimated to range between 12-20 million ( (Meanwhile, although anti-Semitism did exist in the Soviet Union (;, most Soviet leaders spoke out against it and persecution against Jews was minimal:

“Anti-Semitism is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track which diverts them from the proper road and leads them into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death.”
- Joseph Stalin in 1931 ( )

In 1933, FDR, with ruthless authoritarianism you'd expect more from Hitler or Stalin, made owning gold in the US illegal and demanded all gold be handed over to the government through an executive action. Anyone who did not comply faced huge fines, forced seizures and other punishments. All forceful seizures of gold were upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court. (

The Supreme Court in general was under intense pressure by FDR to accept all of his actions as constitutional. This included legal threats to reform the Court to stack it with pro-FDR justices (; One of the most infamous Supreme Court cases, the 1942 Wickard v. Filburn, also occurred under FDR’s presidency. That case was the beginning of Congress exploiting exaggerated interpretations of the Commerce Clause ( to regulate the economy with as much power as they please. In Wickard v. Filburn, the Supreme Court ruled that a farmer in Ohio growing grain on his own farm to feed his own cows had entered into interstate commerce, which meant that his farming activities could be regulated by the government (

Along with Germany and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland in 1939 which ultimately kicked off WWII, plenty of other nations in Europe were involved in border disputes and forced annexations in the interwar years, including Poland itself (–Czechoslovak_border_conflicts;–Hungarian_War;–Ukrainian_War;–Hungarian_War). Like Czechoslovakia, Poland was artificially created from the Treaty of Versailles (it had not been a nation since 1815 (–19)#Background)), and was comprised of all sorts of ethnic groups making up significant portions of the population. In the interwar years, the Polish government pursued a policy of repression and forced assimilation towards the minorities (; The Polish government felt so strongly about preventing minorities from having any political influence that they willingly offered extra territory to Soviet Russia after the Polish-Soviet War in 1921, so that non-Polish minorities would not make up more than one-third of Poland’s population, even though that would have left hundreds of thousands of Poles living under Soviet rule (

Germany’s land mass was split in two from the Treaty of Versailles, with Poland now holding control over the middle ( The city of Danzig in this Polish Corridor became a city-state under Polish economic control, another border change enforced on the whims of the WWI victors, with the vast majority of its population being Germans (Danzig had been a part of Germany/Prussia for centuries) (; In 1931, Poland threatened war if any attempts to revise the Polish Corridor border were made, and the Polish foreign delegate remarked that provocations could lead to a Polish invasion of Germany “in order to settle the issue once and for all” (

Hitler’s invasion of Poland was spurred on by the persecution of Germans in Polish territory (, and the breakdown of diplomatic negotiations. Initially, Hitler greatly respected the Polish government and military leader Józef Piłsudski, especially because of his handling of the Polish-Soviet War in 1919-1921, and foreign relations were kept relatively cool (ózef_Piłsudski;–Soviet_War;–Polish_Non-Aggression_Pact; However, after Piłsudski passed away in 1935 and Józef Beck assumed the position of foreign minister, tensions escalated and the Polish government became increasingly hostile toward negotiations (ózef_Beck). Calls from Hitler for Poland to cease persecution of Germans went unheeded. Hitler’s proposed negotiations for roadways and transportation through the Polish Corridor (in order to reach the isolated East Prussia) while still allowing Polish control of the land were shut down. Hitler’s invitation to Poland to join the Anti-Comintern Pact against Communist powers (which ultimately formed the Axis powers) ( was ignored. Poland then snubbed all German requests for diplomacy entirely after France and Britain entered a military alliance with Poland, promising declarations of war should Germany attack (

Probably, Hitler was confident after his annexation of the Rhineland, Austria, and the Sudetenland, almost all of which was formerly German land that was forcefully taken away by the Allies after WWI. At times, Hitler expressly went against the advice of his military generals when he took that land (especially the Rhineland), since Germany was still ill-equipped for a full war. The liberal governments of France and Britain allowed these land grabs to take place because their public was pacified and fiercely against war after WWI. If the other European powers had fought back at those early times, they would have won easy victories over Germany.

“The forty-eight hours after the march into the Rhineland were the most nerve-racking in my life. If the French had then marched into the Rhineland, we would have had to withdraw with our tails between our legs, for the military resources at our disposal would have been wholly inadequate for even moderate resistance.”
- Paul Schmidt, interpreter for the German foreign ministry (

The Polish Corridor was thus just more formerly German land taken by an outside nation after WWI, where the Germans living there suffered persecution as second-class citizens. The staunchly anti-German Polish government refused to cooperate with any negotiations. However, the invasion of Poland was the straw that broke the camel’s back and provoked countermeasures from the rest of Europe (; Again, this is despite all of that land formerly belonging to Germany until the Treaty of Versailles. German occupation of Poland was also advantageous for the invasion of the Soviet Union a few years later – had Poland remained independent after 1939, Soviet invasion of eastern Europe would have been imminent and Germany could not have gone on the offensive. In my personal opinion, whether or not the invasion of Poland was a good idea for Nazi Germany is still up for debate.

What most people forget, though, is that the Soviet Union invaded Poland immediately after Germany (–Ribbentrop_Pact;; There is a lot of disgust towards Germany for invading Poland to start WWII, but hardly any for the Soviet Union which did the same. Hitler even offered peace to Great Britain and France after the Polish invasion, with the stipulation that Poland’s fate was up to Germany and the Soviet Union, but Prime Minister Chamberlain rejected it ( “On 6 October Hitler made a public peace overture to the United Kingdom and France, but said that the future of Poland was to be determined exclusively by Germany and the Soviet Union. Chamberlain rejected this on 12 October, saying "Past experience has shown that no reliance can be placed upon the promises of the present German Government.”). What could have ended as an isolated European border war ended up forcing millions of men from the US, Britain, France, and more to fight and die against the Axis nations.

Chamberlain’s decision to declare war was an abrupt about-face from his position just the year before:
“How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing.”
- Neville Chamberlain (Prime Minister of Britain 1937-1940) in 1938 (

The Soviet Union continued further aggressive invasions and occupations of other European countries soon after its invasion of Poland (;;, with no meaningful diplomatic repercussions from the Allies. As we know, the US would formally ally with the Soviet Union and provide massive arms support later on; Roosevelt would affectionately call Stalin “Uncle Joe”; and Stalin would receive a ceremonial sword inscribed by King George VI from Churchill in 1943 ( This is despite the British government being fully aware of Stalin’s ideology and massive purges at the time ( “Chamberlain was reluctant to seek military alliance with the Soviet Union, distrusting Joseph Stalin ideologically and feeling that there was little to gain given the massive purges that recently had taken place in the Red Army.”). Even the US was aware of the full scale of Soviet Russia’s murderous regime as far back as 1919 (

And ultimately, Poland ended up worse off in the end anyway, since it was taken over and absorbed into the eastern Soviet bloc after the war (–89)#Stalinist_era_.281948.E2.80.9356.29;;

In the 1940 Battle of Dunkirk, the British and French forces had been fought back to the coast and surrounded by the Germans. The German advance was halted by Hitler and German commanders, allowing the Allied forces to escape through the English Channel; this saved the lives of over 330,000 men ( Afterward, Germany offered peace to Britain and France, which included pulling troops out of France and western Europe – however, Britain and France declined these offers (; At the time, Hitler was much more focused on the east, including the secretive Soviet Union invasion plan; even in Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that he had no particular qualms with the British and even admired their Empire (;;

Winston Churchill, after being appointed Prime Minister and after the Battle of Dunkirk, rallied viciously for war against Germany with no chances of peace ( Churchill pushed for the US to enter the war, and Roosevelt was eager to oblige and well-prepared to do so (; however, he was hampered by the US Neutrality Acts passed since WWI ( Ultimately, he circumvented the Neutrality Acts with the Lend-Lease Act, which allowed for massive military arms donations and sales to Britain and later to the Soviet Union (; The US lent billions of dollars’ worth of military support (in 1945 dollars); the British only recently finished paying off the debts in 2006 ( Roosevelt also initiated the first-ever peacetime draft in American history and increased the defense budget fivefold. At the time, the majority of the American public (especially Republicans) did not support involvement in the war; Roosevelt however was eager to get involved, just as Churchill was eager to push war over peace.

“In making our decision, this point should be clear: these wars in Europe are not wars in which our civilization is defending itself against some Asiatic intruder. There is no Genghis Khan or Xerxes marching against our Western nations. This is not a question of banding together to defend the White race against foreign invasion. This is simply one more of those age old quarrels within our own family of nations – a quarrel arising from the errors of the last war – from the failure of the victors of that war to follow a consistent policy either of fairness or of force.
Arbitrary boundaries can only be maintained by strength of arms. The Treaty of Versailles either had to be revised as time passed, or England and France, to be successful, had to keep Germany weak by force. Neither policy was followed; Europe wavered back and forth between the two. As a result, another war has begun, a war which is likely to be far more prostrating than the last, a war which will again kill off the best youth of Europe, a war which may even lead to the end of our Western civilization.”
- Charles Lindbergh, September 1939 (

Unfortunately, neutral Norway and Denmark got caught up in the war and were eventually invaded and occupied by Germany as a preemptive measure in April 1940 (; The Allies were unilaterally mining in neutral Norwegian waters (;, and the British were planning to invade Norway in that same month (

April-May 1940: Katyn Massacre. The Soviets carry out a systematic massacre of Polish officers, workers, doctors, engineers, etc, anyone perceived to be bourgeoisie. The number of victims is estimated at 22,000. The massacre is blamed on Hitler and the Nazis, even though Germany was the first to report on the graves of the victims at the time. The truth behind the massacre was covered up by governments for decades; only in 1990 was the truth formally released (

A few months after Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union was underway, in August 1941, Stalin issued Order No. 270, which ordered that anyone who surrendered or deserted their military post be executed on the spot, and that their families be arrested and imprisoned. Of the order, Stalin claimed, “There are no Soviet prisoners of war; only traitors” ( This was further enforced through Order No. 227 in July 1942 (“Not one step back!”) ( Stalin utilized “barrier troops”, who were situated behind the front lines and indiscriminately shot and killed any of their own soldiers who tried to retreat (;

In August-September 1941, the Allies along with the Soviet Union invaded neutral Iran in an undeclared surprise attack, deposed its monarch, and took over their oil fields to secure Allied supply lines for the Soviet war effort. FDR’s Lend-Lease program utilized these supply lines. (

The British and the Allies utilized a policy of “carpet bombing” in WWII against Germany, which meant the organized and deliberate mass bombing of German cities, including civilian targets (,_1st_Baronet; They also followed a “target of opportunity” policy whereby any living, moving thing was considered fair game for attacking pilots (

Examples include the “Operation Gomorrah” firebombing of Hamburg in 1943, “practically destroying the entire city”, (; “In January 1946, Major Cortez F. Enloe, a surgeon in the USAAF who worked on the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS), said that the fire effects of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki ‘were not nearly as bad as the effects of the R.A.F. raids on Hamburg on July 27th 1943’”), and the firebombing of Dresden in the final months of the war (, destroying the city and its countless cultural artifacts and architecture, including millions of books in libraries and universities ( Other examples include the bombing of Berlin (, Nuremberg (, Darmstadt (, Cologne (, Stuttgart (, and Wurzberg (ürzburg_in_World_War_II). Neutral Switzerland was even the target of Allied air attacks (, as was an entirely residential town in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands (
It is still up for debate which country ordered the deliberate bombing of civilian targets first (; According to Wikipedia, “evidence suggests that the Luftwaffe did not adopt an official policy in which civilians became the primary target until 1942”, while prevalent thinking both in the British and American air forces included “the bombing of residential centres would cause a collapse of civilian will” before WWII even started ( The Blitz of London was done in response to nightly British air raids, some conducted within hours of Britain’s declaration of war against Germany (

Winston Churchill pushed for the use of poison gas and anthrax strikes on German cities, although the plans were never carried out (

The US supported and worked closely with the Italian Mafia during the war. The Mafia had been repressed during Mussolini’s rule, the only time in modern Italian history when this has occurred (;

In 1942-1946, people with Japanese ancestry living in America were forcefully relocated to concentration camps by the American government, through an executive order by FDR ( Those incarcerated lost their homes, wealth, and belongings.

In the American war effort, rubber became an extremely important commodity. America had lost most of its rubber imports during the war since they came from regions that were controlled by Japan. Through an agreement between the US and Brazil, thousands of Brazilians were recruited to work in the Amazon for rubber production. Workers were given virtually nothing in terms of survival, and over 30,000 died through disease and wildlife attacks working in slavery-like conditions in order to meet America’s rubber demand (;; Before these agreements, the US initially planned to invade and occupy Brazil (

The Allied propaganda machine against its own nations’ citizens was no less powerful than Nazi Germany’s, and had been in full effect since as far back as WWI.

"Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run."
- Joseph Goebbels (;

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country [the USA]. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.”
- Edward Bernays (

Towards the war’s end, with the Allied powers closing in and eventually completely occupying Germany, German refugees were forcibly relocated and systematically murdered and raped.–50)

The Nemmersdorf Massacre in October 1944 was just one example of the mass rape and murder of Germans by the advancing Red Army. In Nemmersdorf, even the Allied POWs staying there were murdered (

In the town of Swinemunde in 1945, a passenger ship full of German refugees trying to escape the Red Army’s advance on the Baltic Sea was bombed by the Allies as it docked (;;
In a similar incident, the German passenger ship Gustloff which was overfilled with refugees and escapees from the Eastern front was sunk by Soviet submarines ( Over 5000 children alone died from this incident.

After American troops took over the Dachau concentration camp, they systematically slaughtered German guards, POWs and civilians by, among other means, lining them up against the wall and machine-gunning them down (

Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany by Thomas Goodrich (; is a recommended read/watch, and presents documented viewpoints from Germans at the war’s end as they are bombed, murdered, raped, and expelled from their homes by the Allied powers.

Operation Keelhaul is the name given to the Allied efforts to forcibly send Axis POWs and anti-Communist fighters east to the Soviet Union, where certain death or work slavery in the Gulags awaited them. This policy was agreed to unilaterally by the Allied powers at the Yalta Conference, and kept secret from the public for decades. Millions of refugees and soldiers died as a result of these policies ( These transfers were often accomplished through trickery or outright force.

The Bleiberg Massacre occurred in May 1945, when hundreds of thousands of Axis troops and civilians in Croatia and Yugoslavia marched westward to surrender to the British before opposing militias or Communist troops got to them. After they arrived in the Austrian border town of Bleiburg, the Allies would instead forcibly repatriate them to the east, where massacres and death marches to prison camps awaited them (

The Betrayal of the Cossacks occurred when Cossacks, Russians, and Ukrainians who fought for Nazi Germany were assured by the Allies that they would be taken under their protection after surrender; however, they were instead forcibly handed over to the Soviet Union (

"The first to commit suicide, by hanging, was the Cossack editor Evgenij Tarruski. The second was General Silkin, who shot himself… The Cossacks refused to board the trucks. British soldiers [armed] with pistols and clubs began using their clubs, aiming at the heads of the prisoners. They first dragged the men out of the crowd, and threw them into the trucks. The men jumped out. They beat them again, and threw them onto the floor of the trucks. Again, they jumped out. The British then hit them with rifle butts until they lay unconscious, and threw them, like sacks of potatoes, in the trucks.”
- from Operation Keelhaul by Julius Epstein (
(Remind you of anything else?)

In order to circumvent the limitations on the treatment of German POWs dictated by the Geneva Conventions, General Eisenhower classified German POWs with the new title of “Disarmed Enemy Forces” (DEFs) instead. The Soviet Union never even signed the Geneva Conventions in the first place ( Thus, any legal responsibility for the Allies to treat German POWs humanely was thrown out the window. The Red Cross was barred from inspecting the status of the POWs ( Eisenhower held the German POWs in crude, poorly maintained concentration camps, where the numbers of POWs who died by starvation, dehydration, and exposure to the elements remains debated to this day (;

Anton Webern, an Austrian composer and contemporary of composers like Arnold Schoenberg, was shot and killed while visiting his grandchildren by an American G.I. in September 1945 – five months after the war had ended (

After the war, a group of roving Jews called Nakam traveled around Europe killing Germans (;

In France, mobs of men beat and shaved the heads of an estimated 20,000-80,000 women suspected of having relationships with Germans ( Americans stationed in France after the country’s liberation from the Germans had a bad reputation among French people, and they committed hundreds of rapes; the vast majority of soldiers disciplined for rape were African-American (

Allied (mostly American) troops committed a number of rapes in Japan during the final months of the war and during the post-war occupation ( The Allied occupying forces censored stories about the rapes ( Rapes by the American military continue to this day in Okinawa (;;;

The Nuremberg Trials were unlike any other event in history – when the victors of a war imposed their will on the defeated nations through a series of demeaning show trials with obviously pre-determined judgements and sentences, using the supposed precedents of “war crimes” and “international law” ( The rules of evidence and proof of facts were suspended for the Trials, making them essentially illegitimate as an actual court of law (Articles 19 and 21:; The concept of “international law” is flimsy in itself, as it implies that nations like Germany or the Soviet Union ever agreed to them in the first place, that the US and the Allies were somehow the rightful creators of such laws, or that a one-world judicial system having jurisdiction over individual nations should even exist. The “defendants” were subject to torture and trickery in order to obtain confessions ( So fervent were the Allies during the Trials that they had to send an expert executioner from Britain, Albert Pierrepoint, to help with the massive number of hangings (

The post-war Allied policy of trying to prevent Germany from waging war ever again, through massive disarmament, confiscation of its industry and territory, and splitting it in two with West and East Germany, originated in the Morgenthau Plan, created by FDR’s Jewish Secretary of the Treasury (;,_Jr.). The post-WWII financial policy for the Allies was also closely overseen by Harry Dexter White, who was Jewish, and a senior US Treasury Department official. He was the senior American official at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference (to regulate the post-WWII “international monetary and financial order” (, a major architect of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and passed numerous secrets to and spied for the Soviet Union (

After the war, the Allied policy of “Denazification” removed any and all traces of Nazism from German culture. Wikipedia: “Criticism of the occupational forces and of the emerging government were not tolerated.” This included banning over 30,000 different books, confiscating and destroying the millions of copies of those books, destroying buildings, censorship of all media, destroying paintings, seizing German property and land, arrests and internment (along with plenty of deaths) by the Soviet secret service, instilling “collective guilt” among the surviving Germans, and more. East Germans lived under the same full-scale censorship as other countries under Soviet control.

Excellent copypasta user.


Would like to add the Morgenthaus are a truly vile family even among their fellow Semites.

The son of Henry Morgenthau, Robert, was the Attorney General of New York during the

It looks like he derailed it, despite the heinous nature of the attack. Interesting note for you Trump fans:

All suspects were vacated of the crime, despite confessions to this and other assaults that night.
After they were vacated partially because of the accusation that the police forced confessions:
All the rapists and attackers received a massive settlement years later despite huge amounts of evidence they were guilty because the prodigal Morgenthau son completely neglected his duty as AG to tacitly work with obviously guilty (he even subtly admits it) whineorities, the kike mayor even bent over backwards to reward these nigs.

Why do people with nothing to contribute always try to ignite religious shitstorms?

I'm contiunually surprised and disgusted by the atrocities committed by Britain and USA, the same as I am with the kikes (although obviously they're more savage and depraved). How many times have Britain genocided large portions of the Irish or forcibly bred (i.e. let them get raped) little 12 year old Irish girls with niggers?

I'm aware that the monarchy has severe jewish mixture, but what of the assumed pure British stock?

All I feel is rage.

It really makes me sick, so much destruction.
Thanks to the allies, cultures like the Danube Swabians and Silesians are dead and the rest of Europe will follow them.


Germans made a deal with Russians where they gave Finland to Russia, but only the Finns back stabbed apparently.

That is not correct, neither Germany nor the USSR had any intention of following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Germany couldn't afford to declare war to protect Finland during the winter war, but still gave them assistance.
In fact, the Finnish air force was all but created by Germany and still uses the Swastika.

I don't blame the Fins though, you have to look out for your own Nation first.
When your choices are expelling German troops or getting conquered by the Soviets, the decision is easy.

Still they made the deal and still Russia attacked Finland, you just have no idea how shrewd people actually are.

And I'm not saying that Germans didn't help Finns, I'm saying that they did made a deal with Russians without the giving the knowledge of the deal to Finns who couldn't persuade the public early enough about the dangers of Russian aggression even though it was clear that the Russians were a potential threat.

Finland was already using the swastika. They called it the "hooked cross" or some shit. The marking wasn't from Germany it was just a coincidence they were both using it and that's why Finland felt no need to stop nor apologizes for it, which is somewhat based of Finland.

Any christ shit I don't consider a big loss. Ancient Rome, Greek, etc., yes, but not christcuck crap.

World War is a controlling myth

you are not allowed to do a,b,c & d
because World War happened and shit
and if you don't believe it happened
you are an anti-semite
no go to prison or the mental institution
shame on you.

Fuck off, you fucking nigger. I'm not even christian and yet this irks me. Destroying historic icons is isis-tier.

Do your own insecurities make you constantly push your faggot larpery, anti-christian sentiments every chance you get?

You forgot baltic germans.

It's funny how the nazis are building their own holocoaster myth to counter the jew's ones and now we have a bunch of germans or nazi sympathizers crying A BLOO BLOO MUH POOR GERMANS

Absolute means it has no defect, it can't be criticized and can't be reasoned further, because it's able to give you all the reason you need. Let me ask you, what is your purpose in life? Why live a virtuous life? Why support your nations and race? How does it affect you beyond a few decades of your life? Nationalism can't answer these, and wasn't formed around these questions, in fact it tries to ignore them by not making them the priority. It's as much of a nonsense as any other ideology.

Universal means can be understood by other peoples, nations, and races. They can easily understand the reason behind your actions. It knows no bound of space and time. Had they fought under a catholic banner, it would be easier for Hitler to formulate a reason why he chose this way and align his vision and mission with the official doctrine of the Church. That way he could be more respected and get more sympathy from people within the Church, and even other proclaimed christians that have respect for those who love God regardless of denomination.

God's word is a powerful tool. It will work as long as you're honest and truly have a faith in it. Quote a few passages from Augustine de Hippo's without twisting their meanings, and you're virtually invincible to all criticism at least from the Church.

You christcucks are delusional, you live for God, something that isn't provable.

that's literally all religions, fam

Which is why the religion should serve the race, something that is real, not vice versa.

Spiritualism should be based on a foundation of materialism, something that exists, else it would be nonsensical and delusion.

It might not be provable or even observable, it's not empiric beyond doctrine study, but can observable truth hold a meaning? How can observable truth be meaningful to you after a few decades of your life ended?

And basing faith on materialism will remove all it's authenticity. It's nothing but a scam, someone will find that out sooner or later. But when someone tries to prove that christianity is made for gaining fortune, their theory is always easily disproved, because that's not the point of christianity.

The point of Christianity has always been making the churchmen rich, with their church tax and church not having to pay tax.

Funny how Jesus's religion is used to do such a thing.

Observable truth holds a meaning, at least temporarily. Non-observable "truths" aren't truth, just lies.

The donation isn't obligatory fam. Those like you mentioned God will judge harshly in the end.

Damn, and I almost thought this was an interesting thread.

Tax is a subject to a nation's law. You're free to tax churches or give them a sum of your money.

How can you live with that? Are you the same as animals, living according to natural instinct without intelligence?

Their absence from tax is actually reinforced though.
Yes, believing in a surreal plane where God will judge people, instead of doing it in reality where we actually live it.

Too bad my nation doesn't exist.

In my nation, there wouldn't be any christian church, just state religion worship sites.

Humans are animals, we all live temporarily, not permanently.

As a form of government respect for religious practice, not canon law of the Church. Remember the render to caesar thing?

No, humans don't live because their instinct tells them to live. They live with a deeper reason in mind. A nihilist, that's what you are. You life has no meaning but enjoyment.

It worked so well in china and soviet, right?

I almost said this one about Monte Cassino was misleading but then I looked it up. I'd seen a documentary on the battle recently that focused on German units using the structure as cover but the true facts of the battle say otherwise.

The Germans also evacuated all historical artifacts from Monte Cassino and transported them to the Vatican with the Pope's blessing. None of this was mentioned in the documentary, just how savage the Germans were and how they were determined to destroy all of Rome I'd they couldn't have it for themselves. All lies being pushed as fact.

That is what Germans call it as well, genius.

An atheist will fear death like all religious men.
And it's better to live a real life than a fake life, like you.
It's funny because the russians and chinese are deeply religious.

I don't.
If the church actually follows its Godly law, it should render all of their wealth into the state.

But no, church keep the wealth for themselves.

The allies did more damage to Europe than the Mongols. They were a storm of rape, murder, torture, looting and vandalism, and since then they have been worshipped as heroes.

Every single Allied WW2 vet is/was an anti-West traitor.

No source but hey lets just assume that's true we can take your unsourced 2 million whites and the we take my sourced claim that black women abort at 5 times the rate of black women. So assuming again the race war is a actual war and your soldiers are killing at ratio of 5 to 1 you are obviously winning no matter how many of your men die. Fucking christcuks I swear

- Roosevelt provoked Japan into Pearl Harbor through economic warfare.
- The US Government claimed "Neutrality" but funneled weapons and supplies to Britain, meanwhile attacking Japan economically. This went expressly against the wishes of the American public, who was in favor of not getting involved.
- U.S.S.R were part of the "Allies"
- Joseph Stalin (murderer of 60 million ethnic Russian Christians) was affectionately referred to by Churchill and Roosevelt as "Uncle Joe"
- Britain conducted bombings at night specifically for the purpose of terrorizing German civilians. (google Dresden) Meanwhile Germany focused its air raids on key industrial targets during the day time.

It's just too fucking easy.

*tips fedora*

Mate, like it or not, the English have been a force for a certain international clique at least since Charles I was deposed.

That's not to say there aren't good anglos. I rather like the English character and values.
But until they rise up against those who would use them to serve the globalist agenda, English can't be admitted to the ranks of decent peoples.


Dont confuse D&C with pure facts. Anglos overrall have been guilty for fucking up europeans for a long time, since they let kikes control their banks.

Kikes are who do this, but anglos let them do it.

Japan is the reason why much of East Asia is communist to begin with Even the Japanese puppet state of Nanjing had Chinese Communist offical put in charge. Not so suprising considering the Hokushin-ron had communist sympathizers

"Those Japanese were real good. Without Japanese's help, China's [Communist] revolution would not have suceeded. I said the same thing to a Japanese, a capitalist, by the name of nanxiang sanlang(?).He kept on saying: 'Sorry, we did invade China' I said to him: 'Don't say that, on the contrary, Japanese helped us (Communist) in a big way', especially Japanese warlords and the Japanese Emperor."
-Mao Zedong's conversation with American journalist Edgar Snow, 1970

The Japanese invasions were also a huge reason why the Kuomintang was weakened enough for Mao's Communists to take over the whole country after WWII was over. The Kuomintang pretty much did all the fighting against the Japanese while the Communists sat on their asses and continued scheming for their own power.

They shouldn't. I'm just an observer, not a revolutionary.

yeah, average englishmen really had a say in that shit

d&c dope

The Finnish air force adopted the inverted swastika as their emblem because it was the personal heraldry of the Swedish nobleman who was essential in founding of our air force. It did not come from Germany.

Yeah, he said "We can take it, Winnie!",

I think all Englishmen worth their salt left for America, which led to the genetic cucking of the Isles.

Too bad, honestly. Forever doomed as a serfs, with no one to lead them to rebellion.

Yeah, Eric von Rosen gave Finns their second aircraft ever. Swastika was his personal symbol.

The first one was given by the then editor of Aftonbladet, which is hilarious.

you might not even be trying to d&c, but you are. which is worse really lol, witless tool of the hooknose



Kraut thread, T.B.H.

If somebody wants to talk about it, call them a "history obsessed nerd" and move on.


I'm with you bro. Amerifag here. I traced my family back to 30 years war and the pale of settlement, I learned a whole lot. This whole thing really is about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

Yes if Nazi Germany had never existed we would be free of the Jews destroying our countries. You are so deluded it's unreal.


There's nothing to fear about death. It's just your life and death are meaningless.

What do you mean by this.

That's a sign failure.

Then you have no right to criticize me.

No, what I tried to say is you can't free your nation from Jews this way. The Nazis were just wasting blood and energy creating a nation no one truly sympathized with and waging wars no one supported. They need a metaphysical foundation, no nation can exist without a metaphysical foundation.


Reminder that the men of Western Allied countries wanted the same thing as Germany, they just didn't have the benefit of a great leader to show them the truth about what was happening to the world. This thread isn't necessarily D&C, but it's very easy for shills to slightly shift conversation about WW2 into D&C between modern white men who, now as then, all want the same thing even if they don't know how to go about getting it.

It has legitimate uses for medical reasons, rape, eugenics, miscegenation etc. But it shouldn't be freely available without a good justification.

ITT: christcucks prove they are the enemy of the white race, if we needed more evidence.

Then please kill yourself.
Fake life means living for any kind of surreal reason, like wanting to be in heaven, instead of focusing on reality.
Uh, what? If anything, country that has freedom of religion is becoming more and more atheist.

Stolz der Nation, the film within the Inglorious Basterds film, has something similar at 3:10 mark (clip.)

of course, and slaughtering milions of slavs in eastern europe was just an accident

Archive and polite sage.

Y'all spelled communists wrong, li'l fella.

all your board r belong to us cumskin