Hey guys...

Hey guys. Just wanted to say that the goverment wants everyone to interbreed and race mix because soon they will destroy all races. They want to turn us into one big disgusting single race. All the same people, all the same consumers buying off the same companies. No longer other nations, but one big single nation that looks alike, acts alike, thinks alike. A bastardized human. They want to bastardize the human race, mutilate it.
Truly, this is a brave new world.

Thank you for reading.

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whose they ?

Whoever is leading us leading us down this path.
I believe that it is the government.

Anyone working for the government or only politicians?

Specifically, they want whites to mix with nigs and other mudfolk. That's why you see so many black/white couples on TV even though it's rare in real life; and so few asian/white couples, even though more than half of yellow girls are with a white boy. They want to create a uniformly dumb, impulsive, and incompetent underclass to rule.

I am unfortunately a disgusting mulatto.

Is one of your parents white, or you come from a line of mulattos?

You grossly overestimate people's ability to keep their mouths shut. To accomplish such a thing you'd need thousands of very influential people to co-operate. Sooner or later enough of them will end up running their mouth too much and blowing the whole thing.
Face it, the average nignog contributes more to society than you do with your conspiracy bullshit. Hell, next thing bush did 9/11 and there was no Moon landing. I bet that's the kind of bullshit you keep spewing.
You conspiracy theorists are the kind of people that just want to see bad in everything. For you every good thing that happens is a part of a brainwashing conspiracy and every bad thing was organized by a secret organization of Jews.
If you need to see the world black and white, at least be a hippie and see the good shit, not the bad. It really does help with your mental health. Or if it doesn't you're too happy to notice.

This racial mixing issue, think about it this way: what would the people doing this gain? Obviously people greedy enough to fuck with all of humanity for minimal gain wouldn't give two shits about their children and any racial mixing plan would take centuries to reach any potential effective goal, at which point the people behind this would either be racially mixed themselves too and would gain nothing or they would succumb to inbreeding.
You see mixed couples on TV because extreme liberals will keep pushing their PC bullshit, and successfully so. The producers have no other choice.
Another thing to think about: suppose blacks are actually significantly less intelligent. The total population of them is some 10-15 percent in the US (US because you clearly don't see that there's life outside it, too). So the average intelligence will still only be barely affected by it.
The effects of complete racial mixing would be negligible losses in intelligence at most and probably some gains in the immunity side and other minor shit.
Just my 2c.

Globalists would be utterly unaffected by this since the high societies don't have to participate in the shit they spew. Like OP said, having distinguishable identities is not conducive to the globalist dream.

They aren't exactly hiding it. The announce their goals openly all the time. People don't bother to call attention to it because anyone who does is branded a nazi nut. Even if you show them a vid of Sarkozy saying that if miscegenation doesn't happen on its own, there will be obligatory miscegenation. For example you say:

"The producers have no choice, you loon - there's no one actively pushing race-mixing!" You can't stay consistent from para to para,

Read the Frankfurt school. They don't like cohesive national identities very much.

Blacks 85, Hispanics 89, whites 103. With 15% black, 20% spic, 65% white you get an IQ drop of 6 pts, nearly half a standard deviation.

But wait there is more! Black population doubled in the last 40 years due to welfare policies. Hispanic population is not only growing fast, but there is unlimited scope for immigration. Highly taxed whites have the fewest babies.

This isn't about keeping white races pure, I'm fucking mixed myself, for christ sakes.

I dunno. I never bothered with that stuff.

Now you're just assuming you know me.

I don't want to see bad in everything, but it doesn't mean that we all have to turn a blind eye because we just want to be happy. A majority of the population already does that. They go their tv's or they go indulge in some other mindless activity.

Please don't mix me with Holla Forums, if anything, they are being played worse than anyone else.

A static position and control of power and money for years, centuries to come. People have killed for a lot less, my friend.

And it will.

Kings and queens used to interbreed to keep their bloodlines pure before. But this isn't the middle ages anymore. A more truly unbelievable conspiracy awaits the answer of that question. (*Cough* cloning *cough*)

This isn't about the fucking U.S. This is about every country. Every country is being flooded by refugees, if not, there is still a lot more ethnic groups within those countries.

These refugees offer cheap labor for companies and dilution of the population. War breeds war. Illegals are also good for this (they are hired and first paycheck are deported back)

My friend, many Americans are dumb. I see them come through my town every day and they are just straight up stupid (a lot of them. Not every single one). You overestimate the average intelligence of the modern man.

This is just food for thought. I'm not going to force my thoughts down your throat.

There is only one race though. Skin pigmentation is irrelevant.

But culture is. But identity is.
If this is true. Not only will every culture be wiped out, but history itself will be able to be fabricated, anything. Corporations and governments will win the hearts of the masses, eventually this will lead to the death of us all.

Imagine 1984, and Brave new world rolled into one fatty.

I'm not saying that we must all be pure. That is not longer possible. But we have to make an effort to preserve at least something of who we are.

I agree, culture and identity do define us. But these differences cannot correctly be defined as races. Some cultures, I believe are less advanced than others, and yes, we must preserve the more advanced, western culture from barbaric influences.

lol ok shlomo, only one race

Yes, but believe it or not, you are depending on your materialism. In that case, the western culture is at the top of this fine line. But this is more than technology and cartoons. Most cultures hold a basics, a principle to easy and sufficient living that has been trashed an replaced with a new one "proven" to be "better". We have done this in some places to make room for the SJW because "Thats rascist! His culture doesn't include mine!". If we let our modern cultures interact with each other (like right now) it just creates war.

These unpoisoned cultures need to be addressed. Because in the end, if we follow them, they do create a peaceful and sufficient way of living. We must preserve THESE cultures and their people. I have only looked into a few, and am still looking through others to expand on this.

On the other hand. No, we should not all mix ourselves up just because "What is race? Skin colour? NOPE!". There are races whether you like it or not. Your reason is only justified if you're coming from a future where there is more races than just the human race, and we are not there.


I find it funny that you should mention brave new world, because in the book they went to big lengths to separate races and create clear racial divides.

I know a half-German-half-Filipino woman who married a full German man

their kids look like full Filipinos

shitty genes are always dominant. Mixing brings them to the lowest common denominator


First of all, since I've only been lurking before I don't know how to greentext and I'm way too lazy to find out.

"They aren't exactly hiding it. The announce their goals openly all the time. People don't bother to call attention to it because anyone who does is branded a nazi nut. Even if you show them a vid of Sarkozy saying that if miscegenation doesn't happen on its own, there will be obligatory miscegenation."

So they announce their goals openly all the time, yet OP "thinks" it's the "government"? This also has to do with why I said he doesn't see that there is a world outside the US. You can't blame one government on the whole thing.
But if they say it so openly, how about some sause on this?

""The producers have no choice, you loon - there's no one actively pushing race-mixing!" You can't stay consistent from para to para"

No one in their right mind agrees with extreme liberals. It's just that it's kinda popular to have extreme views like that right now and politicians can't just ignore a large, loud part of the people just because they don't agree with their views. Way I see it, they try to give in as little as possible without losing their votes.

"Read the Frankfurt school. They don't like cohesive national identities very much."

Not gonna do that, I'm already too lazy to figure out how to greentext so you can't expect me to read up on anything more than that.
I will say this much: cohesive national identities are a good thing for most politicians because it helps them keep control of their own people and push them to fighting towards a common cause.
Imagine WWII where the Nazis didn't have a cohesive natural and cultural identity. There wouldn't have been a WWII.
If you want me to understand why a politician would not want the people to have a cohesive national identity, you need to give me a tl;dr of that Frankfurt school.

"Blacks 85, Hispanics 89, whites 103. With 15% black, 20% spic, 65% white you get an IQ drop of 6 pts, nearly half a standard deviation."

Which only delays the tendency of the human species to become a little smarter with every generation. You know old IQ tests can't be used these days because they give too high answers?

"But wait there is more! Black population doubled in the last 40 years due to welfare policies."

But wait, there's more! So did white population.

"Hispanic population is not only growing fast, but there is unlimited scope for immigration. Highly taxed whites have the fewest babies."

Yes, these days immigration from anywhere to anywhere is pretty easy, NK and China aside.
And yes, rich people tend to have less children, but here's a surprise for you: not all whites are rich and not all blacks and hispanics are poor.

"This isn't about keeping white races pure, I'm fucking mixed myself, for christ sakes."

Then what the fuck is it about, anyway? The whole theme was basically just racial mixing.

"I dunno. I never bothered with that stuff."
"Now you're just assuming you know me.
I don't want to see bad in everything, but it doesn't mean that we all have to turn a blind eye because we just want to be happy. A majority of the population already does that. They go their tv's or they go indulge in some other mindless activity.
Please don't mix me with Holla Forums, if anything, they are being played worse than anyone else."

Oh, so you're not a complete nutjob on other topics? Good to know. Yes, I assumed, but there's kinda a good reason for it.

"A static position and control of power and money for years, centuries to come. People have killed for a lot less, my friend."

By what mechanism will that happen? How exactly will racial mixing achieve that?

"And it will."

And as I clearly said, someone so greedy would be very unlikely to think about his children that much.

Tell me this: if they have so much power that they can control the entire world's breeding choices, wouldn't you think they don't really need to do that so stay in power?

I kinda addressed the last points with the above, really.

That might be the end goal, but it's still centuries away. There's too many people who are distrustful of the government to have everyone think, look, and act the same.

No one with a brain is going to give up their rights for the security provided by the government in exchange for said rights. The conditioning is in place, but it's a long way from taking over.

See that "greater than" symbol before everyones green text? Use that. Assuming you're using a standard keyboard, it's one key over from the question mark key.

I really hate people like you, and I refuse to read any more of your post than the first line.

I'm not the faggot you were replying to, by the way.


Oke, thanks, I figured it might be that easy, but on the other hand I was a bit afraid that it's not that easy it'll look retarded in a different way.

The people on this site are so nice to each other.

I did want to address all points. I didn't care to figure out how to greentext because it doesn't make that big of a difference.

I agree with that though, black people are breeding too fast, and have too much shit culture to be a healthy majority, white people are stagnating and not procreating because it is to annoying to be worth it. We need a new race for our future generations.

You were nervous that anons would laugh at you for not succeeding at greentext?

It sounds so harsh when you put it this way.

Um, Lügenpresse? Conspiracy tin-foil hats?

The actual rulers of the world are rich and intelligent enough to keep everything under control - simply because 95% of all people are dumb, docile, ignorant, prideful, stupid cattle.

what in the blue fuck nigger?


I am still waiting for OP to fit in a false flag theory.

kennedi check em

Holla Forums thread

I think they are just trying to breed out the niggers.

Heard about Gamergate?
Britain's rape crisis being hidden by cops and the press? What about Sweden hiding crimes and racial backgrounds to the point of censoring pictures of the assailants on the few news that make it to TV?

Ihave love how little boy 14/88 knows east Asians have a higher owns so he says (more white/Asian couples)

Asian people don't want anything from your degenerate white people fucked up society.

I swear you people are so fucking brain washed.

P.s: the race mix thing is true and they are just finishing with the middle east after the mudslimes and Jews fucked it all up…

I will never forget the Assyrian, the Babylonians, the Phoenicians , Hammurabi…

They achieved everything other societies haven't and the Jews and Muslims erased my people's history…

I'm not white. (Not a nigger, and not a sand nigger and not a chink… more Greek looking)

But I want the white folks to remember there history ,people and culture fight the politicians fight the new world order

Who want to do that OP?Aliens?Lizard People?Loch Ness moster?

I love how Holla Forums assumes they have everything figured out when it's clear they're just making this up as they go along. You're giving way too much credit to the kikes. It's all about control, influence, and most importantly, money. The globalist agenda has little to do with targeting every pissant Holla Forumsack and more so about lining the pockets of the long established elites. As for the refugees, they are the result of blowback from the idiotic foreign policies of the West. We bomb their homes in oblivion and act surprised when they're coming to our country on fucking floating doors. Some of the PM of Europe allow them in so they can score progressive points because they're retarded and think they know everything. I was not seeing this supposed mass intermingling of races during my years in Europe.

All in all, webm has it right.

Just realized that the ending was cut off. It's my favorite bit too.

Funny that's exactly what Holla Forums was saying for years already.
Watch With open gates

Are you aware most refugees aren't coming from any of the wars zones, right?

Keyword: was. Now it's all memes, trump, and kikes.

Then where are they coming from? All I ever hear about when it comes to refugess are Syrian, Libyan, and Iraqi. Correct me if I'm wrong, but are they not from hot spots in the Middle East? This massive influx of immigrants is due to both the bombings, the turmoil within whatever country, and the incompetence of the EU/West.

That's bullshit, people are buying fake Syrian passports in turkey or outright lying about their origin.
Most migrants are not coming because of fear, they aren't even from the countries America destroyed, they're just coming here for the welfare programs.
That's why they dodge all the eastern countries with little in the way of free munny and going straight for the cash cows like Germany, Sweden and France.

There was a documentary about this.

Link, just google about it, the media is openly lying about this entire thing.

Gaddafi had warned us about this back in 2010

also this

Sadly, just because some redditor doesn't know the entire story doesn't mean Holla Forums made it up.
This is like a game of broken phone and you claiming there was no real message.

Holla Forums is getting too much media attention and even getting to the news every month now, it's going through the same shit Holla Forums went during the Scientology raids. Neither board will ever recover from that.


Forgot about that bit too, but I guess it fits under the incompetence of some of the current European governments. Interesting stuff about the passports and the black market. Still, this shit isn't as complex and specific to Holla Forumsacks. If the Jews were such manipulative geniuses, there would have been minimal resistance to all this and there wouldn't be as much hostility against them from the radical Islamists and the rest of the world.

I was there before the halfchan faggots showed up with their NatSoc friends and established a hugbox. I know what Holla Forums was once about.

There is a message, but people are quickly losing sight of what that is.

The morons bring it upon themselves with their twitter shenanigans and general shitposting around the internet. They're not winning anybody and are just making themselves as targets.

It's not incompetence, they literally don't give a shit, that's the plan.
They are only using that whole 'refugees' thing as a excuse, they know the reality is different, that's why they're openly hiding shit like the massive rape gangs along with the media.

Same happened to Holla Forums, sadly they ARE achieving some of their goals, memetic bullshit reaching mainstream and making videos like With Open Gates does help their goals, at a great cost for them.
Just like Holla Forums with scientology, we got our lulz out of that even though we paid dearly for it, Holla Forums's shenanigans are far more important than a few laughs but it will spell their own demise since they just can't assimilate all the newfags either.

or doing jack shit about the terrorism, it's all intended, of course they don't believe the whole RELIGION OF PEACE meme, the politicians don't give a fuck

That really doesn't make any sense. So it's "I was only pretending to be retarded"? If they truly didn't give a shit, then why was England allowed to leave the EU?

Or to cover said incompetence as it blows back up in their faces. Progressivism is failing, but they can't say that when their entire social and economic policies are centered around that. The acts of terrorism caused by muslims also gives them an excuse to further attack the Middle East and continue the cycle of feeding the war machine that helps keep their economy afloat. The French just bombed Syria in retaliation for the Nice attacks when they (Assad/Syria) had little to nothing to do with it.

Votes. even with the media shilling hard for the EU they lost anyway, same shit with Trump, the DNC was shitting their pants all along but those guys can't control all the results, or I guess they just didn't bother cheating the polls anyway.

Well the west keeps giving weapons to ISIS and helping them out attacking Syria, whoever is on control of this shit clearly does not give a shit about fighting ISIS or terrorism at all, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if this is just another one of their puppets.


By the way I would advice you to take this video with a grain of salt, don't trust it 100% because Putin is as full of shit as the west, but the scenario is nothing like the west is painting it.
The Hillary mail leaks even talk about starting a war to take down Iran not because it is a threat, but because they want unopposed control of the region for Israel and Saudi Arabia, that's the true reason for this "war on terrorism", Hussein didn't even have nukes and all the other invasions have done nothing but strengthen terrorists in the region because we took down all the governments keeping the place from blowing up.



You guys, you guys, we're focusing far too much on preserving culture. We're so much more fucked if we never get around to focusing on CREATING culture.

Kinda funny how we're seeing how the crusades had it right all along, after several centuries thinking they were the crazies for trying to kill off these lunatics.

Thats retarded.

Why not breed a super race of asian/white humans who will be smart enough to have the self-awareness necessary to understand that as a species it's important that they be a hivemind working towards great pursuits.

There's no point having a race of mongoloids that you can subdue only with addictive garbage food, music, and electronic bombardment, because they will all be useless. And if you take away any of these things in an attempt to make the horde useful for anything, anything whatsoever, they will just revolt like brutes.

Don't they see the folly of that plan?

Wait, are you guys going to lose respect for me if I marry a black girl? I think they're kinda hot, and I want to have kids someday.

No, actually what you need is

But people do still run their mouths. And careers and reputations get shattered. And even though mountains of information come to light despite their best efforts, their ace-in-the-hole is the fact that people choose to ignore it anyways. People always choose to ignore what is inconvenient if it is true, what is uncomfortable to think about.


Don't teach him to blend in, idiot






What is the sauce? i need the sauce.
