But-buh muh minority comics don't sell maymay


OP are you retarded?

Stop wating our time with this meme

Since OP is retarded, I'll point out a couple of things

1) Comichron figures only report how many copies of an issue were sold to comic shops, not how many issues were actually bought by consumers from those comic shops
2) New #1s tend to sell high. That is, comic shops buy a lot of new #1s to gauge interest in a particular book
3) This a long established and fairly popular character, who has just appeared in a big blockbuster movie. You'll notice that all the other comics in the top ten are either Batman, Deadpool or Spider-Man related, all long established and popular characters, or else they're Star Wars licensed comics, Star Wars of course being one of the most successful franchises ever created.

Hey look, another thread where the OP pretends to be stupid, waits for a few replies and then makes another asinine post.

Why is Black panther wearing Nolanverse Batamn outfit without the pointy ears?

Are we getting an influx of Cuck/co/ users ?

Probably. There's a similar thread on 4/co/

Hey, remember those dark days when 200.000 sales was considered a miserable flop, and meant instant cancellation for any title?

We should all be glad as fuck SOCJUS came and saved the industry from itself, guys.

Not Miles Morales or Sam Wilson so it doesn't count.

Also, Loot Crate.


They're saving it by smothering it with a pillow while it kicks and screams.

It's a fitting end really.

kill yourself

so that's a yes then, kill yourself as well.


Can't wait for the end of capeshit and the big two personally.

Your b8 is weak, PreOP.

Fear what will fill the void. Fear it with everything you got, because the Jews are never done.

Fuck off back to cuck/co/ OP. The mods won't stop us from calling you out as a massive fucking retard here.

You massive fucking retard.

If you can tell the real thing from the LARPers who are doing it for shiggles, you have a magical gift.

You forgot to call him a faggot.

fuck off.
you too OP.

Tasty B8, M8

Both need to go.

>No, no, you don't get it. If he's shitting on the floor ironically, then it's okay!

He is no matter how salty it makes you.