Named The Jew In History Class


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tbh, I was shitting bricks the entire time with the Dean.

I don't recommend doing this, I was scared of backlash, but I pretty much had it and just said "fuck it." I was scared when the meeting with the Dean was scheduled.

I wish I could've asked "where are the teeth from the bodies" and all that shit, but I figured I was in hot water with Prof. Libcuck because of the overture regarding muh anti-Semitism.

lmao, I hope this is true and someone got it on film or something.


Doing God's work user. Praise be to kek


Those are some pretty cucked arguments. You should have just said that nobody was gassed, and even if they were they deserved it.

kill yourself

also didn't read but none of this ever happened.

Transcript at the end of the semester or it didn’t happen.

College level shitlording story,

In my expository writing class we had to write about Straight/Cis/White privilege (whichever we wanted) for a semester long project. I wrote about Canine Privilege, focused the essay about how people treat dogs better than raccoons and act as if raccoons are all evil. I use the teacher's book material shit to prove my points. Got a low grade for 'misquoting information', wrote a response via email saying how Furries are people and they're a marginalized group, told her to check her privilege and stop preaching hate, CC'd the email to the student Dean and the campus LGBT group. Kinda sparked an argument without saying much, actually got furries to argue with the teacher out of the class room and they made a really big deal out of it (didn't know we even had a furry group on campus). Had my grade turned to a 100 after getting leftists to do my footwork while I shatpost on 4chan and played Red Orchestra 2.

Why use old ammo that will most likely back fire when the enemy has given you plenty fresh new ammo to use?

This user gets it, just like OP. Let them libcucks eat each other.

muh "muh pr"

Because you reinforced all their assumptions and framing of the narrative. It is like cuckservatives who argue that liberals are the real racists. You might win a battle but you lost the war.

OP's objective was getting the leftists to turn on each other, not Seig Heiling in the middle of class.

10/10 ,OP

win/10 we can use these dumb shits to do our course work now I guess.

To be quite honest, regardless of whether it's a true story or not, I think it's a good angle.

The evils of Kikery go far beyond left and right politics. Remember the talk about the left/right paradigm being obsolete? It's about nationalism vs globalism now.

To build anti-semitism amongst normies, regardless of alignment, is a great achievement. Given the current climate, I'd gladly welcome the Beefsteaks, even though I hate commies.

Getting the average man to question the legitmacy or importance of the holohoax is a massive stepping stone. Modern Jewry as we know it rides almost exclusively on holocaust guilt. If we didn't have it, they'd have been purged a good couple decades ago.

Even if this is fake, please keep telling sweet lies.

The JIDF has taught you well

Well done OP, did the same to a teacher in highschool back then. Let them eat their own medicine. Getting those faggots to fight over who is the biggest victim, could be a really valueable weapon to name the kike.

Debunking the holohoax by saying there were not the only vicitims is extremely powerful, especially with how you said it like "monopolizing the holocaust". Once they belive the "false victim" narrative, you can even tell them about how jews are often upper class compared to other minorities, and further down the line slowly make it clear how they own media and banks etc. shift the view from victim to blender. To those SJW and victim prayers, there is nothing more disgusting than opressors and false victims.

Sadly, that was the only pozzed class I had, after i finished it i just dealt with street shitters and chop-sticks. This was 2010-2014, wish I still had the essay saved somewhere. But yeah, got my degree and finished a few years ago. College now seems way crazier, way better for shitlording

Yep. The textbooks need to be revised. Also, any holocaust movies that focus solely on one group should be called out for racism.

Good angle to take with victim=power crowd.
Don't let the jews circumcise your victim-hood.

You should post them. Even though I don't believe you.

You know, this will give a politically correct reason to revise the holocaust. It will also open it up for it to be proven fake in academia.

Shit is fucking great.

Good. Keep the subversion up. The left are incredibly weak against it.

Keep up the great work, user.
Any victory, no matter how small, matters.

OP here. user, the night before I had to meet the Dean, I thought I was done. I was scared shitless and thought I fucked my academic career.

I needed to file a complaint with the Dean before the professor would, so I'd "look better" in the eyes of the Dean. It was basically "OK, I did it, now I need to handle this situation."

That night I thought I fucked up my entire college career and all that hard work went to waste.

I just couldn't handle the bullshit anymore. It was clear indoctrination.

But I was fucking scared as hell. I couldn't sleep that night.

top jej

Someone get #NotYourHolocaust trending on twitter




I swear to god if this is real you are doing god's work user. Well fucking done. This is a good angle and should be pursued by everyone who is of college age on this board.

Oh lawd, good shit.

My last confrontation was

But im 100% sure she will remember this weird convo and next time when it goes to black vs whitebiology she will suddenly redpill.

DO it to IT!

Wut? The holohoax holds no power if people believe it isn't unique. By destroying this uniqueness we open it up for more critique and investigation as it is no longer on the pedastool. It opens us up to talk about other genocides perpetrated by what we now consider "protected classes" like blacks or Arabs who have a history of such events as well. You really aren't good with strategy are you?

If this really happened, I salute your bravery.


If you want to get them even more pissed off, spread the idea #JewishPrivilege with admissions and earnings statistics.

This is more effective than protocols of zion or jewish conspiracy. The facts are indisputable. It will mean jews will want to be our allies against leftism.

10/10 op you're a brave SOB
ill give ya that

hopefully we'll be able to get these idiots to destroy/weaken each other/ start giving out LITTLE tiny red pills and start to fix this whole collage situation before to long

No they won't because they're the source of modern leftism. They'll always fall back on protecting Jews and blaming others of anti semitism

by any and all means necessary we must destroy the "holocaust". As it is the main stumbling block as to why people do not want to open their eyes…. ie "it might lead to another holocaust"

gas yourself

it was a good story even if it was fictional, Moshe

If it's all true, you are based as fuck. Great job.

This is what all you Holla Forumsacks who hide their power level must do. You don't show your true colors, you just shitpost on Holla Forums anyway so do your part to d&c kikes and SJWs.

And all those fuckers saying "hurr why you didn't heil there, muh cuck CUCK [b]CUCK[/b]" are shills wanting us to show up in the world to easily mark us and destroy lifes. Don't be stupid.

There can't be change without risk, remember this feeling.

I think if we would spam twatter, tumblr, plebbit and all faggot networks with stuff like "monopolized victimhood", we could redpill a shitload of people, just like when we spammed "no borders for israel" and all the palestine war victims.

Wouldn't the world be better if jews started being more like Brietbart jews?

And also, this isn't really about getting jews on our side, it's more about playing D&C.

nice quads
This should be principal thing that some people should do, as I said above

OP is applying real life Divide et Impera tactics here I see. Julius Caesar would be proud

Prof actually said I did a great job, gave me an A on the presentation. Thankfully no jews were in the class - and everyone seemed to take it well, it especially sparked a native american kids interest.

Its all about confidence and playing up liberals love of victimization and oppression. Of course the evidence + arguments you present should be unassailable as well.

UNR? As in University of Nevada, Reno?

Yes. Thankfully the new history chair is an absolute gentleman, so maybe the department will start to uncuck.

Really odd how this is a completely believable dialogue at an American university, and yet its ludicrous to the point of satire.

Maybe it'll become integrated into our language enough that we have to be serious when someone claims to be triggered.

I'm glad they've started cleaning house before I arrive.

Same here, but they're getting their own Long Knives after their usefulness is up.

Right I am all for the D&C of Jews or the Left, but they won't be our allies ever. They will always screech about anti semitism.

We'll see about cleaning house. Irregardless of your major, you will need at least 1 upper division capstone. The current history chair in the classroom is 10/10 and teaches almost exclusively capstones, I highly recommend one of his classes the soonest you can. I do not recommend any other history classes at all.

Teacher *teachers = new Teacher[5]; teachers[0] = Teacher("Joeseph", "Goebbels", "History"); teachers[1] = Teacher("Anne", "Frank", "Literature"); teachers[2] = Teacher("Heinrich", "Himmler", "Physical Education"); teachers[3] = Teacher("Hermann", "Fegelein", "Math"); teachers[4] = Teacher("Eva", "Braun", "Music"); Student *students = new Student[5]; students[0] = Student("Good", "Goyim", 12, 0); students[1] = Student("Kaik", "Shekelstein", 13, 1); students[2] = Student("Not", "See", 11, 2); students[3] = Student("Sicks", "Gorrilion", 12, 3); students[4] = Student("Didnot", "Ingwrong", 13, 4);

It'd be fine if they went off to their own country instead of residing in "host" countries.

But yeah, I guess that may never happen unless people really start waking up.

Good job, OP, just one problem…
You should have included the Bolshevik & Stalin mass-murders (which dwarf the fantasy "holocaust" of the Jews) and the Holodomor.
Mentioning the Scottish "Clearances" might have been a good touch, too.

I'm going into STEM, so hopefully I won't have to take too many cuck classes. Thanks for the recommendation.
Maybe I'll see you around, fellow fashy goy.

but nobody was gassed. false flagging has karmic consequences if you are not calculated in your approach.

also all this talk of triggering and shit, is this what actually occurs in college classrooms these days? fucking pathetic. gas yourself for ever resorting to these absolutely pathetic tactics.


That might work better in a class of russians.

I've heard them justify why the holocaust is so much more important. "It's because the 20 million russians were in the army, while the 6 million jews were systematically slaughtered" Implying the peasants had a choice.

Tits. Dont forget about /meadhall/

Absolutely savage.

Lessening the term of MUH HOLOCAUST is a great idea, and it'll be the first step in the right direction to disarming the Jew.

ITT: things that did_ happen

Is it really so much to ask that if Jews want a homeland so badly that they actually go live in it instead of subverting other nations and being generally seditious to their hosts?

You just holocausted my sides. Who would've thought the SJW newspeak would turn on them so much.

It's called "libcuck game".
This is art.But is it real?

what is a green text fictional tale.


You can only name the Jew in Holocaust class, so you pulled the judo-double-reverse naming of the Jew.

You are a Great American Hero, user.



Probably not real, but why didn't you film it you glorious son of a bitch?

My sides would have been sacrificed on the altar of Kek in your name.

It honestly just sounds like you vindicated every entitled minority in their victim complex.


Congrats I guess for championing poo-skins to get at the Jew.. Kind of like the Jew championing poo skins to get at whites.

This story just made me irritated, tbh.


You should find Kek.

you take that back Mehmet
we didn't survive 5 trillion centuries of slavery to be called cockroaches and shitskins


Thanks mate, I just woke the house.

I can imagine this same story being posted on Tumblr and being just as celebrated as it is here.

I guess the point I'm getting at is this whole story, while amusing, didn't accomplish anything but push the left's narrative for a chuckle.

but we wuz slavs and mongols
we wuz emperor of the byzantines, almost
we only have a couple of shitskin gypsy/turks in the government, everyone else is totally white n shit

Why not ask, how you practically and in a logistical way kill 6 million people by gassing them in chambers? Where do you put the bodies.

Anyone who has ever been to a concert or whatever, knows how many people a couple of thousands are, imagine having to systematically murder millions of people. Impossible, in showers.


Read what and said.

Best thing to do is let your enemies eat each other alive. Divide and conquer. Especially when it's the jew who created these types of people.

I'm glad I graduated 10 years ago and never had to deal with any of this massive faggotry.

hngggg, that middle one's nipples, literally the perfect fucking size and color

i've tried telling some gays on youtube that the world almanac clearly showed that jews had increased after the war and suddenly dropped 6 million in 1949
they just kept saying "it was wartime, it was hard to keep track of all these poor people, clearly the makers of the almanac just made a mistake"
yea, they just happened to add a few million jews in there

It basically confirms the worldview of white people being evil. Furthering their agenda and especially confirms the false narrative amongst us whites, that we actually did those things and we are born in guilt towards other races because of it.

It's absolute bullshit. The holocaust never happened.


Acknowledgement of such and the humor therein makes you seem autistic or disingenuous, especially how you opened that post.

I mean..


Yeah, i'm sure suddenly 6 million jews, assigned in fucking "church-books" suddenly disappeared.

Kinda fits all too well. Especially as it's not the first time the kikes has been blaming others for killing 6 million kikes. (almost like they are just memeing it into existant soon).

The reason the kikes along with the gypsies and faggots were thrown in work-camps and under guard, was because they just couldn't be trusted being in their society during war-time. Just like the japanese in US, but even more so in Germany because the jews had tried to start a communist revolution in Germany before Hitler rose to power. And it was a well-known fact the kikes were leading Soviet back then.

I'd never be able to keep a straight face if I ever encountered someone who spoke seriously about being triggered and needing a safe space.

Still autistic or disingenuous though.

More like
I mean…. Okay?

hahah this

How does it do that dipshit? Who killed who in Rwanda? Seriously, by opening up "holocaust" to MORE events does the opposite of what you're saying. Jesus fuck you're stupid or a shill. Kill yourself.

You seriously think leftists will ever experience cognitive dissonance?


I'm just depressed, dude. Read about a farmer that was 90 years old that was tied up and beaten and killed by spics.

My whole family farms. It just scares the shit out of me that these people may be vindicated in their victim hood beliefs and may feel emboldened to attack "gringos" in their farm homes.

I know it's off topic, but I've had such a hole in my chest all day. These Mexicans/minorities are killing people with out the victim card. And to give them that for a chuckle in uni just doesn't sit well with me.

right, but he wouldn't have gotten a "positive" response from his "peers" had he gone that route. Instead he's destroying the uniqueness of the holohoax which will open it up to more inquiry. Once you destroy the power the holohoax holds over plebs you can then start to red pill them with information on just how it was all a hoax to begin with. First, though, you must remove the power of the "event".


quads get checked as the sage gets rekt.

what a waste

nice well reasoned argument against the contents of the post buddy. Nope, you don't seem like a kike at all.

you've made my day OP


My sides have been shoah'd.

Holy shit OP. Balls of steel. I can't believe people are this cucked. Good for you. Good work repeating "jews" so the shitskins realize that they are different from whites.


This is what more people on Holla Forums need to realize, we should be emulating the Jew. Their tactics clearly work, and we need to use those tactics to fight them.

Not just emulate them, we should completely exagerrate them, and evolve them into the point where everyone gets sick of it, dismantling them universally.

They've been doing that themselves for at least the last decade with these unbelievable holohoax stories that continue to come out.

Hey, anons. If you ever want to throw up, watch vid related.

Good on ya, OP. The more "inclusive" you make the Holocaust, the less likely the Jews can use that as a way of garnering sympathy because they won't be "special" in that regard anymore. Once that's gone, they'll have nothing to protect themselves from criticism.

To defeat them, we need to take away their armor to leave them exposed to further attacks.


even if it was fake i enjoyed the story


This is how we actually win, we need sacrifices for our movement.

OP I was expecting some autist losing it's spageti, but that is great if real



So what you mean to say is that the thread title is a lie, you didn't name the Jew, in fact now the entire school thinks you're a leftist cuck and you had zero influence on anything, leftists already disliked the Jews and Israel before this.

when you face fears, you became a better man

Can someone spot that image of a leddit account talking about how the JIDF is apparently alt-right? I wonder if that's you.

People actually say this? I finished school in early 2000s, this wasn't even a word I knew then.

Nice being a retard. Most Leftists may be critical of Israel, but they are the staunchest defenders of Jews in the West.

This is good. This is getting the kikes' dogs to turn on their handlers. This, actually, was the best strategy.

Do you somehow think that stupid niggers and spics are anywhere near as big of a threat as subversive kikes? If you get their tools to turn on them the rest will all sort itself out.

Well played and well done.

It actually hurt reading that post. This shit will never get off the ground if idiots like you keep piping up with retarded ideas.

Get your enemies to fight amongst themselves, that's a cheap way of eliminating them, stop being fucking stupid.

Only complete newfags and retards begin greentext with >be me. Of course it's you, who else is it going to be if you don't specify otherwise?

By the way I sig heiled in the middle of class and lost my grade for that class. Also I got thrown out of all the student groups, and my other grades suffered.

I graduated with a shitty GPA and still can't find a job.


OPs method is much better.

Forcing the opposition to follow their own insane rules and mindset to its logical conclusion will cause cracks to appear.
Its setting them up so the actual attack will be more effective.
Of course, that implies that planning has taken place.

Top kek

Does anyone have the "Where is the 6 million" on a Trump hat picture?

Giant Robo Ost 1, Taiso's Counterattack

I get that you were a D&C shill in that class, but I thought I'd add;


Is this thread a D&C?

What about "native" [sic: invader] Americans?

They weren't genocided at all. Not even slightlys.

If this really did happen, then excellent work.

This was the most enraging thing about the story.


you and I both know he deserved it. What, did you want OP so sit through a whole semester of indoctrination?

assuming its not bullshit of course.

I don't see why their holocaust has to be "the" Holocaust. Even wikipedia supports this. But wpcommonname does not apply if we call enough other things holocausts and refuse to give it that.designation.

Something like "the Jewish-victim holocaust" if they only want to talk about Jews. Or "the Reich-aggressor holocaust" if they are willing to address other victims.

Also promote revisionism as more than just denialism. It is not about nobody dying just about realistic death.counts.

You can't just start spouting "redpill" shit in the middle of a fucking college lecture. He was getting the SJW's on his side against the professor


So that's why Hitler killed himself…

Hitler didn't kill himself.

Hitler is still alive.

I was just memeing lad.
He is dead but he didn't kill himself (probably).



Come on we all know Hitler lived through WW2 to live in Argentina but no way he's still alive, pretty sure he died in the mid 80s, if he was still alive he'd be the oldest man to have ever lived

OP, if you aren't pulling my leg, you are heterosexual as fuck.

Cool story bro.

Should have brought up the Holodomor and specifically named the Jewish commanders in charge of it

Oy Vey!

in all of us

That will backfire. The redpill is too big for the SJW to swallow.

Good job!

Comfy as fuck.
I wish my cat was that big.

Holla Forums has studied the jew so well it has mastered the art of divide and conquer/false flagging.
We're only limited by our resources and relative disorganization at this point.

oy vey shut it down.

I'd be willing to bet the OP's posts are shitthatdidn'thappen.txt, but it doesn't matter. Entertaining if somewhat faggy story.

beat me to it you glorious bastard.

It's a good model for an ideal scenario of disrupting a class, which is a good setup to this becoming real.

nimble navigators :^)


Good job OP.


Sad thing is he probably thought you were referring to slaves dying in the holocaust and not slavs.

I think the best angle to play is that Jews are culturally appropriating white culture. Namely that they are appropriating white colonial oppressive attitudes.

At least to convert SJW/normie types.

But alas the medium is the message, if you have to treat people like sheep to get them on your side, you will get a shit movement.

You get the same problem as GamerGate when you play this "normies advocate" for too long, and you end up with "muh pr" and "It's the SJW that are the racists" type shit.

For instance, the word "racist" is so generic and loaded to mean fucking anything that there isn't really any way you can respond to the word anymore: its meaningless. All it can really do is silence normies.

Keep giving people their daily dose son, good work!

Balls of steel
these tactics are why the commies were beating us,

So you acted like a cuck before hundred or so people just to get out of classes?
You made a total clown of yourself. I'm embarrassed for you, and I don't even know you.

It doesn't matter that you "won" the argument. You did it with their rules, playing their game. Profit from victimhood.
As a white man, you lowered yourself to their level. I can't respect that.

Do American college students actually use this kind of tumblr-esque language?

Welcome to Anglosphere adjudication, bitch niggers.


They're not jew tactics, jews just know how to push normie buttons.

Some history essays I wrote for my course, they didn't get too bad a mark, surprisingly.

I'm dropping it after getting the first level of qualification because the cultmarx is real, the head prof literally said he was "proud to be a marxist" (using the thin veneer of "official vernacular" where "marxist historian" = "economic historian")…

Great essay, also, check'd.

kek'd here

Loosen up that definition until it means nothing to the normies and everything to the SJWs, user.

this cannot be the fucking higher education of today
just kill me

Empowered by KEK

The Holohoax is valuable hard won victimhood territory by the Jew. Everyone wants a peace.

We have to distribute the power of the holohoax far and wide until it becomes powerless.

The Jews will shit themselves.


Made mah day.

LOL user, good job

I hope the diversity group starts a fight with each other instead of always picking on white people

Fucking disgrace.

Gas yourself.

>mfw my slavic elementary history teacher lectured how jews were the founders of Communism and how the numbers of the victims were too inflated
I didn't care back then since drawing swastikas and imitating Hitler was the lulz of the day with friends but he was quite awesome.


since this is a story time thread, I'll contribute.

today I was working and helping two women, one asian, one white. the Asian girl was talking about a book she is reading about a civilization run by women. I responded with 'oh, so it's a fantasy novel?'

many keks were had. it took a second for it to register but then I saw it on her face. I laughed it off as a joke but damn it felt good to say. then they invited me to a party which I just got home from and must now sleep. women like it when you don't act like a beta faggot.

False, they like it only when it suits them. When you actually put them in their place and they don't like it they'll blow on their Government-issued whistle to have the apex predator beat you down.

I lived in a bad neighborhood and saw it happen all too often: fawning at the bad boys in the streets by day, then calling the cops on their husbands by night. The very husbands who used to be bad boys themselves before they got together. Those men were no pussies, trust me.

There is nothing to respect in destructive behavior, but guerilla tactics are highly effective.

"War does not care who is right. Only who is left." - Some smart guy

False. They use it as a test.
If they see you as decent by their standards but follow their every whim you will be considered acceptable.
If you are decent by their standards but are able to go against the grain so as to provide correction they will consider you valuable.
If you are able to reshape their entire world view you become their master.

If you sperg on them they will take it as an emotional assault and call in backup from anyone they consider to be viable in the situation.

What you saw were the interactions of people with no social skills whatsoever.

We're talking about men not being faggots, not women 'shit testing'. I know it's hard to focus when you have the attention span of a head louse but please do try to keep up.

No, what i saw was the most basic nature of your average neuro-typical people and how females will act in an environment where a government will attack their males on command.

Spare me your 'alpha male' fantasies you projecting teenage faggot.

Holy fuck how did i miss this. This is some straight-up SJW cuckery.

I'll admit i wasn't very interested in reading your cuckpost anyway.

Nice user, even if it turns out to be entirely made up it still made my day

wew what a time to be alive

I always wanted to be spank by the alpha man like a bad girl. Is that abnormal?


What OP did is just say our silly maymays IRL.

Imagine what OP could do if he actually studied jewry.

Wait. This is an actual physical place? They ACTUALLY have places for SJW's to slit their wrists and cry gravy?

I thought this was a joke or at the very least pretty rare. What the actual fuck?

I noticed it too but it didn't even surprise me anymore.

No, that would trigger people who can't see blood and is forbiden

many colleges have them. It is very real.

Hoo boy. so help me god, had they pulled that shit on me I'd call out my IRISH HERITAGE and how "white" is a ridiculous group because some whites oppressed other whites, and it TRIGGERS me to have my ancestral struggle erased because teachers fail to recognize distinct and diverse ethnic groups and are marginalizing my cultural identity. Heh, this shit is easy to write.

What fucking purpose do they even serve?

You forgot
teachers[5] = Teacher("Josef", "Mengele", "Biology");

I have no clue how to get the code writing to work

Nice! How jew-free is your country?

And if i may ask; what is your favorite traditional Bulgarian dish?

I love you, user.

I love how none of that involved logic or reason in a goddamn college class as well.

How ridiculous. Of course, the holohoax never happened anyway.

teachers[5] = Teacher("Josef", "Mengele", "Biology");

To shelter them from the reality, just think them as bubble boy to protect him from a tiniest scratch. That are what they are.

SJWS are incredibly fragile.

I have to route spam mail for those faggots at my postal job.

let me post

If you're a man, definitely yes.

That is good to know, I will cook with no clothes for the alpha man.


Why is everyone praising OP?

he got he lefties to fight amongst themselves and question the jewish monopoly on the 'holocaust'

He turned them the SJWs against the SJWs.

Ask your professor about muslims that died in the holocaust. That will probably infuriate him.

Yes, but I can't help but feel that all he ended up accomplishing is just getting rid of one ethnicity in the race for the most oppressed. Not to mention he just ended up guilt tripping the jew professor and getting him reprimanded, even going so far as to unironically use the words triggered and safe space and reinforce the retarded ideals for the people that agreed with him. It's likely that he ended up alienating himself from the rest of his class and is now associated with being a cuck.

Don't try and tell me that his arguing against the professor wasn't lost on the plum little heads of those SJW's, especially when they even think that Jews aren't actually a separate ethnicity and still lump them in with white people.


You gotta be kidding me.

the jews created the race for most oppressed. they are the sponsors. if they lose their place their ability to control the narritive is diminished. without jews propping it up it will quickly collapse. with that gone those retarded ideals will fall by the wayside as well.

why does he care what the rest of his class think of him? i dont think they give a shit about him before.


Hahahahahaha this is not real.

Oh wait it's real!

I had a sorta related encounter here in Finland.

How far academia has fallen. Can you imagine an avowed National Socialist like George Lincoln Rockwell giving talks at colleges as they exist today? It's inconceivable. And yet there was a time when colleges were the only institution that would provide for him a public audience.

What is our excuse for slavery anyway? I mean, the holocaust never happened, but slavery is kind of a shitty thing to do.

Glorious story, smart to use their own rhetoric against them.

Should've snuck in some references to genocides against whites or the current situation in Europe though.

well, of course it is a double edged sword.
Africans will bring up Apartheid, Indians will bring up colonialism, and the jews will, once again, have the rest of us fighting among ourselves.

First of all, europeans are far from the first to have owned slaves. This has been a recurring situation since the dawn of mankind. One tribe conquered and enslaved the next over. Every corner of the earth, every race, every color. Second, it wasn't just nigs and kikes, every race has been enslaved or oppressed at some point in time, or at the very least conquered out of their original homeland. Third, the first slave owner in the US was a black man. Fourth, the slave traders who took the nigs and sold them to the europeans were jews. Fifth, Europeans were the FIRST and only race to dismantle and criticise slavery. Sixth, to this day arabs, asians (especially SE asia), and black africans still own slaves, mainly eastern europeans, africans, and southeast asians from poor nations.

That's more depressing than funny at this point.

To be fair, op is blogposting, so there's nothing to provide a reasonable counterargument to.

polite sage for off topic

You are doing the lords work user, using their own weapons against them. What you did to that professor, could actually be considered psychological torture. Bravo.

Slavery isn't even all that bad depending on the specifics. Selling oneself to pay off debts or something? Or just 'cuz you're starving? Provided that your children won't be slaves automatically…


Holy shit, a crazy thought just hit me…

What if Trump secretly met Hitler before he died??

Interesting how you only know of other "holocausts" that were committed by whites and not the thousands of "holocausts" that were committed by non whites over the years. But I guess you can only know what they tell you.

That too, but user was acting like a triggered libcuck intentionally. When getting the left to eat their own, you should not give them even the slightest reason to turn on you.



It's an array index, not its size - which should be obvious, since Teacher() is not a constructor of a C array, but a custom object.



I would never have believed op for being this glorious of a bastard with his green text, but I saw with my own eyes one guy rattle off facts about the holocaust never happening in a class about the holocaust just this past semester.

We're finally on the advance Holla Forums

tbh slavery is a better deal than we give beanpickers. The slaves had food, housing, and medical care provided for free. Today we make beanpickers live ten to a room in an old chicken coop (nah really yeah) and rely on food stamps and bennies to get by.

exactly, that's why you bring up the NKVD

Swastika leg girl thanks you.

Did transfags even exist in the 1940s?


Yeah, they were called transvestites back then. Berlin was actually the birthplace of pretty much all modern sexual perversion. It was all available there, including pedophilia and bestiality. We're almost right back there again.

Getting leftists to hate and keep hating the jew is one of our most important jobs. They are the golem who will attack its former master.

The jews gave us slavery, literally all the slave merchants were of the merchant race.

It all depends on what type of slavery it is. The slavery practiced by arabs toward niggers was absolutely brutal. For example, they'd completely sever the genitalia of all the men to prevent them from breeding (which is why they don't have a nigger problem in Saudi Arabia today).

But the type of slavery practiced by whites was literally just Socialism: free stuff in exchange for your freedom.

Well thanks, now I spilled my drink over my keyboard and both are ruined.

I would like to have the materials you used for that one though.

I am somewhat surprised that just out and out putting up zionist quotes worked like that. But it is current people, and those could all be googled easily.

cool story bro

You're anthropomorphizing them. Stop that.

That's just normal shitskin behaviour. The problems is that nobody cares that it's happening. Not that it has happened. It's happened a good deal.

Shitskins don't need reasons to be violent. You'll make their heads hurt with trying to make them think.

What needs to happen is them getting exposed. Things like this post undermine the narrative everything else is built upon.

You know as well as I do that there are people here who are former libcucks. This will shake those foundations, and in the meantime various bits of our enemies fight each other.

It still works and it shows an example of white v. white purging.

'All whites are evil' is thereby automatically invalidated.

Some whites are victims too.

Have you learned nothing? OP was outjewing the Jew you autist.

2016 is the year we harnessed the power of the useful idiots for our own subversive ends.

Praise be to Kek!

Which means only one of the five possible have been filled in that example.

pointless bickering over code

Now that you say it like that, that's exactly what it was.




I guess that guy stopped trying?

Looked like he was having hella shocks

This is one of the worst fake stories I've read. They probably think that Jews getting more attention is an example of white privilege through the way you lead them through that argument. Good thing it didn't happen.

Dude, they don't even let fucking Ben Shapiro speak. King of Cucks. Neocohen's are too extreme for them.

Just amazing how completely little has changed.

I had also never heard of him before I found this place. GLR is clearly a guy I need to see much more on.

It's amazing that almost no American knows of him despite the fact that he was the leader of the Nazi Party. You'd think they (media etc.) would talk about him nonstop like they do with Adolf-sama but that's not the case. They have essentially memory holed him.

I think the reason is that his speeches and writings weren't butchered and don't require translation, so anyone looking him up would have less trouble relating to a frank-speaking guy like him.

Why play the wildcard when you got several reverse cards?

Well that's just like that black olympic runner thing.

They only needed the propaganda while people remembered that he existed. They just needed to yell louder than owens himself while he was still alive, while he was still in people's memory.

After that, reintroducing it at all runs the risk of having people look into it, even a little bit. So it's safer to just leave it alone. I imagine there are plenty of other things that are just like that.

But there is so much for us to dig through even about the things we are aware of, that other stuff could easily escape our notice for a while.

I've seen a few short clips of GLR a few times, but this is the longest speech from him I've seen so far.

There's also that George Wallace guy I have like a three hour documentary on that I haven't watched yet. I hadn't heard of him before either, until some article came up where an idiot journalist decided it'd be a good idea to bring it up in relation to trump or something.

I think they must be really stupid. It's the same reason why they don't think all the clinton scandals will do anything, because they already know all of them. Which means to them that so does everyone else in America. Hillary is going to be nuked so hard in the media.

got name-dropped like not even a minute after I resumed it….

God-tier/10 if true.

Still 10/10 if I'm a fool who would believe works of fiction that are written on an imageboard.

why should we give them to the jews somewhere else, if we have many people here in need

You twit. Reread the post. Up went for the jugular by referring to the slave trade as a holocaust.

The jew one is most notable *even though it didn't happen*

I seriously love the laughter and applause he's getting.

Here you go!

For good measure, another title by the same person:

Such a great resource.

This is inaccurate. Eunuchs were high value slaves for harems. Many died because of this, but the profit they'd make exceeded the risk

There is no excuse needed. Slavery was practiced all around the world and was ended by whites, primarily the Brits as an institution. Its pretty interesting to reflect that the concept of it being immoral is still very new in human history.

truly great

Genius user
Pure genius
Did similar kind of thing on few feminists to redpill them on jews, but not on this scale(did the "my body my choice" on jewish kids getting circumcised)
God dang user.

He's talking about the redpill! It just didn't have a name back then.

kek, my sides

From youtube comments:

I wonder a little bit if this speech would serve as an instant redpill to people who have been somewhat prepared on the globalist question and the white genocide question.

When I first showed up here, someone was telling somebody to see, just as a personal challenge, if they could find a jew on the staff anytime a TV show had something interracial or homo. I had no reason not to try it, so I did. There always was one.

I'm not sure what that horrifying story has to do with anything, but I haven't seen it before, so thanks.

I kind of hope that rich client found a young and smart woman to make his wife and have many more smart kids with.

It's nuts that even the rich white people who actually can afford 20+ kids even still only have one or two. That's not doing us any favors.

felines have the best fur

Does anyone have info on
Any other basic info on why the Holocaust never happened would be helpful too.

the holocaust did not happen.

As I recall the average life expectancy for black slaves in Arabia was just a few years, so I don't see how that could be seen as worthwhile to anyone. This is because they were literally worked to death. They didn't treat them like animals, they treated them like pieces of mechanical equipment which were cheaper to just replace rather than worrying about maintenance.

heres the rest if you want

There's already a thread about that sort of thing

low-test quasi-pedo detected

Berlin had it before. Rome had some a couple millenia before too.

Where is that shit from, what the actual fuck

Found this in my local bookstore the other day.

I post this as a toast to you, user.



confirmed for equally important concerns

That must be embarrassing as fuck.

That's bullshit, but I believe it.


Attack from the flank.

for a good thread

You didn't call out the Jew you little faggot, you played the victims against one another and caused a ruckus.

You realize that's a trap, right?

I wanted to keep it a secret a little longer but… I did.

Fight fire with fire.

The only thing I found difficult to believe about this is that saying "i'm triggered" and that you need a "safe space" isn't met with immediate ridicule.
American universities are worse than I thought.

Also i've done a similar thing but in a small tutorial group. Subversion is amazingly easy and effective against libcucks


They can't handle the Irish. Colonised by an imperial power, attempted cultural and literal genocides, oppressed for centuries throughout the western world, and pale as milk. It absolutely fucks with their internalised anti-white narratives.

It's great to tell a nigger that claims you owe him because you're white that while his ancestors' neighbours were selling them to Portuguese sailors, my ancestors were undergoing their six hundredth year of unending oppression.

Capped and saved

Just so you know, the ADL just put out an article called "The Myth of Irish Oppression" or something like that

Are people ITT seriously pretending that adopting the enemies tactics is a revolutionary idea?

For fucks sake Holla Forums the Romans were doing that very same thing.

I'm starting to have hope anons, I think we really are going to make it.

Calling bullshit, though not impossible.

Yeah. The Irish. Check the screencap at

I was going to say how dickish those guys were to the Quebecois before I remembered how we treated French Louisianians.

I was going to ask what that was, but then I realized that I don't care.

You have a background in sales dont you?

What the fuck?

Why is Holla Forums so autistic?

Why is this faggot spamming porn whenever he posts? How have the mods not banned you, like what's the fucking purpose of attaching the electric jew to every one of your posts?

If I remember correctly, the reason there are so much people waiting for gibs is that the orthodox men do not work, they just read the Talmud and other text and harass Christians and other Jews.

Brah, even if this was a fake greentext, it is a glorious greentext.



Youre saying there is a physical "safe space" on campuses now?? Fucking what….how? Who makes the safe space? Who polices it or whatever? I thought it was just a figure of speech, not a real place that cucks can go to… can I see this safe space??

Begorrah, tis like another potato famine!

Lol they knew you were on to them

Summary user! Doesn't matter if you lie, make up shit, forget, or remember everything but don't know how to greentext

Congrats OP. To defeat the Jew, you have become the Jew.

I've been in one after I wokeup hungover after crashing a furry con. I drank so much I blacked out, and woke up in what seemed to be a daycare for adults at a university.

Kids movies/shows playing on a bigscreen tv, MLP and charlottes web? Fucking adult coloring books, board games and degenerate literature. It honestly reminded me of the time I spent in a psych ward. Same kind of folks too.

At least I wasn't wearing a fucking diaper like some of the 'kids' there.

100% believe this. had to take classes at a local community college to get a cert and even with just those 3 classes they found a way to try and push pronoun bullshit, equality and holohoax bullshit. it's awful and I'm glad I'm never going back


Bravo, you became JEW user.

wow, a big fucking surprise was encountered…

Gotta keep this bumped

Berddy gudd

U outjew'd the dirty kike with the same weapons his people have afflicted ours with.
