30 deads
100 injured
I know you guy won't show a once of respect
But this fucking sucks.
30 deads
100 injured
I know you guy won't show a once of respect
But this fucking sucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
"Religion of Peace"
It does fucking suck and I feel for the victims and their loved ones, but what does showing respect do?
frenchfag here, strangely it occurs AFTER the euro soccer cup. Whoops. eurodindu at bay
want pictures?
60 deads now
Say whatever the fuck you want, I'm going to bed
So, how long till this is forgotten and we still import all these mudslimes?
nah, they'll ban trucks. Trucks kill people.
Knowing europoor in it's current state. I think this isn't that far from the truth.
OP here
My dad works in trucks
And you could be so fucking right you can't even know
I'm French too guys, I can relate how retarded our government is.
So many blood.
confirmation its
you learn slowly: if nothing is said, it's because it's one of 'em.
just imagine what sort of sea of blood will remain if we ram a truck into their idiotic circlepits at their black box.
The dream..
stop I can only get this erect
All those poor people who lost their family members on a family vacation..
The time will come, user
i know guy, just waiting for the rest of the pattern
and all the other bs excuses
praise kek for more chaos and death!
no need to praise, the eurogovs are doing fine
time to calm myself down with some dead muslims and a bit of strong alcohol
That's why I respect Putin
Reports of a truck on fire at the Eiffel Tower
So when we going to counter terrorism with terrorism, as in full vlad the impaler style.
was a firework accident it seems. not confirmed though
This guy is such a massive cuck people from various regions of canada are moving to quebec in order to escape his laws
The Jewish forced immigration trick is working. Soon undying loyalty to Israel.
Osama bin Sparkle?
If Europe becomes muslim Israel will be nuked
you forgot the USA, i think.
Okay then,
If Europe becomes muslim Israel will be nuked
AND Europe will declare war on the USA
The Jews think that once Europe and Christianity are destroyed their messiah will come and save them.
They can't be THAT stupid can they ?
Cause Jews are insane
guys plox
Derailing my ass. Jews are the reason Muslims are flooding Europe.
they aren't driving this truck, are they? If we stop muslims, we stop their plans, which is pretty much the same.
Over 70 victims
But I think it's over now. Well shit. The day of our national celebration furthermore.
We will rise
Soon enough
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them.
They wouldnt be there to drive that truck if jews had not imported them.
go wage your war if you want, the eurofags are too cucked by WW2 to touch them anyways.
Muslims are confirmed pussies
Terrorist attack the day of our national celebration
They're trying to destroy one of our symbols
So let's destroy their symbol first
Let's bomb the Mecca
70 confirmed dead
no. France confirmed choosing terrorists attacks.
The Saturn worshipping Jews got the right idea. Their blackbox is on their forehead. Perfect for target practice.
Religion of pieces
Kekahu Akbar!
That's besides the point. A month of heightened activity in the country and the local bombers were a no-show? They either have some strange form of performance anxiety or they are even more useful idiots than SJWs
Someone needs to tell this guy that a picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words
how is it beside the point? Viewed from here, I tell you that there only are acts of terrorism when needed the most by the government. Here: during holidays, which means many people will forget it but that will justify to make the state of emergency last longer.
New Crusade when?
Now you're talking
ISIS actually wants to destroy mecca. Mostly why they also did attack on medina. salafism is one amazing drug.
Makes me kind of like ISIS. They are so deconstructionist and anti-idolatory that they might just destroy the whole damn religion by the time they've finished.
75 dead at last count
What I'm saying is that these guys who hate Western society and want to destroy it (despite leeching off it) had a prime opportunity to cause some major chaos and destruction and they passed on it. You're talking about the government(s) but I'm talking about the 'slimes themselves. You'd think they'd want to ruin events like international football matches regardless of who might be telling them not to, they'd probably die in the process so it's not like they'd see any consequences for it.
The Catholics are already pawns of higher powers, in case you missed that story of the current pope washing the feet of rapefugees. I wouldn't go fighting wars in their name if I were you
Thanks lorry
The thing is that attacking has no effect. What is 100 deads on a 60 millions population? Nothing. It's our own journalists and politics that spread the fear of ISIS. We shouldn't be scarred of these insignificant pieces of shit
A lorry attackbar
If terrorists had attacked one of the matches they wouldn't need help spreading fear, you can be sure of that
Trump is right again.
lol france is ded
holy shit this is beautiful
Breaking News: Muslims demand to be genocided by the West.
To be fair no source has confirmed this as an attack organised by ISIS. The newspapers are just speculating at this point but don't have any confirmed facts about the identity of the driver or who organized the attack. Although I'm sure ISIS will eventually claim credit for this attack. The fact that he had weapons and granades in the truck would support the assumption.
We still have some smallpox samples, do we ?
Maybe its time to get her out of the fridge
Virus bomb
Aim for The Mecca and other mudslims shitholes
And, voilà
off by 1
Maybe everyone should stop watching the news so much
Thats what the plus sign is for champ. In this context it means more than.
I never got this meme. Why would Canaanites worship Saturn, a Roman god? Furthermore, if the Jews really did worship Saturn they would have integrated a lot more with Rome and been a lot better off in Rome.
Great fap that was. I'm drained son.
Change it to Danica and you're gold
God damn phone.
I'm here at the moment and it's really fucked, they are doing sweeps and are basically on lock down in case or more people
Here comes the truck of friendship.
|truck of friendship ||l “”|””\__,_
straya ere
all the jew/muzzies have gone it hidin.
i know their up to something.
This happened in the city of Nice, province of Not really, France.
**Not very instead of Not really. Fuck.
whats the english translation of what he was repeating at the beginning?
hey do any of you fags have a FB account if so can you see if this is true?
I feel bad for the Frenchs. Pls accept my uncomfortable creepy uncle anti-terror hugs of sympathy.
so, any pictures of the culprit? If they give nothing it must be a Muslim
Are you telling me that no one was recording this, but there were guys recording the Charlie Hebdo shootings
Shitty roll cancer, but still relevant.
thank you, crane!
No name but news reporting a french-algerian
As satisfying as the sight would be, contemplating the ramifications of this for one minute should tell you how utterly disastrous this course of action would be.
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. How many would be taken out by nuking Mecca? A few hundred thousand? And we know what happens when we shake the Hornet's nest.
As uncomfortable and pathetic as it may be, I think we need to accept the fact that this is world we live in. And while we need to do our best with the special forces and intelligence at hand, these attacks are going to continue, despite efforts to contain radical terrorism – it's become a cliché, but the whack-a-mole analogy seems to be pretty accurate.
I'd say that in the U.S., we're lucky to be overseas from the cesspool of the Muslim world, but then again, we have Niggers – much of a muchness, anyone?
Fuck that
Rid our countries of them and kill amy who try to enter. We are sure to have a race war if things continue and in the aftermath this is the likely result.
He was saying "C'est quoi ca?", which means "What is this?".
I also heard someone say "Help my mother please" after that.
attacker was 31 year old Muslim from Nice of Tunisian ancestry.
You might have a point, but…
is pretty funny.
That scenario is just not realistic, especially in the U.S., with the whole "muh unconstitutional" thing; therefore it's important that we're as scrupulous as possible when allowing a minimal amount of these dumbfucks into the country… but you can forget about a strong crackdown.
We already have 3 million Muslim citizens, and we know what happens when Muslims truly feel that their religion is under attack; thus, I think the "Donald Trump/John Wayne" attitude would only increase terrorism in the States. And it's worth keeping in mind that the chances of dying in a terrorist attack on U.S. soil are pretty fuckin miniscule.
turns out this wasn't a terrorist attack
driver was just playing pokemon go and was chasing down one that was hiding in the crowd
when you start your race war
will you do so by starting to gather your troops back on your own soil?
Not to derail this shit, but does anyone here actually play that? I'm gonna take a wild guess that the answers is yes.
Republicans always say "muh Constitution" Democrats wipe their ass with it and do as they please.
It's time the right do as the left. Fuck the Constitution. The country must be preserved.
I dunno, I think the left invokes the constitution much more often than the right when it concerns matters of """racism""".
I wonder if those dead French people feel like they've won over the terrorists? I wonder if even with all the reports of muslim terrorists the media would let the truth win over their narrative? He who owns the information, can own the people.
Original Footage (AVI file):
thanks bruh
Nothing in the Constitution says we have to let anyone more immigrate here.
Well if we close our borders completely, that's one thing, but I think it's safe to say that banning people because of their race or religion would be unconstitutional.
That said, my position is not based on the idea that it's racist, or ""Islamaphobic"", or unconstitutional, but rather the more tangible fact that Muslims throw Hissy Fits in the form of killing sprees when they feel like their stupid religion is under attack – an outright BAN would be a very bad idea.
Donald Trump will save us!
All Hail Trump!
Best day of my life
Seeing those frenchie scums die makes me smile
fuck you france. your past sins of colonization, slavery, genocide and suffering shall be repaid with your people's blood
the hero could've done a better job, but still, good job!
ah fuck, even I fucked up. that's fucked up.