What does Holla Forums think of homesexuality?
What does Holla Forums think of homesexuality?
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I don't give a shit, I used to have a hommo friend but he always hited on me until I made 1 joke about gay, and he got super pissed and ia no lomger my friend. Other then that, you can fuck your dog, I really don't care.
It's pretty gay
That guy sounds like a huge faggot, it's a good thing you dropped him.
I make offensive (but tasteful) black jokes to my TWO black friends, that's right, two black friends, I have two of them, one of them is male and one of them is a female. Male black friend is kind of an egotistical douchebag but when he's ""real" he's cool.
Anyway you should be able to say shit to people who are your friends and they should know you don't mean any harm.
Unless you did mean some harm or were being degrading about him being a massive fucking fudgepacking homogaylord, who totally has sex with men in the mouth and butt.
It's a shame knowing that it's usually caused by childhood sexual abuse/molestation. They need help.
Can you also post an infographic, I didn't quite get enough of your humorless, reddit-farmed content
Counterbump for this weak contentless cancer patient
I couldn't really care less what consenting adults do with their genitals.
Kek. Great story, user, but I'm around 100-100% certain that's not true
>>>Holla Forums
Someone's a sore faggot.
Its an imageboard and he's posting images. Stay mad faggot.
He is you, and so's the other guy probably. 8ch is almost as dead as 420chan these days.
You literally posted a comic with the reddit spiky hair bitch in it. Just fucking bullet to the head right now man. Your life is no longer worth living
This user beat me to it. Also how fitting that OP of all people would make a thread about this topic, he must be a huge fucking faggot.
I think those POZ loads are starting to get to you.
Stay mad and paranoid, faggot.
It comes with a fitting end.
Oh Manco…
Not for long…
Actually the life-span for a newly infected person on meds is around average anyway.
There's an enormous difference between being a fag and being a homo.
Don't be a fag and we cool.
also no trannies.
AIDS isn't a virus it's the result of a virus you faggot.
well, we already know that OP is a flafing fucking faggot and we put up with you, so there is that.
In your dreams.
Fuck off, you don't know shit about shit.
kill yourselves
spoiler that shit
Triggered much?
There is, however, something wrong wit calling it manpussy.
You gonna fuck a faggot, call it a fucking ass! Don't be a fucking pansy about it!
Er, clearly you're actually the less informed one in that exchange, not sure how you're telling him he's wrong that AIDS is not a virus. U DONT NO SHIT ABOUT SHIT BRO. yeah, you're real cool, dude
One day, a sleazy evangelist, who had switched sides when the going got tough, was writing a letter to his flock.
They wanted to know why God allowed non-Christians to prosper and have liberal sex practices. Where were the earthquakes and lightning bolts of the Old Testament?
The sleazy evangelist thought about this. The question was undermining his authority, it was casting doubt on his sermons about an angry God. Then he had an idea.
"God actually TURNED the pagans gay - as punishment for being pagan" he wrote. That would make his flock happy, and he didn''t have to produce an earthquake! Boy, this was the best job ever!
And so Paul's letter to the Corinthians became the official reason for 2000 years of hate.
Looks like we got us an imageboard scholar.
Gayness/gender dysphoria may be caused by some sort of childhood infection. If so, it will die out soon. If not, they should probably be identified and transitioned to girls before puberty.
Gays are fine. It's faggots who need to die.
Orlando shooter did nothing wrong.
kennedi check em
They do whatever they want with other people and theirs arses. I dont understand why some guys are against that, cause the fact that they live in happiness while hurting nobody is more important than "ethics".
Right anons?
I think it's gay
quite possibly the non-sexiest picture ever.
Option A. Be the meat in OP's pic sandwitch
Option B . Have missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation with pic related
ITT a bunch of liberal fags say they don't give a fuck
suck my dick
why would i care if two faggots suck each other's dicks?
It's pretty gay
you're a faggot, im a faggot. the rest of the internet should be as gay as all of us.
I think it's a sinful and degenerate lifestyle and doubt that two men could actually love each other the way a man and a woman could. That said, who am I to judge? If they want to be fags that's fine with me.
As an aside, when did being gay become an identity? In the ancient world it was common for people to smash twink pucci boi ass, but it was something they did, not something they were.
I actually have a tab open in my browser right now that is connected to squirt dot org.
I'm looking for guys to suck off during my nightly walk.
On my nightly walks I go to parks and strip completely naked and walk around for a bit before finding somewhere to sit down and play with my cock.
I'd love to have a horny guy come up to me while I'm playing with my dick and have him stick his beautiful cock in my mouth so that I can suck him off and swallow his load.
mental illness. but they don't fuck around with the status quo, so they can stay.
It IS a mental illness, but a reasonably harmless one. Y'know, as long as you practice safe sex, which is true for normal people, too.
I think it's wrong, but I still wanna fuck a qt I know.
Regarding the fourth image:
I agree with everything except the one about Holla Forums and the one about bisexuals.
Personally I fucking think it's disgusting.
Shit dick
But, i don't do anal.
But as my father once said. Dont' bash gay's, means more women for you, son.
Bifag here.
I'd never dilute the real meaning of marriage by marrying another guy, nor would we ever adopt, because you've seen the fucking charts.
I don't think I was born bi, obviously having a single mother fucked me up for life.
The point of my rambling:
This about sums it up.
No mother should have to raise a child alone.
Gays are free to fuck butts, get cucked, get tripple-fucked by cucks or whatever they want, as long as it stays in the bedroom and I don't have to hear all the juicy aromatic details the next day at work.
Just don't be a fag that flaunts it day in and day out, and we're cool.
fuck off
Summing-up this thread: Homosexuality is gay.
All the information in these graphs are inaccurate and not peer reviewed by reputable scholars.
No one cares. If they get HIV they're only hurting themselves.
Also the 3rd graph assumes correlation with causation. Forget to mention the only way a lesbian couple can get a child is by adopting, and a lot of adopted children had fucked up lives. Also, there's no control for income, given women are more likely to go for lower paying occupations.
Women can have kids user.
i love homosexuality :]
Yessss, goy! Sleep with mennn!!! Its good for societyyyy!!!
but i'm not really all that effeminate… people assume i'm straight when they meet me
Doesnt bug me much. As a filthy transsexual i dont have much room to judge.
All my wat. Lesbians have wombs my negro.
sux that most people on the internet and in less educated parts of the world hate me, but at least i don't have to deal with women just to get my dick wet. i definitely get more action than most of my straight friends
i'm pretty content with this trade off, all things considered
Immoral degeneracy. However 2d traps are alright
give it 100 more years and homosexuality will have common monogamy
right now it is mostly purely sexual and lust-driven