pokemans edition
The Official Pony Holla Forumsread
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Is new puppie thread?
thanks for baking
I want carrot to post more.
Real sick of this Pokemon shit.
Added to my list of readables :3
How abouts nonpokimons?
You are the best.
I want Rose to post more.
You're probably not the only one who will avoid it like wildfires.
Any time :3
The odium is directed more toward the hype than the game itself, I suppose.
too bad.
The game isn't entirely complete yet.
They're yet to add training and battles.
But to be fair, its a pretty cool premise overall.
How're you going anyway?
Hype or not, it's a grave risk to my privacy. It requires location data to be enabled at all times, as well as granting access to things like Gmail account and saved photos.
I don't know about you, but I just can't. I hardly even take my phone out with me unless it's necessary.
Save the feels for another day.
At least my servant can cover for your absence.
you have a servant now?
That franchise has never appealed to me.
Normal, I suppose. I am just struggling with the usual bouncing around Steam conversations and whatnot.
I do not use the location services outside of driving. My phone is mostly used for reading.
Sorries. Teh evil made me link it.
How else will I get my drinks with convenience?
An acceptable stanza. Least it's not a Swindle.
Mine is for music. too cheap to get a phone big enough to read easily.
omg cat shut up ill feed you in a moment
Yeah completely understandable, not everything can, nor should, appeal to everyone.
haha, I know how tiresome that can become.
Still, good that you're well and going good
dont starves the kittah!
have it mailed to you!
It was on Renimon pole dance page and I knew I had to link for you, Sorry.
Here has a steampunk red riding hood song for apology.
crisis over, but i cant find the other one
too much impatience for my patience
Hahaha, it's fine Sqiurrel, but did you see her pictures of when she was 'anorexic'
She was NEVER anorexic.
she just wants to justify being fat now
Fuck my sides ache from laughter.
she was actually normal and pretty decent in those photos.
There's NO way she was anorexic.
Haha, thanks Squirrely, but you don't need to apologise~
She's really talented
it beats walking to the fridge!
I did. Hopefully all that dancing helps her out a bit.
It certainly will, but being that overweight is still a huge strain on all your internal organs
So did I miss anything fun here while I was out in the mountains?
in my case, yes. Not that we have any drinks in the fridge atm.
I'd be loaded with water bottles next to the bed by now if I could still go out
hmmm, not much I don't think.
France had another terror attack.
80 dead at last count from what I heard.
The media and primary sources all say it was just a truck but videos from the survivors and interviews says they heard gunshots as well, so I guess God only knows at this point.
you can't leave the house?
Yeah. Oh world needs more bughorse scrunching!!
still feeling sick, not much i can do about it right now
getting higher temperature than usual and more headaches
Recommendation for manga for anyone looking to kill 10 minutes.
'Seraph of the End'
Big points for having the saddest opening chapter ever.
Pokemon Go is a thing that started, dunno if you missed that or not.
And yeah, not much else I don't think
oh, you're sick.
sorry dude.
Does this illustrated Chinese story contain images of boys dressed in girls' attire?
Not yet!
Maybe later, but theres been mention of people needing to breed, as humanity is almost wiped out, so I imagine homosexuality may be frowned upon.
Get me when it reaches that stage.
Im also a pretentious fuckbag who can not link because I feel superior
There are dozens of us. DOZENS!
I heard someone played that game and didn't get run over by a car!
well we already knew the first part
hey darwin!
I dunno what your issue is Skye
Carl always looked high as heck.
Uh, im user.
I dont want people knowing who I am.
Thats why I dont link or wear a name.
I made my issue quite clear . Im sorry that Australian schools dont teach basic comprehension.
Shoutouts to my pretentious brethren. We did it, boys.
Lol, that's a great song :P
eriscord OTP
Darn it! let him hit the thingie!!!!
Who did Chryssi tie to the tracks?
Probably an effigy of shining :P
It's alright. I'm still fighting as best i can
these songs are great hahaha
If any poni could show up in our reality to do that,Pinkie is that pony.
Neither have I :3
Hahaha, would she though?
I don't think she's … you know, a slut, or whatever.
I don't know. Would depend purely on how long she has been stealing Luna's dream powers,and what you have been dreaming about her.
What if this is what you were dreaming about?
what's the difference between a "sempai" and a "senpai"?
also, good morning!
There is none. The correct spelling is "senpai," but the pronunciation is "sempai."
Didn't know that, I knew it wasn't penis I was just being an asshat
I like your reply better anyway.
Same meaning, but memetic differences.
Morning, reece :3
What? No penis?
oh i see….thanks
sounds meaty
I have a confession to make…
You don't like poni's and are secretly straight?
I'm listening
I'm glad you enjoyed :3
On another note, I completely gave up on the evil dead series.
It just kinda bored me more than anything.
None at all!
Just the way you like?
You're not gay?
Did you abandon the viewing after the first movie or where?
i've been trained to believe that only Raptor posts that image…..
UH… Very shamefully, halfway through the first movie.
I always try to save it then remember I already did.
What none at all?
yes go on!!!!
super fantastic!!
maybe I should start lynching his pics more often~
I'm glad to hear it.
Whachya get up to today?
I am not a big fan of them, so I guess I understand. Maybe you would have liked the remake; it is nastier and more competently made, though the flaws of the original are often touted as part of its charm.
Off to bed. Night all.
I'll give the remake a shot then, I tried that cabin in the woods movie as well, but, again, it bored me to tears so I gave up half way through.
Aside from the remake of the evil dead, do you have any other recommendations you'd care to share?
Sweet dreams Squirrely~
night squirrely
Cabin in the Woods is post-modern self-congratulatory bullshit made by people who think they are above the genre. There is no joy discernible in it, just smugness.
I am not exactly recommending that as much as saying it might be to your liking if you are hoping for a more brutal approach to that scenario but still not taking itself too seriously.
I have not watched much horror lately. Hush and It Follows were all right, I guess.
is cabin in the woods the movie with the freaky plot twist?
i liked that movie quite a bit
You fucking what mate!?!
The ending of that film is great. They only get crazy and more action packed from there. You didn't even get to the best of it.
Work and not much else.
The remake was good though it was too 'formulaic'.
The original films have all these random moments that could be the demons fucking with ash or him hallucinating. In the remake the demons didn't feel as sadistic and just more angry. Even when Ash got an upper hand in the original, it felt like it wasn't a real victory and the demons just did it to fuck with him more like they had already won or never really had a motive other than to have as much fun as possible. In the remake the demons have a clear goal that Ashley actively attempts to thwart.
Good night!
Perfectly summed up my feelings for it as well
I did not care for all the Three Stooges shit in the Raimi movies, really. I think the man is a hack.
That is the exact feeling I got from it.
I'll check em out next then :3
It's strange but aside from exorcist movies I actually find most of them quite entertaining or relaxing bizarrely enough.
Even the paranormal activity series I was enjoying by the third movie.
The first two were kinda boring but just barely enough to keep me interested. I thought they were mostly just one off corny thrillers and it wasn't until the third I realised there was an over arching story and plot line to them and got a little more invested.
The exorcist movies tend to terrify me, and, that's not so good when anxiety and stress are a problem kek
Dunno, I'm not sure I got far enough to see it.
All I got was that the kids were being controlled by super drugs to do whatever the agency wanted them to do.
There was one scene I saw where the blood of the victims was being channelled into some kinda chalice that I assume kept cthuhlu satiated and in place or some other such nonsense.
What else should we think when resident penis inspector decides to tell us he has a secret to confess?
I'm sorry D:
true true.
I've had today off, and I have the next 3 days off as well :3
I'm genuinely feeling pretty decent for the first time in a long time.
The third Exorcist movie is underrated. That was meant to be a different take on the story by having no actual exorcism performed in it until the studio demanded Blatty add that in the climax. Even with all the ooga booga nonsense at the end, it is a tense thriller.
The Paranormal Activity series had the same problem as the Saw movies in that all the loose ends amounted to nothing by the final movie.
yep, it is the movie i'm thinking about.
i thought it was pretty good, but i'm a legit sucker for mindless gore/horror
I didn't get that impression until Army of Darkness and then it was really obvious.
Drag me to hell kind of had it that vibe as well. I really wish the film just went darker with more stuff along what happened with the kitten instead of the stuff that didn't have any real impact like the blood vomit and the flies going in her nose and mouth. I still enjoyed it though.
I think he is pretty hit or miss
I put him in a similar category to George Romero.
They both have made some horror classics that have aged but still hold up for the most part and then they haven't really had too much success afterwards. Except for of course Sam Rami's Spiderman films though I never cared for them too much.
That's very good to hear
The last time I watched one, it was The Exorcism of Emily Rose and it was when I was sixteen and literally spending the first time ever home alone.
On the second night of my two weeks alone I watched it and for the remainder of the two weeks, slept with all the lights on in the house :3
That movie just got to me haha.
Yeah man that's all good, not everything can appeal to everyone, just doesn't gel with my tastes is all :3
Mhmm, at any rate I'll give the remake a try, then I might also try out… I dunno, maybe resident evil, after hush and it follows of course, I never have seen the first one.
The Conjuring has some exorcism shit going on, from what I remember.
Those films are awful and boring though.
Watch uncensored Braindead instead
I liked the conjuring honestly, reminded me of another one I liked um…
I forget the name, but it had a father and son that could astrally project and they get screwed over by a demon and some shitty spirits that didn't wanna die or some such
Insidious. They are from the same director.
THAT'S it, THANK you!
Pretty good films.
There's another one I've been reminded of as well that I've forgotten to finish.
Again, the name eludes me, but it premise was he sold houses, and his house + all the houses in the development were built on top of graves that had their markings removed and it opened a portal cause the spirits were angry as fuck.
Sorry, I'm so god damned bad with names.
The second one I liked because it was so bad and corny.
The third and fourth were utter rubbish though.
uncensored braindead.
I'm going to start a written list now.
It's actually just Braindead.
I was just specifying to track down the uncensored version because a lot of the other versions cut out around 20 minutes of stuff including the infamous 'lawnmower' scene and the 'zombie priest having sex with a zombie nurse on the floor while they are both impaled on the same broomstick'.
anything you say, Mr. webm!
I figured :P
That… wut….
THANK you!
You're an angel!
I'm watching hush now :3
I'll do poltergeist 2, the old one, I don't think they've remade it yet sometime tomorrow I think.
Am I alone in that I enjoy to watch both the old and the new to see how it was changed or adapted or whatever?
Definitely not, I more mean, do you too, enjoy this activity? :P
Poltergeist was remade recently. There is no point in watching the remake. It offers nothing new or entertaining.
I can be curious about it sometimes. In other cases, I have zero interest in comparing new and old versions, e.g., Ghostbusters.
I forgot to mention the hurse is almost decapitated and her head keeps flopping off so she has to keep putting it back up properly. Also The nurse bites the priests lips off. The whole film is just a roller-coaster of absolute gory insanity, gross out and excess. It's brilliant.
I thought Poltergeist was okay though it's structured very strangely. All the stuff with The kids being trapped in a different dimension wasn't really connected to the rest of the film. You could pretty much cut out the whole thing and the rest of the movie would have made perfect sense still.
speaking of ghostbusters… has anyone here seen ghostbusters 3 yet?
There is no Ghostbusters 3 unless you count the video game.
Absolutely true sometimes they can be done well though.
I mean a lot of remakes or remasteries are trash, Star Wars, Girlbusters, …
sorry my train of thought was just ruined by hush as that girl was stabbed like 50 times in the gut….
wow I feel sick that was brutal.
Though I should ask, would being stabbed in the gut like that cause you to pass out so quickly?
I mean, unless your heart is hit you don't just die like that … do you?
I dunno…
Maybe if the shock is strong enough I guess you'd just be out and be dead before you come to due to blood loss, but I mean, otherwise you'd still be conscious, wouldn't you?
I know the damage/shock/pain can be paralysing, is that what happened there?
She's still conscious but so much shock her bodies just like, shut down?
fuck man brutal.
Haha, I'll give it a try, but I make no promises as to whether or not I'll like it :P
Oh, we're in this thread now? I'll repost what I just posted in the last thread…
- - - - -
To whoever makes company policy for Taco Bell, please get raped by a wild pack of wildebeests, and then proceed to die in a car fire. You do not get to advertise having late night services if you are going to discriminate against people who do not have vehicles. If I have been walking around for two hours playing Pokemon Go, and I manage to make it to a Taco Bell before the hours have closed, I expect that if there are people working there, I will be served food. But no, because despite their slogan, "Eat Great, Even Late," they are not open late at all. The lobby closes around 10 PM, and only the drive through is open until 3 AM. This would not be much of a problem were it not for the fact that they do not service people on foot or on bike in the drive through. You may think that this is a safety measure for the customer, but you would be wrong. Cars do not drive rather fast through the drive through, so it is not likely that someone would be run over – at least not unless the driver is trying to kill pedestrians. Indeed, it is common for fast food companies to make these policies because they are scared of pedestrians. Because some homeless or drunk person might come up to the window at night. In short, it is discrimination, and I hope the people who have implemented this policy come into misfortune very soon for the inconvenience they have caused me.
okay…. has anyone seen ghostbusters SJW edition then?
I could not tell you. More often than not those are mere stylistic choices, and I am not one to nitpick how the body reacts to those injuries. I imagine the shock and maybe losing the adrenaline fast.
I'm not even sure I have the morbid curiosity to actually sit through it.
It is an awful way to die
I can't speak for all stabbings but normally the stabee is often concious and aware until they pass out from blood loss which, depending on the size, location and quantity of wounds can be between 5 minutes to an hour.
Sorry, not trying to nitpick, just trying to distract myself.
That kind of senseless violence really disturbs me.
A good example is no country for old men?
I nearly threw up watching that move.
Because while it's certainly not the goriest film around, it isn't gore that bothers me, it's implication.
Like what just happened there, the implication behind a violent act is what gets me, not the actual violence itself.
I dunno if that makes any sense.
There's some arteries if hit takes less than 30 seconds, I know that, but he wasn't stabbing anywhere near those from what I could tell… though you couldn't really see.
but yeah. God damn.
May I ask how you know this Gae?
I'm a serial Killer
Seriously though, one of my family members is a doctor, also I've seen a few videos of stabbings and known someone who was stabbed
I did not mean to imply that is what you were doing. I have watched movies with pedants, and they tend to point out those inaccuracies often while I simply go with it because I am ignorant about the physiology and I am more invested on whether or not the act accomplished its goal. If you were repulsed, congratulations to the filmmakers; they did their job.
Yes, I know what you mean regarding that movie. A good example is in the opening when Chigur strangles a cop with the handcuffs, but the camera pushes in on his expression while he kills the cop and you do not actually see the guy dying.
damn it, someone beat me to making it for you
I love that film
I'm assuming the person stabbed was ok or he woulda been unable to tell you of it.
I saw the aftermath of a stabbing once, it was in the valley.
The cops had it cordoned off and everything.
there was probably only a cup of blood on the ground, but it was really dark blood.
after seeing it I felt sick the rest of the night just imagining what must have happened.
No doctors in my family, but lots of engineers and tradies haha :P
Right, sorry, yeah I agree with you.
I don't ruin the atmosphere during the fact with friends or family and such.
If I were streaming I probably woulda just said something like 'brutal' haha :P
Yeah, the other one was when he just leaves the guys wifes house.
Or when the old guy finds the main protagonist dead and the money missing near the end.
Those are the scenes that stuck with me as well.
Hell I think the goriest part of that film was when the bad guy gave himself ad-hock medical treatment for his wounds but that didn't impact me nearly as much psychologically.
He wants you to serial kill him
Fuck him up, Gae.
Yeah, that was Azuzu. Better luck next time, Reece.
Azzy and RK have a set up and they're generating ridiculous amounts of trips per second I believe.
would you replace it in a heartbeat if I found you something like !SempaiRu8Y ?
He had a full recovery.
It was in a nightclub and someone stabbed him in the gut and he didn't even realise at the time until someone pointed out the puddle of blood on the ground. He showed me the scar.
I once saw a motorbike accident as a kid on the way to school. The guy had crashed into the curb and was kind of crumbled on the ground. His head had come off and was still in the helmet. I didn't see the actual crash. Just the police and ambulance about to start cleaning up.
Maybe another time
Can I actually fuck him or do you just want me to kill him?
i'll wreck the place you call home ifyouknowhati'msayin'
But I like the one I have… it's even got my state code (WA) in it…
Whatever works. As long as he suffers for my inconvenience.
Can't I just fuck both of you at the same time?
my… house?
because you only have one penor. unless you want to be in the middle. or unless you have two penor.
How about alternating back and forth?
I'm down for that.
Who here wants to fuck me?
How about I put some rats in a bowl and then place the bowl on his face and heat the other end so the rats have to eat their way through his face to escape the heat?
am i not good enough for you?
we're too gay for you to handle
This will work.
Reece, you are extremely adorable. But my lust is all consuming, and the thought of being in between two dudes at the same time – topping one and bottoming the other – is rather titillating.
looks like i'm top
i think u are a pretty cool guy..
can i at least be on the bottom?
what does that even mean?
But of course! You have the best boy-hole, Reece~
Excellent :3
Yeah, I've heard that about some wounds, people don't notice them for a while.
gunshots in particular I've heard you don't feel until the next day and then it's the worst pain in your life.
That's probably because the round destroys all the nerve endings in a good area around the actual wound.
I did'nt realise it was something that occured with stabbing thouhg.
that's brutal, moreso than the one I saw.
It was on the ICB the one I saw, and the guy wasn't wearing a helmet and he over turned going inbound towards suncorp stadium there and his head collided with a light pole.
It was still attached… I just saw the blood drenching the white sheet they'd draped him with but god damn if that didn't stick with me.
I saw the result of another at the end of my street, that guy died as well.
and the street over from me I saw the cops hosing down the driveway of blood which stained it red for months after when a dad was stabbed by the mums bf while trying to pick up his kids.
He survived, but it was all over the news for a couple days
reeces subby butthole became a densley packed gay singularity
not sure if I could ever make the trip to aussieland
It's more so to do with the small surface area of the actual cut. Like a pin prick. There aren't any nerves on the inside and the little prick feeling is normally obscured from the force which feels like a punch. In a nightclub it just felt like a light nudge.
Mother of GOD!!!
Well that's a different matter though
Was this a gay nightclub?
And was he like eh I've felt a little prick before ?
everytime i read your trip i read it like Ga3Bum
it's all relative i guess
You gonna give it to me?
~ ~ ~
*posts at you*
I was just joking Gae~
I'm sorry :P
Heya Scotchy, how're you going?
that's also a bum
I figured
You don't have to apologise, I just didn't find it funny.
I want to kiss you while I fuck you.
I figured, but still :P
I'm fine, just researching the houses I'm considering. I have this really nice one in mind, but it's pretty far from any work locations, but I still really want it
but y tho
Because I want to give you lots of kisses.
So you're looking to buy property then?
That's pretty cool
That's a pretty high priority, yes.
Just a nice foundation for life if I get a good one, which this one most certainly is. I just need to save up for the downpayment
I keep finding I don't get to meet anyone because I work all the time.
When I do meet people. Either they are too old and still want me to take charge or are just outright wrinkly infants or they around my age and a spoilt little brat that wants me to be dominant but also wants to get everything they want as well.
Fuck my life
Take care of me.
i'm sorry…
I take it someone you had your eye on turned out to be trash?
Congrats man!
wish you the best with it!
You must find inner peace in yourself before you find peace in others
that's vague
Yes, it is.
haha, Why are you apologising?
Not really, I've had some people hit on me and I thought I'd get to know them better and they were just awful.
Nice dubs
I'm not a peaceful person, I never have been.
I've always had an intensity about me.
What the fuck dude, teleporters do exist
can you teach me how to be more vague? you're making me envious
That's fair enough.
If it means anything it is good to see that you're not just jumping at whomever comes along.
Also, I'm sure the right one will show up eventually~
feel sorry for you is all, don't like to see the gae sad
my bottom half's usually nakie when i'm just in my house by myself…. so i'm already prepared!
personally, i think these threads should be banned
Lucky fuck. I'm rarely alone in the house, so I can only ever be truly naked in my room or in the bathroom.
personally i think you should be banned
thats it, im banning you
stop right there before i redirect you to halfcuck.org
you cannot ban what you did not create
like you could ever do that
i really want to do some nude sunbathing
if there was any sun
but I think we have some 9000 year old law about public nudity or some such
I'm currently naked
Good afternoon everyone. How are we all?
you can leave your hat onnnn
I feel like I may be agitating you now :P
I just had my medication without enough food and I nearly threw up everywhere :3
everybody's naked, so why aren't you?
Damn, must be some pretty strong meds to get a reaction like that. But yeah, pills on an empty stomach isn't a good idea (unless specified otherwise)
I'm not alone in the house and it's kinda chilly?
I currently do not have a cowboy hat.
I want to get a proper leather one soon though.
You aren't I'm just tired and don't really have a response at the moment.
I'm going to go to bed soon
I'm naked…
Might put on some clothes soon to go to the bathroom, but currently have none on at all.
Cold sweats, extreme light headedness, hyper sensitivity in limbs and desperate need to hurl and be diaretic :3
managed not to do the latter two… barely…
it's passed now thank fuck.
Yeah, fair enough.
It is getting pretty late.
But yeah, you know it already I'm sure, but being in a relationship can't make you happy with yourself.
And I get the feeling you are much happier with yourself, at least, more so than you were a few months ago, and that's great!
but htere's no need to rush when it comes to finding another partner.
You've plenty of time and the world to choose from.
Except me.
I'm not gay. :P
i am le tired
good night
You should get some sleep, Azzy. It's late for you
Night Gae!
The jury is still out on that ;P
aww night night gae
Sweet dreams Gaeburn.
You're the best.~
Jurys been bribed.
I'm not Skye.
Could have fooled me.
And Skye is super gay, so much he's in denial about it. The worst kind of gay.
dayum, keep those gloves above the belt!
… How?
I've not done any gay shit. wtf
I'm just messing with ya. You're easy pickings because of the touchy posts you make at Gae :3
Nice luna tho
Can anyone translate this from australian?
one word is a euphemism
Are you ready to come out of your closet yet? c:
I'm bored, someone do a face reveal
I already posted mine more than the recommended amount. Try Reece or Skye
I need to go to sleep now. Because it's 6 AM.
Kisses for Reece, Wezzy, and Azuzu.
I have not seen yours once.
Nini Ruby! And lurk more, i post them every so often
ninininininini ♥
I like Gaeburn.
He's a cool poster
because I think everyone should have a library card so they can access guns!
I would only go for the magazines
Yeah, he is. Doesn't mean i can't poke fun at you two ;)
Guilty as charged.
These threads are more cancerous everyday.
Please, for the love of all that is just in this world… Kill… Yourselves.
But then i'd have to live stream it and i'm too lazy to set up a camera
Hi newfriend!
apply yourself
I don't have any bleach handy
Ive done mine loads
Shut up buttpussi
Yeah, you wish
I wish what?
That i would shut up and that i were a buttpussi
both aren't happening
Nobody wants to watch it. Trust me.
Hi, cancer.
Apply myself? I was nerely stating the truth.
I fail to see how that was recking in the least.
Oh dear, you must be new here. You aren't supposed to be replying to our posts, and you should know better
I agree with you that these threads do in fact hit new lows seemingly each day. It's especially interesting observing how psychologically vulnerable users such "scotchmalla" actually are. The young lad first came off as though they could be a reasonable fellow, but only a few hours of interaction with blewberry he has caused it to unraveled and expose a variety of mental conditions. I am almost certain he will be collecting childrens diapers in a few days as they seem to share a peculiar fondness for the idea suddenly.
i'd watch wezalez kill himself ♥
Ommy be nice
Newfriend sad!
Oh… I am NOT meant to reply to posts? Well shit. I have been doing this wrong the whole time.
I need to go reevaluate my life.
Thank you so much for that necessary bot of information.
i hope i help break the world records
You're welcome pal! Remember, any amount of exposure puts you at risk of becoming like us.
Just wait and watch it happen
I would love to watch any poster hand themself
every day smuglord edges closer to being the one
I am not the reptilian.
Skitty you shitposter, don't think i didn't see your posts in the last thread regarding me :P
Holla Forums hit a new low when it allowed ponyfags to post. It was the beginn8ng of the end.
Ain't you just edgy.
Seriously. It's newfag. This is h8chsn, act like you understand.
Been exposed to it daily, because you fsgs can't seem to stay in your containment board.
forgot pic
You seem to have a hard time hitting the "A" key. Fat fingers?
sharpest around
Hitler did nothing wrong quads
So what you are telling me is Holla Forums hit a "new low" the moment anyone started posting here.
Posting from touchscreen phone. Don't care enough to correct.
I'm making breakfast.
Exactly how new are you?
mootles said it himself
Quad stealing fuccboi
Point still stands
Make tacos
Morning tacos… Why.. I would if I had any barbacoa.
git off mah lorn!
I thought you had a grill? So how is barbecue a problem here?
Pretty much. But name fagging and posting like teen girls is a whole new level of cancer.
Daily threads are shitter and dry up oc. It's tge reason Holla Forums has no OC.
Holla Forums has always been a bastion of fools, but at least it once had original odeas amongst the cancer.
Now, it's just 99% cancer.
Rule #11 - All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored
There are no winners or losers in this argument, only butthurt on all sides.
You don't make barbacoa with a grill wtf
*steps off the lawn*
Holla Forums used to be pedos and ponies. With the pedos banned, all you have left is ponies. Maybe if the other threads combined had more than 1 post per minute, you'd have more OC
You were the one talking about a BBQ, stop trying to derail the conversation now
Only a newfag accuses others of being new.
Posting with one hand. Sometimes miss keys.
Again, can't be fucked correcting.
rule 24
b was never original
This post took me right back into the boxxy 4chan threads 2011
No u
One hand on the dick, the other on the keyboard. A proper Holla Forumstard, though the choice of thread is a bit odd, not that i'm judging
Not sure why you need a barbecue for a taco, but okay, you're the taco expert
Stop! Your impeccable logic is scaring me!
Night azzy
not sure if you are voluntarily imagining things or there is something more serious going on behind your posts.
Fair enough.
why do people always talk about me when I'm away
Not close enough
I've not looked her up in ages, she still doing her shit these days?
can someone buy me one of these? I just need one.
You brought up the bbq, not me. See
Free copies for everyone.
I have no idea, but I imagine there's got to be a few people from 4chan still hounding them to this day.
barbacoa is a type of meat.
Does this looks like meat to you? come on skitty
Did… you just not read rule 24?
or do you not understand it?
I can get you a haitian for half price.
but it won't be able to read or write.
Heading to bed, have a good one Holla Forumsread
Night rappah
aww gnight raptor
well, not exactly but it is a specific kind of meat cooked in a specific kind of way that does not involves a BBQ.
The rules are easily reinterpreted and misinterpreted. Rule 24 isn't a strict rule so much as a percieved truth, meaning no matter what is posted, you must always accuse it of being unoriginal.
You know it.
Boredom makes an user do weird things, my pony humping friend.
Of corse it is. I am intelligent. My brain is as big as your love of that purple horses vagina.
What a cheap form of trolling. I want my money back.
G'nite Raptor
Wowie, it's like you know so much about me but I know nothing about you! That's pretty spooky
howdy stranger
Just be prepared to face regret when you're done, user.
Either you look like Heimerdinger, or you underestimate his love of the purple horse's vagina
Learn to link
No refunds.
Rules 11, 20 and 21
You know what? I like you. You're alright.
I regret only a few things in my life.
This is not even close to being one of them.
Im 2~1 overall atm!
Lrn 2 fuk u
I don't even like Twilight that much, she's like my second least favorite
It's too late for you user. Might as well pick a name and a pony to post with. The tripcode is free of charge
Your butt hungers for me, yes, Skye
I know! Imagine your love for the horses of other colors
Well I always wanted to leave my stay on a high note, I'm going to bed.
Also, my friend opened bot a Lili and a Sorin on the prerelease. I told him to go fuckhimself with a cactus
Not my type wez
Ill still take my promo gisela tho
Night Scotch!
I'm bored, disappointed in the Turkish coup and too lazy to go look for Pokémon. What do?
You're a stickler for the rules, aren't you?
You're the one who keeps hitting one me
Draw stuff! Or watch porn. Or draw porn?
Rule 27 dictates that you're a faggot.
Of course! It's so obvious!
Draw Celestia porn
Nah. I'm gonna go back to shitposting elsewhere but I may grace you with my presence again someday.
And Rule 27 would be right.
You will be back. They always come back
Princest approved content
Are ya winning, Son?
Until then, ponifag.
Won 2 rounds, lost the third.
Thats not bad so far!
Have fun shitposting
Holy shit I really want this
heyyy how's you
I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. How about yourself?
not bad thanks, apparently the south of the UK had or is having a big heatwave and is heading up in our direction now. so with any luck i'll be blasted with heat in a couple of weeks
i don't want to bet on it tho
Im 3~1!
Celestia's southern regions are having a heat wave and she needs help cooling them off.
sure is fun
And the guy I lost to won all 4 so far.
So if I win the last round, I could be top 3
You know how you could help her cool off?
More like, you'll be the bottom with 3 on top. Amirite?
stick an ice-cream up there?
wow good luck, hope you get there! not sure what else to say in case i somehow jinx you
Oh, sure, that'd help, but it might be too much of a change to jump right into it, perhaps there is a way to bridge the gap.
I have no idea, just random things happening to me, like the situation is getting progressively worse. It's probably stress related, but I have no real fix for it besides covering it up with distraction
Good morning friends!
You know what? I'm not good with equestrian, so I really could use the practice.
how's it going
this needs music
You have internal ulcers? That sounds unpleasant. Sorry to hear that. Have you gone to the doctor for that?
Thank you.
Oh yeah, if you need help drawing horse pussy, check out /horse/
purdy good, havin some breakfast with lots of veggies. You?
Don't you fucking DARE talk shit about John Cena OR Dragon ball z.
They're probably within the throat where it's been getting sore. I couldn't tell until at first until I crushed one with my fingernails.
Kinda scared it could spread further or maybe it's just me. I'd phone them up but I hate waiting on hold for an hour plus to put up with shit-tier music.
Your Husbando doesn't love you.
i love you tho
Wow. Uncalled for
Insert horrified expression here
you in the mood for the cartoon today or nahhh?
Sure, just give me moment. I don't have too long, gotta leave for work in an hour and 10 minutes. I need to do some other stuff too, but get in the room; I'll tell you when I'm ready.
oh cool, there isn't that many episodes until we finish the first season now anyway
I went 4~1
Possibly second place!
The pony thread and wildlife never ceases to amaze me. Just look at this Reece post isn't she a beaut! Oy ya don't want to get too close Thea mate, she gots a few sexually frustrates partnas encircling here whereva she go, ya don't want ta excite on a dem, they might attack and they can be ferocious i'm like anything you have ever seen mate
not porn, try again
Who is trying to sex the reecepet? reecepet is not allowed cummies because of his misbehavior yesterday!
One can only wonda what will come of the male competition in this hea thread there is only one Reece and many sexually frustrated males
The robot voice kind of ruined it
It can end in many wasted plane tickets and silent tears in a barren hotel by faggots far from home.
i wish elliot rodgers was alive and was my friend
i havel ike the ghuest boner for
tiffany trump~~
Hello, I'm Skye ~
This is meant to be disgusting but it is my fetish
You have like
the best taste in this thread
I see you are still alive. once again I have failed
Can we see some titties?
i dunno if i'd want reeceypet to come visit me. hes not the best pet really. still learning though, i suppose.
What will happen to reece? Will blewberry ever findle his butthole? will solair outright battle blewberry to the death for the rights to mate?
Filter me?
diaperspam commencing. initiate furry diaper comic protocols
he literally only posts here to tell people he's filtered them so he can feel euphoric.
Noooo, blew.
good luck with that
You will live and die knowing only fear of diaperspam
Nice sunbutt you got there
gosh dang it
When are you going to kill yourself?
die for your sins, Smuglord!
diapers aren't my fetish but this picture is kind of cute
Adam Sandler? Is that you?
You're going to pay for all the Steben youve posted!
Youre such a good boy Reecey! Who's a good boy? Who's a good little reeceypet?
but dont tell anyone
Ok brian.
thx m8o
Die, Smuglord! You dont belong in this thread!
I'll go to Blueberry 700 if I have to Smug. You will never be free of diaper pony while you live.
Smuglord, post sunbutt! Make sunbutt mare juice!
Ten free packs
This filter is amazing. Just…unf.
back atcha
hi bran flakes
oh what
Skitty is he truly not seeing my diaperspam? There surely must be a way around this! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???
I don't have to look at Skitty's ugly-ass trucks anymore.
.. My what?
I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you are happy and safe, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you will know the debt is paid.
Pop pop pop
Watchin filly fuckers drop
Hey suckers, at TrotCon about to get a photo with John de Lancie; you jelly?
Time for me to go to work. Smug, keep posting Celestia for me.
I'll strangle you with your own intestines you filtery bastard!
see you soon!
Real shitposters dont hide behind shitty jscript and rootkits!
sounds pretty awesome. I'm working on murdering Smuglord.
I am kinda jelly actually. Make sure you post it in bread soon.
Oh my…such an honor.
I won't let you down.
Second place dood
Bow before my leet skills
Smuglord! Kill yourself and save me the trouble! Why make bread endure diaper pony just for your cowardice!
Why wont you just die?
That questions reminds me of an emo rock band I used to listen to.
Cryoshell - No More Words
look it
Die horribly!
No sorry my bad, it's The Room, not No More Words.
what if I do this?
surely there is a way around this
Aaaaand now you got it in my head.
I must find a way! For the salvation of bread I must destroy Smuglord!
wow that's really good, well done!
what happens tomorrow at the event?
I will find a way. Somehow, I will persevere.
God, I kinda miss having an edgy music phase
Just because I like them doesn't mean I have to go spamming it constantly. You should know better to keep your ass out of everyone's faces just because you can't get your own way or don't like someone.
You don't even make any effort to stick to dedicated places for this. This is more than just sad.
Good luck with that.
I should get the print in about an hour. I'll do it then if I remember (I should).
Its just a copy of the same event.
Start again
good man
I can't believe I've never seen this. Nice.
meh Im done with the spam for now. Smuglord isnt dying, so I'll hold off til I find a way around these damn filters.
oh man that looks pretty boss., bet you're having a great time!
This is blewberries way of "impressing" his friends
o i c.
you did great though!
ponycons look fun
as opposed to your way of impressing people, which is providing pieces of shit with tools they cant understand or appreciate and dont deserve, which they can use to avoid justice. You're a marked man Skitty. I will never forget this treachery.
skitty impresses me with his opinions on things
I had to vent some way or another.
Not surprised to be honest, familiar.
Yet you run non-free JavaScript from various sites every single day which could've contained malicious code. You can't say much on that accord, really.
sir i have a question
Yuh huh!!
Super smiley!
you going to go out celebrating later?
So far you have been sperging out about posters in this thread you don't like, and because I do not agree with your opinion and believe this poster is an OK person, your response is to try and convince people I am writing "rootkits" and malicious code and trying to fuck with people.
What will you come out with next…
To shitpost, to have fun, to spam chickuns and evade bans.
Not to filter breaders and report people to mods. With this foolishness Skitty has delayed Smuglord's suicide by weeks, maybe even months.
Just the one, really. And you spend a lot of time bitching about Skye, so its not like you're innocent here.
I consider any code that prevents smuglord from having to face his diapery fate to be malicious.
Sure, I have time to spare
why the fuck are you taking him seriously lmfao
That's outright a blatant lie. I simply make 1 or 2 posts telling skye what I believe about them and leave it at that.
You on the otherhand go out of your way to shove pictures of feces and urine in peoples faces.
You lose your cool very easily and annoy the majority of people around you but somehow you believe you're doing something for the greater good.
You're a batshit insane loon and are just looking to normalize your behavior in anyway conceivable.
Comparing yourself to me probably isn't the best way to blend in m8
Eh, say what you want. I'm finished with this topic.
You admit you created a bread filter just because you dont like Skye. Thats some serious butt damage right there whether you want to admit it or not.
I didn't diaper spam while Smug was gone, we all got along, it was a golden age of bread. Now that he's returned, he has brought chaos, diapers, and steven universe with him. Can you not see the evil you have aided?
Do you not feel guilt that youre rootkit is preventing Smug from facing justice? Have you no shame sir?
Thyeyre voices sound like they are coming through a radio.
Also, writer GM Burrow (is that spelled right?) would like to write for Sapphire Shores (maybe her with Rara).
I should post me singing the Steven Universe theme
rite on
Am at a Chinese buffet now!
Planning on spending the evening same as last night actually…~
steven universe is a gateway communist cartoon of the worst kind
as long as you don't have another 12 hour "nap" it'll be cool
as a communist, I ask that you do not associate me with smuglord's autism show. I am the cure to smuglord, not part of the disease.
Hey uh, question…
What time is it?
Like the actual literal time.
i don't believe in clocks
to think that there was a possibility that even a complete degenerate vermin like you could have turned out as an almost passable citizen if it weren't for such shows contaminating your mind when you were a child
Haha, no intention of that!
is the hell you have created, skitty. look on your works. are you pleased? are you glad that everypony has to look at this shit every day?
we can still purify bread of it at the very least. spam diapers at smuglord until he kills himself. it is the only way.,
It is not a very difficult feat to accomplish. It took me at least 10 minutes to create the script and then another 2 minutes to clear any bugs. You literally spend hours unraveling your "buttdamage" into this thread with no consideration for the people around you.
My script is a simple tool I have created that took me mere minutes to conceive and was created solely with consideration of the people around you. You are an annoyance and I took an infinitesimal portion out of my time to provide a solution in dealing with your lack of consideration for people. If you equate this to unleashing unfathomable proportions of "buttdamage" then I'd think it's pretty clear this is just another silly conclusion your insane mind loves churning out, and like the rest of the dross it spills out onto our feet in this thread, I will just step over it and not think much of it.
there are much better ways to go about getting smug to kill himself
I see a lot of words, but none of them are "I'm sorry for what I did, I'll work with you to help remove this cancer I've helped to create"
I will only work against you.
Nothing rare about being pretentious
You're welcome to try. Smuglord is marked for death, you can only delay the inevitable. And when he fucks off and kills himself, I'll still be here, for years and years, and every day I will remember that you chose the wrong side, and I will find ways to remind you.
I feel a strange presence…
The presence of…Lord Kek
Look at me not caring.
… brian?..
I bet that's you… rood
Bani poster in the Bread?
But you said you where going to leave Holla Forums.
Forgot about sunbutt for a bit
testing testing 123
Back out.
Seems like you took over the bread.
I wonder how is Blewberry dealing with you, now that you and the Jewish Texan faggot, seem to have an alliance against him.
Gureito daze
I don't speak taco.
Something my mom bitch? Am I in 2nd grade again?
You're one of those random fags that only sees what's happening here in the thread in front of them.
who are you even replying to
Damn ghosts fuckin up my quoting.
HOLY SHIT watch this in 4K hd
not me m8
still a fag
why you always gotta be such a dick 2 me m8
You started it. sorry.
what the fuck did i do
nothing but love
and support
for four fucking years
Would be 10/10 without the lame quotes.
who are you?
Ur ghey lol
no u
that's a blood eagle m8
I bet you played raider with plasma gun
Hey Dissy!
Do not fall for the kikemex and steben autism propaganda. I remain, and will soon stamp out the last resistance and force smuglord to an hero. It is only a matter of time. Do not lose faith.
that was probably one of the last setups i was playing as that was the last patch i played, as those new weapons were dicks
generally was pathfinder/spinfuser though
there he goes again
when i find your dead body after your inevitable suicide, i'll dress your corpse in a diaper.
there you go again back to El Aushwitzo
I was trifusor soldat. Good tiems
Im not even into my dashy diaper folder yet, I'm still in the Bs alphabetically.
How about you crawl back up the barren wasteland that is your mothers vast desiccated vagina.
you brought this on yourself Skitty. Without your interference Smuglord could be gone by now, or perhaps even dead.
the diaper spam will not cease until Smuglord is dead and burned to ashes.
You're the reason these threads have been in decay and people move to pony chan and post in the pony bread there.
Hope you are proud of yourself.
there is only one person who needs to move. but to hell, not to ponychan.
i need smuglord in my life
what possible purpose could that serve?
done sunposting
he amuses me
His posts are not easy on the eyes.
go hard or go home
he was amusing for me once as well. Then I drove him from bread and from discordchat… but then he returned to continue his steben posting…
also, if you want to see true amusement, post a diaper at him.
I can't think of a reason to hate smug. Why all this?
Is everyone still arguing about politics and videogames there?
i went there once and complained about communism
it was a good day
Give me a reason not to hate him. There are none. Fear not though, soon he will kill himself and this will be over
They'll take anything for bait, lul
especially those fucking skype faggots
I hear enemy forces gathering.
Time to utilize my Steven with shield pictures
looks quiet right now
Yes that actually seems to come off as a reoccurring subject in those threads
oh wow
you mean smug has been driven out of places
never heard of such a thing happening
you must be a pretty big deal in these here parts
He dindu nuthin
Yeah, and all the usual dicklust. At least there's not so much of it here.
there aint no rest for the triggered.
i have triggered him many a time
I just wish you come out victorious against the Smuglord and Skittyhole.
I'm always lurking.
but If you need any Help, you will find me, in the Eternal Travis Thread.
I will always be there for you.
Good bye Blewby.
well then just consider me a racist cop.
Dissy no, dont go! We're so close to defeating them. Stay and diaperspam with me! I need you!
thus far his only known weakness is diaperspam, but you can try other sorts of weird pron on him too. make a fun game of it!
Roasted beyond rehabilitation
im really thankful that i subscribed to this
Very well then, I will see if I can gather enough diaper ponies to strangle that mother fucker to death.
Kinda want to cuddle Smuglord.
Lets see if this works.
Smuggie look at this.
If we stand together theres no way they can stop us. The Skittyhole Fan Club is unbeatable. I'm with you, now and always!
heres some more lulz
he would make a good pillow, being as chubby as he is
The reality of the situation before you is that smug Lord is the true evil of these threads as blueberry does not realize that smug Lord plays a game that involves egging him on in order to have blueberry unravel The reality of the situation before you is that smug Lord is the true evil of these threads as blueberry does not realize that smug Lord plays a game that involves egging him on in order to have blueberry unravel himself in these threads. It is actually smug Lord who is the true mastermind using reverse it is actually smug Lord who is the true mastermind using reverse psychology in order to unleash blueberries degeneracy upon these threads. smug Lord is actually waging war fare upon the pony threads Via proxy. It is rather alarming that blueberry does not realize he is only a tool for smuglord
you're all fatties
You are so ridiculous sometimes, Justin.
hahhahhahahaha *munches popcorn* hahahah! why do you have that, out of curiousity?
that's part of his charm
Well I guess that iPhone's speech to text functionality is bugged
Your psychoanalysis are so over the top.
conspiracy lunatic theorist grade.
oh no
im not and neither is reecey. we are both cute boys.
Heya Fleur!
Stuck on a rusted railroad spike
Isn't it hilarious to look at?
i'd be assuming it's exactly what he just said if it was anyone but smug
Im well aware Smuglord is working against bread, hoping to attract more steben obsessed rule crazy mod crying faggots to shit up our realm. I won't allow it, and I will punish those who help him in his quest.
reece is mine, hands off!
Can I still cuddle him?
almost hypnotic!
we'll see about that when he gets his collar and diapers.
wanting to cuddle smug is literally being a pedophile
let's get married
You were too socially retarded thus rendered helpless in that regard. you do not hurt anyone but yourself
You're not wrong.
Not an ephebophile?
Blewby doesn't give a single fuck.
he can post degeneracy and that doesn't cripple him.
just watch smuglord's reaction he starts posting weakened images of Steven.
Skittyhole just wants to inflate his ally.
You'd do that for me?
meant for
i'm well aware of the current circumstances
i specifically qualified the fucking statement you fucking guy
Hey little guy look at this.
Crikey here comes the wild Reece post, gotta wotch out for the sexually frustrated males she be attractin,don't Wana get caught up in sum messy situation mate
as long as you love me and not just the idea of me sure!
the same could be said for your posts darling
they get my engine started sometimes~
im not sure someone as mentally retarded as him can give informed consent, yeah.
pet pets. sorry for spamming, daddy has to make the bad man go away before he touches you.
hush skitty. why try to delay the inevitable? Smug WILL die, and soon. It is a foregone conclusion. After I spam enough diaper at him your little friend is going to blow his brains out. Then I'm going to find crime scene photos and post them every day like a badge of honor with diaper ponies copypastad all over his headless corpse.
smug, I want you to know that even death will not stop you from being my lolcow. I'm going to keep milking your tit long after you kill yourself.
fuck yes! *brohoof*
Who the fuck even says darling
Skye! Thank the gods. Post some of Natsoc doing n atosc things. We have to trigger smug and skittyhole!
I can try my best! Where shall we get married anyhow?
more like all the time.
I prefer skitty and smug over you
Wow you seem to be bitching about everything a little more than usual lately.
what happened to your boyfriend did you guys break up or something?
die, Smuglord!
Jesus would you look at that post , gotta cova your nose The pheromones are strong she uses these to attract mates and will you just look at all of those mates pouring in
tetra does!
and i do, mostly to those especially close to me, but i make an exception every now and again
Holy shit I forgot about tantrum I wonder what happened to them
hi GN
Lets hang this faggot and put a shitted diaper on his head.
Laugh my fucking ass off family how was your day ravaging through slums for pennies on the dollar
i hope they are okay
you are right in that, that is something i would expect GN to say too
but i am not GN
also he takes the effort to capitalize things
you're pretty low on my list of 'not absolute junk tier posters' too
He tried to touch the skittyhole and skitty ran away.
thats cold. smuglord isnt even a person, just a blob of ugly colors and autism.
Skye is still a breadposter, he's welcome to his opinion. we're not butchers, after all…. Smug on the other hand should absolutely be hung.
who the fuck rates anyone here highly
Smug tops you every day of the week
You tell them sky that fucking asshole doesn't deserve to be posting with us here I wonder who's giving him Internet they should be find a hefty sum
im too high to smoke
Discordio is the result of first world countries efforts giving Third World country people affordable Internet is this really what we want? Someone should mail some of discordios posts to the EU and put their nose in it and point that the paper and tell him is this what you fucking wanted
There are two kinds of posters in bread: Real btards who dont give a fuck and want ponies and keks,
And triggered babbies that need the mods and filters to come stop people from being mean to them and giving them PTSD.
I'm damn proud to be a proper shitposter and I dont care who knows it. And I'll defend everypony from those who just want to turn this into a place for offended SJWs.
I'm outside and using speech to text on my phone I can't be asked to correct any of these unfortunate translations
third worlders using technology is cultural appropriation and im offended
Discardio and Scotchy are the next generation of shitposters. When we're all gone, they'll still be shitposting and ponying and probably clopping too. I'm privileged to stand with them!
Blueberry but you were the only baby here who seems to be triggered at anything at all look at how you act as a response to smuggle Lord also it's pretty well-known that you use diapers so it was a big baby here
Says the faggot in denial.
Just LMAO.
Skye is still a breadposter, he's welcome to his opinion.
well maybe not you, but I wouldn't mind hanging that faggot, for preferring the smuglord over you.
Lets do it together.
oh fair enough skitty
Get the fuck out of here
I feel really gay and horny
i can just imagine skitty out in the middle of nowhere
orating his shitposts
if only we could just directly post mp3s so i could hear him
whats new?
Once smug is dead everything will settle down. I really thought he'd left forever and killed himself a while ago, but now he's back, and he brought the war with him.
Hey by the way do you have skype or email or something? we should chill sometime and plot!
I would love to string Smuglord up from a lamp post with you, and maybe we could have a little picnic too. I'll wrap a nice chilled sauvignon blanc in a towel and pack some canapes or something.
I am very gay and perpetually horny let's be friends
I am here.
maybe you can help fleur, rose
I am grateful for your presence here.
You need to leave
Not gonna happen Faggot.
why do you post pictures of that guy? it's beyond pitiful.
I will ask Travis poster for your picture that twilihaze posted
more cool non linked posting
Dissy posts more than you, and hes a better shitposter. All you do is talk about not being gay and your fuckboy. You barely even post pony. Dissy is a better breader than you any day.
want 2 cyber?
im sure there are other mexicans around who are learning to speak english from listening to his text to speech. "triggered. faggoto…. bluberrrita"
Seems you missed.
hello Holla Forumsread
At least you admit it now a days.
No, stop that.
I refuse.
the panty raid?
hai ther
im a high nigga pie
you tell em Dissy!
Miraclepet! post something fetishy! we must free bread from Smuglord!
I post them for the same reason you and blewberry post shit noone else wants to see.
Because i know it annoys people.
Congrats on missing the point entirely
go to bed
High Mira. What's good?
Nor much, u?
Also mexican guys are cute
Wrong user, crumpets.
Fine, but I won't be happy about it.
did well at a MTG tournament today, drinking and being tired now
what should i call you at the alter tho?
mostly it just annoys skitty. he literally made a filter just to avoid your posts. then he gave that filter to smuglord to protect him from getting too triggered and dying.
Hey hey
In our sultry cyber play i will play the part of Eduardo, your sultry spanish lover who also wears diapers and rapes smuglord.
oooh whered you find this? i dont know if i have this one yet
Skye can't say I didn't try.
What's good?
That's all I wanted~
Watch this.
i dont give a fuck
piss off already you old weirdo
try harder you slut
Hahahahahaha goddamn youre good!
I may be a slut, but I'm not YOUR slut, skye.
Stop trying to get me to do things.
What kind of soup?
You being here.
I just think it's lame.
wanna post something annoying?
Watch and learn.
yeah man
No, youve never done this^
literally noone cares about your memeposting
Hey guys! Is there a new Holla Forumsread yet? I don't want to post my pic with Discord if this one is about to end.
i hope that's chocolate….
potato and leek sounds lovely!
i care about his memeposting
Travis posting.
just woke up relaxing how about you?
massive quads
I plan on changing that before I have to head in to work.
Yes it does.
i meant people who arent disabled
bed missy!
shower me with praise pls
see the picture in the linked post
Thanks, Satan
travisposting for justice!
i think skitty just made one. hows you?
just look away reecey, tis ok *pets*
and this is why youre not my favorite petboi anymore
Help, my puppydog is sleeping on my lap and I want to get up
Same tbh.
Oh, right.
Cool I guess. Who is that?
cock sock
dont worry i dont have anything fetishy anyways that shit makes me cringe.
i just dont shower praise to people who demand it
I'm good
Dont like diapers, also top.or bottom?
Magic The Gathering
why does my crotch smell so good?