Find a way to get the key oil players backing you so that sweet sweet black oil can be put in a pipeline either to the sea or to a neighboring nation, but being sold by a US Oil Corporation.
the cheapest way would be finding a Venezuelan insider who could help you acquire a warehouse / truckload of weapons . Or just recruit enough of the Nationalist in the Military, you don't need every single military person just the most national ones who truly want the best for their country and who understand that there are Venezuelans elements that are hampering their Nations Progress.
Obviously it won't be won be a sheer volume of Holla Forumsacks unless it becomes a popular movement. But you never know. if Americans start hearing about the opportunity to fight to create a 51st state. It could turn into a national crusade of sorts.
For right now this is about installing a white group of people running the nation, making the decisions. So that it is run judicially, efficiently, and in an administrative nature (of or relating to the running of a business, organization,) which is what whites are excellent at.
Right now Venezuela is being run by a fool. Once you get a group of white people running that Nation. Only great things will come for the Venezuelan people. White's won't play favorites with corrupt Venezuelan leaders or their cronies. they will pick the best and brightest Venezuelans for key leadership roles, they will improve the military, abolish corruption and increase business and most importantly create a business environment that allows all Venezuelans to participate in so that there is market competition.
What the population wants is a government that does their job, that doesn't have and create economic chaos. A white leader will quell the economic chaos, root out the corruption, and run Venezuela properly. I feel so passionate about this, and I don't know exactly why. When I see Venezuealn leaders running their own damn country into the ground. It makes me want to invade, overthrow, and reorder. Something whites can do but the current Venezuelan government cannot, has not, and will not for the forseable future.
They might not all be that loyal to the state, for some its a job not a calling, for some its an opportunity to be corrupt and rape their own nation and people. Like I said it is about finding the ones who are truly Venezuelan Nationalist, brave, and not open to bribes. They are willing to slaughter the corrupt officials, give you weapons and fight alongside with you. Furthermore they will be put into power once a government and leadership reorganization happens. But you gotta make sure they don't get corrupt, or they get purged. I'm talking about people like the Soldier who has moved up to through the ranks doesn't take bribes drives a truck, or the businessman who is worth a lot in Venezuela but doesn't live his life with all the rich wealthy trappings and has a Venezuelan Flagpole in his front yard. Those guys should be in charge of that Nation not the crooks. It would be honestly fun to find those types of Nationalist organize them, fight with them, help them reconquer their country.
more then enough.
UK won't be a problem and will be someone who will be an ally in something like this.
Embargo won't happen if the Oil groups are behind the fight for the United States of Venezuela