SJWs on suicide watch


It's going to happen and there is nothing you can do about it. :^)

Other urls found in this thread:




It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility which is why it's a good thing that he'll be assassinated within about a week of being nominated kek

I really hope so but I don't see it happening. The US has reached the point where it's so corrupt the FBI has been instructed to find Hilary innocent.
No matter what the votes end up being she will "win" and that will be the end of any hope for another 8 years.

It's amazing how fucking whiny you faggots are – you're just as fucking bad as SJW's

I'm not a 'merican and I understand POTAS isn't a the seat of ultimate power most make it out to be.
If Trump does win congress won't let him do anything so it doesn't really make much of a difference other than delaying the NSAs power expansion for a few years.

The American people should ignore their bread and circuses for awhile and look at the situation their leadership has gotten them into, maybe it's time for a western revolution.

Totally agree; however, Trump has the potential to really set things back as far as foreign relations go. And as volatile as he's shown himself to be, it wouldn't be hard to imagine that he'd treat foreign leaders with the same level of disrespect he shows ANYONE who disagrees with him or who doesn't do what he wants.

During his campaign, Trump has maintained a relatively isolationist stance regarding most issues, but that's because he's not in the hot seat, and therefore, his ego isn't threatened – just wait until he's the one who has to deal with international affairs, and his capricious behavior is put on display on the world stage. I think he'd be an absolute fucking disaster.

Hillary lying for 13 minutes.


You mean put are own country first and not let us get raped in trade deals? It's a pretty sad day when this is seen as being volatile



Er… how? Basically everyone thinks America is shit. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, they are the places America tries to help? Then theres this thing where the White House is like "Yeah ISIS is kinda bad, keep those borders open to allow them to mingle amongst refugees though!"

Then Obama had a meeting with Black Lives Matter, a group Russia has put on its Terrorist watch list since it's concerned about it spreading to Europe.

Like what are you smoking? How worse can things be?

With who? He wants more open trade which the EU and China will like and he is the only one even talking about de-escalating tensions with Russia.

You think he has been fairly successful in business by being unable to reach agreements in negotiations?

Such as? He wants free trade and less military action while looking to mend the US relationship with Russia.
The only way I have seen him talk as an isolationist is by cracking down on illegal immigration and tightening controls on legal immigration.



You say that as if they aren't already

Subtle edit, it took me awhile to spot it.

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant, user…

It's a pretty sad day when petulant Twitter tirades, name-calling, and unbridled narcissism is seen as strength. But I guess he does have a really great brain and the best words and no one knows politics better than Trump knows politics.

The fact that you're actually seem incredulous at the notion tells me you're either autistic or being disingenuous.

As of now the chances of dying in a terrorist attack on U.S. soil is infinitesimal (a fact that Holla Forums doesn't seem to understand); however, i could see Donald Trump's "John Wayne" attitude towards cracking down on the Muslim population making things much worse.

They are their own worst fucking enemies – as long as they're pointing the finger at everyone else, niggers will continue to occupy their pathetic socio-economic status. THEY DON'T FUCKING MATTER! It only SEEMS like they do.

Oh, and I suppose it'll be superextraordinaryfantastic, because he's Trump and he's best business man.

If you believe that, you're a gullible dipshit.

Tact and diplomacy are much more paramount to the success of POTUS, than a Real Estate/Casino mogul.

You clearly don't know what "isolationist" means

Anyway, you dipshits are beyond reasoning with, so go ahead and vote for your master – enjoy watching him get his head blown off shorty thereafter.

The fact that you little minions call everyone cucks is the apex of irony.

Oh hey you are that salty anti pol fag. lmao sperg on bee because pol banned your salty ass? top kek

So you would rather totalitarian rule over people voting for someone you don't like? I know the whole "anti-Trump and commies" meme but you seem to actually be one.
Unless this is just shitposting bait that is

It's an autistic echochamber full of bitter, paranoid alarmists who might as well have special buttons on their keyboards dedicated to the ever so predictable responses they spew.

((( )))

At least we can agree on that.

Some really nice sour diesel. And you?


China? The Muslim world? Mexico?
I'd call that disingenious amnesia. Can I sell that trope to the Trump campaign, do you think?

Who said anything about totalitarian rule? I don't have the faintest idea how you could have interpreted my post as being anti-democratic, but I assure you, I believe in your right to be a dumbass.

((( )))
Afraid to get BTFO cuck?

A lot of people support him, not because they neccessarily think he's amazing. But because he's not a career politician, he says what he thinks, and the establishment is getting itself into a tizzy over him, which can only mean good things in my books. I don't know why these days, that Liberals think the establishment is in the right about things. They used to hate mainstream corporate media.

Otherwise you just vote for Obama 2.0 but with girl power instead of black power.

And we continue along the path thats already happening, globalism, passively reacting to ISIS, which the US caused in the first place. About BLM antagonizing people to the point they cause people to snipe police officers.

Trumpvoters would spit their beer if you said >disingenious amnesia or trope
so no.


Nice cucking for your ((( nation ))) good goy.

Honestly, comparing Hillary to Obama is unfair on Obama. If you think he was bad she'll find a way to be worse

You know your arguments are shit if you claim its straw cuckaroo. Don't you have suck off Jamal before he mounts your daughter again or oy vey your wacist!
mfw you were BTFO

China needs the US nearly as much as the US needs China, a break down in trade would cause a major global recession and both of them know it.
The Muslim world currently loves the US and has ever since they got fucked over when the US promised support if they push the USSR back, it would be terrible for relations to suddenly sour if Trump gets in.
Mexico won't give a shit, Trump will say "build a wall" and congress will say "nope". For all his talk he will have a negligible effect on Mexican relations.

I got that idea because your solution to an election going against your wishes is to hope for assassination. You might have been exaggerating but that isn't how it came across.

Just like how obama was assassinated and replaced with an android.
you're a fucking fool

Problem is what he thinks is retarded. How is that even a reason to vote for literally anyone unless you're a fucking spastic?

Whether it's Holla Forums or Tumblr, it's always a war of attrition. Welcome to the internet, son.

Yes, so do children.

I'd rather 4 more years of the same (which we CAN afford) than 4 years of all the intangibles that go along with a megalomaniac who shows some of the main hallmarks of a literal dictator.
That's not what I'm saying

As much as I'd like to see Trump's stupid face blown into bits, an assassination would be as disastrous as his policies, so I would never hope for that.

That said, if Vegas was taking bets on it, I'd literally put a lot of money on Trump being assassinated within the first year.


you talk like a plebbit cuck. gas yourself.

That is fair, I said the same thing about Obama many moons ago.

Why are you so salty? Trump's 10 inch dong cuck you?

lol wut cuck? trumps gonna lower taxes and deport your taco ass back.

The US needs chinese goods more than China needs US dollars. US companies need to manufacture there or in satellite economies.
A trade freeze, unlikely though it is, would hurt the US more in the short term. Long term is anyone's guess. China hold 4 trillion in foreign currency reserves and 1tr+ in US treasury bonds. That's more than 10X the total exports to the US in 2014.
pics related

Try harder, dumbass

There have already been 2 tangible attempts at his life. Kek

And Obama wasn't nearly as divisive and repulsive and generally detestable as Trump. I believe Trump inspires a different brand of hatred than Obama.

You sound like a girl talking about her boyfrind. Do you realize that?

His plan is also deficit-busting… but then again, according to Trump, we'll just print more money. And I'd be willing to bet that your tax-bracket won't see much of a change.

Stop being so fucking gullible

also, not Latino

Gee I didn't know if you were literal or figurative.

You actually could have made my grammar look dumb, because it wasn't exactly correct, but since you're an imbecile, you missed the mark.

You like Niggers, Spics, and Mudslimes?
You need Jamal for your wife and wife's son. Spics to not be racist. Mudslimes to enrich you.

You cucks are too easy to argue.

Yeah I'm aware of the situation, I actually suspect China might move to a gold standard eventually with how they are pushing their people to put their savings into physical gold while the government continues to horde all they can.

True but Obama pissed off the demographic that train with firearms and form militias while Trump mainly pisses off the demographic that wants to ban guns.

Its good talking to your pozzed neghole. Knowing how shitty cucks are in confrontational situations.

forgot this one to illustrate that China buys cattlefeed from the US, which they can get anywhere and the US buys computers and machinery nobody else makes competitively.
Trump's business is golf and saunas ffs.

Because people trust someone who speaks their mind more even if its retarded, than someone who pretends to be your friend and stab you in the back?

I actually like most of you faggots (unless we're discussing the candidates) – it's why I spend an absurd amount of time on here.

I don't know why every time we quibble over the candidates, people assume that I'm some kind of SJW tumblr-fag – use your common sense, no one gives a fuck about this obscure website anymore except for the autistic stragglers left behind (like me)

Give a concise argument sometime.

I like you too faggot, even if we disagree at least you are making actual arguments which is a nice change from the norm.

I have freedom based autism, I can't use any mainsteam sites as they all suppress certain discussions.

Because you talk like one you faggot.
How about you uncuck yourself?

I see your point about Obama and the Militias, but you're failing to acknowledge the anger that is inside of the modern-day liberal – and I KNOW you know what I'm talking about.

Also, once the rednecks realized that Obama wasn't going ta tek away all their guunz, they seemed to calm their jimmies a bit; as we have learned, he doesn't even have the power pass UNIVERSAL FUCKING BACKGROUND CHECKS.

Same. It's extremely triggering, you don't learn anything, and it's no fun.

How about you just stop posting, because you're not even TRYING to mask the logical fallacies.

What are they going to do? Besides have a fart in at the DNC, scream RACISM, and beg for police while simultaneously demonizing them for good goy cuckpoints?
You liberals are weak, destined to die.

It only seems like a logical fallacy to you because you're too busy with your fucking mental gymnastics to comprehend anything non pozzed captain cuck.

I know what you mean, they seem to produce extremists at a similar rate to ISIS.

What kind of witchcraft is this?

First of all, I certainly would not identify myself as a liberal. Also, I believe you are underestimating the power of the nuclear amounts of SJW assblast that will occur if Trump is elected.

As I pointed out earlier, 2 people have already tried to take him out – and those are only the people we know of.

I liked the liberal larp that faggot did. It trained me. You are the type of kid that would play the villian just to feel the joy of being beaten up and dominated.
2014 was güt.

Except he's not winning. This election is rigged for Hillary to win.

speaking of echo chambers




You feel that because you are a cowardly pacifist. Leftist scum like you will never win a war against muslims.

The weird thing is the amount of Hillary/Bernie supporters that basically would cheer in the streets if Trumps brains was splattered on live TV. I mean I don't like Hillary, but I'm not some sort of crazed bloodthirsty zealot like a lot of the posters here seem to be.

They disturb me quite a bit.

He goes far beyond a refusal to pander to overly-sensitive liberals.

The joke is on you for thinking it's a "war".

I don't give a solitary fuck about ""Islamaphobia"", but Conservatives don't seem to use their common sense when dealing with M00slims. See, I really fucking hate Muslims (yep, even the peaceful ones) for spreading mythological nonsense that is often unambiguously violent and intolerant, but making them feel like it's a "war" against Islam obviously doesn't work so well.

You mean like the THOUSANDS of Muslims in NJ after 9/11? Kek

We are at war….this is a fact…and leftist delusion has life and death consensuses.


Then what are you saying? Unless you're meaning to tell me that Hitler was not a "literal dictator"?

It is not an armed conflict between states or nations (ISIS is a pathetic excuse for a state).

You cannot fight a WAR on terrorism – unfortunately most Republicans are slow learners.

I mean I'm not making the superficial comparison between Trump and Hitler, as their may be some similarities, but it's ultimately a facile comparison.

But Trump absolutely has some of the giant, bright Red Flags of a dictator – he can't stand being challenged on a single thing, and when he is, he lashes out, deflects, or engages is laughable hyperbole.

Its funny, I think Hitler would probably cringe at the thought of being compared to such a crass philistine.



So I'm interested, some people are thinking he will become a Dictator if he gets into office and has made Hitler comparisons.

Exactly in what way will he facilitate this change? Or do you automatically asumme Trump supporters must also be Dictatorship supporters?

He can't answer that user. The closest thing to a "dictator" Trump even proposed is the fucking wall. He wants to enforce border laws That already exist and people call him Hitler for it, these people cannot think for themselves, they hate Trump because the MSNBC told them they should

No no lets run with their argument just for arguments sake hypothetically he uses an executive order declares Martial Law because Muslims and Mexicans and declares himself Dictator. Dissolves the Upper and Lower Houses.

Firstly he'd need a significant amount of military support to achieve that, since the Congress would simply impeach him otherwise.

Secondly in doing so it would almost instantly dissolve the Union, which means he now only has Dictator powers over the states which ratified the Executive Order. And possibly however many he is able to occupy with the Military Coup.

So if we follow this hypothetical down the line then Trump accomplishes nothing since the Union is gone, states fend for themselves or ask support from other countries due to civil war.

So in essence if Trump was to declare himself Dictator AND have the Military support to do so, he'd be shooting himself in the foot almost immediately.

SJWs are so full of shit! Have you been paying attention to the bills Obama has pushed through
we already have a dictator

order 13603

This is the most obviously insecure person I have seen posting on any chan since that faggot who tried to give boxxy flowers.

I know,were all fucked,so fucking fucked.


Project much? You're obviously the insecure one here since you see yourself in Trump, you feel an attack on Trump is an attack on you.

My motivation for posting these pictures is to simply piss off Trump supporters. Which seems to obviously work every single time.

I think those were just regular citizens of NJ


Takes quite an amount of butthurt autism to post the same 3 picture dozens of time a day for weeks.

That's his whole life, he wakes up, he gets butthurt at Donald Trump, he goes to bed. And just repeats that everyday.

You're the type of Trump supporter that loves to lie to himself and make up reasons why I would post the same images over and over again.

But I prefer the truth, which is that I post these pics to piss off Trump supporters because it makes me laugh over and over again.

Autistic neckbeards have to have a purpose in life too.
He's taking down Trump by posting the same images to the same seven shitposters that occupy this board.


He's even so low energy about it, can't even get new pictures. That's his whole life.

Saddest human being in Holla Forums, I mean even NEETs have a more meaningful existance fapping to 2D and playing video games.

Let's stop for a minute and pray that poor soul finds some joy in life someday.

Autistic neckbeard? I can't even grow a beard. I guess you basement dwelling virgin Trump supporters would like to think that all your enemies are fedora wearing neckbeards. Since you pansy asses are bird chested virgins like Mr.Repzion.

False. But you Trump supporters are obviously pissed off at me for posting anti-Trump pics.

I'm so fucking sorry, even faggots playing WoW 24/7 at least enjoy what they do, all you have is impotent anger, you do nothing but hate some retarded politician with a wig all day every day, that's all you have, you don't even enjoy it, all you have in life is being butthurt all day everyday due to your autism.

That's considered autism ,user.


Have we ever found out a more miserable creature?

I mean even CWC seems to at least go harass women and masturbate at comics he draws himself, he's not just some butthurt autism dispenser.

I'll show them Trump supporters



That's mean, don't bully autists.
He's miserable and butthurt enough as he is.

It's really sad because that's true, this is all he has in life.

listen to me you piece of shit mother fucker, at least he's promotion Donald trump. If that's all he has it's because of the Jews, but you'll see, once he's elected, people like him will join the very redpilled deportation squads

Guys…… w-what if he suicided?

I'm scared :v(

you're just a son of a bitch whore fucker who is afraid of the white awakening trump will create. First the wall then you're life.

you're a cuck afraid of change. Trump made become an alpha. After the deportation squad throws all the subhuman trash from this country, we'll kill cuck traitors like you. The ONLY worth your family has is the white women in need of conservative redpill sperm

I'm going to laugh at you this November, you'll see cuck boy

ITT: Autistic SJWS and Trumpfags circle jerking each other.

This is the exact fucking point faggot. China is able to do this because, besides paying their workers nothing, they pay no tariffs and make US imports pay out the ass. They also kept their currency artificially deflated compared to other countries, ensuring everyone from China stays trapped there despite the shitty conditions, and they've made it so clear they will manipulate their economy far more than even the Federal Reserve would ever dare to try that when they finally floated their currency on the open market, no one fucking wanted it and it stayed low.

They are constantly ripping us off as well as stealing every idea we have because LOL NO EVIL COPYRIGHT LAWS IN CHINA :^^^)))), and they have no fucking quality standards whatsoever yet everyone keeps getting bribed to waive their trash through quality standards in other nations.

All Trump proposed is giving them some tariffs which would give the US somewhere close to an equal footing with them on sales (not on general trade or manufacture, just actual point-of-sale import fees), and you're freaking the fuck out. I bet you actually repeat le $7.50 is no liveable wage maymay and think your spa treatments are necessary to live and should be human rights.

My god, how can anyone be this fucking ignorant? Everything you're posting is an argument for Trump.


We lose millions of manufacturing jobs to China due to that sort of bullshit.
It's not fair competition at all, Trump is right there.


wait wait… isnt a tariffs purpose to rise the cost of a low priced good being imported in order to increase the sales of domestic goods? So wouldn't we wanna raise tariffs on Chinese goods to encourage domestic purchase ? Or am I reading what you wrote backwards and you mean exactly what im saying.

His mom should have read this book

Yes, that's the purpose, and they tend to suck because low-cost goods are awesome and national corporations should be encouraged to compete globally to provide best value. But in this case China puts tariffs and restrictions - official and unofficial - on US goods which are already more expensive, and they make their goods cheap by treating their workers like shit, stealing other peoples' ideas and manufactory methods, playing even sketchier games with manipulating their own currency than the US does (which everyone is always rightly complaining about the forced inflation) - and at the same time the Chinese government is funding cracking efforts, phishing attempts, all sorts of black hat and gray hat stuff in order to fuck the US in the ass and steal from them, 24/7, massive buildings full of guys on government payroll to do this shit.

So we should absolutely fuck China right back, but what Trump is proposing seems to be a mild wrist-slap to even things out and stanch the bleeding a bit.

the importer pays tarrifs not the exporter generally. You realize that right?

you realize that by making the importer have a worse deal due to taxes you entice them to go for alternatives, right?
I mean, we can't just charge mexico to build a wall either but we can fuck them up from this side and ruin their business opportunities here, effectively making them lose money while improving OUR conditions here.

yes and the enticement is to get the importer to instead buy domestic goods helping the domestic economy. The country of the importer sets the tariff, not the country of the exporter.

Yes. The importer pays to discourage the products from entering the market.

The importer does not practically absorb this cost; the importer passes it on to the exporter. The importer will not pay for a bad deal as well as floating the risk of a new product on a market; the risk and the added cost are ultimately both deferred to the exporter, as the primary party wanting to expand their revenue. But you already understood this, right? You're just playing dumb to be le epic trole, yes?

a president cant change another countries tariffs, it can only increase the tariffs the other country pays in order to convince them to lower those or negotiate trade deals and rates, which either way the other country still has to agree to. All im saying is we should jack the fuck out of tariffs on Chinese goods to bolster sales in the domestic economy.

Exactly, we can't force chinese exporters to pay us money to export, but we can make importers pay more to import from China.
Straight up competing with chinese manufacturing prices would be pretty much impossible because those guys have pretty much 0 health and ecological restrictions, pay their workers pennies to work in shit that will give them cancer, have terrible quality standards, no copyrights and cheat more economically than jews.

Trying to compete with them directly would mean we'd have to lower our people's standards to them, and trust me, you don't want that, hell the commie posters here whine about the exploitation of capitalism but if we did lower our standards to compete with China we'd be in a worse position than slaves, because slave owners at least try to keep their slaves alive, China just uses them up, gives them lung cancer and throws them into the trash to replace them.

ah so i did read what you wrote originally backwards, we are on the same page.

Which is what Trump is saying.
Which is what we've been discussing.
China does not have to agree to tariffs, we can inform China "these are the tariffs our importers must now pay to sell your goods" and China can like it or fuck off. Because China is already bleeding us dry via other more nefarious ways, China will bluster, object, and give vague threats, and then go along with it because they need all of the commerce they can get, legit and illicit, to keep their haystack economy from blowing away on the next wind. It's not a money problem China has, it's an infrastructure problem they just keep kicking down the road instead of trying to slowly fix, for the most part. China is rich as fuck and entirely fragile, and their last revolution killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined, so they really can't afford to fuck up.

Which is, in substance, the same thing. Just less direct.






LOL Awesome memes.

I see that Trump supporters are still getting pissy over the anti-Trump memes while I was away.

I'm pro Trump yet i find your memes hillarious.


Oh… so you didn't an hero…

You win. :)

I have noticed that Trump Penis #1 fan poster is like an autistic version of Leo Poster.

Leo poster just posts for 1 hour a day tops and his posts have a high degree of humor which makes you think about facts of life.
Guy probably has a life and enjoys non-normalfag hobbies which bring him happiness and true fulfillment in life.

Trump's dick poster just post the same picture all day, every day, unaware of how everyone's laughing at how gay that is because autism means he has no self awareness.
He probably goes to bed thinking about Trump's soft penis and dreams of having it in his mouth.

Another triggered Trump supporter. You'll be in denial about your butt-hurt with anti-Trump pics. But at the end of the day, you see Trump as a reflection of yourself and therefore it triggers your anger. Angry people have micro penises and you my friend have the smallest penis in the world. Samefagging with the same accusation day in and day out.



Not really, he didn't get any new pictures. Too autistic for that. So low energy. sad.

I call him Carl he's either a 14 year old or an SJW retard, The fact that he thinks anything bothers anybody on Holla Forums just goes to show he's a newfag probably from tumblr.

Bernie pls. Accept defeat with a little dignity.


Shillary pls. You'll never be President. Deal with it.


That picture is perfect. The subtleties are just so spot on.

He really has no life guies





Daily Reminder that Hillary only needs to maintain Obama coalition voters to win. She has much more room for error than Trump.

Daily Reminder that Trump could carry the same states that Romney in 2012 + FL, OH, CO & NV and still not reach the threshold.

All the polls are already turning upside down.
Shit is fucked.
Trump has too many angles to attack Hillary, she has too many skeletons in her closet, the Crooked Hillary meme is merely a start.

I voted for Obama the first time and now I'm voting for Trump….what does that tell you

Obama is less popular than Bush ever was.
This is gonna be interesting.

Largest turnout in the History of the rep party+dems apathetic …Trumps going to smash Hillary worse that Reagan smashed Mondale

These debates are going to be the greatest thing ever

I can't wait it's going to be wild

I only trust someone who's 1) Not retarded. 2) Speaks their mind.


I don't get where people get this idea he will delay the expansion of the NSA.


I am literally only voting for trump so I can watch an assassination of an American president within my lifetime

The issue isn't trump, It's the definition of achievement that is socially acceptable.




memes aside that picture is GORGEOUS

Trump will shit all over the constitution but if he wins it will send a loud message that the American people are tired of the establishment. As for me I'm voting Stein


You might as well vote for Trump, because as much as I hate to say it, Hillary is the only chance of preventing that maniac from becoming President, and she'll need all the votes she can get.


Who the fuck cares?

Do you really think all other developed nations are just petulant children who refuse to deal with any nation that doesn't kiss their ass? Especially one with our commercial benefits?

He could call Merkel a slut and it would do fuckall for trade with Europe in the long run.

The only concern for foreign relations are those with notable miliary strength and a penchant for intervening in other affairs. Primarily, today, that is Russia and China. Trump has already proven rather popular in Russia, and a unified Russia-US strategy regarding terrorism could be the best hope for peace in the middle east in the longest time.

Go back to reddit with your buzzwords that you don't understand the meaning of. Not bending over backwards to immigration and exploited SE Asian labor does not equate to being like North Korea.

Good thing we have two choices:

Hillary Clinton:
1) Is retarded
2) Doesn't speak her mind

Donald Trump:
1) Isn't retarded
2) Speaks his mind

Hmm… I wonder who any rational person would vote for…

He's never hidden the fact that a lot of his stuff is made in china, because that is what our current trade policy makes profitable.

"immigrant" is not a race

Mass deportations of illegal immigrants is actually enforcing the law. They have no right to be here. They have no right to complain.

Mass swaths of uncontrolled immigration does have a consequence, and it is not inaccurate to point to those problems.

"Islam" is not a race, what it is is grossly incompatible with western civilization for the time being. Once they go through their own "enlightenment era" like Christianity did then we can talk, but for the time being a large fraction of all young Muslims in western countries like in France and even the US are so bold as to suggest that suicide bombing against civilians could ever be justified.

Too many of them are uncivilized and it's too damn hard if not impossible to effectively filter out the non-radicals among them.

He never called all Mexicans killers and rapists. Only liberals with the reading comprehension of a 6 year old and the equivalent gullibility still believe he said that in 2016.

Nor had he ever bashed the pope with that kind of rhetoric, shortly thereafter they came to terms and realized they were actually responding to the medias false quoting of each other. A media that is notorious for lying created that friction and it was settled like the very next day.

He never hesitated to disavow the KKK. What he hesitated on is who the hell David Duke was, he doesn't keep a list of people he critiqued 15 years ago or a list of all KKK leaders to refer to.

These anons get it.

This is the childish response that I've come to expect from easily-manipulated dipshits who grovel at Trump's feet.

Great question. No.

Somehow I doubt this, but you seem to be misconstuing/misrepresenting my concerns. Foreign leaders are already voicing their concerns over a potential President Trump, and I dont believe in his ability to negotiate anything with the level of tact and diplomacy that is typically required of a President.
He's obviously successful, but dealing with the entirety of international trade and the global economy is obviously more complex than fucking Real Estate.

Kek. That's because Putin is playing him like a fucking fiddle right now, and the rest of Russia goes along with their emperor the way you gullible morons go along with Trump. The moment Putin (or any other foreign leader) says a bad word about him, or doesn't kow tow to what the U.S. government wants, I'd bet on Trump displaying the same volitile, juvenile behavior that he's become known for – I have no reason to think otherwise.

I was referring to Trumps general stance on U.S. military intervention – which I think Trump would backtrack very quickly on.

Ebin XD

How in the fuck have the German people not strung up Merkel from a lamp post?

No, it was illegal immigrants… "and some of them, I'M ASSUMING, are good people"

He's a fuckin piece of shit, and he knows exactly what he's doing and why hes doing it – to gain the support of racists.
I'm not one to toss around these terms, and I loathe the people who do, but I think its pretty fucking obvious that Trump is capitalizing on peoples prejudicial tendencies.

No, I wasn't implying that, but the economy is incontrovertibly better off than it was, and at least he doesn't have the demeanor of an insolent fratboy.

Anyway, I didn't vote for him.

yeah some of them are good people who broke the law and crossed the border under dire circumstances, most of them are pieces of shit who can't even respect the law

The debt has gone from 7 trillion to 22 trillions.
It took 200 years to get to 7 trillion, this faggot tripled it in less than 5 years.

I'll agree that we have a problem, and that the Democrats have been far too tepid on the issue; nevertheless, Trump oversimplifies it like he oversimplifies everything.
If I thought that would fix it, I would support the idea (not Trump), but I do not think that would sufficiently address the problem.

It does trigger the fuck out of me when liberals act as if wanting to fix illegal immigration is racist kek.

You might want to look into Trump's defect busting tax plan if you're concerned about the national debt. Also, you might wanna consider Trump's alarming thoughts on "printing more money"

Regarding Obama's economic record, see for yourself – not great, but not terrible…

Also, is staunchly non-partisan.

Yup. Trump just went into this presidential campaign on a whim and doesn't know the first thing about politics and foreign relations. When he gets in the White House, he will be completely lost and won't know what the hell he's doing. He thinks it will be exactly like running a business. Because Trump is a big ol' dumbass. I totally buy that.

Not an argument

Nobody cares what you think.

No shit. But it's not to gain support of blatant racists. It's to bait the media and trigger the SJWs.

Are you aware all that bullshit just went up on the equivalent of a massive loan?
The debt is finally higher than our GDP, do you understand what that means?


I think people are just tired of all this WE MUST PUT OTHER COUNTRIES FIRST crap the media is pushing while our country itself is heading down.

Honestly, I don't think he's particularly intelligent – I think he's a simpleton, who's unadulterated narcissism and bullying is what has led to his success in the business world.

Obviously it's a subjective matter of perception; take it or leave it.

Nobody cares what you think

Ok, just ignore the rest of my post.

You're probably thinking of politifact.

You should read his book, people who have known him since school all claim the guy is a genius. You are quite a simpleton to fall for his act though.

So you're going to ignore the fact the debt has tripled because you have no answers to that?

One can uh.. y'know, vote.
That is something one can do about it.


I didn't ignore it, but I'm sure it's more complex than "duuuh OBAMA"… but hey, I'm not an economist.

Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt, yet Republicans act like he's a goddamn deity.



Reagan doubled the revenue along with the deficit. Debt went from 90 billion to 270 billion.
Obama's debt went from 7 trillion to 21 trillions, with no increase in the revenue.

I got the video to prove you wrong. Also he knew of the KKK because of his father. So obviously he knows David Duke. He just didn't want to offend him.

Poor, poor Bernouts, Bern got cucked out of the election but he still sold out leaving the people who supported him in the trash.

So many butt-hurt Trump supporters here. LOL I'm going to continue making this an anti-Trump thread to keep you guys triggered.

The guy was also dodging the association with the KKK, I mean in that case they're just tying you to them forcibly, answering YES OR NO doesn't matter because you have been tied to them already.

Socialism wins again

At the expense of the middle class

reagan didn't make the debt higher than the GDP though.
We'd have to sell out the entire country to pay the debt now.

Yeah, that's exactly it, he's pretending to 'keep it real'.

Nope. I'm almost ready to vote for Trump just to send that message. The constitution is already in tatters and it's important to stop the status quo.

Inflation is a bitch

Btw, your argument literally consists of "Obama".

yeah some nigger was claiming Obama was a good president, of course I'm calling him out on that BS

It's more like everyone will have to work at 100% tax for a year in order to pay the debt.
No eating or drinking either because the food has to go to paying the debt too.

We're fucked.

What, exactly, are you referring to?

Despite what Republicans want everyone to believe, Obama hasn't done anything unconstitutional other than bomb the fuck out of innocent women and children in the Middle East.

He's used his executive powers, but guess what, if they don't have support from other branches, THEY DON'T PASS.
Supreme court passed it, and a conservative judge was the swing vote
Oops, dead in the water. Why? Because it did not have support
It's not gonna pass, because it does not have support.

Fucking hyperbole is all I ever see anymore.

I'm not saying he was a good president, but I don't think he's been NEARLY as terrible as republicans do.

His popularity rating is lower than Bush's, I don't care what YOU think I'm being factual here.

Don't worry user, soon obongo will be kicked out and wimmin will take his place :^)

Polls are sort of an objective/subjective thing, user.

spam related

They are still worth more than a single guy's personal opinion.

Not mine. According to my calculations, my opinion is worth about Me^10xπ÷2.4 Δδ = ~50,000,000 opinions, which would give Obama the edge on Bush.

Can't argue with math.


Donny 4 PRES '76

Trump was right……

Mexican is a nationality, if I'm white and have Mexican citizenship, then that too, makes me a Mexican. It is very safe to assume that if you live in America and identify as a Mexican it means you are either an illegal or not a good person

Over the wall you go faggot


Do you actually think this is a slam dunk of an argument, user? Kek

I think calling all Latinos living in the U.S.A. a Mexican is insulting to them to say the least

Calling Trump a racist is inaccurate, and it's a typical lazy liberal Ad Hominem, but it's safe to say that Trump is gaining the support of a lot of racists with his rhetoric – racists who don't even attempt to hide it – and Trump is $$ in on it.

I'm not going to quibble over whether or not he's a racist, but I'm 100% comfortable with calling him a bigot – but whatever, these judgements are a matter of perspective, and ultimately don't carry much weight.

i don't see your point user, are people so fucking scared of looking "racist" that they use words like 'undocumented immigrant' and really believe it?


That's how he's a bigot. And I really don't feel the need to elaborate.

I'm definitely not one of those people

*by "one of those people" I mean "people who use the term Undocumented Immigrant" kek.

By that definition if you hate pedophiles you're a bigot….

fucking racist!!

Are anti-trump people bigots too?
Am I a bigot for not caring about illegal immigrants and thinking they should go back to their country? Even if I'm ok with them if they get a proper visa/green card and obey the law?

bigot starts to seem to be a buzzword here.

Acknowledging that pedos are mentally ill and should be locked up for their crimes is one thing, hating them is another, and yes, I suppose it would fit the definition of bigoted; however, I wouldn't use the term in that context, myself.

If their only judgement of Trump and his supporters is that their a bunch of racists and morons, then yes, that would qualify as bigoted.

Which is why I rarely enter it into debate, unless someone starts talking about how unreasonable it is to identify Trump as one. In fact, I hear Trump supporters bring it up just as often as SJW's – and then, like their liberal adversaries, they become incredulous at the notion that anyone could challenge their opinion that he's NOT racist/bigoted.

I just don't see how saying illegals or non-citizen muslims should be banned/deported is racist.
Right now we have seen what letting Muslims in has done in France and Germany, sadly we have no way of knowing which ones are thinking of blowing us all up or just killing us because the entire middle east is currently fucking Hell and ISIS IS AT WAR WITH THE WEST whether you want to admit it or not.

Secondly, illegal immigrants are breaking the law by being here, kicking them out and giving the embassies we have in other countries advice to increase the quotas of visas/green cards in order to replace them with LAW ABIDING citizens with a known background and no criminal records is a brilliant idea for everyone involved, we get more mexicans or whatever but these guys will be competitive and actually respectful of the laws of this country, we get more workers as we need them, we control how many so we don't get thousands of undocumented individuals who might have been rapists in their countries standing around at COSTCO looking for work.


I'm not saying that it's racist, user. As I said earlier I think he's capitalizing on the fact that there are many people in the U.S. who ARE racist; whereas I see Trump, himself, as just a generally unscrupulous, hateful opportunist who's willing to do whatever it takes to rise to power.

And I believe that we should apply the utmost scrutiny in allowing Muslims into the country, but I believe Trump's approach would only make things worse.

And we should address this situation; however, I'd like to see a middle ground between Trump's Wall/Gestapo approach, and the Democrats "asleep at the wheel" approach.

You know it

How so? Why?

Honestly, why would you ever think that?

Same to mexicans really.
Honestly why are people so fucking retarded anyway?
Anything that isn't 'politically correct' (ie. might offend anyone even if it's true) is 'racist' now.

Fuck PC bullshit, we should stick to reality instead of feelings, this shit will get us all killed.

Because we already have 3 million Muslim citizens, and as I've pointed out many times on here, we know what happens when they think their stupid fucking religion is under attack – Trump's rhetoric, alone, is enough to enrage the Muslim community; his thoughts on policing neighborhoods and an outright BAN on them would be pouring gasoline on the fire.

The chances of dying in a terrorist attack is very very very slim, and I think you should keep that in mind. You're more likely to be killed by a friend or family member that a Muslim.

Yeah, I totally agree.

The thing is he said NON-CITIZEN Mexicans or Muslims, people who have 0 business being here.
The press openly lied and attacked him claiming he wanted to kick out everyone named Ahmed or Pedro regardless of documents, that's a misconstruction of what was actually said.

Well regardless of what the press has said, my criticism isn't based on the idea that it's "racist" or "Islamaphobic", I just don't think his policies would be very effective; although at the end of the day, I think people always overestimate the power that POTUS really has, and so I'd be surprised if he'd be able to accomplish even a third of his overblown ideas.

Anyway, I gotta go to bed, because the night shift is a bitch. Nice talking with you.

Yeah that's right. Fuck right off to Reddit, SJW scum.




Don't mind me, I'm just here to ruin a pro-Trump thread with truth.


Hey idiot, take your own advice. If Muslims are such a small minority in the U.S. and not worth worrying about (((yet))) as you say, why does it concern you how these worthless shits are dealt with? Why make these stupid, long-winded objections to a simple matter of warding a parasite that does no one any good? This isn't some deep debate material or dilemma. It's a simple problem with a simple solution. The fact is that Islam is socially cancerous, primitive, destructive and utterly incompatible. No civilized modern society on Earth has yet anything positive to gain from welcoming or legitimizing this mentally ill religion that has failed to evolve with the times. That's the truth whether you like it or not. If you're so absurdly ignorant to the overwhelming evidence endlessly piling up in front of us, that's your problem and you should abstain from burdening others with it.

do you think he will ever figure out that there's a filter button?




Trump will lose, but he's not the monster some believe him to be.

How? No one ever explained how that's even possible. The communist East European countries tried setting an unnatural (non-market) exchange rate for their currencies. As a result, black markets appeared everywhere, selling at the true price. Where are the black markets selling Yuan at the true price?




So, I read the whole thread and I have a question for the democrats and the people who think xenophobia is a bad thing.

As a French citizen, 2nd generation of legal migration from Spain to Algeria, then Algeria to France, I think I need to remind you that it's okay to hate Muslims, they hate us too but just shut theires mouth when whites are close. They hate black people, don't want to racemix land invade us by going to small village, wedding only with sandniggers, and then put 6 baby to light.

It's not racism, it's reality.
Don't trust me? Need source?
Are you stupid or what? You still believe in the media? Go out, travel to Europe and see by yourself what "multiculturalism" and "tolerance" have done and enjoy our shithole.

Liberals are the result of bad parenting and mental diseases. You're loud, dumb, full of shit, bragging about things you do not know really shit about, and when facts come out, and your little fantasy of commies, BLM, Female rights and others fantasy you made because you're so fucking useless that you need to create problems to feel alive.
I have pity for you and hope that you will change and become an adult… Or, you know, just go with the rope…

Frenchy out.

as a marxist i can say that picture is accurate except for

otherwise spot on and you spell civilization like a retarded brit.


really? but YOUR A FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!!!

Brazilian monkey here.

It would be so good if he wins over Shitllary, a burst in nationalism would spread even in communist driven banana lands like ours and Venezuela

I see everyday you guys complaining about leftist policies, yet you are only in the first steps on a dread road that we walk for generations.

Change now, or you will join us in the jungle.

This is pure speculation.

The news is full of passive-aggressive jews jabbering like beta gorillas who have been denied their bananas by Trump the Alpha Silverback.



And that's exactly why they've gotta go. Every other religion can handle criticism without blowing up innocent people.

The democrats aren't asleep at the wheel on immigration, they're trying their best to get as many as they can because statistically immigrants almost always vote democrat to get more handouts.

they believe in shit like gun control, free education, free "univeral income" , free speech when it isnt hat espeech, government owning all major businesses and so on